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Show i UUUE.. DAILY COUMKKC1AL: THURSDAY, OCfOBKK 30. and part India. MiEr is sail to be a very U sa. ji, and ooe U tu i twirr. txttakc Isgalls Las turn cf tbe LETTER FROM faiaUte ia WsBbiugtoB. Be, too, aas OkCTCR WU-MN- S lost fuar. Las hot iiUiWi srvra bring, CAflTAt. KATiOfiU. THE were whkh Tbe Bm firm struBzlr the New Han Exiaad Ti ongia and ryrcpaiii'a vt tbe AKT) CTTTIDREX. GRAND tat Tbe rvJT is as tuUows: EllmiU. Rath. Etbrl, Kalb. Addis... Tmmtll - la IW Al Lit thva ary m4 Ara Black air worth. Sfiirld, Faith, Mark. Ma- rid and Louue. Frw of the old vm in cot tts have Caxa. Scenic Route 2 lb. PROSPECTUS --OF- i PCETLAKD AXD THE OIFrYEST fis vzs , n k Of (leu Mily THE NEW PAPER C. F . j j Oct i. T!w eirwt Ufe UXK. sod! a fin family circle as tbat whk b j City k always inUrvsta. tieeator and Mrs. Evan expurt to bring , distinctive f are if tb ai Mora. 4aa Ikreci tk Jsmc bow are together ia tbe huudaya. ta Mutual bay &rl HotBil-t- M U tie r. art daugh-U-ocr ihoronshf in alL Tbe in ebbt activity Bine cbildrra baa by tbs fao.ac btim. of the aentte mail wapmi with Krtty, i the wife of Charts C in Washingbell Beaatorutl wt-known wf boom the of was .the (Hire tmi tbs TUe. load Fif Ua4 who good, tag Bian, tbe city for ton daring his younger days as tbe priCalifomlav H mt mt Eaasaa, Soon to be Issued irom the Office of The TW Utesmea hare Uitrir " Ogden end artf up u aiiptwy Charb lad rf tbe faorw 4 airrs W--s p- Ifrrir state and their dUtricU. and bring vate secretary of Tfcn rf rounds last nxxiUL. fatber-in-labis d tsuaetir. . oma nwaturs U a a now tSM mmler eoouoraical ner. fie wker care fair far far th doc part f snrd jrmuj kradr. taaboMSraraeffect law firm in New York. Mws cwBird ast aad plraesrs aeirr cloja. cba loiMMrina- - inrtiJul mau- tfcey bare packed their uui and t father her wart-houor tbe mntl as nmOxlf b 7 swaiiuw of Mary EvarU livft with T. is irtr-rmmrmg toe vuukt it nwni turva. senate dil atovrt-i- L ciaxxxo ure rent la mother, and is quite popular in Charles Vt. Heroe s bukfcrn bV TUK a I a. f the Capitol in onlrT tosenate itMHaaawv c4 tares. of and wife is if tbe ia bras have takra Helen circles. BVdkal of the rial &ia tbe members Dttoomy.wUl TomwJu. Tbs B't Trrsa. Tiaa Tas Gy-actually cut aers ad JfL abasia. girea a Uirof trial, advantage over their frienda of IL Tweed, one of the prominent lawyers torn lour, wiuca H miir wonderful vroFutous rtiaan If tharwnaowaa. Aat boate of repreerntativea, Ithube-OB-e of tbe metropolis. Elixabeth is the wife BMdioiM does But StiSwt one of the traditions of the unit ONLY38HOURS of Charles 1L Perkins, one cf Boston takra as directed. w wut cfaare-tuart writers, and vara and alt saoBey paid Hut when a member of that aristocrati mot diatingul-diepromptly retura fHASCECOlSD P0RTU5P or aaur ail be fwoeroua of offer R. any fur moved Lanra married the accomplished ton hodj wants bis hooaehoM effects fair? Ko otiwC BMdieiaa paawawa suAV be will It has Scudder. be the another to botue over tfcat fatal on asalady tram nent povcr rbs Oraad faaoa al tbs Traar BaeraairBIa, a to warraot Its Btaaufaetumrs ia tha beautiful aoMbras Pi.. a. Caails aweka, right to ae senate wagons aod senate een that the EvarU girl bare taken in eoodiUuoa. m Uins tt under sue try ML Fhwit and lb atajraiawai arasry at TM "Goldra stsdKal Vimxirrrf " to But strong liking to their father's profession. awuloyea far that parpoee. tbs bukiyoa MocsuJaa. aj by day ti(hL c woodertul Bust aJtrratlre, also to tiw do are were sons five boose tbe tbe of of lawyer. member only Three a If knuvn to medical acieoor. ie utuc Ktzu, ruin? ii nt tctia. mack thing be would quickly find hiin-acKors Vin? tiro th quotiori of infuinif a Weekly ia connection with THJu Charles manages the patrimonial estate, but aiao ptaiaa superior auinrivo and , cleno-manaXDUlKO for Braakfatt. mrmrth-rving pmprrues. wliuB OGDK.V DAILY COMMEltCIAL has Leeu considered bj the management. tuoie. vt involved in a scandal. There is prescott is an Episcopal alsSObS. auder Mt Bhaata. for dlnaer. aaMt Ibe to4 toditat and bvooms aawmi-latn- l, Sherman in Allen, tradition other the like while three, Washington, ASHLAKD for and boOl Orrrna. ttrififltt Kuper. thus puiklin up sulhing Tba tielJ bavice been carefully rxamined- and found ready for the enterprise. 1 or all oaaca of broncnial. Throat Btwo. whore one may do things be ought not and Maxwell, are in their fathers law to commence publication of a tinst-cl- a has been IXseaaea. aeoompanied wita it Weekly. It will Luna and some firm. ie and eecape criticitan, providing and the following brief sj nopKisof ita proposed ouUflM. B,B aUtuluU-llinrquairU. November or on about StMAtr 10th, done the same things bef ore him. bo I bad started out to write of Washing-(o- b contents is submitted : Darin the past two weeks three or font street scenes, and bere I am gtMup-in- g REWARD the in sC tbe big wagons which are kept about Washington's big families. is offnred br tnfi Cstarr Raw wist ii ill stable at the expense of the As a matter of fact the largest families msBofaotum Of Dr. ! in tha hind cart a cassof bat Catarra for done dy. bare and nothing in Washington are 4Pernmeat probably always which they cannot ours, by its mild, from boose to bouse or from bouse to will bo unknown to fame. They are Afsoothlnf. and beaJIns; propartMa, Dr. osara. ease's Kmnedy cures tba wont Tsiiway station the efforts of departing rican. At the census office it is said the do matter bow bad. or of bow loot In its general scope it ia th intention of the management to mak it in all senators. The basement of the Capitol colored population of the District of araavats. seats, tJ tbe senate end of it-- is again littered Columbia is constantly gaining on the reieeta . wp with boxes and beds and pianos and white population, and no wonder. Take Bmudles of carpets and rugs, the propa peep in some of the alleys of the Capierty of senators who do not believe in tal City, and see the myriads of pickaninFirst-Clas- s faying storage as long as space in the nies running about therein. Where they is free. of their who all country where Capitol sleep, all come from, they In ita several departments it will b full and comprehensive. It ia hoped that Tbe population of Washington is not cares for them, whence comes their food e both the quality and quantity of reading matter will be such as to make it a bs large by three or four thousand as it and raiment, meager as these articles visitor to thousands of homes in Utah and adjoining states ana territorial. was a week or two ago. The adjourn-snen- t are, combine to form one of tbe mysterSTAND AUl) of congress has taken away the ies of life. A Washington policeman tow hundred and odd members of the told me ho knew of one of these alleys in ww bouses and tboir families, and two which, in a single block, there were 300 Among iu special features may be mentioned the following : or three thousand other persons who children by actual count Bare no business in Washington when This soems inctvdiblo, but it must be Passing- Directly Tnroag-mgross is not here. If all the members remembered that the building of alley as those families inss had largo f congress houses is ons of the most profitable Will be full of valuable information on eubocta of ppecial interest to farmer, f three or four statesmen whom I could ' vestments capital can find in Washings ranchers and of tbe CURRENT TIME TABLE, valleys. name, the temporary population of the ton. The houses are littlo coops of brick, 1860. I 24, Aura tffset Ia indeed, be small enongu about fifteen feet wide and generally capital would in the congressional three stories . high. Each story may lbs largest family THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY EOUNJ TBAIN3. ancle is that of Mr. Bullock, of Florida. have aa tenants an entire family, with t'arrtra the neat line of Tninka and ValiMW in So 5, TaatEAST Mall-- For Will be full of interest to breeders of and dealers in Horace, Cattle, Sheep, Hops ealt UisCtty, All kimlaof Mauufarturrrs' and 1'rirc. at thirteen Mr. Bullock has children, PruTO 1t11 e, Pneulo, Denrrr all the way from two to a dozen children thecity dona. Call and pm iu brfore purchasand other stock. In connection with this department the latest stock markets vill Kppairinir sua all t inialat daily K LIN K A OVl'U A S. wvidently has no superstition about the in each family. Imagine the appear- ing elMwhere. be given. '1 o Salt Lake City 11.3ua. No. Kit" a, daily, St. No. f,0 Twenty-fift- h & tack which some people suppose at rKa tLaks 1 ance of an alley flanked by two rows of No. 4,Ai autleaipri 4snda that number, for he has been heard tenant houses thus peopled, the thoroughCity, rroTii, Pueblo, Dsnrer, and i:M .n ail point Kail da'lt te cay that while thirteen is a large fam- fare itself being no more than twenty Will bo a thorough resume of the most valuable news relating to the discovery. his children one of TRAINS. sell wouldn't WXBT BOUND be has nuisance this ! No. feet wide. So great a ily, 5, III Prom Rait Lake City, dally, t:0 p.n development, rale and general features of the (Treat and growing mining interest tat a million dollars. Mr. Bullock's e business of peopling alleys with colored n X. raeiHe ttxbreaa From lenrer. of this mineral belt. The market sales of mining stock will be reported in this family makes an interesting picture families become iu Washington that a Pueblo, am) all pointa Kaat, daily.. 10 .05 a. m department No. i. Past Mail From Usurer. asm it assembles in a street car or western senator has introduced a Mil 9:40 pm pniuu Kant, daily Verdic, or appears in the members' galDir-forbidding the erection of houses in alUuloo wito connection Utpot nu'la all tnrourh line-- . lery of the house to boo what pa is doing leys leas Own forty feet in width. It Mont Stock and ars ran to seenmmo- Tralua Moa.;b tbe floor below. bo for to will not pass, however, likely Will contain the latest foreign and home news up to the time of going to press. aat urden sua bii Lie puaengers. "Mr. Bullock has a very nice and a among the men who have invested money Ia effect Jue 10, IfW, train ran between followaan and Alia, Junction Prices. tho Btarham Mr. Ilitt, in these houses, and who are getting wry interesting family," said Leara Bingham Junction at lft; arrlTs ai st Illinois, one day while family matters dividends of 15 to 20 per cent a year alta at 9.16 a. m. Uiw Alta at I W; arrlTs at houtte p. m. Juacuon at in the discussion Blntiaro under Will be a eonntant source of pleasure for wives, mothers and children. Among tho sue thereon, are a number of United States I. H. SKXKKTT, D. 0. DO DOB, this department will be recipes for cooking, articles relating to dressiloak room, "but it would be considered senators. 100 Halconib Orey, 104. at fl.ti per pair on. Paa'i .Act features ofhome General Manager. adornment, flowers, muwic, charades, puzzles, and, in short, tho making, a small family over in Canada. Last Speaking of the colored people of 100 Tain at J1.85 per pair Taira Mohawk Grey, delightful- miscellany that is bo attractive to the ladies and the young people. ssmuner I visited the Canadian parliaWashington reminds me of a novel sort 85 Pairs Canada Orey, 1 at H65 per pair r .aws" ment, and 1 was told that there wern of contest that is constantly going on in Western Reeerf e, home made, even members of that body who had this city. On tho street cars about one-ha- lf 50 Pair White all wool, 60x73 inches, at .UU per pair. i than fifteen children apiece, while the passengers are colored and about 50 Pairs Santa Fe Snperior, all wool, aseorted Its correspondence columns will contain the news of surrounding towns, i member, whose nanio I am sorry to at fa.Zt per pair. one-hacolore, whita The population of the reported by correspondents. Space will also be given to the public to express itself t, at Freeno Bolie or Wrapper Blankets, d ay I have forgotten, was himself the District of Columbia is only upon general topics in this department fi.M per pair. child cf his parents. colored, but tho street railway people say iwenty-fift- h Mill nianketn. 04. 7.W per Wooln Marywille .Among the French Canadians, I am a colored man or woman will ride twice 9.vu ana sii.au. uw, iraieun pair, lu--i, Blankets. Bobes and tela, families of fifteen, eighteen, as often as a white man or woman. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS The current comment columns will contain brief extracts from the leading are by no means Four out of five persons you see on twenty or twenty-fiv- o papers of the nation upon topics of the day, with THE COMMERCIAL'S accomBBCOEimon. They am a hardy, thrifty the sidewalks are white; on tho street panying comments, criticisms or commendations. TBoe, and they breed like rabbits." f, and 1 think more, cars fully conin the The second largest family are colored. Just why the colored peoINTER-MOUNTAI- N gressional circle is that of Mr. Rockwell, ple give np so much more of their money of Massachusetts. There are eight little to the street railways than their white Will comprise paragraph condensations of tho general news of the Rocky MountRockwells, ranging in years from fifteen neighbors no one appears to know, but ain country. It is expected that this department will be highly interesting to 7 down to two. One of these littlo Rock-veiAre. a guess I should say it is because the at Washington .Lincoln, readers generally, as it will contain a great number of pithy items. is a boy of about seven, and mem-wer- e colored people have a constitutional anof congress are prone to ask him if he tipathy to walking. At any rate, there kas any brothers and sisters tip at his are so nany passengers of both colors Imse. They like to hear the response that the cars are noarly always crowded, Trhich is always forthcoming: " Yes, include an extensive assortment of news relating to Utah, not included in and the men have to get up and give FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Will I have a brother for every day in their seats to ladies. Here is where the other departments. It is intended to make this department a comprehensive view of tho development of tho many and varied interests of this growing commontfce week and a sister for Sunday." OS ALL TEAR'S. war of races comes in. wealth. In Washington a white man will not Congressman "Billy" Mason, of ChiOur cago, has a very interesting family of rise and give his seat to a colored womseven handsome and healthy children, an. In retaliation colored men refuse to Attach id to all Thsocsh Tsaims. waging in age from fifteen years to fif rise and give their seats to white wom--teen months. For further Information concerning tola These seven spend nearly en. Thus it often happens that one will line, apply to any Ticket Agent, or addreia aalf their time driving about the city, see all the seats in a car occupied by contain original items and selected extracts embodying the amusing, humorOKO. W. VALLEKY, Will white women and black men. In all my formerly Mr. Mason kept a sort of ous and witty. This department has been decided upon only after long reflection, but he finally discarded this for a experience in Washington I have never as the doctors are much opposed to it on the ground that it hurts their business. closed carriage, saying that he wanted seen but three white men rise and give so that something he could shut up, seats to colored women, and in one of No effort will be spared to make its when the children were loaded in he these cases the woman was very old and & CO., oold go along without fear of ar infirm, and in the other two cases they THOROUGH AMD PRACTICAL riving at his destination one or twe were young and pretty and stylishly whort The congressman declares, with dressed. If all the colored women in Deserving the favorable consideration of an intelligent and critical public aQ seriousness, that it is his habit on Washington were of the working class it House Movers his check progeny would not be such a delicate matter, but jtctng for a drive to Fsrmerly et Denver. ia tbe carriage and then check them out many of them are well bred, handsome off clerk checks as a shipping Again, A new and eomr-letmortar outfit Honaes. Will be fearless on evory subject, but courteous to everybody. ly dressed, live in fine houses, and are briok or frame, moved any desired distance or parcels and boxes, to make sure that in every way as much worthy of respect raisea any elevation. sone is missing. and courtesy as white women. Its columns will be CLtEAN, so that it will be a welcome visitor to the most Office with F. 0. Clans, 241ft Washington OODKM. UTAH. Bepresentative Frank Lawler, of ChiAvenue. But what is one to do? As to women refined homes. cago, who ia to leave the congressional of his own color he makes no discrimi Thalia and become sheriff of the World's nation. Ho rises to & M. give a seat to any 3air city, has six children. Mr. Lawler white woman, young or old, rich or NOW 18 THE 71 MK TO BOY ia at times a little jealous of Mr. Mason's poor. But it is obvious that he does not loquence and his reputation as a Btory want to do this as to colored women. eUer, but that which most arouses his There are few white men who will carry nvy is Mr. Mason's family. Not that Mr so far as to give their places to "Lawler does not think his family every gallantry black washerwomen and kitchen maids. bit as nice as Mr. Mason's, but it ia not One feels tempted to show more courtesy Experience of tho past three yean has taught aa large. "Ah, says Frank, when this to the colored women who are evidently on that all property bought well at this season 353 Twenty-fourt- h St., Ogden. WILL BE, IX EVERYWAY, subject comes up, "Mason is still ahead well bred and of good station, but dis- of the year will bring at least SO per coat, profit the winter. following of me.1 What a fellow he is, to be sure. criminations are always dangerous and daring Solicited and Prompt Attention and Order Cut would be ahead of him if 1 hadn't bothersome, and the white men conclude, We offer for sale the following choice property Delivery. -FIRST-CLAS- S Stock of Gooda Always Fresh and Prices Low tiadsuch bad luck, I've lost four al therefore, that they will not discnmi at these low prieea : for Good Oouda. acres in section 10, orerlooking the ready. Think of how I would have him nate, but will sit while colored women Sixty 100 00 acre city, per f teaten if I only had those four!" 66x330 feet on Twenty-fourt- h stand. utreet, beS. M. Lincoln tween Wall and areuue. per Miller, the new congressman from The huslands and brothers of the col foot 27i 00 South Carolina, who was seated by the ored woni-- resent this hotly, and claim Lota on the Bench. 50x130 feet, eight majority about a week before the ad' that a gentleman who will discriminab t blocks from Washington are. only for each.. 300 00 has chil seven of 10x9 between congress, rods, Jackson in Advance! VanBnren and Subnbribo for It! Only journment against a lady simply because she is aTeaues, on the street car line, a snap... 1W0 00 dren. Half of them, 1 am told, are black dark or black is not a gentleman at all. Two and Jacktiaired. brown eyed creatures, perfect In retaliation, therefore, these colored sonacre loU on Twenty-eighttTOO 00 advertisers, it will prove a splendid medium. little mulattoes in color and appearance. men doggedly sit while white ladies are Two acre lots on Thirtieth and Qnincy. ..3300 00 or white skinned. are pink The others standing, and scenes of this description Metallic Casket and Wood Caalceta and and have freckles and red hair. Mr. occasionally lead to trouble, especially If yon will call on us we will show and to Coffin. 8perial Attention paid to Embnlmiiur AddiesH all and Preparing Bodirx for Shimueat. Orders Miller himself, though quite dark, has when a southern senator or congressman yon there ia money ia baying now. by telegraph promptjy attendml to. I hare but little negro blood in his veins, while is unable to find seats for the ladies whom Hearae in the city. T otothe onl & "bis wife is part African, part Caucasian ha is cxcrtlao. OODKN UTAH, phone No. 115. Walteb WcxLMatL "WASHntOTOS. f the Capital it at nr ie.j t U-- ft &tur Loa-Uol- nnt auinn t-- f Brts ."ffm J DAILY COMMERCIAL. baac-iaeo- u be, in all respects, worthy It will of and imWl m general support public patronage. tf dm-idt-- lin-gtr- y GENERAL SCOPE. GRANDEV raj ELSTERNi A Weekly Newspaper. wel-oom- GUAGE. The Only Line Transcontinental Its Agricultural Department - SALT LAKE CITY fruit-grower- -- inter-mountai- n THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Nib THE MINING DEPARTMENT BLANKETS lit--ti- ITS. TELEGRAPHIC COLUMNS ot we Complete have ever carried, and Lowest - ITS HOME DEPARTMENT 10-- - 10-- CORRESPONDENCE COLUMNS. 10-- lf 11-- one-thir- CURRENT COMMENT Denver, one-hal- S. J, BURT Chicago, BROS THE St. Louis, Jansas ls -- l, J4 THE UTAH DEPARTMENT Omaha. . d; Famous Dining Cars Tne W. E. D0YIE BOND CO., Real Estate! GEOCERIES Produce and Fruits, m id And Funeral Director BURGITT. flret-eia- lien My dim m SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! UNDERTAKER KEED Department NEWSPAPER! PRESIIAW, eon-Tin- PM ITS TONE A h M and Grow EDITORIAL COLUMNS Raisers, H. NEWS COLILMNS City. St. Joseph, car-trai- COLUMNS. 82.00 a Year To Communications OurDEN WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, |