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Show OGDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: MASONIC. AM ORDINANCE aaoaW cf ltatfc Mir Hi Mil unr til fcwiiHifcfto uw4 biaduMl b ar-a- a m awt u it eajai TUUurtf MMt u iiuiu ri s I rum Ti-rt-- r ata aJ- oOaaitasa iu&aa fct.:t; 1 awiy-tcax- a f4uit4ta lMl)-HlUiKn- li4.ai .cHiirt u ik far I:--cTt- i ua ii. atrwet froaa IVh-ix- a iLti tajaii aea iana, imw ffua Mul avrara du-in- r airno Lit ik, lural ia.4o. talk:,. ealird ilirlrw V. 3: iwrrl. dtrvt la d'rlnri ku. Si 644 ui uf tflt a efu fruit r fnt f runt fuut. r ilJ J, rHUt J. MiiStL. HffV. W. Mi. Vin.titj biunfct. an ordinance: Ijfvr ibc a icfr t t.f tii i fr th aact riiiu4 uf OfMiiuti tiiina tli hm wids frwra at.luu,".uu atrtiue w t'acicc fcx-a- l r-- ( W c- trdaijl. Ii the t'itjr 'uaoril of Ofdra th parpcwr uf npfiuc and eradieg TWnirth trtrert ! fart id- - frura UaiJiiujnua tMue to fariiie Hurt cumrttui4( ti fuilov-lu- g land, to wit : lil.Tiiuins at a point on th rut lia e.f lo l it City, TUat fr ft 11, biurk 10, iSuatb Uicdra auner, SIUt-i- a the lutnwiicn of tin- - cwtr luum of 4 Lauroln an nua aud llurtiftii aa Burked a ad located by IVdra Vily turner, rko umnt . 6n, aaid point of btvuirutur biutT at tii ttf t tioundary of Duan a addjuoa and titmn i't rutmiiur north 0 dVratia, to mm. mtat, wt, thenn? nortb uVeron, U2 Btiauta weat IMl luof Lux W '" mora or In and to tli Mat Paeitic atrwt; thrar aoatlxwly akne llua of Pacific atnvt it f.H, tlivorv U2 mio. rant 1. t"l Mth ) df-rfwt. mora nr Inoa, and to a point tf' J fwt aouth 6 do-iismiu. vrat of place of i tiienea north 9 dmc., &t mm., to biwn-nit- if 4H'? . Tlii drxriiitioa being intruded to rover a piece of land W feet wiile, extending thirtieth rtm-- t as laid out by city from JJuuu a addi--1 ion weetwnrd to I'anlic street. A local tax be levied and eolWted amount iuir to forty ibouRaud, two hundred and four-tm-n dollans, on the folio in- - dtweribed reul lt rat ftt. rueiMM-tiv- e two-tiftli- nuix-ctiv- threo-fifth- o i'aaBed (ctibera, 1W. I KRED J. KIESEL. Mayor. ttbht. heal.J J. W. MC'Nl'TT. City Kocorder. N0TICE FOR PUBUcTiNU No. 633. Land office at Salt LakkCitt,4. October Vtnh. ISHO. Notico ia hereby iriven that tha followin nnmivl aettler has Hied notice of hi intention to mnke final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will he mad before the jtidtre or in hia atence the county clerk of Morgan county, Utah, at Morgan City, on November S4, 180, vix: Oeorire II. K. WrJll, for the E. i S. E. U aec. :2, tp. 4, N. K. , E. He nnmea tho followintt witnesoea to prova hi continnoua residence upon and cultivation of nid land, vix: Wi'.liam Toukr, (ieorfto Tonlta, Edijar Oibby, Thomas West, all of Morgan. Morgan county, FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. Ctnh. S. W, DARKE, attorney for claimant. LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court, County of Welier nud Territory of Ctah : In the Matter of Adoption J 0r(,pr , ph()w cause, etc. Maud Dennis, n Minor. It opiwarinc to the Probate Court, County of Weber, Territory of Utah, by tho affidavit of Mary J. Dennis, Grows E. Cross and Matilda Cross, this dny presented and tiled in this court, that thosaid (hwrjicE. Cross and Matilda Cross, his wife, nre desirous of adopting Maud Dennis, a dauKhtor of Mary J. Dennis, as their own child, with equal rights, privileires and immunities of H'ty children Ixirn in the lawful wedlock of tho said Ueoi'trn E. Cro and Matilda Cross, and that the said Mary J. Dennis voluntarily relinquishes nil rijrht to tho custody of and power and control over said Mand Dennis, and all claim and interest in and to the services of said Maud Dennis, to tho end that the said child shall be fully adopted by the parties desiring to adopt the same. It is therefore ordered by said court that all persons interested in tho said Maud Dennis, a minor, appear before the said I'robato Court, on Saturday, tho 15th day of Novcmbr. 1M)0, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court rooom of said Probate Court, in ORden City, County of Weber, Territory of Utah, to show cause, if any they havo, why an order should not be granted and rendered in accordance with the conditions and st ipulations of tho affidavits aforesaid, and that a copy of this order be published a least once a week for three successive weeks in the Oden Daily Commercial, a newspaper printed and published in Oplen City, County of Weber and R. W. Cross, Territory of Utah. Probate Judge. TTt ah , Territory of as ' j County of Weber, I, Charles L. HollinRsworth. clerk of the Probate Court, in and for said Weber County, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of tho original order to show cause, etc., in tho matter of adoption of Maud Dennis, a minor, dojjosited and recorded in my otiicc, on the HA day of October, A. D. lsyo, as the fame appeurs of record. In witness whereof. I havo hereunto set my hand and fixed the seal of tho Probate Court, the day and year first above written. S T. CHA8. L. HOLUN'GSWORTB. Clerk of the Probate Court. P. Lkdwidge, Deputy Clerk. SUMMONS. Boforc R. Tcrnes, justice of tlio peace for ond Oirden precinct. TERRITORY OF UTAH, " COfNTT OF W'EBEK. Demand, $2t.:M. l.C (ileason, plaintiff ant. vs. ) Sec- ' "aiji Maa. a.lr ( fti rlly jj ti& arva aiiauta ! J. Fannor, U tah. aw(. W.H-Mai.C.- CITIZENS' BANK r. tbi-o- xi.'J-oi'i- e Tt ua bu;ulrl t'v-- ii i ; f; j I l av,-n- u .t j A.-t-ii e rutr-kim- fit . aer-tia- 0 aee-tio- OFIMiDK.V, aar, CRESCENT LC05E SO. 13. nirtit at HiJj rrular meeting every Mood?ai..iMr-.U M. A. U. I. Hat). Iaa'ckrku r auNar Twenty ftirth MfwC avi-fu- brotiier are (uvUially mi W. L. Anxata. Bar. Src'f. Kefereea, ALIAS SUMMONS. It. W. a.',Hrft-i- LSla..S.G. defend- For further particulars reforenco is hereby made to plaintiff's compluint now on lilo nt my office, in this action. And yon are hereby notified that unless you lo so appear and answer said complaint as above required, plaintiff will take judgment against yon for tho sum claimed by him, $24.30, interest, and cost of suit. To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber County, Territory of Utah, greeting: Make legal service and due return hereof. Given under my hand this 8th dav of October, A. D 1890. B. TERNES, . Justice of the Peace for tho Second Ogdcn Precinct. A. ft. How, Attorney s t SO. CANTON. CXiDES PAlkiARCH MILITANT. I. 0. 0. F. Meet every Toeailay and Friday evening at Lratef Park PaviiUua. Membera wviuhL T. W. La a la. Captain. R. C. Skead. Clerk' o RDER Warrea W". t : o cTT 200,000. DIRECTORS: R. A WelU, I. 'ib Kv-L-. L YVurU'ie.l .C.K.mju.. "1 Ad. KuKu, Uu.iUiuiti Corey, 'a!i.. K .. sat. RICHARD C(EUR DE LION LODGE, Meet U. W, aveaua. ia good OGDEN STATE DANK, OGDEX, UTAH. HOUSE HUNTERS! Inoorporatl T'ndor TerritoriiU Your choice of 3. 4 and cottages, on Washstreet cars, city water, graded avc. ington Avenue, choice neighborhood. $200 cash, balance payable in rent, $25 to $40 per month, at eight per cent intrcst. Houses, $1,500, $1,800 and $2,200 each. liankins Ltwa, H. r. RKJELOW. President. JOHN A. BOY I.E. Vice 1're.ideat A. P. lilUELOW, Aaa t Caaluer. A General IJankins: Business Transacted. every Wednexlay evening in the A. O. hall. Stevens' bliwk. 1UU WaahingUm Ogden City, Utah. Sojourning brother BOAlit) OP DIHECTOU8: standing are cordially invited to visit aud fraternise. S. M. PatsHAw, T. W, Joaea, Joan A. Hot lb, Applicant for membership ahould apply to Taoa. IIaibink, E.A. Rekd, H. C. Hioklow Dr. Cook. -- il Waahinjium avenue, or to any of HeKj. LonaAKU. J a. the ol'kera. PcBTTVAt. J. Rarbatt, Proaidrnt, 0. J. Flow bhk. Secretary. INTEREST PAID OX TIME DEPOSITS. IS. IIURLBUT, TOILET ARTICLES to Pa CAPITAL, - $100,000. SONS OF ST. GEORGE. "To bt. Gwrga and Murrw fcnlaad. DRUGGIST, if yon fail J 3 UMION LODCENO. C. Meet, every vTrdueaday laA.O. V. W. Hall. atrwc nahinnoa avenue, near Twenty-fourt- h S. .jmruii,a hrotb"ra iu food ataudioa' are ciur W. 11. Mai, N. G. diaai iuvited to atUfad. it. ('--. Saaai Sec. F. that inwil. CAPITAL, : to attMi t. In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, Wela-- r County Sarah McGregor, plaintiU va, Alexander McGregor, defendant. 1 he people of the Territory of Utah send WUCUESALB AKD RETAIL defendant. greeting to Alexander McUn-goYou arc h;reby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, iu the District Court of the rirst Judical District of the Territory of Utah, and to answer the complaint tiled therein, within ten days, rxclusive of the day of serComer Washington Ave. aud Twenty-fift- h vice, after the service on you of thia summonsif served within this county: or, if served out of this county, but in this District, within twenty days; otherwise within forty StTPct, nnder Broom Hold days or judgment by default will lie taken aguinst you, according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain the judgment of this court to dissolve the bond of matrimony heretofore existing between the Finest Stocb of plniutiff and defendant. Plaintiff alleges that she U entitled to said decree on the grouud that the defendant has willfully and without just cause deserted thia plaintiff; plaintiff further ay that tho defendant has willfully neglected to lurninh her with the common necessaries of life. Plaintiff In tho Market. has been an actual and bonnflde resident of Ogden City. Weber county, Utah Territory, since the KHhday of January, ism. PATJ i U'iTFR Pronounced tliebeetin Territory For further and fuller particulars reference CUUA'lt.ilLU Try it aud satisfy yourselves. is hereby m ideto the complaint on file herein. And you are hereby notified rr c u 1 &. 0 A. C. BisHor, d a all ttUf, T a ruriit-tenth- has i 6-ro- H. A. SMITH, 2400 Wnhinf?t.ou Avenue, Option. Utah. I Fred. Sell Exchange on all tha leading cities of Europe; aim on New York, Chicago, Omaha aud ban r rancisco. COMMERCIAL National - Company, K(KJEB8, Bank, OGDEN, UTAH. Si rO.OOO. Capital, Uri iivuUnl kiesel k WHOLESALE rtnil Hnrplus iii"ofOOO. J. C. Abmstoonq, President. W. V. llKLFRICH, Cashier. Aaa't Casliier. Liquor and Cigar Merchants O. E. HlI.L. 83S ha IHatrlltatla JM7 Mb Fourth Twoty. Active ApcounU solicited. LB VI tOU. Corivfipoo draco Ilepa the kartk. Ogden, Utah. Pocatcllo, Idaha LEGAL BLANKS rtrBI.IHHED AND FOB 8ALR BT appear and answer thesaid complaint aa above THE COMMERCIAL required, tho said plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demanded thereiu. THE PUBLISHING CO., Witness the Hon. James A. Miner, judge and the seal of tho District Court of tho 2104 Washington Avenue, Oden, I'tnli. First Judicial District, in sKtl.. and for the Territory of Utah, this 6th day of OcCONVKYAKOI.NG BLANKS. tober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight SO. CLASS, hundred and ninety. 81X) Warranty Doetls, Khort form A C, II. MC CLURE, Clerk. A Begs leave to inform thoir patrons that they (XX) IlefllEstntoMort'KO Ry L. R. Rest, Deputy Clerk. fsBti.! Miller Maginuis, attorneys for nre established here to stay, and Contract A Option plaintiff. do the best work in A Iiaw Ktnd for Deed A SUMMONS. B Discharge of Mortgage ' TruetDcaJ C Rsfore R. Ternos. Justice of tho Poaoo for SecWarranty Deed, long form ... C ond Ogden precinct. TERRITORY OF UTAH, ) PROBATK. COCKT Cot STV OF W'EBGU ) Administrator's Bond. . , A Promptly and at Low Price. Demand, $12.50. Executors' Bond A John C.Gleason, plaintiff vs. John HUditch, 254 Twenty-FiftOffice: defendatitSt., Ogden. Utah, Letters of Guardianship A TheK'otile of Utah Territory send greeting, Order Appointing Hearing.. . A to John Hilriitch, defendant : ' ISTECUIJIES A You are hereby directed to appear and ansTestimony of wer before the Justiceof tho Peuceabovenamed, B of, ... , , Testimony Fine French Candies, at his office in Ogden City, in said county, the Homo Made Taffies, MISCELLANEOUS BLANKS. complaint of said plaintiff filed herein, within Pure lco Croam, five days after service on you of this summons, Official Bonds and Oaths Ice Cream Soda. A if served on you in Ogden City, within Chattel Mortgage A ten days if served out of said city but in tho county in which this action is brought, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. Other Blanks constantly being added Thia action is brought to recover of yon the to the above list sumof $42.50 and interest at 6 per cent, from Class A, February 21, 1890, alleged to be duo plaintiff sheet cap, class B, from you as follows: For goods, wares and sheet cap, class C, full sheet. merchandise delivered to yoii at your special instance and request by D. E. (ileason whose claim against you has been duly assigned by Ice Op am for Partic! said D. E. (ileason to this plaintiff. C. & For further particulars reference is hereby snnmiod at ail seasons, mado to plaintiff's complaint now on file at my LOUIS M. SCHWOKHERI otiice, in this action. Wholesale and Retail Cor. 28th nnd And you are hereby notified that unless yon do so appear and answer said complaint as Washington Avenue. above required, plaintiff will take judgment by plaintiff, against you for tho sum claimed : $12.50 and interest at 6 per cent from LEGAL NOTICE. 21. cost of 1MC0, suit. and February, To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber In the Probate Court, County of Wobor, TerriDEALERS IX : Make of Utah, greeting county, Territory legal tory of Utah: service and duo return hereof. ) In tho Matter of Adoption Order to (iiven under my baud this fcth day of October, of show cause . U. TERNES. A. D. 1X80. etc. John Edward McQuaig, a minor. Justiceof tho Peace for the Second Ogden It appearing to the Probate Court, County of Precinct. Welier, Territory of Utah, by tho affidavit of A. G. How. Attorney. Robert C. Wilson, J. H. Wiuslow and Caroline Try our Pure Lard, manufactured by ourWinslow, this day presented and filed in this selves and you will uever URe any other. court, that the said John H. Winslow and CaroAN ORDINANCE Mail orders and wholwalinc a special businesf line W'inslow, his wife, are desiroes of adopting Tweuty-fourtwith streets. ub. in a son of John McQuaig, John Edward McUjuaig, street Concerning poles Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogdoa: now diseased, as their own child, with equal and immunities of any That poles for any and all wires strung, and rights and privileges to bestrun? in thr streets, except wires for rail- children born in the lawful wedlock of tho said anil Carplino Winslow, and ways, shall bj placed within tho outer curb of John H. Winslow the sidewalk, and shade trees shall not be im- that the said Robert V. Wilson voluntarily reto the custody of and power all tturt XSS31?3PP tmTar pair linquishes nght paired. Bear i'acaiaa. and control over said John Edward Mcfnaig FRED. J. KIESEL, Mayor. attest) JAt '4.'. in claim nnd interest to all and the services 8haD8." 'Koneot and Iskai. J. W. MoNctt, City Recorder. of said John Edward McOuaig, to the end that be shall child tho said fully adopted by parties FIFTY DOLLARS CASH desiring to adopt the same. It is therefore ordered by said court that all Collose Hill Addition tx'rsons a interested in the said John Edward McAnd $25 a Muntla-lli- fl' Quaig, minor, appear before tho said Probate This beautiful residence addition is situated Court on Wednesday, tho l'Uh day of November, between the great Methodist University and the 1X, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, city. It is only ten square from the center of at the court room ot said Probate court, in Ogiho city, and occupies a commauding ixisitisu. den City, County of Welier, Territory of Utah, from which a magnificent view U obtained of to show canso , if any they have, why an order Ogden, its unrivaledsurroundings aud theGreat should not be granted and rendered in accordance with the conditions and stipulations of tho Salt Lake. All propositions for electric hues include this adidavits aforesaid, and that a copy of this orfolvalues will in der 1)0 published nt least once a week for three T CONFORMS TO SHAPE OF FOOT advance a and section, rapid successive weeks in tiie Ogden Daily Commerlow. The University alouo will make this localof If yon want perfret Ion In (It, with freedom lion ton residence Ogden. cial, a uewspajior printed and published in Ogpart ity tho For a brief time only the opportunity is of- den City, County of Weber, and Territory of frem rornt and ail tiinrorafort yon wll SftO each W. ; to R. nt lots $Ki0 Utah. ear tho Kurt at Faekurd Hho. fered to procure thesa Cross, I'robato Judge. alwaf It in aeknowledfied aa the moat comfortable, $50 cash and f25 per month where a pair is ) Territory of Utah, the bout wearing and most stylish geutiomen taken ; deed and abstract showing: ierfoct title of Weber, County and unincumbered free of charge. I, Charles L. Hollingsworth. clerk of the Pro- thoa made la the world. This property is very desirable and the price bate Court, iu and for said Weber County, do DOH'T SPOll TOUR KIT BT WURISaCBKA? SB0E3. is under the market. hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true For further particulars call on or address Mho costa no more Faekard of the original order to show The Burt correct and copy W. H. Hakvev. Gwner. cause, etc.. in the matter of John Edward Mc- than anv Inother fine shoe, though none apcorner 4 it Washington ftairf, Block, Room Kay valnc up Quaig, a minor, deposited, filed and recorded in proach street. All styles in Handmade, Hand-wel- t avenue and Twenty-fiftand Burt my office, on the &Hh day of October, A. 1). 114), welt; also Boys' and Youths'. If not sold by as the same appears or record. dealer send to name his address aud your Ia witness whereof, I have your ISLiANKfc hereunto set my hand, and & FIELD, PACKARD 5 33Sr VL. iixed the seal of the Probate Bold by Court, the day and year first tun, above written. (MttiAL AOFuT8 CARL UPMANN'S ffi X)H STRATTON & STORM'S i r Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican Stamps & -- jKa - C - I - G - A - R - iS. to-w- it i H. Greenwcll Bros. BUTCHERS. hand-mad- e, Custom house h WHOLESALE UEALKRS OF nn..nj..i .. mm n. AlilwaukeeBeer EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND H0FBRAU, CONSTANTLY IN Meat Poultry and Pish STOCK. BULK AND BOTTLED. u ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO OUR "OGDEN OFFICE." r I The people of Utah Territory send greeting to J. Fanner, defendant: Your are hereby directed to appear and answer before the Justice of the Peace above named, at his office in (hrden City, in said county, the complaint of said plaintiff tiled herein, within live days after service on you of 'his summons if served on yon in Otcden City, within ton days if served out of said city hut in the county in which this action is brought, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. This action is brouwlit to recover of you the sum of $24.:) and interest at 6 per cent from March 19. 18)0, alleged to bn due plaintiff from you as follows: Upon a Judgment recovered aeainst you in Kane township, Pottawattamie county, Iowa, in favor of I). E. (Ileason and by him asBieued to J. C. (ileason of Ogden, tt O roaM-iai- itu4 o rstate: AUpartaof lota lyintr vithin VZi feet of the outer line of aaid proponed etreet in each Uork wilhio the limit 0)ennd, and on either eide thereof, reference lx ini; made to "Ex. A." map hereto attached and made a part hereof, whereon the real estut.i atfiTted by thia tax, ia kIiohu, in color, the darkest rhadi represent-in- g a proponed di'pth from the proposed atrtvt of ItC. feet, and aaid tax ia hereby levied. And be it further ordttined that the form and node of aweMtment for caid tax ahull he that tboownera of reul estate upou which the tax ia levied ahall be aoaecsed the inn of aaid tax, nacertained by and uon a i lie bat-iof thereof, accoriliiiir to the front fnet of their real etaton a emd propitant street, and the remaininit arcordinir to the area owned by thein in the real tate levied upon; ahull but coJncr piecea of lnil bo aeeied for frontaits only, provided, however, tlint the corner piece of land fhall not front on "aid proimwd atreet noro than one hundred feet and thirty-tw- y-- 4 a tlit-n'- v IaitbsT. w Bum uial atui tLirttr 1jJi parailet to niiiji1io tiwar : lift i f aouih r.tit-iiii- e deraud asrvea niiewt ooe (! Si tirt to lii iaceuf bra: .mm . tiiirt A!t a tract tiea!.tji,i(i at a puint oa Um a ru and l'!of W arijimt' aud i)ti:tn.iHe uoe LukdreltJ e,jb'.y-iiVki.'i t l au'l il'tti fo4 oirili of liiaaatheaK cn twc f the auAituesl vurter f 1j. toawt ion, north rau.-- I t halt Lake ioer,diaa, Li Matea aunrif. aud .a cia-t'and iiundred fert , tbis ant fort to theuce uortii fonrteea aad tu.'ht-ttutlwaouth lineof 7tb rtrert, tbeoc rat aUiMf ti south l iiejf 7'ii atrert three hundred aad feet ; tiieoee south fourteea and liuiety-aik to Ibe place of b ; iiu.:u n A1m a part of ue aouioeaet quarter of 17 and a part of the Bortheart quarter of aectiaa 20, township 4, north rature I weat Salt Lake meridian, lulled Si a tea survey, begihatuc at a iioint t.0fc feni a eat uf the aouiiteaat euroer of said quart rectum and runmnir north 14i feet ; tnenoe oort h M0 bvt ; thenca vast H feet ; tbence treat IM feet ; ttieooe 4)2 feet ; theoer east db feet ; thence north and Si feet to the place of bxrinninf. a Also a part of tha soutueaat quarter of 17, aud a part of tha aortlwaat quarter of ertioa St, township , north ranica 1, west Salt Lake meridian, I ni'ed state survey, beeinnina' fort at a point 1,140 M0 feet west rod 1 north of the northeast corner of aaid northeast of aouth and tf.'H runnitur Si. aertioa quartT feet : eat ;ili.ili fet : ttienca aouth A feet ; thenca north ill M0 thenca east 'Mi feet to the place of Said sale will he made at the front door of tha Court House, in tbjdeu" City, H "her County, Utah Territory, K, Vf, r ARia, H. SrarNExa, l ratl ri ivktw tr (,.!r..l fM.. cm. fr ItnH. la (iMilrirt No. 24, In JiMrtt't Vo. 2i. ri.t la djlfn-- t Nu. 5, 4m ut m St i 1 mm i. t. 1 c, it: nil juaiuk. tax t mad ataJ uia i b-- iWj itnrt u tutH wm4, kfr4l ejui . n.HB'l alxiuu...' iMjai Um tih--a- a a fudioav; tbeaaid Ju tl:Url Nu. , fl.JS per ir,.t foot. 1 a cut iw nasi faul- U cjilrirt No. fr fu(. t tlt t4m S HruM t ka.ti. w.a--. iwetitr-arwo- d :& ajuua Ku. J&. from Tsreutr-kM-ua- lwwj-(n!i!i- Id be Ct!ii s. 00. u ixw, tea. lnn. Sa-ll- tr siLa iaatlk 1 1 a i- atm-- t him ii lia ti 3 UTAH NATIONAL liANK, M. aaif T.araaara bvnu. ai. TBvartr-aaxi- tm ijuUt duict Sut , taw nm ta ilkaiiuUi (rugt VTaM mm ua tie e t rtuo So-- H fnxa aawatav - F. & JL it- a Harp BANKS. LOlXiE. kO. K ieaaauai fcrrt aa4 tkird atdiari. EerUar Maixy. Ira t il!iua rUJ MoLiar). Juua aoa a a'. A. iisact. W. M. IxOaary, .faH fceAur awataroL tefnm KiiiiT). aav I 'lavli, t. Laiaa, f. FauUaa Maiwaa tliayiaa. Jtmm 4 ar U. r fcane. beaaoa. brw HAfTLK, ff, Q'jDLX La4..aua L tinea jc. lanarfw Ucitfd R- - A. M. Ifva fcix. k'rmxLM hemkg,luv, Ju.t(a A. hnw&-tIfcjMMtory. , Laxta buairia-uCrt.uia 1 t,:La Ta.i Vr. iCri4a aua'itn, Jaae Majtd-awErrulav oeatanraiioa iww4 1Saa4ay rara boar-ai anei iawoe. tarM tWaim. I tt- - r . ti. T. as i xx a. M . floOMJO. CAPITAL, . taxue .. tiriie b atari Lara ti. Lav-a!- j Kju'.a a&d Aaaa 4 odenupxaa. aefta.jaita 4UMMtDz-LT- , Ol Vwtira m btsrti, tur imrmmmd pLatONTX ni Istrras PaU oa Tiaaa Oetautila. m tb taa c"uled oatiaa wUi. ftrMr-u- t b tiKr drtvw eailm4 ttevea ana ww of mMi rh taie gritaraiitayib VI e.mf f On.'ivY ita-traaocJ b lW taMrt A be rinl brud aanaita. J, L. fi iia.. . 4.. of I lai, f . (K:tac Wrhr t Frua. Ear. U Anna. r. St. KanxiMi. 4 (Jttubr. tae if.it ly. ai 'aaaaer. leiawea tlw bur of ltt a. a- I k aa. ill ul Vica PnwJwit. U tte lor liKtM4 at pmU.tr aurtioav, I SECRET SOCIETIES. r ia band, tfce iuiiuM( W. (Ver, prutny, . r. Humii. EXCAJ4PULST SO. . A certain trart of la ad beriaaisaT at a unt at fJISTAH Vwa-P- Kiv-.- a, Tiuuaad Uim of A aalitawitwa the vm itou- I. 0. 0. F. aad atd iaaieae, f z au:J t o Luli Irtl aJid a.et-(wMi aid MeHaiatbrJLO. C. . Hall th trrt as4 1,4 aoutii trf ilj anri'Haat e4t!rr tie tliul ltuimtayauf aarh 44 tf ; uai 3i u njool tweety aia ifli, bunb mfteaM , eat ait F. W". Lcata. Srrbr. rubaiu t4MtKv aoi.tb a the him lute tif Viaitiac hrutbrrs arveardially iovit!. : iHTtb Ual.utva arem . fa? ua Janr EEL Tcnsuarf vtaiat: atrtir. hi tWa ij-i- a atoar aii Wfcur to Liav - Iwt!i aatuaftua k to aa. Mr3 atfOrdea Liikniia kirfettt? bus i aOwrt vm iaXJu antra. Ootnrt Ka. iL Tanartf-rM- J uia C catiuan: luliira. u u a?aaaja avavi Ite-ew- I LEGAL NOTICE. kml aar la ti Ftrrt Jaataria! OoKSnrt tt (a uf Km: I UJk. 4sti u t variit . roara aa 4aa baiav, LL ad THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1690. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. F. J. KIESEL & CO. S i h LEGAL lui, OFB'ICIC J. L. HOLLINGSWORTH. Clerk of tho Probate Court. P. Lkdwidge, Deputy Clerk. ASHBY BROS.- OGDEN. K. HOLLAND, Proprietor, Founder and Machinist. af-fs-E CHARLES THE COMMERCIAL JUNCTION CITY MACHINE WORKS, 1SO-10- 6 Twenty-thir- d bet. Wall and Lincoln. Dealer in Bteam Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Etc, I will fnralsb aad ervct KnftBaev Boilers, Heaters and Machinery by contract and do my work in the beat mannar, machine work and repalrlnf promptly attanded to at shop. |