OCR Text |
Show - .p; - .., -- , ' I., ' e' . : ., : ! ' , , , ,. , --- ' ..' - -,, ' tre. il - - ' 7 ' : " . ' . - Bern Wait AdS foe 1Phono yew ' ' ' 4 : Ylltatu- st'a 'Gras. Eso. : ' :n ' '' ,,;. ' ' ,, ;, -- ) . ''': .' - ' ,, , -,- L--03 - - -- - - ...II...pr..), 1 rt - pi :', :' 4 -, - - ., r - ,..,1.7';'0x, .. 40.1r.r-- , I ,,ft.' IPe .2 t0 ,o4 -- ,, -- l. -- "' ' ' Manager Declares ,'Proosit Prices Must be ' - ' - - Er 40 ,.. 10. t, ' To Mkt, Extensions. , . ,Ar,,,, : , , . - ' ) l '. Aft, ,, .-- --,.- .q tr.-- . 4 - , ,A.m..,....-,,..- .A. . . ---- . : ' lb 1,4 Amor ' - ......' ,,,,;;r-- of isopertases to the tutors of the indiestrios in tivi Mato soil is OW la ardor. by au, ordiámitt gowastkallralPett of the secretary. Thomas lgodatood; assail address. Prodding J. IL Hamm; report et T, I ' ' .. , - ' ,, . i't:7 .,, Sbdt ,.',,.. 1 to locroioó PtOtt VI 1,- -,. C AMIS. t - - It' tbet-anoutt- r- ' T Rutin ' - , - ,, TOTED grzn r 1.r:maal -aft ell... E. on technical es war-tim- ' .,, it t t . Hanes --- it prsrd - -- ' wog-train- ed Imo I. ILL,' T. , Weer eta-ma- w - at sU.I ed tionpeon Goa ' EditerVel and maw - a st semi-month- ly ll Can - ftl rs"glgut of In Trod' at - ',,'. ,n? , , , it 11 -- 'it'll) ft ,,. L. . , -, -- bat I - N ,. ' t:ed er tr i,,,, , , ., ;tsar i,....,..;..;.k - . - , : A;trO.smo. , , . 1 , These PaFing the 192. income tsx quarterly installmento are warned by Collector Jamas EL Anderson that the last testanm' ent become dehtt event after Thuntday, Dec. IL After this date a fine of I per tent at- lathes to the tax, slid in addition interest of 'ons 'per centAteir' ' month must be pidd,- the collector saw 111.--itew revenue the income. Mr. Anderson said. As tho different parts of the law take effect in different years .there has been it tree explained. The law"rueqtitit returns on personal incomes to be Made Mir. ing the month of iillIttalrY, 1111:3 for the 1931 income and this tax is col- lected in accordance with the recent statute. not the low' of ISIS. It is not necessary for the internal revenue collector to send each individual a tax notice. An persons whose incomes are more than certain amounts must Ole a return arbether- they are required to Psi a tax,or no the tol- lector said. Failure to filo a return before the eleee of busineal March 16 1332 makes the offender subject to , In - -7- . en-4)4- s-te ifs .b4br.. .,.. balsoi-- g. . 11.4 - Toe T womb ! 7; , .rr, tio-a- " - - - It'llt arias at ewe Oita; value IsaltIPlaNbereebobasaselAtoPe II Olow A. n, IICietteka otr,,,,,1 CAS 1.,011 c AV.4 ,r - 1 1 - II oreo.'-.,-- .: ..- ,- 0 : : 4' are firognmeuviredoryand 114:nmarrirtemothe eeme Is tu odtoomnowponmentinglitn:ewittortom ewes of - la ., , Idee- - N'tv - .in inttri.ditootmadPerill)0, wintitioloaallita - Gladys Pe 1,3 geedeeteo ere dksil - ' 41wasoutalli Ail' , I irt5 .1 . , - .. . ; : , tbthetbelirsu!iraes:oa A.rirstRireonngbiAinsold . IIE irormrinh - the h p f I ' - A - of Tidy' SumGrocery . u : , ; hotel , hs this city. the Wilson' at a of Ogden. 't guest notified the police last night that be bad been robbed of 2211 by n man whom be bad taken to bb room. nu, , man' bad been known by Bock tor three Year and be met bina ea the street here Monday. The hsaa said he wan out of work sad moorf sea Bock Intended to take him to dielp- er-, Where he could get bim Job. Leaving tho man in hia room. Nook MialltAS fa stepped otki a few something' t .t and whets be T.. turned his friend bad gone. Noticing , that the plaice where be had lett bit; molter had been disturbed. Book to-vesticated and disrovered the wittelf had been taken. He immediately : tined the police but no trace of the thief could be found. Officers illy the suspected man is well known in police circles as a user of drugs. , 'rho Oneque Cash grocery. 41 9 ' north Tenth West street. was mitered by burglars Monday night and a Se pound track of flour, 12 bottles of silk stolen. and a big box of Cracker Entrance was gained by wrappisig a , rock with a handkerchief and brea . int the elms hi the frost door with it. Burglars entered a email grocery tore at 241 weal Fourth North street ' Mondarnight and stole a quantity ot ' Entrance gum and candy. BOCK- , ---- -- a , - , -- , I. says - - 2; - - : - lialt-Lak- HMI r Fare It- I - house-to-hou- se Is. ... re, 1 t ';'' lf, ' I1...-,- g , s ;, :: . (..7,: . ,:,, at , .4' ...i Irene -- Dasnrhtà!ellome; ,.:,.- I ,;.i. y. 1 ... ,,- , ..; ' , ttef:67 Is, Id IttlIGHT CCAL Pr -, -- :..r.g :STaAti ..1-- !..s - zgapora.oss ataire lustier pew amps ... -.- - 2 .. s --.., Ise tints , Waders é CcuL IX at the, home of liar daughter. MY. George I. Wien Bore at Lancashire. England. Aug. gat 23. 11159. Mrs Binder mina to Salt Lake when I 1 Venn old and luta lived here odium. She crossed the plains with an es team 'and suffered all the hardships and privations of member of the Church of Jesus Christ SMnta and was a Re-- ( of Letter-da- y lief Society worker for years Seek died Ilitinitay ,A remembering to Make it a Ford Chrintaisue deal forget al to inveoligate ear Cbrietmap parelmee plan. SHIC mould be delighted with' a Tore titem. Coop& eye-M- mintived by three grandchildren. C. Young. Harold Wise and R. Brabant Lawrence and throe W. Harold C. E. Young, Jr.. sod Jamie Young. Alice Young. Is Mrs E. 1; , . ,. Storer Entered. C--it , --- - :da : , ...41mWd . - Pill' Visitor Watches - His ,asanca ' And Relieves Delleticter nasT tio collisE .7 .1. 1 , About 26 'sc out leaders were presla of 'OLD , , .. 0it DED'UYH I TAKES TO 1100:1 ' moult Tit( , .' . ; . - , , , ........,- 123. ' - t ;i,, - t the requirements of the --la. 'The 'intitititiesteinTheiliiiicpaitiedinehttolt authorising- Ahe . eity attorney and thief to see that the premises, the the as mad. to comply wait the ternw of the ordinances and that work be ,commenced within 4$ hours and completed tut soon as poesible. Notice to this, effect was immediately served urea .the company. a. scouT ,,.,,,..., 1 .11'A ; - ' - - " .,, ' i ,,. - . k MS - - 8"7111711-8Ea2111TEAl2 ll; , i 11briscesiL , , ' ,: Roth -- 4 4: 1 i ..' 4 An ' e Woke, Riley,. ' ' A . ecerY roan, of Wipes at the DOW.' inia. nasium' for scout men. Next Mcmday similar course for the gained by using a peas key. Mow ID excess of Woe; eeery married afternoon . person living with husband '. or wife scouts 'themselves will begin at 4341 believe the burglary was committed ' ,' - whose income is in excess of $2.0041,: p..11E. 'Pallid"' having Ita lucerne Totnorrow at noon at the Com"Sriexams a make nutst of $1.0 l. executive comm ittee Dentist Applicants Try -return regardless of his net Income. merclat club the ' Out on Prisoners' Teeth This does sot mesa that all haring of the local council will bele a OW, MaTomorrow Granite siert. evening thes. incom es ars subject to a ma as exemptions are allowed for depend- - "let IPE""t hold a big rally and ell - Inv Opp Beasts for Mosso to pram. Thureday evening at the Phillips tice as registered 'dentists in Utak, etas and for other reasons. but the Congregational Church big Father returns must be filed neverthele ss. and son today batten their Brae' authorised odd be Boy banquet gloom . Pelle" wile "ea heir III making scout will meet at 4:30 p.m. pmctice at the state prison where the out an Income tax return are advised Friday buglers at the Armory to practice for teeth of a 'NMI of inmabss store offices come to the by the collector to participation in the chtistmee eve cared for.. the federal building in January caroling. The practical work was the first whoa the local force will have time to eon- - - of the examination which is to aid them, If Owl.. Put Ala malting; Weather olosero4r some lour days. Tomorrow tbe Ole return mail March. as most. have pliranis will be tested en laboratory 'doe. ht the peat. be mitt- the rush I Fanciful schemes Will work in makhsg up seta of tail's. The will prevent hiss from giving the t -- , two days following will be devoted .. Not Ministate Smoke to theoretical examination. illinuabb required attention to sects cams. the work Iletk conducting It is too bad that fanciful schemes 8. Burnham. sad BYmm Bsrgetretit c " Att. ' tor 'smoke itudine. Salt 1 Clifford 'Uhl) nliMittating rllRtiumar5s-fo;F,H-T--::5nsuch so tbe latest plan to fen the air Letitia Christensen of American ?ark. with airplane propellers. proposed in and W. O. Dalrymple of Ogden. a lett" received by George p. Kerwin SE1LS chain:kit OF Increased. . S1ag of the Commercial club commattes. keep cropping up." acid J. Cecil ' Increased stage lIn. faros between Altar. chief of the local weather baIs announced that the five statue rest'. who has give a great deal of Price sea Bunnysitle are Bowed the of the Church in salt Lake City are thought to the matter and worked us- Anchor Stage Lino company in an to got the citizens behind der issued today by the WWI Organising a eanvoce ossoinalr some practical plan to minimize the ties commission. The new farm us in behalf of the Christmas seal sale trouble 'tom smoke. for lir. Ater undertook to figure the 12.11 for ono way and 11.11 motets being 'conducted ender the auspices number et Cubic feet of kir in the round trip. The increase 21 per cent for one way farm . and of the Utah Public Health sonociation. valley that would have to be moved to to the city or imitated as the 2 per cent for round trip. Tim-Already the Liberty and Granite ventilate to referred volume The is made effective on Om days letter proposes. makes kayo workers in the field and of air over the city at any one time notice. , : reporui indicate- an enthusiastic re- to over tfie billions of cubic feet. You might as well wart to move sponse. to ' salt Lakes quota I. 130,010. 'The the mountain cast of the city as Mr. investitedion Postponed I , plan," total state fund to be raised through give credence to such This is 141.00e. seals la the sale of weathe0 In of the bureau opinion said to figure about ten cents per chief the Joint investigation by the interstate , tee probiete tan be solved here capita. as it bas been in other cities by bettor commerce commission.und tits public I Beginning tomorrow morning at methods of combustion. by burning' utilitica commission Into tint track1 o'clock a number of Christmas weal: MOE coke sad by using electric enbooths will open Is prominent down- - ergy to greater extent. Sew York age agreement between the Utah Coll.. the railroads per Company and lb Bingham & town places. SW as banks. depart-mo- boa ji law preventing Drift goal while passing SUWs N. drug stories and depots.' free burning be begun at 3 Garfield railread will ,through the city. George F. Wasson is In and the ttIOR effort of o'clock tomorrow afternoon rather "Engineer of the work 'of the booths. To sach the eftlzette can solve the problem... than at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn group of Mr. Alter said "but booth will be 'unsigned fog. as previously announce& women. with the respoasibility of schemes of dreamer should be Core,. a is until it the campaign conduoting Contribution Chib completed. All of the important clubs. To tionsunont Fund Sent' -societies sad ureic organbations will Respected Pioneer Women participatek la the both soliciting fund It Is asnouncod that all of the Jensen. state seporintend. Br. C, except five per cent will be used dun. Chitral Member Active ent of public instructlott. today omit tubercu to Ind the coining year fight to L J. Tigert. commissioner of loots in the este of Utah. Mr& Alice M. Binder. T1 mridow et education. as a part of lb contribs. L. Binder. who died It years tion from Utabti school thildron to- of a $300.100 'Hearing Continued. ward the vonstruction monument in torstatce to th. honor of dead at Belleau Womb II,. Amerkati Du. to the fact that the defendant and t'hateau-Thierrwiehed an attorney other than the Under a letter tient out by br. 3.. , sea no child in the schools was to bac one who bad previously represented contributed wiore titan one coot probbn. Mimi of the case of the state aiding the local district uperintead- A charged with z ants sae fit to call for any issotribis. against Robert Blair, tines. Thus tit contributioss collected forgery, web today continued indefifrom the state schools toward the nitely by order of Judge W. M. Mcmonument thus far represoist motel. court. diatrict Third Crea of the ' botions front $APP school citildrett. ll-lie- eietel orilegrz.visik- lbw purl; , ';' ', , Orb. eineired fetritoo; 111 moihrlaX ts diamolvairalli "DIV , 1 ;,' mad ite a Wart gad, make NSW Wafture Ica A0.4A4 re mane '11, rainwsto re Ina IntSrait et tibe , o 14'? t Astoot 1(1 tral - , Da , et las - -- , : JVLs A. rAtg-tli- pelmet. tide reeraind It into tan aoseibers rodtlie f 1 ...r , re, Mae at prooldad tit ,f,:) 14 Itt - , The plant of the Independent OH and Ows coinpany. located at Eighth south and ram We streets. inuat be made to comply with the. raquireinests of the, ely ordinances immediately. ender an order entered 'by the city , commission this morning. ,' , A communication from W. Bywater, chief of the firs department. sald that ne effort has been made to make, the plant meet the Ordinance designed Joy:protection against fire. deciafed that His ' communication there te an open coal burner in-- a warehouse ..where loll and gasoline .,' are stored. , The fire chief recommended that the Plant behordered to cease ofPenitions until such a time as the companyshell have been made to comply with ... tie, ;68ot' , ' ' , 'Ir.',vt Alpert : ......e'ly, . 11CO11SETA1 15. To . it t - , - o4, It . . is -- ;' ' alai -- --r STAI111011 II .. s . , -',' ':.' , . -- 11. , , , - -- '': ' be; 0 s - , - ,, t,,, efolieht-"Predstor- . , Efi-O- A cons-adagi- os ' 0 ' il , --- lk , - , EAsT ; - . ' West entreaties 4;Y . . , &tense! 'Ile:venue collector Announces That it Will be Delinquent After E6COM Begin, r . , ' " A , their exsiekeis to the babies will be ter ett mall milk bob,, 1104e by drdee p11e14 s..20101rA the busiest, floir-- Id drug stores. WS.. Will il.-- , Moo mid place. of laniesesselto leek airing only for the Mete mettle's.'" that means to Vitali SI 4'''''e dosor and so --tree In need. mimil Se sibs ye, - t r Om replenishing the to,- I, 4 "lag Milk funds is el at has been con,. the Isse I dueled the last platter. itone baw' " Mkt in April. is bereag A ,i te couunittee In I Ma (Merge W. .1111Ar deadened to show the tOr Inaintaining present ,, - . , , Jolts-se- a. omootivo emanOttoo. Willis The most twitted &Intensity; wINsh Chairmao; "lAto Mock Probentreats the forest sinks today la loom' D I. Sheehan; "Oar Assods. hoWalitY Hos." J. A. ile0111P; ..7100teltY ot Or. that of seaming sad 'Idaho a person. Was in order to provide for miss latilsatios." LSO soarytary ' .,itoice under normal conditioimi has Idaho .Cattle sod Roma Orrinbrot se. ser able la "'umbers and I. sitelill' thus far featured the defense made mattalMa. Mackay. Idaho; "Cirsaiod an tattoo to Ao stridently the growing National Toronto" R. Pl. IlialoSilt "Ohne, ot work feta& confronts the by the Utah Power and Light com- diarist forester; "Male Appraisal." servies For a period at MIN veers L-beton the pany public utilities forgot Waallalsory. Minoan - th garde, hai surtsrod a Moody leas against tko allollatkills 14 ills and arming esasmittoo. at trained sad asPerloacodiseem Dorf y ' AttontessAmoke,S 13tak that Illaaufacterent aspeciatiso .3toten.. Animal Costrol." Goo. a. Hol- hag the Doss' year lie rangers , meow It s se 210601 tit this masa. , . premat power rates are aterbileat man. prodatory &shoal iseiteelen U. ' Mr OS ' the demands for "Tito Matteis! 1St-- 1 third of the Meer MINN reldelloiL Sad biological discriminatory. sortiy; 1. W. Col. ststactents lark IP I Use Wily opens its free - - --- 11 Is the dove sallow." W. W. Arlostroes. shalom's ramagerwe the etiontitts its Juno. Me mat tof lb. United on Live Stook LAUB. War Greeley. Or gist remoter TIM I letteele lade upon the Company, wee on the witness stand Fltuuto otorporodost out"Provettiblo P lates departaNist otasricutture. .,' .' than doubled teed 4 It More todaY In what la hoped le be the Mi- Looms of Lire Meek." Dr. Wm. Stoph-- 1 tbe pea See 1110110111. Mrs. Davy "Broad Is- lines in ble eased report the Pm' kados of the case by the Power cow- omen. SiamL4veterinarian; disollerslit the the et fund Is near eed the T. eat of Pirilfettlei oendflist Smog, oseretary Oslo pany. The 33 per cent profit ou the oposeloo." atite reason ascribed board of agriculturo; moots et sowdispisdesi., e is lack alinvestsnent of the power comilsall ler the mitts's; abortion, et officers; aillearo-- 1 The most imasellate seed. &mord61 OSP' eg Mt many men . lowed by the public utilities minds--slo-e moat. with 414.... .4 tobAdrea The fund On S. Id and 11 St the HMO las to Ur. Greeley. Is to lacrosse the for depreciation add net profit Utah te familise whole strypiles y tho laterstato of short-tho- o protective Doss on Coo nocame is ter conidderation today.. Mr. Stockmen sad A11I.4 Cottonton 410 twamtigated beer by Industries will dose' forests Destructive forma , Med Idat-ti-:s Inch declared that it was seceseary to be hold. the Charity mimes- the Ores, be says occur because IA. k maintain the present power rates if Bonet S. the doe. Society. , 'Number of guards and patrolmen this profit were to be realised and if the Cede 2os Vlsomales league and - the mummy shish can be employed is Meisel's were to provide for or, the lowish lAoSof eeciettr , Protection-It noodle tho cover areas to milk are tensions of lines When Nutmeg cowDekko tr'iw.ildL, tout that the average is pointed aormat. become declared ditions lalc Coster Milk He esillag It le te Cold officer is the tour word tire discount. a et that the average succeestul business fund to Protect- Mott -- Ube osseetCote Aineslmeod. thus merchant was able to turn ever hie ATIETA districts attempts - makieg-plebrArmeek at least tour times a year the much greater told . "Zsperlence demonstrates" to the eistreesties. tomes power emnpasy was enabled to tura given Col. Grotty. that In a sense' seams ever its invonament ones every tee , blue may be liege payable to the Isomer is ' orsonsetlen this ' protective etDr. John IL Taylor leaves Thursday trclichrer ed the Clete Custer. years even with present retell In or War strained beyond the brothlas to hold a leadership 'sures for point. Medias to serious Moss of pubFigures presented yesterday by R. rst stake IL' L A. worker, at Delta-Il- e lic limitedy and stestweacY II., Ashworth. assistant chief engineer -has lust returabd trete holdbil tures much greater thee the emit of ths conspany showed the Novempro- ,16,....,4...4,1,6, an MimiAa tolissome '. 'bee revenues of the commisy to lio two Sada spumes la the' Wats heels vostortanisatios IS tires from geteell below the revenues of Nov- sad a third at Mammas in Du- I. the protectivestarthig. torso Is dictated by :6:-Lr3grunmber lege. He insisted that if the , stead trom every the reads te publi economy rates were to be lowered it would hess stabs. work out only ip favor of the musti- - the baste ere still open sad that the -seed got ascend The outstanding or users while the larger power mare Work beteg done on these le sessional the Forest genies is to heed would have to my rates higher than the Among duo many letters and yeti-titlpeople el the hada to get their ' those now existing. He claimed furbeing voodoo& by the Pint sube and effects of from the in wodues market. The tanners. Dr. ther that the emergency rates grantThe,, number ef Premidenst. of no Se D. I. church in ed try the commission were the only Taylor says. have had a pas imp ad sequent (weeklong. lucent seed for which they have beta technically trabeed forest einualasta regard to die Mims old Social hall means by which the company bad able , forest assiatants has dwindled are get ready mosey. which has sad beet solvent during the past yam of helpedto out otplanologyr Imolai from the ten1914 to loss them III 22 hi from the financial situation. The Antosmiesho ants of Saw explaining curtailed mining and industrial peracademy at Vernal. he reports. is is at the present time. The effects of, their porno. Ia yelryd to their repalatally felt is Om lease - An gate bas bias zessated good esedltla sad the people ad the Ma lam are sanicture dohov, , PO diguietAllo Wall Mohan esiepteste shortage It aseessed ant qualligaL q4.'PO MP. SD wet return at Vtlai auto sass ' - . nompaityla grNwits.: he the nester of roads sad crops In mew to till reammalliki gualions wssoune beset to understandham too with order that the sort of freedom whisk the administrative orgeatistion of the ing that tile building mos - - gell.ad; la 'pit I.30. $3,41411E14, sad eon to rousts to wart and handle service opecialised be enmity frees the woo, . this year, with ' the December reve- eat outlets mutated its place at Om bead st the street of the beide will be tales& in its amending aotivities. nue estimated $1,33I.177.78. IWO- but since than It has proved that the "Rot the Worst feature of tide situnext year are la really proving an obstruc$S111411.411.211returns for ation." Cot Greeley points old. 'Is Its strocture if prement rates are kept Ipsw!itary Sita4,4ter , to tion would .ollionstse be one what menace tor the future. .There J us . - - in effect. Arthur.-Weelley- . the finest automobile streets In the attorney -other training ombeol in which ones Aro manufacturers is expected to the for Riported caa los for ragtime of re' Cress examine Mr. AshWorth est this Also writwo empisin- they- - have all ..ad leadership in the for- dal exhibit this afternoon as to why the Thomas renton. inspector for the oponsibility for the structure as a regard itha so well as est servbm the movies -- plooeswAlayar-but--thoyreturns of the ottatpaay show A con- state dairy and food bureau of the self. ere If the service can aot he steadily relic of the tinual increase in Mho of the fact nuadog ',request as tenants for in lower able the recruited teaks et deportment by sericekero returned business reasons. that the Utah Copper compeny the young num it will the other band the Daughters biggest customer of the oompany has today from Nphi where be made an sod in tinge begat to die at the ot On tom closed down since early the pros- inspection of sanitary conditions of certainly the Utah Pioneers yaotirda3r presad its capacity to serve the pub- sented shwillister In the vicinity of top, a petition to the ging Frog-o- w lic will steadily &Ma. Markham Chewer. chief engineer Nimbi. He reported to Jobe A. Woolvoicing a strew protest against of the brag service pommel of the of the old hall. Tito Peticompany testified conterming son. deputy commknioner the eon- will"The the sever be placed led souad bads tion rasing .7. IL Carter and Gomm, was the outdone of a meeting of the effect of the diversity of uses to vistion of Illuebnor voted nu' to the goverment Hermit is Wore Judiwhich the service of the company officers of the association and expected of men of committees and representatively ..: ent, AMC put. He took the position that the el- - permluing two 1 "ging arrn7Wires101: &resod their pnrsalt slaughter tactitailabeenrers. of leading pioneer faIliu.. ov.rasufect raatedthisdivbeyrslythoolummuume first rime 01 $26 were imposed In Al I. a . reclamiticatiou of general grades Mr. of Inch. examination cross The pogitisaa with reassemble in- Irrigation Company is Mr. Athworth and Mr. Cheever it is George Searle. insemior. Memel" and creases In of coespeagatien aad Granted expected will consume this after. today from a what to Heber. Midway. reasonable rata; Rights for &dame. noons bearing. Some doubt Ms been and Charleston where h. inspected meat as opportunities and other experiesoe qualifito the whether creameries as and bares, hearing expressed receiving The Cottonwood Creek Consolidatod Tito woad Mop roHe reported the conviction of cations justify. would be completed today yet the guing only a change la the ferns of Irrigation company of Orangeville. continuance of the cam scheduled for Claude Hikes and Kohler Brothers. earlobe Maul which will : tenterrow morning at ten o'clock will both butchers at Midway, se 'bargee ele awayappromiation with the 'offs of a good stet- Utak yesterday applied to the state the public utilities commission of permitting insanitary eooditiess to permit for the nos of 11.000 acre roll for clones of engineer umry prescribed to divots tomorrow morning to the exist about there daughter yards. Is mptoyees Who do not Ukase Oast tyl water trues tb Cottonwood au suds creek them eases floes of UI each were a roll. Ouch case if necessary. in Jimmy county to be used as changes will penult boldalSO imposed by the Justice 01 the orpplememary supply for irrigating ing more esespetest employees and aICH peace at Heber. of land. It le the inof Relieved Clack Capt. adjusttag dudes trout tints to thine tention sores -of the Cottonwood Crook es OKI as to gam $ad samiesey officiesey tairiiast Vetereass' Eloctrk Contract Awarded. In the hooding of to Join with other water users as Daly target theaycreek in constructing a reesrevir work whidt is not new pandhis.": water which can bo need dup.. to store man Black. W. D. The Thomas a. MUM-seatDay, emanaftY., Captain . lag tho dry OftlitatiL by John X rick ley. load ager Of Um Veterans' Bonen lb this ' Seek.Extrodidon. city. wait relieved of ditty .yestorday agent, was today awarded tbe ,oeoIVC afternoon by C. W. This of the Don- tract for furnisidag the dearkal Heves tho ligMing fixtures at the new building This action . war district. be mad Hampton C. Oaths. see et Mr. aad Rsoulattion by Gov. captain only of his incivil position. and of the state mental hospital bY the Mr A. H. Oodbe. 1127 Xicidesa aveCharles K. Mabry upon the governor accord with a Mats department of flosses sod per. is supposed to be nue. was today elected editor for Policy adopted at Washington of hair- chaos. The contract was 'awarded of. Wyoming for the sztrvitlition ;of , lag men not physickans, in evocative tsr competitive rbide lad been re- next year of the Med sad Ilisch." Clowns Plualmmons. amidst armlet at offices. Mr. Ible was formal), In Batt ceived. The promos' of the company tbo god Web Chersaus. on a chants of forgery. Ho Paper as local supervber of vocational submitted through the Provo tasetrie school. Mr. Godes reesived votes is alleged to have forged a chock for - !Ake mem and Hardware sompanZ wee the low- as education for disablod received gel against by Arthur G. Black was given charge of est bid and amounted to '004 SIAM. Robinson. the only ether candidata. the U. S. Htoith sonic in Balt Lake. 11111r The eiectioa was held early to give 12. 193, with three stesoaraph May sew time for to the editor bosoms Caring ors. in a small office in the McCor. Ilistory his gaffes before takWet laziest lag choreawith nick building. The form now includes of the paper year. The MI employees. and occupies nearly et revesiader Matt for 11112-2- 1 the -no' U. tt:Illartee' Ceresthe entire fifth Boor of Um Boston the be trail stoma has gate buildtsg. Captain Black Merit! War" le the this ,ImmagettnameneereamemattaTh----- 1. ,uuqpmw Deavar to oosder with Maier Z.C. official. . district Carsoll. M. D.. prepared by Maj. Made K. MoClet- ... lan. histories et the Marine eorpo, tor I fl000tel to Tbe lox) : ........... ,,,,,....,..,..,,:.,. I OODEN. Dec- tree dbartbetten to marten tad ter-am 'wad Lit :11,,J 41 ' ;:,, mer Etarbeee "rho served la the wee : tootles exercises in Utak ho Vale !kW Of tie Pt'hoary atonsistboil '111 war Sooty toramar mambo lobo Judit, Ines pea were a pson goter Cl tort h, a cooly may tamale It , by gonna as woosi 'sooty were bold Ueda. iI over kw a beak you got Ube It gavial 113 Lake olltoo. morainal' : ' p.m, to Uwe Eleventh mord owed Chubbiest Ds pee vegan tbe Will ,lebos most. , mouth Salm boom oludemo of ties vowel orgaidomovoliod to amok tbo Coro boo It sad its Plans& cable paws arm? eattesoftiworts promoted whit eNl0000s ' ' book tome on OWN somata, otos& 4181e won :: 'A Amber of Arises " the 'riobeet m''- motet. e'7,ett esteem It to ommommood, liatistits Ot ass Is the orbPsi wield? bores seardod diplomates. A Sol-- u "' .. tam anumbor et moos trios gook Nato ,e oy too Itorr se booed from goomest J10ia& flA boats marble NI dolor-otiosmkros orItta pet es lb o sto 3 totodaor e, of limit .Lotto delivered an M. egos dia you esetbse aerie( roopriertyl porta issaaltios sod atomalor ?leo- diplomas wen revesetel by kftS'ae flibre""sf doto wbk tko swiloottles , ot tie It pee ea you are ese pa Ms terr' t , Ckerle IL Browning el toe :Weber - las r,feam.ada nossioo eons tool trial IA Isitomodne to sea oue. Mega who Masa folks udearkr. de ash preelloory ;romed , ....dnumm. tb000 mat bore sem donne UNP otelloboo - control Omni slimplp beams"- Orly bave - 'Leo workthole atte jest lb save le& .A Tsas the el Moo aims beak sessuat ig ese, elme,teeel 'esolletolatol tbo oho -- 11 itoa the sea beestistal le 'It prestige& Ott oLetteit upon Ito ' regard , 1 , le prom boMeweil, The imiegual aor hod weft Ms I obsorso tor labor rem i,, ' ea es. of west Is sot Madre fkelps Stagit Tko ronsio 41116 pelograto seep sweat, , - .. z 'etbiniesde T. K. bow asr,, , I. JEW ill A,mbio limbs Itoo Ibt by gteos sof saves. be liss alindeasa ...go mist , -tomode tbo tell Mood Comte: reoeMay s'apartitstra twit goast.'s ant alto. ' '''' $ -: : kg Weigh Avowal veataillea el a iti4or, apenes, ' ' weer oologooll Job De ler Mani lasaant ot tits 1a0211011eLfte Asoliteem, mailliON'T ro 11 , , 7 lAt ot children d' , ode dos Promies - - to help 1 Wel ' .., :iOFl9lO . Itir.'"0,BISI ar.,...., Iligt::-----be- Clete . ,, , :, - Ma the BSI tra Steme, - ti sys, teed , - '- 1lit - 1, i , Atvieth to boys rrit, - , .... . ,. IPe,' , , . , - ' ... ruut ' . , , ' 11 .. - ilieo; , . rAlkasjpailibri - wesil r I U4 .: 13,'Is21' .. 4 i '' I, - ," i - , , , , , ill .,11).. - -4 - ,p, ip ,. bloom 611C1111 if 7:7,-,:taiztab- . iv ..., 7,1! ; , aid II:mew 44121114, GFel ed ' ' ,).' tootios ' ,., ,, , ,,40'','Im-'7t-',"- 1 Jill, .,(' a ' , '''"-- 4,11'.1-.7.E1-c- 11; The pogrom tow use"semist " oft tbo Vtalli'eattlo las411 Morse ''' 0, Growers' Arsociaglos. irldob Is to bo - , '..,'1 bold at the Mobil Utah lgoodair. Dos. IL was annommed today by Thomas Redwoo& soomtary of the mosidalim, rb Proltrein tabraess Maoism so it;:o4 '''' ;,-. - . , ., t- ,1"-- ..., -1- . .. ..oes- . 't t- -t,' f, .. . 1 !;' ' '''''''':''-i?s, A T.0!" ., .- ', ': - ' - '--- - '-r 1 t 91 ,,' 1,4 ,r. 7.,etf. .',. , PA 0 P E0 .!,1111.ES!PROPE ; - coma 0..-.-. el i : - , :: - ' .'''. . ,i i , ,,,, ' , ' 4----- ''' ' ,7..',.' ., ' - ,, I 1 , Fa :, Cti... ta....72 , , ' ------ ; i e 4 ,, i l 1' ' , Prcgrth- Ber , I ' - ,,, lb. - ,. ' i .., . - ' ..7 I, ' f , - -' - 7"ty ' ', - .. , 4, ' : ' ,am''.. '!.. - :,..-- - ..; 1 ' - 77,-- 1.:-- ; 7 ' ',' ,,:"; ' , .,s .' .:- : , '. , - , ' " .'' - - . , ' . ...- ' i. ' -- - , ',.--''- ' ;7 - ,. '. ii. ' - . .7';'),, ,, ... ,... ' ltdrepAlegkavelsos,wdokte:Virj41t 4044"110,0411411,41.'"Mt Aleir 4E0111 71!1 " :i I |