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Show NEW REGOROS li YOUR IKIi ICH1E "They're so good, wo couldn't wait to put thpm out with tho regular October Oc-tober Record you can got thorn October Record you can get them now," says a Columbia announcement of a small, but very select, group ot records or popular melodies which dealers are now showing. Chler among this advance group aro three rousing war song-records fresh from Broadway. "What Yankee Doodlr 6ays He ll Do, He'll Do," Is tho title ol one, and it is a tltlo that fairly sins itself. A great bit of sentiment, superbly su-perbly sung by the famous Peerless quartette, with "Bobbie the Bomber." by Byron Harlan, on the back. The latter lat-ter is a catchy song-storyvof a baseball base-ball hurier who "put 'em over" the front line trenches. . when tho Lambs held Ihcir annual Gambol in New York recently, the song that brought down that great audience of sophisticated actors and song-birds was a wonderful new piece entitled. "A Rainbow from the L. S. A." Here it Is. sung by Henry Burr and tho Peerless quartette, and backed up by another snappy warsong bv this same popular artist. Next comes a song that is as good as a lettor from France, for every home that flies a service flag "Cher Up, Mother, Cheer Up, Father." It is a sure antidote for the blues if you haven't heard from "over there" for somo time, and the rich harmonies which tho Peerless quartette mako out of tho tunerul lines are oven more Than you'd expect even from this aggregation aggrega-tion of nationally famous warblers. Who doesn't thrill to the shrill of fifes, and the blnro of bugles, and the roll of the big bass drums? Partlcu- ;)larly in these stirring days, when the soldiers are forever marching by. i Here's a record of a great Qfo and bugle and drum corps that will send the thrills running up and down your spine tho moment it crashes into your ears. It is a medley or all the wondor-ful wondor-ful old tunes that our soldiers have marched to and fought to. and come home victorious to, since the Republic began. "Dixie." "Rally Round the Flag." "Tho Campbells Are Coming," "Tho Girl I Loft Behind Me." are some or them all Btrung out through both sides or one or the best records or the flTes -and -drums ever recorded. I nn |