OCR Text |
Show AOSIOVON.0 d. ' v'. 72 111' S a rear rrr LH ' fa o le1P1111 . ' ''' legatee Colds. GrIP amd Mama by r6ii &Whit - ' '4 h. . .1 , , rads.. 3Egir,L7O caraziaRagik cosden to nada ad Cokle Stip la - NOW ast bp. rcyut ,, F 4e- - si located this company two Atli fret I steamers at Violent I ,',. boat OSIMentpar 1 Me insist boss diismm , r. between Attantle netts- to muting ' , ::... Ike Le la oPriall. while loath America; . , Los Angeles id to have a fine of Jason- v. San P'rancisoo trapt tie erni separate '''' Pointed sesesie. direet to the Sand,. Piles Its ' - Mete Weida Jar. Gilboa proposes ,. ell ', Win-- trip so the lint boat oat ip '' ' ',...., ' l Of tots Aagelat ; At the .oune thee, While oPeekboll too dattotot Mfr. boot Ifa ', thee highly ! :' 2., 01141ttua rettwats Sot he has by so LOCAL LIAC:3..-7,-- ; .'. t teams toot faith to Salt Lake. which I t ,.:: op strolMisr than seer, slier 15 yeast paddrosse4 'nail hie serap lly Is pro-&Won Sap. Chriotatio marks t hero- ite , riMatallaillCali-- wilt epos- Pillar, and Saturday heat Isis his lilltheru on Benda gooey has had an ateeptleo- - hi coattails throspit the satin lotiour tho Whose to both hag 11041116, SO UV atiekt41111 will ii ."..' :MINA year,together le a very last until lato on Ott irreales of ' 1 Prettiebte ort11,, to the admature ot Doc. 24. Dealers prone, that whilo turkey to at enema retaMal at beuttsskosoltuoiLineski; w, rm.. .:....,.,:dwisolli 42 doubt the pair, wiU droWdo , am-- Id as there la a Wad ter be two on the Moist Western the trail to rotate to 21111 trowels icor lb sued hi could apposis to be platy of almost ovrythig, outtrirepireill"itigve I et a speed ... M IIVffi Irtir tdid Ovid Oak, which ,, ' , ;, d,ledAmPored.1 ,-;'- ''.. 1 Mei. .. it! ( etito J : Inv ., .. - tile.Nte.., ce ("it t trt Cefort sir) , Vol ' FC1Z3 r ; Clianee r ' ; , tza 841104 rumr--717- 1::a day - sizo-- - tS C3. CatrZerl -- 0., beset so. Ingot hie 1.7.1c; Re Sor 'ClbeireatoL Relent pooellie odors owlet pirob maga ore eatable sel el toe Stet buseill or those raw free selelle ersk ezereStrot be. owes ot bbloollb cheareiregebe ettlieg priors SUR we ow Sew Carkinew tor ellbw is Ng bit et oleolle owes or lour osol lorobit y 'rode Nes terelre, estantita, tribe, esposeMse, eel die pike fades GIB be moot emboli le you eel yew woe. fret Wok Goo 0s le law ' r Li. LaR. ekt-to- trrAn wore (ally I IL. pesaule lima GIASITLATED SUGAR pavan nova SACK RIGS SASIMBRS YOUNG LOW ARS RUI Ski CISOICE SMARR MOD ROOMS Ite T IIONIC STRADA, roved reaK CROPR.2.1A10,- F S(),T.E - CrIllElt SAVING INAS , CAND0011 your Xmas Caudle Ova late ear low oteel4 lb. lee Fancy' 'Eau Mixed- -lbs. 2 lb.. PRICES ' Tat .10 lbs. ....no 111.71 i I be b. lb, Ilex Chocolates .. - . $2.211 ObPol Sec pt. ilk ' tow grebe. "IMMO. .11 WA PO ' pe pen& per art. CVO 4 Ifict 100 Sile 4Se 21 Amu ...... 2ANGES A Carload of Mooed Navel k He ...S.tt 1. ger ewt.,...S.os StMalt,' t. troth.' per no Stones.- - per cam Sist23.10 3.111 tam 1.1111 "AO .111P1140 I A.m. 41,40.. ". la 14b. eirt..4111 Croultory. la etabee Crommory. - ' - ba jam rollved. Our oasseaAr I. vire oa Oda rardloaS olsooM yea to boy Labereny tor the 1 del. EOM taro OrameaAlla ea Matra LAM Otenel rasa Matra Latea Orandal .noto ......Z.......'..Zr. ......M.,a,....."..i, - To- poem" ebolas Lints tildt ''.100 ' 1P101111111t. auccc rottisif the St: "meat .01rgA ) r . Ilk. it as a spread for bread. meats and vegetables1 for making cakes t your You for frying. 1! ) IS. kaas 1 .11 .31 .31 CALLED BY DEATH limmIMmemolmZu ' ti I I i I k gTea 1,,Idults ... r. r Via Tear Dear tr.. IL 1, COa lb rN Is 1 1116.1411.44i à I Sal Wpm. -06J lk4 41 with IP Mittens...the to ir I iten's Boys' High Child's Bed Booli HIt Clitlerea's ,,lito kttlrb Too Shoot...sae Top OMB. dillii:1111Bo IlLall To Boole." tmort. Bolos, -- . tat olloloo 1Pbst.11tottlo tria....--ho- o She Cliosols I Cough - : 11411111112 . I 11 , - foru Mrs. Prances illiary Sauer. who died Sunday, will hs Church !held at the of Our Divine Baaior. Ninth South and Second Mast -o streets. at le am. Wednesday., when requiem Mats will be ptiebrated. In- terrnont will be in Calvary cemoierin-Funeral serailcot for Mrs. Alice M. Bittder will be held Thursday in the Twenty-firward chapel at 1 o'clock. Bishop W. H. Tuddenham will officiate. The body may be viewed at the tam. fly home from 1 a.m. until 1 pm. Its., torment will be la the cat, eentotsrr. st P- FLORAL IDEAL, $414. : deo ,116iNs1 114 Illo sTonk CE113..st'0 , , O. MAUL WAIL CO., SS Try our Sitatt Scouted Violets, Otb PLOILAI. USSIOSCS tht, 1'4 Wu 141C 1. IftNERAL DIRECIORS. - ILAWKIN11 (1111)1CRTAKINO 111111111en UI you a ve lbw vofteloot. ittomspetholie of expteteete t Is teeetl,gos leant ,mitettettelt:, Mae de iv shave MUDS it Sod goa4, , Walt Silt ; & triwoixeLl, atoll outhohnoro - umourrAluiall ItS417 South West Toth I. TATwn, wiprr Utak. $eeding oadonsitor Tmio &nil Anbalmota, died IMO Sriles Priem st row owe eett- ',Ads Ube .1011... , . , irwloonpal. peArtmumovverggrottpamP titu7arljtrproir44, .41,10 lAyer,flo , 416) .C1 tiTik11. iLenorip 3 ljtcr oimemmeol liONVIIECtrt 1,,,..,,,mx.oPos.womaioom." AND LAM" 11A11111-1twain Works. C AU .,11 I 14 ,, lonom.60.0, ' tAiont, esaarrsog 'paidnotNola 111 W Mk 1104 r- - Jai mac tp1t), : : " CRAVIERILS. &ILA SALT ., ' FLORISTS.; I to. 1101004, AL SMIIVICES. Funeral services Mo DAY VEDUESDAY . She oo4 i fxr . Se. liwMinwifmmiWelmMW3Mlo UI ,11, 'SOO-Pa- OSA Maiotaa toady ttle igeorted smallJr7f:mall film punish IS. .11erif Mittens. Bolo ' Istria sod Drotroro..,..Sto Iletfo Dross Shoos twortb to OLIO Ladies' Felt Slipporo .110 to di.di Mg lot LadioeII hoes.", Doyle' Dutton (7,1111dro1ll Webber I lot. Boot( Robbero.',..........flo 1 St. Utile UlIKAIdle.....11.et 't mow 11kt 4A7-- 1- I eobaloth, ,CiiireS:26 49 1C-,- 1; ,2 5 cc:Is ..fro 61034,01, 11V Aoki Lcinc.ixtt gff,1W'',, 1 r Carablikaat.4..... . . ... Aloe Cam Plad;114.1; :..:: Mao Malk Mir., ..218 Mad Dew Mimeo .. 1 Nothing could be purer les made of err. vezetable product t o0 and pastureised order gads wider Ideal sanitary, conditior4' - Z1, .30 .1O - wt11 111 i.n.loa..11'.1i1.adAA.wb.ail,ML.s.1,bil.,16..A1--,.J;nA;- - 31 i PACIFIC ?cur Margarine was made so A.:2'1. with, and its exceptional quality .has been so maintained ever since, that ITS popularity ha$ tzt like that of most Other brands. 441 NV , ...30 BaataftraShis Ailcoti establishment. in' a West Sculpture is a resent British laves-L'apparatus , famish Ida Wader Al 1111.4 )1101. Ow result losing a Paratalt In hat- Learned Viela Mn. Ida Viola Smith ' . daspor than that or ths King Wade, U.oironuo, wife of J. Wade. died alI rellot, Parley which appears ea tho coins. today. She was born in Boise, Bleb. .131 U. tall. end had lived in Sale January O Lake 11 years. She I. eurrired by her 111.01 k ..... k Cans U.aa Gaon lia;bea4r1;' 21 lb. Mills Mad Caa'do;iloe Olaf Itas M. J. S. Cottoo. 11Ln I ?au Wee cers .. oceo - r I Mrs; Asper 'Welnw'right. Margaret S e '49'ealzsaill'IdarsoC"CallirlreVerreri"..Y.Z.r:....ratt-11- - em- , "tattM1141".1414216' , I .!! .46 .46 . firegwry plane Mre, Sarah 110,-,A- , ..1111c Tap .IS .SI ..... - PACIFIC NUT deserved to "make good:, flavor, 'its natural goodness; its,' Its pleas freshnesncoupled with its reasonable cost, L !:' tribute toward general satisfaction among I ease Large &logos !.NLIMI .- - .$1.14 I ease Largo Orangss Thee Mara tarts IAaxons. doz tArra id Crsaborrisok : i , 11 both Bower 61. dW today. She berm la- - Salt Lake August 21, 1161, and was the daughter of John and Mrs. husband end three children. Beim". Utah and Kenneth Wade. The body la at the S. M. Taylor undertaking establishment. MOIL 4 , Ael.ho IL .31 ths horn of big 4 nab P. Mopes At 161 west Third 111611141111: 21 .30 wit's mother, Mrs., Alamo Young. 175 South street. Mn. Anah Popp. 11, wife 44 John H. Mitchell. 40, of Andrew P. Popp. died today. TM .St 110 Fourth Met. oolo . .21 ..31 died Monday Ho is survived by bit body is at the O'Donnell undertaking Slob000, Snob Mrs. nits. Verna R. Young Mitch establishment. , -I brothars and two sisters. The roes Cutod in- to 14 Days four OPReilleit At Ltraltdrib:rall ;'sh1. and sisters all live in Georgia-Funer- liam 54. died PAZO services will be hold at thi 4proscillLa rotes& Ammo? to bronchial The !Schlott. Mod.- - Young born. at I p.m. Wednesday. In was due otwraisprr tails to taro Moo. was brought to pneumonia. body Salt Lake sod torment will bola City camotary. lootaalb, 133ooding Sr Protruglog taken to the Tatman where chapel dv. IlhPiltO"411 a , rollovot IUtagPU I Mina will be held probably-Mrs. Anna 1141741116 SI, Om wife of Ras- fundaaaday. mus IlleYern. who livas at tho rear el $47 south State street-di- ed Christine Madsen Moneles Al flit Monday. y Surviving her ars Miro sons. Harley, Arapahoe street. Jars, Christine Alled., , rtrii-7.----krI' Anton. Chanter. Josirph and Los Meyers. Pen Daniel& IL died today, She was the p lowland service, win lia held in the wife of Robert Panel. The body Wet Pure IArd ., I Oa ,..i..1106 IOW Saint Eighth ward chapel at 1 p.m. Wednes- the Larkin undertaking establishment.. 4 0 1 AMA , al Tall Otas Milk. k..,.......ala day. isitarment will bo in City CM.. Funeral notice later. ' .40 Writ t Pivot Oradbe Matta; . . . John Dovideoui In it local hospital. le 15c Cans Delatonla P;;11 'tellasith itillumbilit Wavers, At the home.John Davidson, died today tollow...' Ill.a0 $ad Deana ..s I l as operation. The bodr-watake 41 limo Swift; Nagar Cared stab I ...undertaking 4 uthe.Eddington o it Meat sits 1 ' 8 lb. M. J. S. It , I 1100e ya a - .46 ployees of, the Porte Publishing rein- Bower is arrived by her bashes& M .60 vent Sari be kohl Saturday and three children. Mra. evening at rta D. Bower, Burdett. of Evanston. Wyo. the Newhouse hotel. In ettarige of ar- Maggie and Mrs. Tillie Jones and Met Bessie. are $W Lorraine Pendle- Bothnia. both of Salt Lake. Yummy 11:11,07:" rangements the ton, Mien Ellen- - John andrAirune arrangements will be made UponSean-. arrival of Mrs. Burdett. from lAtnesk Mon. The body is at the Quahrsitilb IS - Rtak longtime iirltatio Domestic: 'docks .. Goose Utak 1;;oi Th. annual dinner dance of the 12.71 .17 1.36 3.4 per lb ImielF. Sleek Swiss It .a paadIsto- All .41al,1 Cullman.. doses Plata lbsplre. - f 1aine dog. !Argo Oranges Salt Lake 01114.111., $00,t,- it& 1 ameba 131! - , erasure k 112341 ..,,,MilabPaa-74..- 'IONE ,11111111 (re ....NIS lb, pkg. Royal Gordan, lb. pkg. Royal Okrditt lb. PhS. LAPWR lb. pkg. Upton , PURE COCOA I lb. Cas Pere Coco lb. Can Pun Coosa can PUTS Coca& ogle. our eLl Sore am . Pr441.! crease C664 14ribtpolair arming Lea I- - ef , Catioad Allipmeat at Fancy Ilea Rom Ittice makes Abase prices 454 WM Mamila, Oil b .11,30 min Women Oil .b...11100 Oil Sic qt. Aso Woo qt. 4. g Fancy Blue Roos Rio 1..1110, Fancy Rio Rose Rico SSW lb. Taney Blue Baas Rice, Ale atauga, Oil leo pt. mom .111.1 a r 2 Mit. $ lbs. 10 000111:110 et ei A - MAI ood Subsateate for toniposnilis. , Ina 2 okg, New Currants. I or dia pkg. Seeded or Seedlua Retsina Ile Pkg. Cluster Raisins:2 for &So Ile pkg. Dromedary' Datep ....23e lee emelt pkg. Figs Sc Betel! Pkg. Currants lbo lb. Choke Insole rigs." 2 ..21ka lb. lb.. 1Am Probes lee Inas low Black lbs. Nsts.--- les lb. Lacs Fancy lee 16-1- ...die 30s lb, 'Ars Brasil 2 lbs. ...Ste , SSA Illobeel pr.at. .100 lbs. j lb. LAMM $elect AbsorS4-- -. lb.. Erg Ike. $2.16 '1;,; m IIAT MID owing. (ballot) per .. . ...,11.44 too Timothy' bay II Pratt, POC 1.80 Curs. par .wt. corn. per e;Y;t1 2.2e eae4t .110 ... Oa Witaai: I oe taSAill .21 POW's. Per lb lbs. 3017 b 'Manor Daiie ?Untied. Orrir 1vatt 111111PAIII.' .111Talast1 10o - '.-- , bi allot hitsesse iloraballabil Insoto totatocat Curtest gootattwao ass oonsaltodr'or woo nt - Crop Ilea& Nolo our loco prises: 20s lb. ?rash Roasted Pennuta Ma t.ttec a,. sod Nati, Do lb. rases 41110 I lbs. ....Aire lbs. 4e lb. 1..;;. Soft Shalt Walnuts--- Ile lb. Preach C;;;tallsed Creams:M lbs. SIA lbs. Ate I lee lb. 'ss:tried Chewy- -I z lbs. lbs. .,.111.6.1 ...Ole , like lb. I;estat Fudge. I 6 lbs.. .$145 2 lbs. ...bge Chocolates, ipeetalt Ila lb. R. If t$ Irvin - lizs 1 Ile color The Hollidaye aire our too ' - Price -- ' Md L. 71111If - Select , .--- --; - , 'Sun ... Ile 'nuns. I Lae Unheard-o- f Rt Ircr thit -o !1.711'sb.;t0.- Ile hi intaglio) This nr 1 VIrElrZSDAY UNTIL 12 O'CLOCIC II h 11 - (1 W11101.1111bLIE r. Cod gelliwiPubill I i i IllidPiemiull 0 Ars-W- - - Is Eno- at the Feetery Demesetratios glile-Tea Ilvw gflehes Cetehrt Cane 11 1t 7 di Prka2 na?.:11 ..s32.t3 7, 271544aell grove-o- re 1.3 , ei I Gents Leather Rocker, Similar to Aims Cut, at At These Prices. LW a Coil Catzt----N- o r 11,1tich Pti's - Pries:a Tedayfi Low SAM IodfuF 1,1 2 , tito tort out develop shortly, aro holdall's out for II per boolool, with Sapporo efforts N sod SS wets The aegis Inaritot losStozztiliblAbli, improvise at Meade. moo varieties of wooden bows Amish aeration of 11 ad to Costa tbs motors "wanes and active. Cala higher a mo oromale as bootee reported tosSetter. Croobsooloo oro '4 Ottoot,,too potoolo or ergot! to boy t.sow. co otootototIvol7 tow barrel tor botoolloto Sollotors. A Arose obilors Is bolos souk to boost Utah color, WWI to reported of totoolloot vosivitIJ elIs owes. 'Moro does Sot oillishr to CirlisidTPurchase at : npattoragi 114113 tba ..ss3.7s idat ts4.cr trouts artiehtootaiithialt that dos sloolatt mow Ss witottodi to JD wort, roar about this time. id WOWS Alvisys sv. tt lukewarm WIPP, tritio fruit tooted at KIS. to. grope atedi as not the 411o, Is sotto dry loo rooeived trout Irtorlda.,atid la bolas St a down Ito for to Is Soo totes allowed fladlito I ready fide. Tb. PAM trots-- - Atilt speed to by Mishima' ososisisessossmosootpossossoessossmow tit supply to reeniat AbOrt, attar, $o Those are plenty of Vortrrosall war which thou Is a goad doulaud. aro roltortod otilbelr 4sdet 7 - laPotatoes 14 Yeti Mk tho aut. sad meadp Is ill Um 14,71 trade sad Art esparto a bettor toss to (as-rap reed' te'efer owe mead d:CT. ,,.141116111PP Enables Us to Sell a 1, 1 At:airt s. tvra Mkos fl.r ,,0,, mo..."(): TIP CACI 02 , Ilt.L.73, o- r- , i To r;-"-te- ll .'n1011 ,., ' rill Yredell ' Pleht or Ni t ALIYAYS' - eteet : All 141 SI .,..i., tCrbliEbofuls S - 1 WI ' CooLlr 174.B; I NO CLACKING rAWILMZD I I , s s:3 1r :,' ,111 VIAACLE , tie .ol Clasks' rx31.: Hi. 6Livit Don Ur :11 Twines Chain odes hartalt ftweiL-ebtoptair,boa- rd - ot 17 Trzz '.1P132 -, ..mrsi4l;47,PrizsA, r.--1 4a qr r. C7:3 -- , 4dortt 41 V :room ''' r Abasit- 11 1 CDANC'3 48 lack. le r 1 " -- DAR 'hick doom pins. am as n hussies, eati keep die no-to- amok ' ; Four : ' !Ike ,16tb, re.:1 gooste;L: " 7017,zi ) " . Is.dt, , cz .,-- ,.. -- TOtmwets;Extrit , , IP. da4u II ,,. i3 Ia , u ' .. tio swami hay IS-fe- . - No , , .1 kk : - I taaehW1W4t ' Manager Le i. Oillbsta, hoed of the ba well knows total boosinew ' return frost a visit to bis Lae As- :: foie. honaeh, Ito ,sayo' all reports being die Sae ill ; : about tow Ample tallitAli the ',idled Model In Wallow. ,"' pad- advdtioentoot late,, soosterctill promhiesse are iltsrali triOn ',Tills ' oe to very wisest to 4)11'doso .... :.,, of busies's, and although the Iowa 1.; :,', - ; ." ... had been looking air s light winter In , the, cap-- , ;,, visitatioti of sestets tourists, , . than .',:, .: ; ;: is filling up' earlier -- -...with -- them ............ , lest year. ' c '',1 .'' 1.YDellp- - trains Initt Ins Aster ere in tiro end three awAions, Mr. , II- - ..' .utning imam eat, , "The WNW PallISF1, ismted during Use year lonatiant lax, Ti Arthur ant reeen P. ' - 1".' rowel Pe 00I.6110; Moto tBrisbane who was In the California IY Prediets that is te per ' Los 1100Ple111.110A ..' Pi 'wood. have iw. , le Awoke harbor is pow the largeot and toast, 'T parties port on the Perlis Ilk .7 sea in s nts no a eli Thum one of Jac .. la 'fazing was; la the Loo Angeles Steam the ''''Yeate comeartir operetta "Ilitrest0--rannin- g between ,Los .'., c! and"- Met Frsitelseo.,' Morn- '4 - ow wqmos. J44k AM. ammo. ; 4011C WIN& , , |