Show 'mC2)M2IM1 'e ! ' 5alt trile 12 akc Zribune Itjtahns Elect Saturday Morning August 5 1944 Auditor Lauds Accounts of I I I Dean to 1 S L Marine Tisirict Takes National Post 1U v I i 'S oN - 4-- lif Don t 90 oft E A C C I th iS ' i 1 etk-- s A i'l"':-I- - 11 - ' 2 - - - ' e- - '- "0 4 ' ) 'e 5-- ( - - 1!- ' milk siherbets with whole milk are delicioui velvety smooth' this new way So easy and economical with "junket" Rennet Tablets - justone makes more than a pint- -- '41441Th----:- '''''''" ' - symo e ' - 1 Dtectkms he Pschsgs—st ( tr t): A i 3 J11174 --- Ai f it r-- UN ET1 —LETS ' - ij''''') - k Am 11‘ 1 e - 0 - ' ( 9 - es 'MOW ' umr::- ' — r - " ” A ' ! - h 9'4 : -- I' : 1 ' BACON ' I ''' I- ''7 ' t41 z (:z" ' i -- - ills 4 ' t i ri: lir '' - ' :e - ' 7 At - ' ' - r-r-:- - r &- - ''''464r 0 lotivilipap m-- 4 I ' - l r 11 - s alor4 n " 0 a t4 -r : eee 0 k ' jr 1 -- - ' i ''''': a- ::' 4 0-- es 'Y co3 ti 1 4 ' 'S 1:rtSVG -------f-- --- RJ mi f - 44?--- ii''-- 4 - 11-- - WINK OlVd ) -- PIA" lir '":"t 1‘ -- -- N'ss Ir - -- 3 th:s - let - 4::f Air SHRIDDEO s CASSOKIINIXTIS - 1 n3tiavt fl ) (4131 I I 4 r--- ''n- ' t 1a 1 - -' II 3 J''''''t TC:11-11-Pt 0 iilisi 0 :1 o IL t IL - I ? r - 013 303 Beets - 16 313ce0i3itlis F i jiarG ay1' 14g Asr - CS) FOOD S ORES it idoebu i °'' s'ts$ - - ''' - A - - 1 r j I LGCaA RIparfaits Unruly gz4 r1 Ir - z i 1! 4 i r 7 no t 1i A ' ) '4 it J - kli -- I' 6 4 - 11 0 - Post Mastic AA - Giant Package ii y 1 4 - rswo-Pork St Ban KREEIA - ' 11 Varney's 4 1 for 2 tli ?so pa:Inc:25n x '4 I 4 ‘ 6c Pwilu I —zi- -I rt Lb 3 - - - 4 -- - ''' ' ( Lb Pktg - -41- wor ''v r k4 - Fie ' 0 Campbell's ir LI Pit 3 Per Can ' ' : LAP r -- P - i 4CTC i41 't ' 11 Li f its 1 Bite Size 2 oz Pkg ill - a lc r ' t g I1c 1 -1 1 i pa14 714aA czad Vegetedle4 T7' : ir: ( ti772( CHooleifornia ) Cantaiours1 ir ' lb No Is 1 L 111 i ii 1 i aka 4 lb Cc S?"rit nectarines Large Fancy go f2 c r 25 c t ' I A7 MEATS1:"" arataaaefial - - sets Corn 2 t I dtp r7 Utah r or: Bee A -:1 II' - R:di r ' 25c iaju 18c - 1 IORTHERN TISSUE 41 e f 5 rolls 25c P90 121 7 A b --4 ' 1 - z 1S c - - WHERE YOU SA TIE MORE r of Chomp loop - E Xtrat g Pak ' 4141 01 17 HOWeOWNELs & OPERATED am ' - eas - tr11004- MAXWELL HOUSE Jor U 3 - i COFFEE ' - tra: lie:befttorg C so I 1 ''''SE211:17:1:::: kiAL- L:-: 4 1IC''3 :cc lb too Chops Grade Points C -t silk lb ir"legers4 1--4 Rib tt 12"c 0::- 1 Long al'81 : 164-1- thof C!!:umbers ! r- - 10 1 mt1)8Local tnGarden! I Fancy '' ' i tb LOcamrrs3ontss : A s Lb Le'r:gn' r i 1 For this people tow Stew Lam: IIIb r 115! ec 553 1 Juicy" a Ground r"a 4 points'1:1 - Roasts5GFir 1 3 ears IP1 Tenders Sweet 1 Cluelitycets let tho poop!s with points hi siterste Pot 11317c is - - 74 12c FAII 1: i w 13c ItIS ) L FRESHER 1 Gold MedaL 10 lb Bar 11 0 ' - 'Jar I: 1 :Y ' S‘ctt i fil Delicious Pudding Mix uf Tu 71 i a 33c ' ' t 25) iktifr:-34-4'- Jae 1 lb I FLOUR 1 Skippy rs ' 21' 1116: Kellogg's t " 717) A AUNT JEMIMA for 29c '"z tiORTHERN P7 cods very week? Do yes for quelity products-- - - ' ' PANCAKE ' F3 TIssu dIS:P - I! litignhcatmloin tk4cegante m111 t i rill 153 All Bran Itlifolit I 0 --- -- 1 C:Z) ty 1r ff tto Z° 'N - ' I tl b Del Monti Purex HAfri tir- - Hormel's Lunch Meat 12 oz ptiliiii ' Points - ' Soup Mix sLIptdoine! 3 f or 2CC Mustard - 67c Bag 11349c 5C Rice K - 14'-'- :1: ::I1 i 1 gls r:s sKiellogg's 410 z 1 )° - - 0 31 - f ' 30: 0 FRESH CREAMERY ng NASISCO SAKED SY SISCIAT COMPXNY NATIONAL SUGAR i sc 3 for 11 0c ds B eets 1114 1 et ' - a — L- A- L- -- - ri 'NU: RSI:18": i kbt ' ala1:11BriaCn iose02 ' 1 f-1- 1 r' ' 4'11 UTAH BEET 4P th or Sh- il S'" ' -ir- 64 alf' PE: - iv ' 2 17 C7 it Auto Scup - 0 -- ) t 44 )-- - dr - 1 ' t I - :-- Are you one of Its elmr wornon who look for food voila mak e list of eh items you're low ors thn chock tho IDA el low prices? Do it today! Mon tom in end solve at IDA 4A A - - 4- -- ' s 1 e 4 i h--- St eltilt tr4911406 Isteeri-beiitli- NOW 7 CAKE FLOUR -- 4 y !I s--a' 3 - i -- - f - --- - 111 ti '''ttob - SWANS DOWN - - :4- I ------- -- - 14 411 ' - rl' '''''l loi31” I PS11"cettr D2eclanMson fackl elements: 1104 for energy 4 stowee Seroes for towg 8RE '' ' is BUTT:11 can 7c t Cp ' '1114444 2 --- -"' 1 '- ' -- 1 noTtc:sinw-bo- :'' v itr ' - V stsil - 0 - "'"1' ' "i — t — - 1:111611Ak—TP3a11::::: energy way to help a goodre break What pleasanter the heat—than Wheat! To burned up byNabisco v:hoe Shredfded fast starringchevt-- y Good! MmI1 fruit the crisp sugar from wheat add milk Wheat is made Foods Shredded the Basic 7 Nabisco wileat one of maintain good whole cr'o 1 00 advises to day— Of att energetic our GOvertaTiettt start coot tomorrow health For a Shredded Wheat serve Nabisco 101141AT o"'" - - IN A' 120 lat' 1 1 CLEANSER - Le I !- ' OLD DUICI: - 1 4- -- 3 '- - ' tr 1) El 0 x I 7 0 a Giant A Bars at I 11 lonsphuorneevneingegtable 1 enera-cerea- NAIISCO ' f 1 ' N1 )11:4- p '''' -Breakfast beadriderShredded Wheat Nabisco coot crisp ll deMcious l'1N ' 4 v ru i :6111-604i- ' 0411'e7'sb ( - - k &et GRAHAMS - St 4141 ' 1 Op i 0 0 et: - 7to to In l'el4SMrf' r"-"T- P kk1 1310 - IYERE3' ioit1 - 'a 011 ' g ( PRICES LAUNDRY SOAP cpStett - i -- s -- )-7 - 1 ' I 23c vartagit - kW ill s' - - 41- N al kiri k - Ar----'' ' CRYSTAL WHITE - C) 0 11 -- ' SUPERSUDS Pkg SALAD DRESSEINIC 110111PECT 1 Suds 1 p 1 Ire---: en4 41:: ' El f'''' dit U ' Pri:to Wstara Virgetabiels÷--WelFrom - '''Nft00‘46k t 0 1 tir - l' t rrsaw NALUEVroSi ' - ' IF dolok - 9: tel z NATURE FORGOT 41 - i aD ample OSidabittplE 't t ' ' ''':e'--- ' i sou ce Cil el) l's414111111t I 'Al mlm4-- 3 tween-me- ' ' Lgo dKIOUS f- I) 2r pg LSOAP - - C ti for - -- 4 4911Peellettept - 3 supply now ' Is-- r I s If eaaartradtrahn) 'L! '4 soar - - 0 t i (3 energy (it) active 631 r-- t ' ' -- - PUT'S GRA:IRATE!) SOAP tfrolar4 'SWIV --' ano quit - - OF i t ' ) - - ' t 1- - 7cI -i : 4 t bOdi k 40--- 3 bars 119c f 4) ''''Yee4YW-- I - i IL :erre d1001 1 041410v A i V 6-'- - - r 7:111 chtImullzbeu: - I ' - c- - TOILET SOAP n 1677:717 : k - 6 1 MI a ' 414 PALMOLIVE - 6 WHERE and HOW to buy r? 4- -- a ' - "k ' 1: ' ) '- '''t ''' " ----- --c - gliiii:- ' 'ii t ': ' :: : :: : rrJ I - ' - Kno c 11k I - r''' ': Ile - Aoletr 41' ond boil 20 Combine Situalnog of tieskyrktCcillsv fre4uerirks minutes La cotti) $cru tency outing --- --thKkett""makes becomes catsup AP ti t ' ' : --k - - k t S - t illielrAllmo ':"Nsalow--- N f ''' 4 7:--:- - - 41A' 8 PICKL't- "'tramp(' Mb wound pc poet - - gp 2 A r ' L - '' ii 4::: t (LETTUCETOMA1V D ' ' 4 4AI )mt ' - 4- 4:0 - r'' k ' - 4 f - ' '''St- '''''') - t - 4g ' N " -- 61'4 5- 4: et ' - - " - tp 4 - Lneno'--t - - ' is 1 GA t CHEEsE — 4 1- - ' t RDs : - - t con-AG- -- - - 4 It- — S' F Nrig" ICE -I 54 i r f or ' - - --- R EN rAwki63140t00keAvo - ooa-' 104 'I'll- - I ' -- fl- 11 1 wir101 Grocers and Druggists "INS JUNKET' FOLKS" ' - )' - - o - k '"' 41moata Ow Nommoss Lakkerefory ilts 1Mle Fetid New Yew Vol Ply- READ g Arti --2- si midis Siswis —The I : oave - ' rta stIAP'ceCia4'44 sod fa 44p ' 14L VI tsbP6e3ci 70:0011r:eleizg:2egSlle 711 tietnt di op I sugu UZI OZ tCONOWty 22 - At (solo RauchoToottato ' i 1' - closes cup yerati0I I tsts So 1 0 i 1 1'" ' 'Jili!a1' i'1:' 1 Only - IN ' - 1 5 Blue Points costs 301 etsTEAD Of ' Irt:70e 4 tbt) Pa'!tkil '' COM' made-in-a-jiff- y I - '4--v''- N This Delidous - ' titrovetdemcikmnmkoir12c0sme si L' I OWN 'TODAY! EASY RECIPE TRY THIs - 1 - agagraosga i: 1111111 -- -- (- --1' eialtIONtswi 111110111441111"111g611'4 4009FI - ''t '- ''' Point ACH BOTTLE :: ' t - -t - W- ' p 1414- '-- - - '''''''''' -' ''''' '' 4 - 'e -' -- 1' ''''''' 1 A ' ' 7- E' 1 i - ' ' it r-- or SHERBET ICE 1 i '''' : Or 16 1 '''''''''''' Blue '''''" '' fikAe e Make your own ko CS00111d1 4 Sherbets in automatic rotriaoranor Simply fellow the testy recipos for using (1) whlie (2) standard creed (3) halt 'aims ! I f Dittorot I SHERBET BASE ! ii3 ' DILL and ICE auto-drivin- -I al us LI) i -- t i '017 in number g of visitcrs during Julyi at Zion national park was by park officials Friday In July 1943 visitors with carsi totaled 2069 This 3rear they numbered 1690 Despite the July decrease total visitors this year were within of last year's total beingl 577 5509 and 5542 respectively District of Columbia and 38 states were represented in the count Leading were Utah 1051 California 226' Nevada 76 and ' yr This Pri pci Decrease of 1831 General accounting of the state department of business regulation Dr John T Wahlquist dean of was praised by State Auditor education ealtecUtendi Reese M Reese in an audit of the aotfa tUe tadhi Butte Mont station U SMC r With the addition of Butte to has been Utah department and its various subnow a recruiting district will be the Salt Lake district the influence rector of National Education Assn divisions made public Friday of the Salt Lake City office will The audit covers periodi varying made a substation of the Salt Lake be extended to 4 states Utah professional organization of teach- with the individual divisions but 11 district Aug Capt Henry N Idaho Montana and eastern Ne- - ers N E A officials announced all ended Dec 31 It found fault Hale officer in charge marine vada with some of the practices of the !Friday corps induction and recruiting staChange of personnel which this was elected by the divisions and made several recomDr Wahlquist tion Salt Lake City announced order will necessitate ife said Utah delegation headed by L Earl mendations covering changes in will be announced soon Friday Acord Helper at the reprezent- procedure The audit urged that daily det ative assembly of N E A July 7 posits of receipts be made in Arizona 51 0 ALhatillt banks instead of allowing them ( at Pittsburgh- Pa ' 72' msk 3 days He will serve years as official to accumulate for several re'' said 41 It being banked i se representative in Utah' and will before mittances to the 'state trasurer ) v A - -N E 1100:5711:123 A state ' within the 16 need not be made oftener than interpret p 0 inonce month a the of general having charge terest of the professional associa4: k 1 tion including appropriations for Roden Returns From Trip ' Make it this new way in work of departments committees 4:) I :: Roscoe Boden Salt Lake county and headquarters staff Automatic INIhS (cifriar':14015fri commissioner returned your Refrigerator Friday i N Y where he from 1 It 41kA Syracuse with cream niGD 4 light tipconI t '3 :s '' " bt'11 k V 7- 1 a officials' attended cousty : vention July 24 to 27 S il'40-Ice cream made with light cream ZN ' '' ' N Over illontana Area Clfice r----s--- Shows Drop State-Burea- : -- : - ' Park Travel P - - our |