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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1690. OGDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: OI -- ASSUL T1IESBT froca OoKaacd See faroert go a&4 haiiu cat ciij mtztl ia ti wett. sjizf tlai Of Ike rOa ha ol J ew u oct ia aa agri- lkwru:'i at tlx"r I VI I f lai-- a. Z?i. JsrptrwU-ccJmrii way. bet La Kctdej sui ia till totaevaat r&iB. iui . pcEj.ii&s, r els vu. t teem. t diu. YS Wkiler Crieff, ct SoetiiiBStoe, u 5 (M HJ.'At 6 ot t rail ffus? Oi CViasey set aaiuihuyearaaJaacreedeiL tl j lricd Hjht acre :ti Crli cars zJ u errry tail ilruppol a ptmjVia rL lis u l) iuu jm Lirrr-tc-tb pcu;i: crop, 11 M 37.i and then ar S.OUi of tltia. a ti asl 12 'A "t round as J as4 meliuw aa the fell 13 3' CI li trvt--t tuooa lx Ltd to Im a vrk ago. 11 12 Ulfi 4 C2i U liann; fprLf-n- tL S.tbO jmtE'kii ta d with Ckissey hardly know It ul be anaa by the abov that tb thriii. oo!rs h Uuilli tlwra UiU a yellow fifth ttnitm is mady to pay out. b'vui c pyrami J lik Clm). Tba riliag paid to tbo Uilor u t&t eer m a nun of Soathinton haa duoe autoe fraetiua under 3D per rest per aciiuai fitronn. an J compute that each we of oa their invvtUuetst. I bav bea eery rUd to Boto tLe Waiter Criey pumpkins will iaak ortuizatMO of another aaaucialiua eiai-bt- r v ordinary pmupkia pits. and fiv looura, ia our city glad, lxvUf I pi-- i ccltipLk-ty 5.000 pumpkin tmht mm ur tbre ia room Lrro fur aerral to J pie enough to pave the Uola sut-- orgauizatMm; and 1 boM tLej ill main ttrec--t of Strathingtoa. If the piea keep oo Biulliplic ia DUOibrrs till vera atrons along tb country in single every man, autuaa aod child in Ojdeo , tin touching tin. there ooght to bo shall have atock ia a building aaoucta-lioc- f for tbera ia bo other manner ia mure than four mi lea of pumpkin pko. ao the tutbetuaticiaa cal etilai. Cor. a hich tbe savings of a people eaa U so safely aad proSutJy iaiwtod. New York San. I noUued one thing at theorganiutioa of tbe new aatociatiua abovo mentioned Th Cat f th rail CmI. me as peculiar, and thai mm that Tbe Prince Albert coat baa not realiz4 this: struck A number of tho shakers the promiae that IU infrequent appearthe fact that there aero in Hall ance in light summer fabric gave of its Lke City one or more asmciations of a probable reinstatement ia tbo tall, la similar nature to the one they were baa been organizing, all of w hich were said to be fact. this, coat of demi-tlrupersedeil by the four button black in a very proFperou condition: but not tbibet cutaway the fourth button not on even so much as intimated hat they intended to close iu front Tbe lapel of might Lave asserted truthfully, that the this coat baa an unskiniped iiearaiice, CK.uis HriLDFNu asD Savinos Asmocia-tiohas been a prominent factor in the and buttons low enough to favor a three upbuilding tkgden during the labt De Joiuville or Ascot scarf, upon seven and a of inch half ears; that it haa been reckwhich the Lett tailors now do their the mean of building more than one oning for waistcoat openings. hundred of the bwt homes in Ogdon; The collar is also cut so ivs to be ample, that it bas matured five l and to achieve this effect is wider at that seriert, never paying less than 18 per cent, point immediately in tbo middla lino of and. in one instance, u high as 20 per the back of the coat There is a slant cent on the money invecUxl: and f money to borrowers at leta than pocket for the "kerchief and a change 7 er unnum. cent per The is coat cut well with flap. pocket not ono of theno facta were Though and not too the the in to figure, cutaway stated at the meeting mentioned, yet sharply made, tbo skirts being of good they are facts not tho lefw, and are well length. The buttons are of silk braid, known to be such by tho people of and there is a narrow row of stitching which aeeouuts for the further running as close as pofsiLIo to tbe edge fact that the number of our stockholders of the garment. It is an agreeably suave is continually increasing, each succeed-eerieand most useful garment to the man being larger than its predecessor; fortunate enough to be ablo to possess and that all who take stock with us ars satisfied with their investment one. Clothier and Furnisher. Our youngeat series, tbe 1.1th, being aiy liilnz ie t" un tai-Ue- x J -- d tt ahia-mrti- J U-- b mea-tioue- d n seini-annuu- Og-de- Laid Cr that i j.iuta K jl Hvtrl L;in leased hum tb ourif uf tU Tttty-ti.ir- rv hij a t bt attL t-- jr Vaa MkA. mu LcuirT. Take rr t7uk. CWlarirJ ly the oi i.e iitfij i Mm. I demoted Gujtt. . L!in. clj ritiCaT i aftrf the ia Uv n at ra rirniT inirn u v nil nvui i n ui, tR-ke- Ux-aus- n ratroniie Home ludatry. The Hoxt Complete Book I'.inding Kstabli-LiiieWest of Buy your Iron Fences, Wire IWer Tut CoHMtiu iAL Publishing Company Stands, Coal Screens and Window now have in aclivo oieration tho iuut (uarda at tbe Ocden Wire and Iron eitectiive and complete book bindery in Works, -- l 2l!iid street. L'tiih, and are prepared to execute all Deeds, mortgage, leM-- i and other orders for blank books of any and every blanks at The Coxmkkc-ia- l job rooms. on and notice at abort description 4 reaoocnble price. Hooka ruled in any Hot Springs. deaired utyle, and bound in paper, You can go to the Hot Springs by takand half cloth, Kusaian or full calf. Especial atten- ing the motor at the Hrooiu Hotel cortion will be paid to bank and county ner, at T:.V) a. m. 9:'J0 a. m. work, and ttitimatea promptly IU,, IV CLOTHIERS. u t Ia tbe tnirficil dUirtun-care , given ia vocal ilium.-- and no puoxj, Larp, WLite IIobsc, Salt Lake Cilr, iruit&r, organ, vktlin, niaodoiia and Coroer of ifiia aod Second Sooth. uther. Special rbieM ia art. hiuk--, surk. etc have been formed for M't oeetriJ kxitjn of any hotel in the tjjwy bx'.&ea rvaklmg ia the ciy. city. 0;:jfit putuAo. I'tiKMi t For further iartu-uhtr-s and Pullman o!bo in th hotel. Nelr apply to Slater reeiodelej and furnuiied througliout. Superior, Ogden, I'taa. Tabl uusurpaiueAL Elleetrto hvht, brlk, e Take it before brkkfat." it and all oxxlero cocvecieuoeai. Terms, tl an aill the you regulate L. IL give apietite, ILaU, Injrielor. per day. bowels and clnbnxe the steu of all Dr. lieuley a Ecglu-Ilnde-boTo Soften the Skin. Tonic Sold every here. s Ladiea vhiweckia ia subject to rough-neea ben exposed to the air may remeGo to Peck, Knowlea Jt for the dy tho dJlieulty by applying tV iedom'a fiueet and cheapest rookingIWre and heating Vklet Cream. It rwtirt- - the natural tuvea. Have VI Washingopened at action of tho kkia and induct auftneoa ton avenue, between 21d and '.'lib ht, and elasticity. w;th a till Line of New Goods. Also, goods damaged by tire. TIICCUXXECCIAL E1XDEBV. n i THE LEAJDUSTG apprml Ehods. Velvet. vv MIUU). IHMOIUIM Kreaeh acd tierciinare Htdes tbe electee t of draa ic L.ii are taught ia a:i tLe nnit pupils in tbe ftut'.n mvm iitrm-tiuin eryoo, patei pAintio ia oil and a avr oolors, on CLta sum tud rljt, rtn n 1 t jj are ouLJuvtd abort-Laa- biUwt f 1 tisien boardiEf ail day nhaci to the oJsicaikua jchi la add.i to a ail Udc and bttU git',EaUh class tburuoa jmctj-.T- i .urseaiJ Rex L.--lio- a U run a Cit ar all fariabl at.d t. 4oi ihae tbt ar k.4uijr t tied it there. Had a Lue&ieLV t Am raia-- a a:l rwady f rei.t now lad by Iti fenrt vt Niru-- f Irf d.tiiii roocu ill 11 ULfJ k. S.a Jay w beo(a. ul talaW li th City for lb tL Wst Bxicey. Will bo ofiea Lty ai4 vciue- - le 0e, Ia a ililivUtK-rluefc-t Mr. Vb GJ, W Loiiw. SACJaEl MEAKT ACADEMY. liajr Uroaf- - 11a4 aid Uc;Lt lL furcilur. oa LJ yur c by 3 Thin Fall wo Hhow tlio Finest Ktock of Overcoats ! prcxluctioiu l'i"ftet any former ?mIa.inj; m Fit. lIandfomely noaonjs Trimmtxl ami of HiiMrior Worlimanhip. In Melton. IJoaver, Chenehile, Iivv. tfou-Iivuclt heviot. C i 1 lx-ico- Fi"i'ze. Ii-in- uiul t Matei-ials- . ttlM'i-Fashionabl- e ut three-quarte- T Tl I V Ol QTV1 Lll-OirQ . WfM-111- 1 Kntflish Hox Out Coat. AllKTt. liiiHlainl. jiM)iChat-Ion- . Mountain"-!-aiuOIuester. Alaska, U Intern. Oveixoatt aiut Storm Kinj - l Pi-ine- " rs j. lODa-m-. OUR BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Il:-J0a- 12:M p. m. 21C p. m. Hooks, magazine and periodicals bound in any style. Old books rebound 3:H p. m. 4:25 p. m. on short notice. 015 p. m. You can get back to tow n the sune A special invitation to everyone to vieit our bindery and inspect work and way every hour. P. W. LaJ'bextz, Secretary. price. DEPARTMENT In Spooially Attractive. Hero yon can fim! the a Undertaken' Cotnblnr. The Kansas undertakers have concluded that there are enough men engaged in that business in tho state to bury all the dead and propose to form a combine against new firms. Some hundred or more of them have been quietly in convention, and a scheme has been form"-late- d by which the men now iu btisinea1 will monopolize the trade. No publicity has bqen given the meeting, and when questioned by newspaper correspondents the declare tho organization was simply to felevate the business." In speaking of the business transacted one of the members said: "We simply perfected an organization which will keep down tho number of men in the state who engage in the undertaking business. Our scheme will be to boycott those firms which sell to them, and frown down in every way on new firms. It is simply a matter of self protection for us, as there are already more undertakers in the state than the business demands." Cor. Kansas City Times. six months old, was closed on September 1st and a new series to bo known oh the 10th was opened to begin with October 1st Stock can be secured at any time by calling on mo at my ollice on Twenty-fourtstreet, lirst door cast of An Extraordinary Tow. The Leary raft towing venture is about to be cast in the shade by an ocean journey with a fleet of fiat boats. The powerful ocean tugs Haviland and Heiperhatisen have left tho harbor hero for the purpose of towing the great Nicaragua canal plant to tbe scene of operations. An ocean voyage with a mammoth dredge and a dozen scows will be made along the coast to tho West Indies and thence to Greytown, Nicaragua. The dredge is now awaiting the big propeller at Charleston, S. C, where it was constructed. After tho big tugs put to sea with their burden it is estimated that three weeks' tugging will be necessary to bring the unwieldy burden into Grey-tow- n harbor. New York Telegram. & Sons' upright. Cheap. Maker's price 88C0. All modern improvements. Address V. O. box 217, Ogden, Utah. Am Pencil and Scratch Tablets IIAItD AND SOVT PAPER. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will con ducc to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as It is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop-ala- r Checkering OdIvWSO. Influence of Alkali on the Hair. Tho hair is the most susceptiblo a pondage of the human organism, beii.) so strongly hygrometrical that scientist often employ tho hairs of the head i the construction of the most delical hygrometers by which to indicate tl. Thi slightest atmospheric changes. fact alone, would seem to suggest to tl. most casual observer the baneful m fiuenco produced upon the .hi.ir I water impregnated with alkali, watt must be used, and persons who ret ide i an alkali district must therefore tuflfe. Not alone does the water affect th hair, making it harsh and brittle, an. liable to break off when combirg o brushing, but the very atmofphei' Fonrteen Thousand People Tranent. charged with this hair destroyer pei When Hiram M. Miltenberger led his tneates throughout the whole seal blushing fiancee, Miss Nora M. Coulter, tv rrying destruction to one of nature out on the race track of the Elkhart noblest gif te, a boautif ul head of haii . Skookum root hair grower ib formulate County Agricultural society at Goshen, to correct all such evil influences, and i her married was to 25. and there Sept all who use it. to boon a in the presence of 14,000 people, he was the hero of the biggest wedding, so far as attendance is concerned, that ever occurred in northern Indiana. The happy couple were the recipients of .presents valued at $400. donated by the merchants of the city. Indianapolis Sentinel Grows Hair Uapidly. h Tote. till Eradicates Dandruff. Uncle Kenniston, of Appleton, Mo., h time in a state voted for the Stops Falling Hair. election Sept 8 last He cast his first 19 a rreventive vote for Andrew Jackson for president, I of Baldness. and has never missed going to the polls an As and voting. exemplary performer Grows Hair on of a public duty we hold him up to the Bald Heads. attention of younger men. Lewiston Journal Is an Toilet Article. A Brooklyn jury has given Alexander Ellis a verdict of $60 in a suit bronght Is Tree from all against a druggist who furnished excoloring matter. tract of carbolic acid when a "solution" Trade mark refisterad.) was called for. Ellis put tbe stuff on a ( Poisons bunion, and gets the $60 as a salve for Contains no Mineral or Vegetable bis feelings. It is an honest and meritorious preparation. The latest "boy orator" to come forward is Irving Jay Steeninger. the child Nature's Own Remedy. phenomenon of Rochester, Ind. He is THE COMMERCIAL OgJJCE,. O i STOVKS STOVES It is reported from Martinique, that the court has e, in j condemn- - cd to a fine and one year's imprisonment the woman Adeline Hercnle. in whose house the conflagration of June 22 originated. A perfect opal, with a movable drop in the center, was found in California recently. A negro at the Kimberly (South Africa) diamond mines found a iliannnd of the same character in 1893. SJOOkDUl ROQt GfOWBr GO NEW YORK. by oil Foe Sal Drugglt. $500 Reward ! WE will par U ftboro rcvard for njr row of livr Complaint, lypepsla. Stick Ucadarhe, ImUjmUun. or CcwttveneM we cannot cur with Wrftt'i Verrtabl Liver Pt!li,when tbo directions artric-tl- ? Ther mn puroly Veiftatle, nd nevei with. tompllrd fail to irlve Mthf action. SuitarCoatod Laiya botw li ctnta. Bwaro of counterfalt I1U. containing Tho ynnuine manufactured onl b, and imitatiotm. WEST Cuai'AilY. CHICAUO, ux. JUOH C Xlijj Mold by A. It AI,KrK. Druggist. Ogdrn. lUh. Wasliinston Avenue. A. F. POOLE. Soc'r. Preridoot. uxi Treat V ITMON o ! I TOVK8. melville Dokfl d SOLE Co. mmm t mm, i ) Dotal i Co. MtiNgBSrM MS GROCERS, MAN UFACTUERS OF FINE STIFF HATS, Lined and Enlined, in Light Weights. Call and let us. Explain the Merits of the World Renowned Howe Ventilating 340 Twenty-Mft- h Heating FREE. Stoves. SNYDEIt No. Consult Old DoGf or Oradnated with high honors. Twrtity oars experifMiee m IYofor, lAKtomtr. ami Treatment ia the Stedalist Author aiul Cure of Private, Nervous end Chronic Diseases, We do not Condon other Stoves to sell ours, but sell them on their merits. T1IE Street, OGDEN, UTAH, SECRETS OF A Private Adviser for those cont'm-platin- g marrlaee and for men fuilfcr-fu-if Thousands of young men and women saved from Irlvftle Nervous or Chronic from an early praw; made fathers ant Diseases. Sent prepaid by express. mothers; and restored to permanent manhood and wmnanliofHl. Kad "Secrets of Lrfe" sent prt?pid oy express only. j j 21-3- & CO. A.vpnu0. URdtm. STOVES! STOVES! fifty-sevent- - yearn anil at tho Tiowent I'rieen "WivulitjiKton U-l- STOVE STOVES! i fiVtyJmlue88address, withastOTiahmg eloquence ana sen possession. 1 . Skookam Root Fifty-ievent- 1-- 2431 and F. W. LAFREXTZ, it before Breakfast. Here is a I'.arirain. :t to RULED AND UNRULED, it becomes. Take For Agon MAEKS, GOLDSMITH First National bank. Alfred IL Xklso.v, Secretary. NEWEST NOVELTIES & ROBINSON HARDWARE CO. "WaBhin.on Avenue. i owHty. Abuses of theofSystem nT niMBiinn Ideas. 1IIIIIVWI LExhausted Vitality, Confusion fWW I 1 Aversion to Society. Loss of Energy. Premature Decline. Vari-COC- le thedumnlnircffocuof yoothfal and lmpOtencyH beiwultmjrfrom in the flntt nturp. but reoiember that yon are limy frrors uiul exc(w. You Do Dot let tuJie pridcorxhiun modesty deter you from tint approoohlnj tho Inst. lOtendinir to yom erpnti!iiiraL'nienti. Mmiyabri(rtitindnUir(U.vrindyounir nuin endowed with (roniun baa oormllted hUcao to run on d on until rnorso nicknd hla lncllct. nnd dtMtb Oiuimcd Its victim, For reruouiber, Procraatlaur . lion ia tho thief of time." only We have arranir'd Dur trentment for tbe nliove dl vnae(i that it will tonotforfeit afford (mmatiterrUff, but rmnnnt nirm. K KM K M HK It. V Quwxntc AUinttir-rlowa SffOOiir every rate nffrUitf(IUieitit. Outl imumtrrtitkcami faillnau. Modlclno piw:Snd o im nottoeiolto Hnd lotlerg are aacredly confident cu rtoBlty. and aont by express If full dmwrlpt Ion of o:iio is yAvcn, but one pergonal "nlervlew in all caaea preferred. Cunilkitinn fren. Pend atjitnpforqneaUonllaU OR LUCAS PRIVATE DISPENSARY. 6P Sandolob St.. ChiciBO, Ul. |