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Show OGDEN, DAI JuY COMMERCIAL. 1 2x VOLUME IV. NUMBER BUKE 00 DEN, ( this fort the pniuNed tLtt all furmali tie bedufHrOitod ith and that the eerv4uoey Uik place at once ui INDIANA. IN w wed-din- UTAH, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1890. NEWS OFTI ROADS. sick rxn. U'lr ckled thi would be the best AT thing for ths patient and accordingly tLt THE CONDITIO OK THE wedding occurred today. PACIFIC. de- 1 traiBOte hn tU5-rt-i- arit. k brothvrBood btrljffeM iu iadVpeaoWt pM'.ka: L CumI to adopt Ote rea4uUoi for a gesxfti fdr-rttiu- The aa Ti i iuuitig ihir w PRICE, FIVE CENTS. mm at pitMidjig BILL anJ brought baHc rritj lb some mxiX initio the ouijer ia Wvada. a runted the suurcrs of tf kel in rirpe. DOITS THE POLICY OF The results of tbrr eiamieaiiuo Lo A that th supply uf nk-i Got RETALIATION. It now epiwar that lt-r- e t small oc H T foiiaiariu. Chili b for Silver. casion fur imauedkt Acorwdinjf 29.-A Oct conference t Omaha, Neh, Prasidaat Adam Still la Consultation Aa Abie DiacuseiOB of tb Republican Gladstone Tell Bis Boo lea Conrtltu-at- s to report all nickel required tor Waahixutos, Oct. 23. Minister Egan held toddy bet s ees President betntf With tba Union Pacific Offipule can tie secured at the prtue prothat AnMrioa is Only louriadvise the state department that ihe Party Policy la the Adma and the high oflk-u-d cf the posed by th governtuect H was !.- . Coca-recial Omaha. at him of Chili Barsalf ha expressed to ng by High Tariff. president covered early that a reaurt to rooipeti- Union Pacific road, iliose taking part tive bkl would remove th lutblhty of the nnt cordial approval of th proposiIloloomb and General are tion of the reoeet international confer- J. X. Brr Kerehr M is Manager Reeseguie of the Mountain di- Tar Sara IVpartsirat Cuarladat that Um scything like impotatKia upon the tlr- Tar Vvmett f th tail fctitM am Pu-ApoiBtsat ence, especially the proposed adoption of partiuetit and cooaequect inquine into XilssitW-T- ae BuycwU of tlx I uk the XarlrtJ if U Anrriru rttf sf Mrkfl Will sot be lUWiAlly vision, Brinkerhoff of tho Nebraska di the quality, quantity and a ootuntoo silver coin for circulation in t of nickel Psrlfir by Iu Eutrra Canec-lion- t E public m Ecstlt vf Ad.asW sad 111 Slot have demonstrated that nothing short ot is ail the American republic. vision, Meak ot the Colorado and Mc Ovale a Alan. Thia would, the president thick, by Pairhaiira for Sul Amur. coaitxnatioa among the nickel nuner Kcciprarily. Neil of the Pacific division. wouki force the prkv to the degnre of making silver the American standard of Kama 29. Considerable Oct. Co Ti to City, 29.Birud G. -J. hucial. extortion. Socth Bxjcn. Ini, value, in contradistinction to gold a the A Celebration. excitement is felt today among Kansas The statement to the effec t that tLe Omaiia, Oct 21. In regard to the Maine reached here at noon, A grand European standard, do more than any cere City stock men relating to aJ vices re attitude of the governmtnt rreardim; Cbk'aoo, Oct 29. The other movement to extend and consolreception was arranged but through aonie idate the influence of the United Slate physical condition of the Union Pacific monies in eonnectioQ with opening the twenty ceived from Mexico to the efiect that nickel haa increaeed its price dor not aJsunderetanding it failed to appear and increase her commerce with the re- and the torie receotly put in circula fifth that country had placed a duty of gTiUi PIoar to concern the navy department of Fchan anniversary Archbishop tkm about it. President Adam said to whose purchase of nickel is limited t entil Blaine bad been carried to the public of South America. elevation to the priesthood was held thia per car on American cattle. If the ad the one million dollar aiioronrialion. vice are true this practically ruin the home of Jamea Oliver fur lunch. There night morning in the cathedral. Four hun A London Scandal. stuck trade between thi countrv While the Annsnnli UV.a undeniably as anew on the ground snJ rain falling, They are mainly malicious and origi dred priest and many church dignit live and Mexico. The act of the Mexican affected nickel ore the material differ nate, a we here well know, with some of aries were present London, Oct 28. Scandal-mongeso only a few ventured, out to meet the is regarded here a a retal ence of the cost will ooncem those ca government cathedral After service was the a ban official of from are the the anxiously awaiting the opening recently discharged distinguished etateeinan. Immediately one, precipitated by fear the tions which will sitoot nickel i.UtUi. latory at Auditorium. the were Covers quet Mexican have of the Mi Kinlev bill It Whatever the difference tnsy bn it does after epeaking, Blaine touk the train fur the divorce proceeding instituted by the company's service. bid for four hundred prelate and ha been stockmen not seem to involve the United Slate, a "I have just been over the main line nv mouth, w here he Joins hi family, en notorious Captain 0Shea against hi This was there one of of this rumored among the few evening priests. the city day this government aocordUig to on of its duriug past in is from to most with far Charles to Irish and it brilliant S. route wife, ParnelL, the the Omaha, Ogden torchlight processions tnat the Mexican Washington. nmdi was con representatives, has derrknu-government seen men were in here. Over The case will better physical condition than I ever ver In his speech at the rink Blaine said loader, as a move of but lion of affairs that leaves the iiurrhasihi; this templating kind, covtlumbeeux and torches, line, bearing November come for 17, at of nickel almott optional. hearing saw it before. The condition of the up that there in no subject fco continuously ered lights. All nationalities of Catholic there was thought to be nothing in it price misrepresented in thi country aa the the divorce court in London, and it is Oregon Short Line U not nearly faith in the city were represented. Tre- until dispatches were received from their of the Doubts the Report tariff. He would discus no particular likely to occupy the attention rea good, but this is wholly due mendous enthusiasm was displayed, agent today apparently confirming Miction of the McKinley bill but called judge for fully two weeks. ports. WASiinicuiM, at the Oct 29. AsHibUnt Sec where con' the w especially Auditorium, There ill be some lively scene en- tJ the fact that tho 370.0U0 ties the attention of the people to the fact GLADSTONE AT DUNDEE. retary of Treasury Sjtalding said tothat today they owe their prosperity acted at the time, a Mr. Parnell's ene- tracted for it last year were largely Arcbiishop reviewed them. mies are making strenuous effort to in a larger degree to the system of night that he has no information about away by the euring f reslieU, and An Old Feud. the retiorted heavy duty laid by Mexico than ta any other law ever make the event count against him polit- swept The to Protective Policy Injurious w on American cattle and doubts the cor ically. Everybody here looks upon it as the deliveries hich should have been Sa Axtonio, Tex, Oct 20.- -A dispassed by Congress. the United States. rectness of the report Democratic paper are talking a great a farce. It is stated that there will be made in March, April and May were not patch received here this eveniug from leal about the advance in price and fully 300 witnesses called on both side. made until August September Lokdo.x, Oct 29. Glodslone arrived and states James A that Marfa, Tex., forensic has brilliant talent Humphgalaxy of The American Hog-- . the oppression of the poor man. Under at Dundee today. He was presented October. a prominent cattle man, was murreys, the lout free tariff which ended in IrtOL, already been engaged, among these bew ith the freedom of the New Obuumii, Oct 29. -- A Picayune "These ties are now being put under dered at Shafter last city. He mad people paid more for everything that ing Sir Charles Russell, Sir C. Clarke, night by Maria nte red into their living and household Mr. Lockwood, Mr. Ioderwk-- and other the track as rapidly as possible, and if Kalsido. The deed is the result of a an address, in which he referred to the San Antonio dispatch also gives the light of the English bar. commerce of the city, which, it was said. rumor that the Mexican government tho cold weather holds off tho road will feud that has existed between expenses than today. Yet the whole leading is claimed that some society people on one and the Sulwlos nu t K utter-bur- was threatened country ia resounding w ith the appeals in It be in condition De of the first by the adoption of tin has placed a tax of f.W a cur on horses good by America will be drawn into the cose. families on the other t of the IXfmocratic party to vote against tomo the new American tariff. He would not, and cattle from the United Statue and A cember. to traillo of tba the New Witnesses from road, time. York, Boston, for making high the Republican in addition, tax of tiM per he and Toronto A however, are officials few the mistake have made said, bring a railing accusa says, the weeks ago Humphreys met Philadelphia, Chicago only prices. is on head American placed hog. A tion evidence. to ot the United there are not against the people give has been to try to do this year' busi John Feuderburn on the street and "During twenty-ninyears of a pro- expected ninny hogs in Mexico the shot slates. and wounded Furhim. tective policy, the tendency of prices for seriously w ness with last yoar's equipments. ill probublv Imi that the price The (ia Trust. Protection, ulthough it might inflict result ther trouble is as the friends of luxuriea and necessaries has been will be greatly raisM to tho consumers. "The board of direction fully appreci- both fair t ions feared, incidental blows colluUral on coun other are excited downward. over does If greatly protection steadily Chicago, Oct 29. Another phase of ating the probable growth of tonnage the tragedy, and the brother of the tins, ilid fur greater mischii-- to the peoso much for the individual you have a the JOHN L. SILLIVAN. detrust was Chicago gas litigation murdered man has ple of the country which adopted such wbon far grander subject to conteniplato threatened made ample provision for it, one huncided a in circuit the court this tocoutrast Jio then iKiiicy. look at the aggregate progress of the morning. dred and seventy locomotie are to be proceeded the decrease of tariff in England How the Fighter Appears in 11U country under that system. There is no On the demurrer of the people to the added to our x and w some thirty-siith increase power the in the United States, She Wan Hypnotized. Ntw liole. country on tho globe whose progress pleas of the gas trust, Judge McConnell, and said he found comfort for England can compare with ours. We have more holds, in brief, that the gas trust has hundred freight cars, or a new locomo29. No more woird or in the laci New Oct 21). Actor Joha L. Paris, Oct York, that it. was not true that any railways- than all the continents and no right to buy or hold stocks of any tive every other day of the year and a i . . dramatic scene has ever becu produced .mriiit aoopiea oc Sullivan has becomo exceedingly s oy any of the go companies which joined to half, and a full train of government islands in the world. Nearly freight cars for in a court of seriously with the in the matter of wearing oppareU. of thfe roads have been built since tho form it Judgment of ouster will bo justice than the one which earth couldofinterfere every day of the year. Great Britain. The first and when he issued in a few days. Keifublicans hare been in power. is promised in tho famous Eyraud mur prosperity stepped out ot a cnrriigu or tho Mcrvinley bill would bo to 1 use this simply as an illustration, ine orders tor mis equipment were der trial soon to commence. Expert enect the at Vanderbilt hotel yesterday raise of the in standard United the AX Ixiause it is the largest intorest we have. ARIZONA MURDER. given at the usual time, but owing to ment in hypnotizing one of the accused States. This meant aprices diminished power for all tne world like a modern. During twenty-nin- e years of protection crowded condition the of the shops at will be performed in open court and the or this itagain meant . that Beau BrnnimeL The patent leather' we have had considerably more than lie Wouldn't Listen and as a Resn I L fexportation, the east the contracts have not yet been effect of thia uncanny power upon the wuua we were uumnmeu in one ot cur boot shone vndcf AJir 4 liJCitJJ-- i double the population- of the country. Was Shot. the suspected nmak-will twenty niarkfv' filled and the 'deliveries which shouldJi?d which Keped from bencatla We have acquired wealth despite the dniybenctltT zT v invAatifrnf-svother tha Jokrr tsousera.' A fnncv uniMtnnnt ... f "1 'finished A. 29. Oct. stroinonthe people of paying the exin October ny' Noojujk, T, Yesterday have been made J?K-allfo- - the aJJ covered by a threo-buttopmet fit penses of a bloody civil war a sum morning as Major James FarreL general come along. Accordingly our facilities woman Gabrielle VUffnys Bompard, has de- State t' under a wide rollin almost incalculable. of the Irauris mines, and have been over crowded and we have had cided to make a test question of the chants in I a hwadsome cravat which KerreuC "When a man says to you, you are in- manager ixpta w not tier his client was or was not to the aiiguieutuiioir of a , rcstmg -mmv prices jured and pinched in your daily living in company were walking down the street more than the usual number of wrecks issue . ... ... inn riir ztaimwam as she claims, by hor ac uniieu mates, and increased the re sappnire pin. itissilk hot and jaunty consequence of this tariff, ask him if he near the railroad depot, Georgo W. Rood and delays. This is rapidly being hypnotized, box which stroints under decide will the merchants coot he the to were of t ho latest matter, did not pay more for things under free accosted the former, demanding a settle remedied and there is every reason to complice, Sullcall Drs. Charcoal and Voisin, the form- the latter country have to work. ivan ate a hearty dinner andstylo. was In x trade than you do now. I think this is ment of some business difficulties believe which that under tho and Ho er head advised in the at of allow relations, the manufacturers to celleut humor when a reporter found standing specialists a good question to put to every Demowe have labored will be wholly removed nervous diseases here, and those gentle- America to find out for herself the evil him. crat Congress has taken another step upon receiving a careless rejoinder, Dy the middle or ovomier. will men make hypnotic experiments in effedts that will follow the adoption of "It does me good to get a iwcp at New and vindicated the reputation of the Re- - raised the shotgun he carried and fired, "After a very careful examination a high tariff. court 1 ork occasionally " ho said. Wwnnn ti, publican party which is always ready to killing Farrel almost instantly. Th am satisfied that tho only thing that open The contention of Maitre Robert is Gladstone depreciated the idea of n puffs of a rare weed: "but I hovn lwn take a step forward. the Union Pacific is now suffering from that ran across line into murderer then the was Gabriello zollverein not of for whole the British emnire. responsible "We call you to witness that nil great quite contented on the rond thus far. was pursued for two is a plethora of riches. It is much in ner actions, having been hypnotized by uimuuiux me colonies and n fn movements of advance that have been I Sonora, where he dependencies, Acting is a irreat thim T me position oi a nundrod borse power none miles of into the hills, the all foroiirn be this Should pur estab countries. against Hp and you could not get me to change point eyraud. made, all great steps taken in this coun sucrs engine which is worked to move ma lished my too as is tho doubted near, it much it whether approach will, dariug tho wholo em profession now for h wholo lot of money. largely try have been taken by the Eepubli chinery requiring a hundred and fifty reduce tho number considered, still carried his loaded gun. of convictions for pire would consent Furthermore.nlA man or woman who in nlxmt horse mies it The cans, while the Democrats shouted fugitivo engine is badly racked murder, Finally Deputy Sheriff James Speedv, in the power. though it would to some extent enlarge tho right way can moke a success of the you can't do it.' Loud cheers. 1 effort. Whatever be rumors may of arrived and on the scene, Nogales, uie commerce or tno colonies, it would stage. I hove tried hard fo nlov mv Mr. Blaine then went on to discuss re these ore the facts m regard contract it with the rest of the world. ittrt as it it should be nlnved. un.l if IK up to the tree behind which Rood circulated On the Turf. to will Union Pacific and ciprocity. "'For a time," he said "the riding the inevit it had taken refuge said: "iou had bet Iho imperial commerco is now 187.000.- - box ofllco receipts have anything to do Republican party was divided on it ter ably so appear o little later on. jNashvtiae, Oct 29. Two vear olds, OiK) pounds yearly and foreign commerce with it why. give yourself up, Rood." I'm a success, thnt' nil That showed that they were reasoning for trouble 'lhe the necessary remedy To which he replied: ond my efforts to nleose the nuhlin h ava men. In duo time they became solid for nos already been applied, that is, tho four furlongs Carmen won, Blanche's O.H,(JUU.UM nOUUt'S. to win lr me.'i "i you One effei:t of tho McKinley tariff not lieon altogether in vain. Public men protect service has boen reduced within the Las second, Sara third. Time, :51. it Wjysn the Republicans were divided "I will protectpromise you with my life," re timits of the facilities at tho lhree year olds and unward. six half would bo to direct tho uttcntion of the invariably have some enemies, and I on tho question the Democrats were company's man tno wbich the oiucer, upon Britihh manufacturer toward tho pro- havo some. All of those nowsnaner unanimous for it, but just as soon as the pned command tho effort to do too furlongs, Barney won, Eugenia second surrendered mmseii and and was much with and duction of finer classes of goods, lio yarns about my drinking are without roietnus third. Time, 1:24. insufficient means Las ttepublicans became unanimous you taken to the Mexican jail. gun, been The prisoner lhree year olds and unward. tive fnr- cause these bore tho least intolerable he leAst found ition. 1 unntf ale, to be oould'nt get a Democrat to vote for it at states that some time ago he sold his in checked." all. If the Democrats had a good idea longs Longsroeck won. Liura Dalfm protective duties. The result w ill lie to sure, but not to excess; and I cannot terest in the Imuris mine to Major Far eocond, Ilarsmbouro third. Timo. 1:04'. elevate and improve the taste of British nderstaml why I haven't a riuht to in- the Republicans would stand by them. rel, Barr ia All Rirht. . who gave him an agreement for ri'i i i xuree year oius But the Democrats won't stand by us u!ge mildly in beer." and upward one ruonufacturors, Fpur them on and stim80,000, to be paid as soon as he (Farrol) Special to Thb CouicEsciAt.. ulate their iugeuuity. Tho probable "Havo you docided not to hht, unless tho Republican party is divided. should sell the Doll nine, Argenia won, renn Jt' Sinco then Omaha, Neb., Oct 29.- -J. M. Darr, late ikens third. Time, 1:44. second, "I do not call that wine financiering or he has sold them properties. tendency among Americans would be again?" was asked. to an ' English company superintendent of tho Nebraska division s and unwnnK sir fnr towaru too inimuractiire or coarser We conduct. should "Yes, I havo retired," John replied, patriotic not divide when tho prosperity for a good price, but he has repeatedly of tho Union Pacific road, has been ap longs Aipper won, Sun Dial second goxls, thus degrading their productions. carelessly, "but it is not two to one that roiuseu to recognize rtooois claims. In spito of protection, commerce be I don't meet the winner of tho Slavin Malacca third. Tuna 1.18. of the An Rood country is involved. tween America and Great Britain hos Jackson fight, that is, if such a alleges that there w as some techni pointed division superintendent of the American is a great deal bigger man cal Haw meeting AT WASHINGTON. in the pipers, all the business Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul road. greatly increased. Tho word protection does not interfere with my professional than either a Democrat or a Republican. and clone rea- Ho will in for this Mexico, being 27.a was Oct out to bo oimreseion Washington, labor?. Whatever fighting I may do have charge of the division of Bennings races. misnomer; it Any Democrat or any Republican makes son Farrel could not be forced to pay, toe road between 5PTiinnnn It is a delusion and a fraud. America hereafter, will bo as a sort of recreation. himself smaller it be stands in the way . i t . ..ii.six. lurionfl's-. . . ' and r r Marion, Chicago asked to do so. although repeatedly wou, nerioa u nayj second, Adair third was a country that could lxst afford to My business is acting, and it may of American progress because it may please The prisoner further states that Far- - Iowa. Time, 1:17. try this strungo and astonishing evwri mo better to tisrht during my vocation t barm his party. Ao great results can 1. or rei oosoiuteiy reiuseu to pay Six furlongs Lowlander ment. recog Hor aoil, than to go hunting or a flailing. natural come from that. wealth, I They Don't Care. Bell second, Bradford third. nize nis rignt, ond that for this reason "The republics on this continent he Time, minerals and iminensn territory made have boen rending tho newspapers killed him. interviewed Upon 29. being is world a in her herself. at Oct stated It The the Boston, iiossession pretty carefully of late, and one , should bo brought closor together and s said he was not offices of the Union Pacific that the re and unwnniu. miin these enormous advantages helped to writer says that I must eit her meet Slavin when we can help them and they help the prisoner to but Samaritan escape, that won. trying Leontine tho from fearing truth Americans, but or show the white feather. I have never us it is business to do so. Reciprocity second, Larch- disguise or tno union racitic was oople might mob him before they ported boycott luont mira. lime, 1:4a. tho AlcKinley law would involve a fear weakened in my life and I never will. is bringing these nations closer together novel. Tho railways connecting to ad learn time Rrin-nnMile true the facts and nothing sixteenth vtn ful waste of resources by which people Whether I meet Slavin or not, no man and I believe that in the next two years in the case, he wanted to get out of their with it at Council Bluffs having with the watierson second, Boll d Or third. Time, ought to be made strong and happy, will ever dare accuse me ot cowardice. we can open to the farmers of the United reach. J is great excitement. l A. If our business continues to lie as good of the Chicago A Northwestern States a market of thirty five millions of both menThere well known, and Rood has exception are Steeplechase, two miles -- Stonewall as it has boen thus far, my bit this seaThe Nickel. Price of discriminated people in addition to what we have now. for some it time. Against been looked upon as an exempla second. F.lnhin ti,ipfi son will amount to 25,000, and it's a It is a greater step of progress than the always of the Union Pacific won, Kularnev In the New York, Oct 2D- .- A Tribune Wash whole lot ry, quiet and 4:13. citizen, who officials judgment lime, better to make money this way Democratic party has taken in the lost bos east and both the west boycott . rm I many friends. Major Farrel leaves ' ington disputch says that tho secretary than to get it as I did in Mississippi. I fifty years. These are simple facta and a wife and one child. win nave no material enoci as rar as any in Thev reside not theory." of tho navy has decided not to make had to spend all the money I made out Stanley's Trouble. Cola, An inquest is now reduction in income is concerned, for its In conclusion, Mr. Blaine said, "we San Francisco, business is fully protected, the com. immediate purchase of nickel to be of the Kilrain fight in getting myself an held. in interview any in be vci. will being """""i papers want the Republicans of Indiana to be issued for theRequisition pany being able to reach all noinbi in- - tne Telegraph, Stanley still indulges in used as an alloy in tho manufacture of free. The money I make this year and return Rood. of next I intend to investin real estate." nnited and to stand together as they did dependentiy of the companies in the boy innuendo, ond evades the chorgo that he steel armor plates. When tho armor on the field of battle during the time of cott The State of Idaho. A Settlement Wanted. left the scum of his men with Barttelot trials at Annapolis demonstrated the the war. Indiana is one of the fighting In Receiver's Hands. states. You are trained in political Wasitinoton, Oct. 29. The annual re lie declare that the bad state of the victory of nickel plate, it was expected Cincinnati, Oct 29. The parties to fighting. You have never had an easy port of Governor Shoup af Idaho estiCokvallis, Ore., Oct. 29. The Ore rear column was duo to occurrences too that nickel would udvanco in price. the injunction suit against Mayor Mosby going election since I can remember, and mates the value of taxable As far as the information possessed by to property in gon racincand the Wilhamette Volley horrible to describe. A nnwAninir tl ' this time, fellow prevent him from appointing the Republicans, stand toe the deportment could form tho base of members the territory at 25,581,305. About F Coast railroads were yesterday placed chorges made bv Troun of the newly created board ot to toe and carry it to the bitter end. in some difficulty procuring city affairs have agreed to take the case Stanley accuses the Troup of jealousy. judgment, of the agricultural lands of in tho hands of a receiver on the "You want to watch this issue for if three-fifth- s was was petition for and looked metal Congress and wife sail for New York toat once to the supreme court for final you stand up other states will be Idaho are arid and must be irrigated to of the Farmers Loan A Trust company StanleyIn an article in a contemporary asked to make provision for the pur- settlement stronger. Indiana has given sf reugth to be productive. Owing to the severity of of New York ronresontinir the bond day. chase of nickel without delay. The this country in its President, and she last winter heavy losses were inflicted holders. T. E. Hegg, tho president of review, Dr. Peters asserts that Stanley more than once threatened to force Emin urgoncy of the matter was mado more Incapable of Ruling. A satisfac- both companies was should not go back in a single degree on on the live stock industry. receiver. apiointed to accompany him to tho coast and obvious by the efforts making by foreign the President who Bits in tho executive tory increase is shown in the production The ILiove, Oct. 29. At today's ses armor mid ordnuiicc manufacturers t makes several serious chnnrcs of the mines, the out put last year being chair." sion of of works for secure the Will Not their Federate. They product parliament, the question regardStanley. nearly double that or any former sea tho Canada mines, which was regarded ing the fitness of tho king to govern, in 2D. son. to As Oct the PrrTsnuRO, Mormons will There be Married. the no governor They Were as the mofil accessible. view of his state of hoHlth.was discussed. Another Strike Settled. says that to all appearance they havo general federation of locomotivo engiIt seems that no inquiry hao ever been By a vote of 109 to 5, parliament do- Washington, Oct 29. Miss Mary resolved to abandon the polygamous neers with 29.- -It St. Louw, is Oct of nickel announced mado exact the brakemen, firemen, coninto the quantity larod his majesty incapable of govern tho daughter of Congressman practices. ductors and other railway employes, As that tho Western Union ojierators hero in the world, and disinterested authori ing. Butterworth of Ohio, was today married somewhat at variance on tht Looks Bad for the Youth. stated last week a majority report favor- have settled their tioubles with the ties we'eHiid the stutemenls mado bv the The Count Cheered. subject tollaughwait Ilowc.of the State Departcompany from by the withdrawing Brotherat federation, ing the 29. Oct. presented St. Further examina hood Louis, Brotherhood and that the local lodge is operators of nickel mines in effect that ment The marriage was to havo taken convention defeated Oct. 29. During his uUy iu Sinco Qikbkc, that it tho metal was scarce, wero evidently ac to be disbanded. Howe tion of tho books of Fred C. Mehl. the the convention finally docided not to place tomorrow, but last Friday this the Count of Paris aud otll detailed today, city The cepted. department was taken ill with pneumonia and his embezzling bookkeeper of Mueller Bros., federate with any other organization. A Sudden Death. cers to inspect the known nickel minef his party was received with tho utmost matter been has condition has been aggravated by the develops the fact that his shortage has left with each of lhe of the world with a view to their producuitliUHiosm, and us tho tram was dpnnrt- divisions to act as they Rome, Oct 29. Sign r Borti, director tiveness. distress of mind because of his inability ncreasod from go.(UJ to over 40.000. the forty-fivfor Montreal there was a remarkable ing defalcation extends Tho over tomor a of deem period to keep his wedding engagement may proper. They can, if they general of tho police, die 1 suddenly toCommodore Folger, chief naval oflicer, outburst of cheering from tho grout matvi think necessary, join hands with other ! day of apoplexy. row. hen 31uh Butterworth learned six or sever, years. Mehl is in jail. visited the mine ot Sudbury in Canada,' ot people gathered at tho station. HE TALKS OX THE TAL1FF SOUTH I5ESD. rX'IOS MEXICO A Con-alutio- n. Us-ite- Srtl wor Vice-preside- 1 Ol r d . pro-Uctio- u k n , e e. - five-sixth- - vef-esiters Inrvrt-Hityn- WHli l urrrr f . ir Three-year-old- - 1 1 A lnroe-year-old- g 1 1 1 m - e -- T -o- |