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Show ALLIES FORM A PROTECTORATE Temporary Direction Assumed Behind Their Lines Pending , Adjustment of Russian Disputes. (By Associated Proas.) ARCHANGEL. Monday. Sept. 9. A a result of an attempt to overthrow the TschaIkovky government the allied al-lied diplomatic and military chief today to-day assumed temporary direction and established a protectorate in the region re-gion of the rear of the allied front pending the adjustment of the political dispute. This decision followed the arrct of M. Tschaikovsky and alLbut two members of his government early Thursday by a party of conservative officers headed by Colonel Tchaplin, the Russian commanding army commander, com-mander, who sought to establish a new regime. M. Tchaikovsky and his ministers wero taken on board a ship en routo to tho Solovetsk monastery, from whero they were returned by order of the allied ambassadors -with tho approval ap-proval of Consul General Poole. Meanwhile Mean-while the allied forces, including the American troops patrolling the city assuring as-suring tranquillity nnd a just settlement settle-ment of all disputes. Proclamation Is Issued. Following Is tho text of the proclamation procla-mation which is signed by the American, Ameri-can, French. British and Italian ambassadors am-bassadors and Consul General Poole: "To the Peoplo of tho Northern Region: Re-gion: Tho undersigned represqnta-tives represqnta-tives of the allied nations and the commandcrs-in-chlof of their forces seeing tho confusion created in the minds of the peoplos by proclamations of loaders of tho opposing fractions wo havo decided to prohibit the functioning func-tioning for the present of the authors of tho aforesaid proclamations. This course has been adopted in order to prevent civil strife1n tho rear of our combined armies which aro advancing against a common foe and to avoid the almost equally deplorable calamity threatening tho northern region with a widespread famine lor the relief of which we are bringing supplle from our countries. We have ao intention, or deire to force upon the northern region any klad ot sov eminent or any officials not tho choice of the majorlty of the people. "Until the arretted minister, who are now on their way back under the protection of the allies, return to Archangel Arch-angel and until popular opinion can show who should continue to exercise the power In a constituted government we will assure the contiauatloa of public pub-lic service, the absolute maintenance of order and will assure that the sot-erelja sot-erelja rights of eTery one will be respected re-spected and observed and that the daily lifo of the community will not be interrupted. Consequently, subject to our approval (he assistant heads of the ministries and chiefs of bureaus will continue to perform their duties. We trust that ail good citizens will co-operate Ih- the furthering of this well-meaning, plan, the necessity for which sboulU,,appeal to every patriotic Russian who wants national independence independ-ence and a regime of democratic liberty." lib-erty." Tho allied ambassadors had absolutely abso-lutely no deslro to interfere in internal inter-nal affairs but they considered the Tchaplin party's attompt to establish by stealth and forco to bo incompatible incompati-ble with tho principles for which tho allies are fighting. As soon as ho lenrned Thursday morning of the coup d'etat American Ambassador Francis called a conference of tho diplomats and Consul General Poole with the result re-sult that tho new government was prohibited from functioning and the Tchaikovsky ministers wero ordered immediately returned pending an adjustment ad-justment nnd tho proclamation prepared. pre-pared. Meanwhile, however, proclamations procla-mations by Tchaplin and Ivanoff and Doduscnko. who wero not arrested and the Tschaikovsky mluisters appeared in tho streets. Thcso several proclamations procla-mations 'so confused the people that a second allied decision became necos-sary. necos-sary. Worklngmen and operatives before the allied decision became known called strikes which aro being be-ing adjusted. Tho Tchaplin group contends con-tends that It'was not fairly represented represent-ed in tho government Tho proclamation proclama-tion by Dedusenko charged mat Tchaplin Tcha-plin was attempted to restore n monarchy mon-archy he:, led by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch. brother of tho lato emperor, em-peror, who they contond, is hiding In Arohangf Cf this there is no proof. Archangel Is generally tranquil and the peoplo are watching tho American Ameri-can and other guards apparently satis-fled satis-fled with the falrneas of the allies. M. Tchaikovsky and members of his cabinet conferred with tho alltod ambassadors am-bassadors In aa effort to roach an ad Jusimeat satisfactory to all. An Assoc jr tod Pross dispatch from Archaacel September 12 said Uuu the Tschaikovsky provisional goTernaHat had been reseated after a conference between the entente allied diplomatic and military chiefs and that It would continue to direct the affairs In tho region of the north with tho advice of the allies. MURDERING FRENCH AND AMERICANS AMSTERDAM. Sept. !. Tho Russian Rus-sian people's commissary at Vologda, according to tho Petrograd correspondent corres-pondent of tho Hamburg Nachrichton has urged on tho population of the cntiro Vologda province the most ruthless ruth-less persecution of British subjects and French and American citizens. Rioting against entente nationals has taken place, tho correspondent says, and some Frenchmen and Americans Ameri-cans aro belug murdered. FINLAND APPEALS FOR AID. IIELSINGFORS, Finland. SepL 22. "In view of the condition of annr-chy annr-chy and murder in Petrograd and the defenseless situation of a great part of tho population, says an official statement issued here, Finland's government gov-ernment feels that on purely humanitarian humani-tarian grounds it cannot rofuse to permit per-mit Russian, English, American and Ilal.'an refugees to como to Finland." The Finnish government, tho statement state-ment says, is compelled by tho scarcity scar-city of provisions to beg Norway, Sweden Swe-den and Denmark to holp harbor tho refugees. BRITISH CITIZENS LEAVING. LONDON, Sopt. 22 It Is understood in official circles here that arrangements arrange-ments aro progressing for tho mutual repatriation of British subjects in Russia Rus-sia and Russians in Great Britain. Information In-formation is said to have been received re-ceived from M. Tchltcherln, the Russian Rus-sian foreign minister, which leads to the belief that British subjects will get out of Russia safely. oo In tho race for wealth but few men have a walkover. |