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Show a. -- THE - DESERET NEWS PASHA VOICES Am STOMICHUPSET? OF TURKS 1.kg Get at the Real CauseTake Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. NEAR EAST 1141 That's what thousands et stomach aufferers are doing now. Instead of taking maks. or trying tocisatch UP Poor digestion. they are attacking ate real cause of the s. ailmentclogged liver and disordered-boWelis "Ireland of Or Edwards' Olive ozonee the Turkey the liver In a soothing.'irablets healing way. When the liver and bowels are perSays "Butcher of forming their natural functions. away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste. coated Denies Bol- tongue. Armenia" a Lazy. don't poor care feeling. Itoappetite. ambition or energy. trouble with undigested fools? Take shevik Po Olive Tablets. the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a Purely vegetable compound mixed With Bit KARL L VONIITEGAND. olive Toil will know them by their olive eolor. They do the work without (TJniveraal Service Correspondence.) griping. cramps" or pain. RERUN. Nov. 22."Turkey is the Take onto or two at bedtime for quick relief. Eat what you like. ISc and 10e. lrelandeOf the orient. Like the ?Tint" Irish the Turks will either be freemen and Lwaye and means of f ighting their com,Women or they will die fighting for mon enemyEngland. the freedom and independence of their Enver took occaelon to risplain to !tat he was no Bolshevik or COM country and the right to govern themdv. selves to which they have as inalien Intlirigt noir were any of the Mohammedian delegations that went to Baku. able s claim ne any other people." His him drawn and much thinner Thia. he said, was made very plain to Bolshevik representatives from than when I saw him last and gen- the rally ahcsring wear from the long Moscow. Joined the Boleheviki and they "We Pa.from the orient. Enver 'Journey ' she's fantailZia eyes alone shone as he e s for just one reasonnamely, both of us are fighting for freespoke. bath land enthuslaam in his that dom and and that "cause had not diminished. both have the same enemyEngland. The pasha was lard heard from at was "It the Bolshevik' that agreed Baku. at the edge of Persia. There had engaited in no proPeganda among In the Congress of the Central Aniatic the Mohammedans in Central Asia." Mohammedans meeting with Russian Enver that DiOrnal nationalist Pasha had confirmed Bolehevilki. the Turkish arrived at Kahn' ac diploand former war minister. fired hie matic representative of thp TUrkilth with nillietrtal countrymen slid government at Antmra. the cry': "Memel tis et the bead of a mberion "Death to Brinell rule in Mohamme- of 15 officere, he paid. He added that dan countries. the Emir of Afghankttan had rejected From Sakti to Berlin via Petrograd, the Britieh intimation that the CaliMoscow. is a trying journey in phate he trantderred from Constantinople to Kabul or Herat. (have days. Enter Pasha would not diecuse what Small of stature. very slender and supple almost boyieh in appearance, his real plane will be or where he le headed look of for. ilft denied the report teirnot does the nary Pasha Ever in Berlin for a time that the "butcher of Armenia." as be has rent the British had 'Fought to "buy him off.- often been characterized. Premier George Scored. of Railroad Demands "Ratification or the impossible Sevres treaty by the Guarantee Before Constantinople government. the war will continue until the Turkish people Diner Crosses Line hni the freedom and independence ea awns th have nhich to right they (By Universal Service ) any other people." ha declared. LA It Dei. Tex.. Nor -InWhen England and France undert & Northern Tallrnad took the task of pacifying Turkey in tenational today refused to permit the special Intent of their Imperialism train the Gosernor NV. p. Hoban,1 exploitation. they engaged in by of comrving Texas. and other distinguished an undertaking that will take longer statesmen to President ribregools in. than the span of life remaining to auguratton at Mexico City to cross the Premier Lloyd George. who shaped internsitional boundary until $40.00e th.t pokey. bad been deposited to guarantee the Inver saeerted (bet the nationalists oafs return or the dining ear. The or. flhire to hold nut indefinitely in railroad oMcial. said they feared the t interior and pointed out that Rue- diner would fall into the hands of s t had hold out three years under the bandits- - Atter throe hones (Way a Laredo hanker stare tho railroad offiblockade. at.,t Mal" a cashier's ettek tor the amount !II i'h 't Bur hand's are operating outekirte of Constentinoplo." he demanded strut th train proceeded to me Greeks may here pens. Mexico City. ali Itnted lie or aa miles from the roast. Wot shot will that avail them? The Ku Klux Klan Will FrynOt are sick of it already and will s' CI mere 6o when the guerilla warExtend Its Scope fare in $vrta gets under full way. The onthis and rruenders proved tenacity frit Universal Rim Ire) 6 .retho kit the Turks and their love of 1. ATLANTA. La, Nov. ritale-anirl- it is still in our Ittrarnotte. of Atlanta. Imperal wizour nersottlee in the Interior J. people o. few We wiU 'Niko whether the lag ard of th Ku Klux Klan. a fraternal th name and and orirantratran bearing t.o):re ottLintrooss 4f tbo British the emblems and tradirrtla of the old psoptes to...onoMain armies in IKe Kluv Klan cif Tv,key or the teruschy end sndorancs In th south. made It known heredays to. t 4 Turks wilt give way Br." that the Klan la onnaltlisrmting Atter discounted the reports of the day In elaes of ih branches formation of l'rt,ding oterthrow or fall of the !ha aorth aid east. This ranvement $c", sr( ireirstornoht in 'tumuli., for this intension of th ortifor tHweeLoadia Scn bets, lizard twrily will b4. lane Imperial I no signs that tootill jultify Simmons 'aid. and no dfinite dates t hat t hio hatleq riegim (mad be given for th carrying Ant of ft,. this Klan's plaes beyond th "veranda of ila oreati:" h deelarod. 1514,41 to a 1".tol. 'triton the anvil!. Ile made it plain. how'Th. army hrerrolla la II nel it hall flea ever. that dflnito plans 'cooking to ,s-avartrt hiss. food. clothing Wet this end still he put under sty"' at the Oft , Ti.. govirrrme,t can rand lb. "writes powitt.le tlrr t ' ' - - e eel.' 21.---Co- irt--- - t te i ti.71 kidtnrillvtlost. Turateh few INAUE11. PI Alta 'It mintoior of war Nor 21.Tero nye WAPItiVriTILIN. that la tail attirr army had P. in -a as cortiftratee-woo soca ttgOt dadpUt It aavind trearurr lb. lied stony. asiringlo ramp and a $21. vivesrury Etti-ttho conforonco toI4 grill he piireemrd saviors camitiratee 44 kV he armlet it nvivrtirnnt a,ted dtafirr th e remind year. 14ey. bier. ittaLtiall tat Zthertert The $t itoarenn annexturel trill,' otaltato Mattivs 11'04 at the thlrol tniornatinalo, root mg litre ream,. Irla ha $21 certificate will be oftrent hearing oologat tons of alottatottnoillaror Turkey salt Cootral Actia to dtorono fered In lilt le mature January. 10211 teal. otror r 1 .t T. NEAT MITE LOCAN'S tiny . Jr 11.4 6" i - (Special to The Negro.) CITY. Nov. Christmas seil campaign has been or- -, ganized in Boxelder county end the i drive is now on under the direction of Dr. Ezra Waddoups. chairman: La I. E. Haiver- ertooz Shelby. Dec: etary; the following as members of the erecutivo committee: E. W. Dunn. Victor E. Madmen, C. H. Brigham Skidmore, J. W. Peters. Wright, Minnie H. Jensen. Mrs. J.Pe-E. Dan Mrs. W. Mrs. Lowe. J. Ryan.. terson, Mrs. Leah Reeder. Dr. (1, 1. Flirter, Dr. W. Le Roy Smith, B. C. Call. the Rev. 0. C. Fowler. N. Cris Simonsen. Henry Frasier. A. M. Hansen and Alfred 'Freeman. 1111111E1111111E1 I Oftkie. lilt- North Mats M. ' telelphoos No. ta. B. Oardow, Supt. Clicalotion. Deed Marathon. Bermalfe. , .'IBEIGHANI NOVEMBER 10NDAY-ANL 11 Mill GIMATLU IS -3- 29.--T- he - 1 he Royal Educatkrnal Department Presents tome bre11'13,st diIles that, will send the chdriren to school with a hip- hip hurrah and hit mairsty man to his dad' duties with the 'up aril which feeling riling" ifiews tto titscouragement V I fa Meares moo fume spilt I nolo.ioes leirtitots 844 684 toottIs. see944-ofe- e, 'eta vv.!! 884Ited olkatteltilift; omit 811181 tine toe4 ?so Aortae P81841t8. 8,880, tied two IP 103141WW.011 'wk. fat, 81 eitieetes so I, BAKING POWDER 110,111 frowilbor tolk".P.411 Mtge Pm fp It int MASOMpOOS OYA salt. Absolutely Pure thisilt hose Carom la id Toots" Sorteed Arms repos. .0111 litrei ri.mroak I BLOUSE VALUES i , TAILORED ANDi DRESSY BLOUSES PLACED ON SPECIAL SALE AcIcIr .4., Mr Infant welt., Fan' loPlandrs. tind ItaratI! ld Mrs. eft vt, rf the narty. N,r sth a badly tnen-t,- Jeaste Ruhy. i eantlarium tractuceo okto: but tto hop,. I 1,t.1 f.,r her recovery, daughter flaro,li and a raw tot 00411 pod oith M h.) 0411L Medea and trete et, 0 crt.e..rit ,I,Allictosi the ond Itletw of the slittomn. fore the driar r11.111",P tr front of lb bite It ran Alt, Avrm-a"root the pedino train tor. 640111Ital reident wee hundred feet bir. ne !Wol 4 rho tIli from shoo itutomnbil two children swre frund Ott the ilso. eletpit nt !ha rclease. ft trfl alai rata? toomamas karma itehlrg Predr taimayesaa borillemo Itemenhiat Wilt sold sift dry' Ingredients; 4 third A lemma 00.4e 00 C. th " tbri add wheel ahortening and enough Intik to mak. very still batter. SPrrbd Mett thiek its greened pen: eat top misture. Bake M sato. sits in moderate eves. Top Mixture tablaapimmome Seer taaaayasa aialaamla tabaaayeaso immr - Puritan Sunday Nova asti Approved by Bishops 4 anon,- (hr oil - ATI.A,tTIC (ITT shout in 4111sitottlarto I laibleopeernie laorternille Mil ele7 ingredieeto: rut k homeroom' sod astlead IT over top of dough helots tho Lora tat t Purtten Pst A be !lid; Nalt. 22 t.r...) Insurwrstod re. 1'4 a reviles 'arra iket. same Oa el "Bake.with Royal and bdSure" ' IellICA0(). id,' v s. , , ..., 14 , 1 'min s, 4. 7 .. f ,4 $11 ?; ,,. , I ' .,,,st 1 . . h 44Ant Crt.al. A ,, , ilontlhl I 1,"' 1'4 rl . . 111" i. : t ' lt,tigititik-illvt- ,,,,, .. 11 ; 1 'II . z. lie v. ,t c 1-"- ' , . - , ,,4, Many Paths Lead to Our Door I - t S. - ..A. , 0 d.,! T? ot Business pathscommercial, manufacture, sheep and stock interests. fanning. fruit growingindeed. enterprises of all kinds, lead to our banking door. t; 4,,4,, And banging there is the latch string. Come in and be cleomed in a spirit of pulling to gether for the upbuilding of business. i . t V6. the province of a banking institution is to assist its customers, for, as these customers prosper, in like proportion does a bank prosper. problems with 717 4A14. 4 1 ,. , 'At the . kt),,. Old Cieck N Comer" ;tiffs I - UTAH STATE NATIONAL BANK 41 ' ' ' 4 p . , Is OFFICERS: HEBER J. GRANT, President. CHARLES W. NIBLEY. Vice President. CHAS. S. Fit'RION. Vice President HENRY T. McEWAN. 'Vico Presand Cashier.,' ALVIN C. STRONG, A1145441111: Cashier. JOIN W. JAMES, Asslittant CrItier. , , ;NT( hinge poi id tortoil ot II pootott4 Ilb.11 tot Plano ber Imam Carroll 0, 0, 04 1 4,e,4 I t , 4 ,t ,,,.4 ; 1 . - - . - . vd, I cK . t . . ,, dmincomma ri,m4rmkt . I ii. , .... .Ae. .S...kl, goo,...... ...A..6 a- 4 1 11p4b4101Plp..dkll...IsOIP 44 ....,a, 41 -- I I. e , I ,t 5ApiN : . n,,rt 1 t . ....,-1.- 0 I , youfor . & 4 'I I Our interests are mutual. Therefore our officers are at your serviee to talk over business Att - S. ... .1. 4 4 I I. 4:: . 4 - flsrio 4); by Aeobeetstal Proms ) Nov. tO Dant serial botot000 Chleibto boil Pt. .... 4,) iat -- for,tiby gra , - ,, k Lg k l!'.I i -- t N . 4' t . - re ,s3 4. elimmos,410, (Pr , - . - i 1 $ '''' 1.! tigitel"-ttls- e 111 I 4t ChksirtiNorthwest 4,,,, Air htail Run Opens 0 Pao ulik 011, II e, 1 tOSAIP 1 oft A NOW litmr aR": itlittitit '" ,. It, t, .SOUTH KAIN 04".Ot A, ' et - q' . I ..,1 1010, c9? ilvatt at ho ilea.' at eh appr, vat Lsleatieel Mottoes et the siethaf tharetio,. ow...1.10010 Tbe emptily, all atoms init tosoll fit ilia elect it risr1114 et ell 'vadat at tantiNt Mato tha ',elm sod toPtiL laii Pabliconilaa at 0.11 , 110T It 1 .4; Two Killed, One Dying Result of Auto Crash t- I 0.. 1 Cream butter, add beat egg. then a our. baking re d er and salt which hare sifted together. and milk At the last stir in dates which have been pitted and rut into small pieces. Bake about U minutes in trailed it-- II past. a sweet uniflan is desired. add 1,4 cup sugar to the shove. Cole. Cake 4 KT Er UnitcreAl Pcrl'.ce.) . arill dead IrttF.FN(-)Nor. :I and a third porann la Aytrit $a ft result or sn utomhi! a,- - t t at Herndon. "teeth of rrrarto. this artrtnoon. ta ar atttemobflo accident occurred 1.y oupacindrives by C. Hereed tendent at nchoo:e e -Sir Leandro woo 1114) dead aro: struck by tram No WOMEN I' OR 210 1111 I I; CORra Utah-Idah- -- " I ar 110,41. ' t - r-ego. lib -- Exceptional Sale on Gowns, Suits, Hats, Wraps and Tailored Dresses sur;,-ive- purr smt : In Exquisite Negligees and House Gowns Specially Priced for This Showing "SEE WINDOW." --.- N 114111.4) Christmas Spggesiions i roma; Poe ewetoonone works at dimitiottot. doesdowitst Ppm. imompy 64 I them I 14 OPP.amsetenesse On mt. tenor Wonderful Values Co-o- p. SENT FREE bil1 MASI s . baking. of tome, ;0 4 evt u A Most Complete As"sortment of Beautiful Tailor-Mad- e Silk NIGHT DRESSES, BLOOMERS, CAMISOLES and COMBINATIONS In Heavy Crepe de Chin e and Washable Satins Flesh, White a nd Lavender 'SPECIAL, $2.98$3.98 UP TO $6.98. Its ROYAL COOK BOOK st. SILK UNDERWEAR SALE OF HANDSOME REAL LACE TRIMMED CREPE DE CHINE AND HAND EMBROIDERED WASHABLE SATIN AND BATISTE ed !d-- hreok Important Showing MTb PreliminaTY announcement of the oensus bureau; as to,agricultural conditions here has, been received and it shows the following facto: In 1920 there were 2,242 farms ageinot 11907 in Cacho vaunt, In 191n. all of them being operated by Brigham Merchant is white farmers except 12, and operatCalled by Grim Reaper ed by their owner' except in lal cases. The total acreage of farm land i (Special to The News.) is given sa 317.43$ as against 294,11101 BRIGHAM CITP, NOV. 26.Wil1watts of farm land mer- '10 years ago. 1atri Horsley, 76. prominent coun- and buildings Is given as $22.201344 chant, and resident of Boseider ty nearly 69 year, died at tiushome al against $11.142,328, in the year here last night 1910. an Increase in V11100 of 122.2 Mr. Horsley was born in Soliarn. per cent. Tho report shows that to came 11142 and England. Nov. 20. 7 reported domestic animals as 121;h when a lad of 12. crossing the !foilo.w-shorses; 30 mules: company. B. In the John bong 22.680 21.901 !sheep. and 1.703 plains cattle; le preswine.-whiHe stayed in Salt Lake where be the figures for 1910 are Pared for the coming of his mother given as 10131 horsiest 140 mules, who arrived a number of years later123.799 cattle; 15.091 sheep and 4,322 He moved to Perry in 1211 wherel swine. t be was employed by a merchantile ...1 In 1319, 56,811 acres of wheat har- -' 1867 he merrieg of bushels In March. firm. vested and 824,681 grain FAizabeth Welch. Shortly after hal threshed while le years before that moved here where from 189 to 1124'i the county barrested 11,112 area and he managed the Brigham Ctty cot 1,049,930 bushels. In ISIS. the Two subsequent years were spent on a, 3.044 of oats produced 104.144 mission in England and in 1112 helbushels, while le years before $333 '8'nslacres yielded 281,191 bushels. In 1119, formed the William Horsley Mercantile company with his four 133.936 acres at, hay cut 11.295 tons, business' in actively 1while in 1909, 401211 acres gave continuing boys, an pmident of the firm until his 104.914 tons. Potatoes were planted death, although 'Mice last May Maio, so! acres last year wielding 154.724 while 10 years before 1,215 health has been failing. Another Mtn to England was performed from !acre, yielded 213.131 bushels. At the time of his', 1900 to 1902. death he was a patriarch. 'Christmas Seal Driie by Besides his wife be la NVillittm C.. the following children: Starts in Boxelder John H., Clarence W. Ernest P. and flreati and of LOGAN. Nov. all Louise Horaley. Brigham. Mrs. Alonzo H. Peterson of Aalt Lake. White Way was auspiciously initiated 11'2 lampsl also 22 grandchildren and three great-- I Saturday and when the I carrying 80.000 watts were turned grandchildren. on the local business section had al real metropolitan aspect Great sat--- ! Bottom Falls Out of isfaction wa ... expressed by local mei-chants on the completion of thisl Market Meat Chicago work which has been held up for the' past nine months due to inability WI Dealers Leading Says secure material. Another improvement which will' add to the business section is already; (By International News Fervice.) the under construction. the installation of CHICAGO. Nov. conduit for placing of the telephone meat center of the world. started the awares under ground This ill elimbusineee week today with meat prices levele then they inate all of the unsightly wooden poles, near the pre-wever . have been before. Decistrations In the business center of town. and that the 'bottom has f &Men our that the pertod of "normalcy- - will Electric Loganl are reached freely be very shortly Train South 'of made by leading retailer& Pork heads the list with a dectins 'TAIGAS. soy. 29.-- 4. W. Ellingson. price during the past we days that traffic manager of the Loin Is little short of sensational. has notified the chamber of month ago at 31 Central. pork which sold that beginning with Dec. 15 to 43 centa a pound can be bought to. commerce a late train service Wodneadav eveday for from 21 to II emits a pound. This to Prewar pikes for this meet were nings will beforinaugurated. persons :Theta; south' from IS to IS cents. Pork chops also particularly trains are sufhave declined. dropping from II and of Logan and If thethis &trance will IS cents a month ago to SI and 30 ficiently patronized tho continue throughout winter and cents a pound today. &ens fattened beef has recorded a spring. cent. 33 decline of approrimately per deelere declare. Corn fattened Neof Trapper Collects Bounty. has not shown aay marked decline as LOGAN, Nov. 2LII IL Petersen. t but. with the drop in the price of corn. more of this grain le being who for SOM. UM. Woo :n the errpioy en the fed to Mock and incrfatied offeringe nt the government ea on the roark-- t are expected to bring forest renerva. came tr!n Logan this corn fattend beef to th price level morning with the pt JI "t PIM cwt. of other meats within LDS Deal few tea aril three lynx. (loon which be s bounty of $O. eeelta Other cornmodities that have shown butLOGAN LOC VAR. Metro declines here recently are ter. which has drocrwl I eente per Th LOGAN. Nov. Infant pound in the lest week; sugar which daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. a J. ha s declined from 31 cents a pound Corloon d:ol rridef JUT' thLo of . city cents a pound. 1,o la lest spring to 1111110011. FUTirrili short 'orrice. leer 0 rte cvnta pound a hold tato. whirl in the Third ward rhaiiel Suede) year ego have dropped to 3 S. Cents a aftornoon. pound; coffeo. flours. milk . bread. Tho ontortaiontont geminates of th caviled goods and apples. of commercr t ao decided to Eggs and oranges continued Its be rhambor helm tlinner 'sr Doe, 1 at aristocrats of toe family table. Prices which e itimperial la hoitod Mr Zimmetwise. of thee edibles continue te lurk tem vice proeitiont of tits. AttTtigthg auh the peek resehed during the war. he present tied ' of the World. still speak. LOGAN:Nei. - :SMART SHOP IICRUtSE; CACHE FIBLIS MUFFINS and COFFEE CAKE REAKFAST i too LI Often estrn 88 a duty rather than a loy. The success of the day may de. rend upyrs the purit oi PTL,T0119S llEpollT sllows . cNsus Another Royal Suggestion From the NEW E 14 go - Atb ..'-- ' :t 1 |