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Show ihe tui'LV Snudtiy Behool- yO'.ui-mi:i I.h botsoms an object of iiU5jjii:iun in nil Ciiiat.nn cuintrica It itj true bo p.-rlicipalce lu all tho Eunimr picnics, lakca part iu choir yallicnnrt, and ia centrally serviceable service-able for currying lunch buukels and ad a model for olhtr youris! men; but ho aiiliinrn is put iu a position of trust by pm plo o( tho world. However, he Ot-iUaioimlly linila a community wlicro bociiu develop biruaelf. Mr, S.ipp was one of theee pious younn men, and Grand lUpida, Mich., wad vherti ho bloomtd. He wae the idol of riiuichiy echoo! tcacbera, and was to uond and pure that ho was permit!,. per-mit!,. d to nit Wiiii Iho fcirls Ho did not care lo a'iiO.:iate with other young fellowd, because Ihey were so coarse iw.'A nicked. A few dayapo, when ho waa '"just too good for anything," lie suddenly left town and now it id learned tliat ho Ima taken largely of hid employer's money, debauched eeveral of the Sunday achool girls, and tojk one of them with him to Chicoyn and there deaerted her. There is nothing equals a truly pioua young man in tho matter of roguery. Fhe!. J)juur,ASij baa advanced a long distance in the acquirement of the ways and eeutimeiitd of hie white brethrn, and lie ii teaching the moi" hnniuhkd of hid nice. In Ihe cou:lo cf a Itcliue'nt Staunton, Vu.,, recently, he totd hU colored hearers that prayer was very good in ila place, but it wouldn't do to truat ex-! clusivoly to it. He said that for three1 long yeara ho had prayed that free doru might come to him, but it never came until prayer got down into bid) leya and carried bitn away. " Work honestly, systematically and cDnjcieatio'Jdly," was his good adviuo to tho compUiniug blacks. Ho counseled Against the "exodus' as beiDg the moat foolish move the noroea could undertake, and said that wherever they went they must work out their own destiny aa the whito-i wore doing. They had hoen givou iheir freedom, and that waa all they had the right to expect, or would get. Ho added: "Slay where you aro, inJ eo couduet yourselvo that men will be bound to respect you work with brad and hands eeek to acquire koowUdge as wt 11 aa property, and in time you may have Iho honor of going lo congress, for if the negro cau stand congress, conreea ought to be ab!o lo Btand the negro." |