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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1690. Ths Mni trLh tnt-- JT Loci xx. Birtfc!! to tiomber win 13,(A'. ai the ia Kv fork Colour, tie Indus Harder Ca. l cxx&bis anl f .fra a tra4t Scm Toca. Or. OL TW mxk fcrk wuryi nxikm t'Tt tbe redrcoa ci tlt-i-r gntrsaott niJ lit a&l Lmdux, tV-tise rrotertkiB of thfir inU-rIt ckanrUviMin ttvm lli td the f fr Uorie;' HjUJ. Tnifa'.' irw today U puint oct that their artragv va$t the ru from la. to n a day, f jr trLk-pnlrmd it f I pm o til oo Birchall. MoctrrsJ tLt xa tbry Lave to work cia or lem fconri lory tf (wHnanl bt4atdj. death t Woodcock, Nor i this tLe vont. In it not tndfeiitKcrsunler tLef that elio Beewell. cf happeoa the pjA'jftk Kw Tor Uoer. faiiada, f aJTtTti.-4-rapfJy ia Tain f. nnii.f-rao- t - a. m.a itwi ti iiJormatiwi that Mm. ut vc. moo-witLre or ia fanr td "Oak!," tie allr--wd author of the Their chief compliiiiitdayia eg!n?it tL"? by Uirchall, in vh'u h th or miJlW nen. Lo, tht-Kiterutao!! th.t hm hot and double Lat tLey jey. cLire and Tin. kiaJ lkuU. weT at the hotel List The jntitioo La bow ben tV n cp SwrmSJrcr. Coppor. Ijttti 04',. t'urfW.! Jsuuarv. by the labor bcreau cf the Sahauus Th 4V 'V of th bitel frhow that an Army. wLii h hs aa ajjal to l3ofcel Ar?M:a, atvtiotr biaull 1, and vaiiuui rvlious. jhilanthnipicoiid January Bonds. LitrriveJtbTP aocirtks inririEg tfcesa to aatiat until th 2'lh. Birchall rnvl uuw'rtkke Thi movement ia the body a guest until the Jaouerv lUh tuid ls'Js. ilr. Ktvr.s f Mjatreal. the to Mi;ijily till dirtriLntors and tsalark r. 8. 1 rc'd ... . V. S. ' W'i : td. m day. the two I". H. 4'chhi4i i;i 14 Vceiix ieuuia at the rate of Ill trwiiirciaa ho toll ot aveia li.rcnall. L". l Oaluat-at hililnga gfiug to tb tif-l 'rv ...I er.d the at the and t'uu old pence tou'-j-- J the jayrae-a- l bote!, (he hoti January lSlh and known on the of cxrvnses. The Ii?ovi-r- Las Ex Ill Norths by the made that a Jifth. CoL Ijfwis waa well pU l l ... .ItfHA lire pniortiua of the un a Arartraa . f the hotel, anJ they retain a i ' Vmnlte. London KrcaNllu'tllUi are of this chita ia discharged I'luuiu vivsiiw'odeotwDiif him. They . M A jnii KniftKiLU- - K i:J as uiacr -, ... i:4 ' tvwi lm.n aft hitn SB n fcnicewhtt jompoua kkia,i tyijUlitTi without i lOrwuMmrlLuii famil.es bav of thera tiarlujrtua la youa-fcup;ort mac& ft C incUe in height, atout. XnJ 4I:, Atitia L VI"ritvc be comlitioa -3 tas:ly H. ik.b He ere a loc; moustache and his ooiu-p- thf ir deititcte . I S "'1.n , K' Lett.-r- . Kock lin-'.'y He was lealized. LonJca Ir oe fair. to icchmil i:m . eti-matt- sl m c. Frubat - t. from. W. rrt taUttrujf. 4Ui Piaoock. jjrmt - n Birt-hs- fW- i. : tf-xiv- tnc-tor- , aJ-lr- ?. V.M - kil A t i-- A r a k-- ft a . . '-' . ) I i . r fi-- . t- li . heavy driukvr and was generally known as "the CuioneL" Lirchall and Colonel Lewu to The Ciicago !id to be on intimate terms A St Tanl nnd were often together, and apjieareJ Tribnue 6aya: "On tb arrival of the Since well in other's confidence. Chicago. !L Paol and Onuiha triin thi Jacusry tho colonel ban often rolled at uiomin-- ' Detective Mawn placed nndor the buU-- but did not remain. arrest Win Shoo end G- - Slum, two oa their way froia New Vork furwardttl to Htreatham, Surrey. His1 Chinamen a l l uuv Iuwn airawu. to Portland. The robbery 'or which the exact aaarefB cu K ii nri 41 A wXtrwJ tt wwtVt b lit th Celestials were held w&a that of the safe hotel, often aked gentlemen to pass the of one of the largtt banking establishThe safe was evening with them- - The servants can ment in The Dalles, O.-not identify any visitor who auswered blows open and robbed of $10,000 on the description given of BenwelL 'Col13. it was found that the robbers onel Lewis" went to America in Octo- Sept under the building from a bad tnnndod ber or November, 1889. Ilia repeated aud had calculated corvisits to the hotel render it unlikely long diatance, that he has been out of England since rectly where to strike under the bank di.-iaf- k 1 Texu " jrl 4 Nsb .. (Vu'.flJ I. akf-- Niwin- - rriHr Sortlra lrifle d Wo. S.r. N t orUi a rau-m- . j rm Tot-- .. . e. t. vault Ailam I rm II 1. ( , . . . hui. 4 Hn-ili- f . I"1 V i V t ro Ruroktroa tould i I (4 furry. . . t m I lUle k Norcrota. . I M t M1" ... J Hwn bilver. ...... butter I'rork I Borrox, Oct. : Mi 3Ui MtMIA . 1 N.HthBeUekle. . I o baai . SuU Bob ton Stock. 3. The tuck market iuiaw V. U tfvkwrk.E. 'rtijur BWUUilU tfce JotlivJ t F-- rs VU 4n, BOOKkETPU. i t lb Peww-V- al ari!jue il. I-- MxL uni-'T- 4T. 1 teMm Justice of Cjo1 u.Im- ruaix c tl Justice riMin Ttti T LU t,tn. Il.tin. 17 nw-- ftoa, REST A Xlf'E TUOST hM AT Wr4uartuii aiesur, lo auaa ax4 wj t 4er.cu.pay w tdy 0 tion.; very cbMjh 1XR EES" T rOR E ON T ESTT-- I UU n risw luratiuau vtUt liviac ttm I im tue bark k4 tMidiuie. Appiy U itrutSttmiit itTwiitcr. I1 I(-UfU- i 1TM)C 1K tun: oer Standard aiul t-- R KENT i A t-- f-- 4 It 4iOiO BOO" aM.-HE-D t red MfiMOrt. ;1 drul avue. A PLEASANT l'NrT'KMSHEJ IVR KENT k lt lor liut , - Zr Luuat-.ettU- i- FOR SALE. Nti.ial 1 JEUNT fcUUj" EEST-PLE.AS- AM ' tVHi Back Xn Bl'SlXESi BILE-- A h:ch I at I liebeI'uint. cIumnI it and aiut aiiro -- 1 iXiK leut)-4oort- i. a 41 ROIs LOT itii' harua Call on li da). ia treat. h AM) THE t litAPEM" fjun. t'sKa Ai i ity for land lo ) trilM oct per liouM) aud lot Wii. at per ""tun, A. J, SALE-LA- I N Uu ia Og tt n. Lot f ;) vj I Bsoatii. kit 4 ATTORNEY AT p tlXTUi Office, w 4 Vda, Ttah. I'liu. ropwy, rV)U KtLE i t'HE.P-NE- W 4f)TTA(!E, FOl rooms, bath ronm. putry and clothw ter in kitchen, all nicely fur good tusbed. Inquire of Mr. Palmer, Thirtwata street, four door from (tattua fifteen, inolur line. 1 4. MUKl'HY. pr: , APORNEYS-AT-UW- lUua Poulter. rccAkaiiT view paemicT. J11M ice of tba Peace W. H. CraadalL t'uUKtabla Oeurg IL Haycock. UW, - MinWaUiiiurLufl Ave, raBCtscT. :il" WaJ.uik'ton avenue, OcJea, Utah. R. WHITE, rK TK UE-- A CHICACK) PIKM SENT UK J a fine stock of dry good, invoicing t JR.UuO to exchanga for Ogden real estate. Let m ATTORNEY-AT-LAknow what you have to tratle for it. or part of it. J. li. Knmc-1- . Practice in the District Coort and all tha to collection. court. I'arMMuU attention riven build-interm. New fit room wood Keoieiuher the place, in l'e.--r 11011 SALE On easy house, with cellar, front and bark near meat thop of C. H. Grvenvell A Uru., t ali on J. W. VYarehams, Tweoty-nrs- t :rl Twenty-fourtstreet, Ofdeo, Utah. V. O. porcbe. Van Huren. Dear box f 16. lite(villc ruxiNnr. Hutcliin. Jattim of the PereHuu-umJme . Cou;ol John J. masbiott rasriNrT. li K. HalversoB. JAMS LTHVB PEEC1KCT. EOWAKO M. A1XIBOX. K. KIMBALL. JIMBALL k ALUSON. Justiee nf Uis Countable J anM Uarrop. wilo raaYixcr. Justice of the peace P. P. liingham. L. Sbernor. er FOR RENT 1 LAWYERS Vi Peace-Pet- W. l lumvsf 4 OT ARCHITECTS, nes. Peace lutaUF ,uriii li. Carver. KIVCJUiALC rkU !MT. Jm4ir of t!ie Pcae- - UiciiarJ Dja. Cmtatl-Juu- a i'arker. rivTiH rtu iiiCT. the Keodall. Cotutable h)roa L. l twe. utUio street, roo h iti rtirisiT. ii.tu.Li Justice of Uie Peace " w COU. I laiu budduvc. li. ii. Taiiur. -J TllOXiS. ROODS TweptT-f.wrt- t. ta Prace-WiliU- t. betwsew 1 iiau. I. tan. Fiettetira. ilwur ami. u. Ii. me-ic- rariB!i. uk- at J Am Firn o4,(, Jjsm t'torey. 9KritlIXE GRAJT1M. lrrut AR'HITECrS, rsBI'lSCT. B. Frorer. the IVoe .un'ui-- J a..- - Aii Uin Janice r4 tHe Pear- - K. t uaiiji iulm tautllA. Jaticeof . lnrUiW uxi ruarmrr. tHJt - A0 jMum u.d (iuioua. Peare jr ilcalaj. f?ri? LL rcrrio. t ,tt4 AND EU1LDERS. .uul: TO nXi) GoJtKOS PEE at t naiawm ) utUaa. BOAEIEES AT AS rEI 1H LXE A airue. w sxajiMnt roni if 1 tl 'ANTEI-b- BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS aad eetlaaate Plaa ud er!6cU mir jm t arpoolrt iubiaa out I.trr m l1'1x-!k-. runtn. Jwirr Lilef the isos. 4 rk . PT first l. kouas sVW a tafc- - ATTORN January. Vox. IkhiiI cript.... Atch.aTot "There w.u at firrt no clew to the A number of waiters at Morley's hotel Hurlintou j.Mc. tint munK Office, over Ctah National Bank, corner of of the bold deed. Suddenly state that they remember ""Colonel U'.Saa L)ieo 1S Constable-Dani- el street, Washington avenue and N. Drake. Lewis" being the'e when the Benwell suspicion was directed toward several Oden, Utah. riiECINCT. EST WCUEA Petroleum. murder whs committed. They remem- Chinamen. Some arrest followed and Justice of the Peace J. W, Hurt. JACOB & BOKEMaN, ber distinctly tho manager of the hotel a part of the money was found. The New Tots, Ort. 29. Prtmleum very weak; i Hokks. CvuttalJe and Hha colonel" diBcutteing the murder. authorities got on the truck cf the two Pt feoiuylvaoia cIummI at .!. BoorEa riGrrxcT. who arrived ia St Paul this morning, Justice of the Peace .lame Johnson. Chicagx) Prtxluoe. A Clumsy Fabrication. OtTiee. No. 2408 Washlnxtoa avenn. Coustable Irancia U. liolnaii. and their coming waa awaited by deORtlen. Utah. Cnirtno, Ort. 2!. Wheat oiieneil almut the VooisTix v, Oct 29. The Jackson, tectives. The two Chinn:aen were hihk a yr.tTilu)'. closiiiK a !ialn abure raw-ilieii mnrtHt to advance, and with ot) TIME TABLES. 2Y R. IIEYWOOD. Mich., letter ia regarded as the clumsieet searched and four large knives were only !',, lli;lit HuctualioD. prinw were bid up KAILU0AD ' t!iMi blsdes on tho in found a their rcartion. possession, price tnrtl fabrication Birchell has yet put forth l'il',c, HiictiiHtHl off nli:li(ly and clol ',c An examination of tho handwriting and of which w:is sandy soil, w hich is re- li.wi r for c,DecemlN-r nnd Se DAILY, laCSPAV IXCLtPKD. for Mtsy tlin treet. Otrden, I'tah. Office, 309 a comparison with sample of liirclicU'ii garded as proof that the men wero en- yestcrdny. Iiwiti ft 7f.f tuo ; kliipiurnU liij.uui). Arrival and teparture of train corning jt-pctrato- t 4 i--i. V'avi atuiraa avecoa. bi. TBty TtHijr4 aww. asd JjlktuttS riCIM-- T. uf tbe Pam- - BL Tare. tuTii. Talk uubaJi tit tbe Pe- - A. rem. Iliiaau I jwUtiu it. Ul Jtm I , k4 t md A- - tHIIK-'t- J Ltf-M- c. a. BAtaum. UrfJMieL A- - Justice ml tbe Pee Bimoa Cooktabla Caleb Pairy. clud u I. f. and ei:lcer5. CCMR CT0RS Aa-- w. i4pfiuiifcit A i;rirt Seoola. run vn omtutfiiT mlx rcansrr. J C j)iisHii:iiT IU. k. inu uti k. t vu. Juticif hiiM .iu;s i".s. . II.... Commonwealth fuUowc b, 1H Ali alnionta ! TpittlVifif l w ul! Kr j Y.ii,'s ... :;s t.fiioK . V Mining Btocka. Ort. 9. Mioias dock closeil a a. ? 4 c r"ul I . V .1''. . -- - 1. k. 4j bu a I'. L--i tir-j- deei-rib- e -- ir ur-w-j wfrer r I - r- tx.t-niejt-i- ri;ii-Ure- CQ.NTEAaCRS - LAIT ASTtD ism:i-wJAiiE- its. SL-Ia-l- uiria utrtIalttrcthtliia k-:- w omrm. wxacxrorvTt Jde-fcimai WANTED. BUSINESS CARDS. OmCIAL DIRECTORY. AND COMMEIICE. FINANCE rLOTEKY. A Twcoty-fottrt- h JoM-pt- ATTORNEY-AT-LA- LOST AND SPE4"IFICATIONrS r'OK bouse. I iuder will pleas retura to Keiuhardt A Dawson, 34iTwentyHhird street. mf-PLA- SS HIP POCKETIIOOK, RED 7 1OST-- A containing pAper of value to the owner. Among other thing a III) hill and a check on the Utah National bank. Finder will he liberally rewarded no returning book. W. li. lD Lyman. Washington Ave. r. ATIORNEY-AT-LA- loa-e- r Twenty-fourt- h ehow a very general reeomblance bttween the two and in some cuties a very strik- ing likeness. gaged in making the underground sage. " pas- at tki'.iit,,'. Hurley Kirm, iS. Whiskey $1.11. Slioulilir-.i.W- A Boom Town In Kentucky. Demon Hun?. om Woolfolk Pkksy, C.i, Oct. xtm hanged nt 1:30 p. in. The crime for vhii'h Woolfolk suffered death was wont atrocious. On the night of August , 1887, in Iiibb county, nine people were brutally murdered by him. The victims ltiohard E. Woolfolk were: Captain and wife, their children, Richard EL jr., Susan, Pearl, Annie, Rosebud, Charlie and Mattie, and Mrs. Weit, aged 84. The scene of the crime was tho Wool-fol- k homestead, a oolmtry " The first nlnrm of fhfl tnrmVlT " from Tom 5ofrrK,iiuo only surviv the family. The news of the tei crime having been committed rapraiy spread, nnd noon a great crowd guthered around the placa Tho nine dead wires were found lying in horrible confusiok in the house. Every one hd beei brained with an nxo. Nothing in thA house had been disturbed. Evidently) the crime hitd not been committed for robbery. Wooifolk's account of the crime being unsatisfactory suspicion quickly foil on him an the murderer and he was arrested. The motive for tho crime was found in Tom's enmity for his stepmother nnd hi denire to have undisturbed poRWFHioa of hia father's property. Woolfolk was tried twice before being convicted and sentenced to death. A 29.-T- farle. 1 Eim Over by a Train. Kansas City, Oct. 29. Yesterday afternoou Drurby Underwood, one of the bot known citizens of Kansas City, was run over and instantly killed by a train. Underwood wu returning from it hunting trip, and driving a spirited team to a buekboard. He was thrown titty feet aud his body horribly mauglod. It "Fifteen months ago." says a man who has just bt en there, "there were not a dozen people in Middlesborough. Ky. Now it has a population of fl.OUO. An English syndicate worth f20.000.000 is bnilding the town. They liave spent 1300.000 in btraightcning a creek which runs through it. and have encircled it with a seventeen mile dummy lino. They have put r.p electric cars and electric light and have about completed seven fti Vs. Bp" vi less.Ib.aa. AM4 nilt. and Aim out TaoVfliW&r the circular dummy lino have been gobbled up at 115. The syndicate own 100.000 acres in nnd around the place and have already realized $1,500,000 on the investment Mr. Arthur, the manager for tho syndicate, gets $15,000 a year for his services, and lust Christmas they mndo bim a New York Tribune. present of at tlie paM'iiKer Ti. tii. 4i5 Short clear-f..!- .5 Short rib Union depot, Ogiivn, Utah. ATTORN OfTico. room Ciiicaoo. Oct. !ow anil weak ; $1 i1 rHtiKH 4: 3. toer, $:itm."3i; Tcxa vteor. K Leave. cteer WO Kecoiptu, ift.Ou); active, eteady to rontili and piimniuntllrt'lVi; fair to eood mii'Hi, HlH'HI: prima hrary and Hot-- n ; tront-er- hiitrlient' wci,-hdU'ifl 2i; bght, tiii (i$t IU. Sheeo Reccint. 10.000: active andateady: native.. WijtilW; weaUtnu, tyuWiiW; Tei- aiw sr,:n. avenue Arrive. Fast MniU No.I-Mm- itod Denver. IX a. a. m C1 Kansaa City, J and eaat. daily No. 8 Atlantic 111."! Denver, Oniaha, Conn--! cU Bluff, Ktinaa City J and oat, daily J0 11.00 i P- m Utah & Northern. Wash-nrto-n WK'KLE. OF WHICH I WILL DELIVEB. m 21th St., np stair. $1,000. $300. $ 1 ,250. Two 50x137 Knob HiU orchard lot. Lota 2Tixi:. near Thirtieth and Jefferson Avonue. Corner, 65i:B, Twentieth nnd Lit- - $2,200. and Monroe, between Twenty-fift- h Twenty-siitUixlX, choice. 50xlS2, Van Bnren, betwoenTwcn- - erty, fruit and hado tree. $650. M. D Residence 2830 Arrive. No. fiOT, Cache Valley lo- ckL Kattie t roek. and I in .00 a. m 9:15 a. m intermediate point. ) tyixth $2,100. and Twenty-evenl)- between Twentietli and 6xi rods, Per foot. 10x10 rods, corner Vash- - Madison, Twenty-firs- t, $200 inton avenue and Twenty-iiJMstreet, three good houses, rputlnif Win montn. Kargain. On bntwoon Monroe Choice, Adams, between Thirty-seconand $2,400. $ 1 ,400. Twenty-fift- and (Juincy. Thirty-thir- house, new. $2,500. $1,200. frame 5xi:i7, Cheap. i adobe house, well, city water. adobe with house, H. HOLLIDtiE, well, city water. Kit-FMail and"!' No. .. .. ast I have bargains on Wnshington avenue. ncicn Irx-uuiio anaJ T, (Late Ass't City Engineer) 0:4.1 h Twenty-fourtm m streets in busiand Twenty-fift- h p. p. preo all point north CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, ness properties, also all kinds of acreago- - It is daily Flans, estimates, irrigating ditches and sub- a pleasure to show property. divisions. Utah Central WislimAi Aie., 05DB. Kpwinl attention given to the laying out of J. I). GILL, f MOCNTAIN TIMB.1 adoition and city lots. Ollice with Ocden Abstract Company, First National liank Huildiutr. Leave. Arrive. - I CIVIL ENGINEERS. JJ CxirnerQuinry,140xl.'B,with4-roon40x132, tm Frnlt Scarce. Housekeepers are put to their wits' ends this autumn for winter supplies in tho way of relishes nnd preserves. All fruit is so scarce and so high that such table goodies have become this year positive luxuries. In this regard a Brooklyn woman was overheard the other morning to make a remark nearly s nniquo in its way as the famous one of Marie AntoinEaeA In Million of nnmea ette anent the starving Parisian popu40 lean tha StandartL lace. Her Brooklyn prototype had inof Ita Biiperior excellence proven in millions of plums at a grocer's quired the prico for more than a quarter of a century. It and resentfully replied to the high rate homos i the United State (Government. used he gave her: "Why, 1 can preserve noth- Endorxed by hy tho heads of the Groat Universities as the and most Healthful. Strongest, at fall such ing this prices: my family Dr. Price's CreamPurest, Baking Powder doe not will have to live ou canned and dried contain Ammonia. Lime or Alum. Sold only PRICE BAKIXU POWDER CO. fruits" wholly overlooking the fact that in Cans. New York. Chicago. San Fraaciitco St Loui the French queen's "buns from the pastry cook's" were scarcely more accessible than her alternative will be during the coming season. New York Times. ! is a Fake. Nkw York, Oct. 20- .- Cenerul Samuel Thomas was seen this morning about the reported deal wherody tho Bridge-Thoma- s Syndicate Iuir secured control of the Baltimore nnd Ohio southwestern Improvement In Smoke Suppremlon. Determined attempts are being made system. Ho characterized the whole story as a "fake." in Chicago to suppress the blinding smoke that is blown ashore from passing Charged With Conspiracy. steam craft An experiment was made Toulon, Oct. 29. Tho mayor of the recently to demonstrate the practicabilcity bas bten arrested on the charge of ity of anew invention. A small tube conspiracy to produce ah abortion on with a perforated top, liko that in a hia mistress. The wife of n naval officer sprinkling can. was introduced into the have also been arrested, the woman and smokestack, and through this stoam The midwife. conld bo injected uiwn the uprushing smoke, which immediately condensed. Coming- Honie.' The little lube, with its jets and sprays Ijosdok, Oct. 29. Robert Lincoln, of steam, is not a smoke consumer, but United States minister to England, left there seems little doubt cf its utility in today for Liverpool, where he will em- tho prevention of smoke. New York bark for New York, having been granted (Vsnimeix'ial Advertiser. . leavo absence by the government. He will return to England in January. A Shower of C.rala. It is indeed a remarkable tale from A Shipwreck. Diarbckir (Turkey in Asia) which is told ; Nsw Yo".k, Oct 29. Tho British brig by the Turkish journal The Tarik. DurEugenia, with sugar from Brazil, went ing a recent tempest there was showered ashore last night nt Jones inlet. Both from the (ikies neither hniliionca nor masts have gone by board and the vessel raindrops, but grains of millet. The inis fast breaking up. The crew escaped. habitants of Melessa and Muhal have gathered the grain and have stored it, niet restored. and are grinding it for bread. 29. rehas Oct been Quiet Bernr, Around the World. stored at Priboarg, the scene yesterday Dr. John C Berry, who is in Asia on of the conflicts botwben tho radicals a vacation, mailed a letter and a postal and conservatives growing ont of the card to Dr. R. D. Bibber, of Bath, cantonal elections held Sunday. on the same day, sending one westward via St. Petersburg and tha other Crime in Ireland. east via San Francisco. The letter and Dublin, Oct 29. A band of "Moon- postal card reached Bath in the same lighters" in County Clare have mur- mail. Bath (Me.) Times. dered a girl named Flanagan and her moMior. A delicate white scarfing may be worn less apprehension, and therefore with A Provisional Government. greater satisfaction, than during the The Hague, Oct 29. The council of warm interim when tho protective colstate has been temporarily invested lar melted under the perspiring ooze and with regal powers. endancered tho costly fabric 8, No. 24:9 ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. chronic disease and disease of children. General practice will receive prompt atOilers tention. Private disease asiieeialty. an experience of S year in tho practice of medLincoln are. Leave. No. C, 7 and ""Trent icine. Ottice TIMK. -- EEYS-AT-LA- PHYSICIANSjSURONS 6. VAN a. m ANY CMITII i. SMITH, laorKTAIM TIMK.) Chicago Cattle. List of Properties a. w. bunn. BAKkPORDSHtTU. Union Pacific Railway. iu. i'oti J.D.GILL'S d ; MM NOTICE We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works, 23d and Washington Avenue, and are prepared to do all kinds of Carriage and Wagon Building and Repairing. Are the only firm in the city prepared to Repair, Paint or Trim a Carriage or Buggy Complete. A. M. BUCK, Prop Vet, Wygal, Manager. Telephone '. 4l. ROCK! ROCK No. 701 Atlantic Fnrt Mml, Salt Luke City, daily Xo. ark City F.x-- " prow, Utah & NorthAccommodation, ern, Salt Lb ke City, Kricco and all intermediate point 707 -- Atlantic No. ROCK! For price delivered call at office of Brain-ard- . Kontniton A Co- - 240A Washington At, 90 2:50 CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Flans, specifications nnd estimates prepared and work superintended. p. m Maps, plats, tracings, blue, prints, etc., etc, excuted on short notice. Office, 21W Wasliiturton avenue. Ogdcn. C. L. WAGOESEB. Ex Salt Lake City, pre. intermediate pointM 11 No. 705 Fart Mail and U. A N. Exprewt. Salt Iake City, and nil inti'rinediato tluily.. a. iW 600 p. m "yyrAOGENEH m i ROSS, 600 p. m DENTISTS. TIME. Leave. Mail. Salt Lake City, Provo, r, Puoblo.Den-veLoadvillu, Q Arrive. 9SZ a. m 9:40 p. m and all point ent daily No. Salt Lake) City and intermediate ) points, daily Xo. Atlantic Expreee, ) (Salt City.Puohlo, Denver and east, daily. ) Oflice, 2427 Washington avennn ovfr Horrock A Sons store. Teeth without plates and saving natural teeth a specialty. No tooth or roots too bnd.to be saved by tilling or crowning. Special 232 attention given to children's teeth. a. 1UT0 m 5:40 p. m 5:10 p. m 10.05 a. m GEO. A. LOWE, DEALER IN Southern Pacific. fHiOCKTAIN TIME. Leave. .Vrrivo. Fart) Xo. Mail, 200 a. m 8:W a. m Son Francisco ) daily No- - I Pacific Exrres,') through to Ran Francisco and intormodinte 12:15 p. m 710 a. m points, dally Arrival and departure ofU. S. mails at tho Osden poetoflice : ' Ar. rarifie Central Pacitic Utah Central Park City and Coalville. Briirha'ii City, Logan and CoUiiinton TVp't. 1:30 a. ra. 8 --TO " 10:11 10 cheapest. k F. STEACY CO.. Real Estate, TrTCuty-Fift- St., li . Of.DEJT, UTAH. 6i " !O0n. m. 5 00 p.m. " 6.011 " 5:0p." 6:30 10O0 ia. m. m. " 90ft a.m. 6O0p. m. HuntMville and Eden, Tuesdays, TliursdajK and Saturday. Wet Weber nnd Florence, Tuesdiiys and VIA M innpiDAiik XUIJA VIU VU 'Wagons, IkJJ for Wagon Material, Heavy Hardware, Iron and Steel. Baker Barbed Fri- Wire, mm Deeds, Eunui Hard and Soft Paper, RULED AND UNRULED. AT TDK COMMERCIAL -- lO-t OFFICE, Wnsriinsrton Avenue. M.TEAHEN EOCBK AND 8ISN PAINTING Mortgages, AT TUB MAhHooui and NERVOUS DfiBiUT 0orl weakneuof Body andlliBd, r,&Mti TABLETS, Black- smith Tools, Etc. . UTAH. Lcsds. Etc., PAPER HANGING AND CALSOMINING - Y of Krrorsor in Otitor Tounr. ! aiMIOOll Ml, Inlari, IUvtnlinr Knknl, ItHTHOr BOUT. BtnattkraWKAK, rSDIO tlIVIIU(IKI.3 Im HOB TKtiTBkT-,i. Akwlalrly ufklllM WrtW tkna, knlrUl7trna8UUMu4l'anl(aCulrtM. fwak-D. HI I - Ak. tpUnaU ht proof number. Buggies, Engines Saw ISIills. POSTOKFICK UOCES. r.iErj ror LOSTorFAiuno Have the only building pr iperty at the Celebrated H it Springs. Parties wishing to get a beautiful and healthful suburban residence can do so by addressing us at the above Road Carts, Buckboards. PENCIL & SCRATCH Turbine "Wheels. 8ip. " " " 00 " 10:30 f::ila. 11 IV VIA, n. ctal job Orders hy Mall Promptly Attended to. Fifth St., 3S'eMr Young, OGDEX. B. General delivery windows open nt 8 o'clock a. and close at 6 o'clock p. m. The Commercial begs to call the at m.Money order window opens ot S o'clock o. m. OGrDKJST, tention of our citizens to their line of and cloec at 6 o'clcwk p. in. FREB DELIVERY 8IRTEM. fine stationer, including the latest de liusineos district, two deliveries per day, at 8 call in cards, prowedding goods, o clock a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m. signs Residence districts, ono delivery per day, nt 10 grammes, invitations, pr.pctriea, tablets, o'clock N. Kimball, P. a.m. ete. all kinds at The Commer rooms. The beet and the CIG-AES-. R. SNOWDEN, DENTIST. and Domestic "Eli" Fine Stationery. Job work of UNE PERR'MER and TOILET ARTICLES. Fast days We have bought the best the market affords for our patrons in this and surrounding cities. With a full line of new handsome type we can guarantee and . a a; periect. snusuicuon. DRUGGISTS lMPOnxp.D j laorxTAiN & CO., BOSS. CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. "onoiUtation engiuoering practice. 850 p. m invited. 3 room Office, Kay block, Odden City, Utah. Elo Grande Western. No ArSTlX J. W. JMTJTT General point, nnd Aspen Mcl'laln (aarry of Cray rnvor Utah Northern Ur&uite Roek ts the Kest in the Utah Central . &R. i. W ' Market. Cheyenne A Eastern The 90 a. ml Y B. V. FABIS. C. A. Tl'SH. rpUSU & FAEIS, a. m 7(tt-r- Union I 200 a. m HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPEC1ALH COMMERCIAL OFFICE SHOP. 143 MAIN ST. 2401 Washington Avcone Ogden, Utah. On ' door north ol th HouU Oil and Glut Oo , |