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Show rV-o- .'. -- W ; . ! ) - THE DESERET 10 CONGRESS GETS JREDMOBSMAKE NOTICE? BERLItfHOTBED i MANYPLEASFOR MEASURES n All chnrge purchases n ( Monday will be Tuesday on De' charged cember account. aadt 4 KIMONO ANO Firm tod heavy r y quality. pretty designs, tt inches wide. (Auerbachs Main Floor.) Stickerie Edging Half Price less For one day enfr you may of tp your choice the stock marked price 'tAuerbechs Motion Dept Main FlcoO r athlf By Franks E. Mason, fl. X. 8 Staff Correspondent ) BERLIN. Noev. 29 How long will It be before Germany must move her seat of government from Berlin to some other German city? Or if eho What will make a is unable to pry her politicians from the Prussia: metropolis will the Get more useful Christman federation fall a victim to the evil political Influence of Berlin and mas Gift than a nice be broken up Into small states? These questions are being discussed In intimate conferences by thinking pair of blankets, a 59c China Toy Tea Set, (125 Toy Ahnnlnam Velocipede, $5.95 The leadere of the German nation. col39c beautiful comforcter, wisdom of George Washington Kitchen Set, 79c Made of msllsable steel, rubber ting wheeL leagues In creating the District of CoTo) Tra Bata, Packad in a box EKebrn Sot, aooaiats af I Jars fUacaa. towels; or mats for the lumbia so that the federal government XT randy for mallln. would be beholden to no particular bath state Is demonsfrated then one Chicago Hummer, $159 Tool Chest, $1.95 studies the currents and cross curs Made n 1th complete set of tracks $10 Boys Hand Car, $6.50 rents of German politics and sees th and engine. tremendous Influence which Berlin rubber tires, veil. made. Easy runr.irg has in German affairs, absolutely out or to her of proportion $3.98 Doll Trunk, $3.39 population Importance. White, gray and plaids. Those heavy, fluffy qualiNoThe revolutionary leaders of ties that make you feel cozy and warm to look at them. $2.95 $1.95 Bears, Teddy on the right vember 9. 1918. were Blue road when they located in provisionor pink borders, some with bindings to match. brwn pluah Tvddy Baars. Extra al capital of Germany in Weimar. Wall All Rrcuiar mad. H. I! marked t at special Christmas prices. y;. Sol., But the Influence of Berlin and the Prussian hegemony was too strong, Centate ef Mleet ckwtsst $5.98, $7.98, $9.49, $11.98 and as soon as quiet was restored the extra good took Bath Kobe Blankets, heavy quality complst with government returned to Berlin Length 18 inches, with tray oovered. Wash Set, 59c cord and tasseL While the lot will last at Lock and ksy. Berlin Is Rod. Berlin Is avowedly red. The town Child' Wash Sat, with Wrlncrr and Tub. Schoenhut $2.19 White and Fancy Bath Piano, Colored and Toy council is controlled by a party whose Towels and Bath Mats g World Revolution and $2.95 slogan is Sleds, White Crib Dictatorship of the Proletariat. at new attractive prices. bill, has prepared s Demonstrations are the order of the $1.95 Blankets, bill to "stop gambling in bread and day. Not a week passes without the other essential food supplies," he baa gathering of a collarlees mob which Bath Towels, 85c to $5.00 ;announced. silently collects and silently departs 39c, 49c, 59c, The senate finance and house ways in the big square Voter de Linden and means committees are planning before the Kaiser's Palace. Prom 79c and 98c All lndeetruc-tlbtrolled steel, metsj parts, to give attention to the taxation apd five to fifty thousand they gather Bedspreads, Dreaad Charctr and Rubber selected best grained, tariff situation, members said, but and protest. Each straight Always protesting $2.98 to $5.98 79c to $9.98 oak. A sorted colors. ; Don aside from conducting hearings they against (he passing of a bill In the 14 keys, hardwood fiatok. Indicated they did not believe any Reichstag, against a new tax. against Beautiful white bed spresaa. Bath Mats, The Ber25c to $205 OeQuloid Doll thing could be done to meet the Situa- threatened unemployment Heavy crochet spreads, plain tion until the next Congress meets in lin Bolshevistic press permits no dty hemmed and scalloped. to $3.49 $159 98c Ouija Board, Special, extra session In March or April. to pass without Injecting a new politiDoll Beads of All Kinds $150 Mouth Harmonicas, It Is not Improbable, however, mem- cal narcotic lnt the mob. Fine Satin Wash Cloths, 49c to $175 bers of Congress stated that President Spedsl Mob Opinion bora ''83c Wilson will be called upon to place an 10c to 25c to tima has Germany government Spreads $5.98 Hair Wigi..98c to $1.98 embargo on grain importations Double raad. Baanttfat ton. On ta orous sensitiveness for the opinion peclally Canadian wheat, and other. of the mob, which is born of fear CUStOOM and $12.98 Each. Importations such as eotton and wool. Fancy Scalloped and Chancter Novelty Dolls e of tta own weakness. . which American producers aay they knowledge who Hemstitched American representatives 98o to $908 .ere unable to compete. Special . Bed Comforters must be residents of the district from Embroidered which they are elected, the German $1650 Children's a Big Variety Bchoenhut Chnnoter ChBdren-TablsSenator Sterling Works $1.29 s, member of parliament is elected acPillow Cases l, to From British practice. tnder Dolls $4.98 .$708 to $12A0 w M Antomobiles, $1175 gpsclsl sale prices On Immigration Bill cording thta system a Democrat from Clove-lan- d hertmed sheets sad cases, aad $25.00. could be nominated by his party the (beeusg by ! to rmn In California, and a Repub(By AjoeUt4 Pnw.) Main Floor (Au.rbach'i Children . Coaster Senator lican of New Orleans might head the WASHINGTON, Nor. ft or Hint of South Dakota, a Rtpab ballot In New York City Reichstag member . Wagons, Hewn member of lh itnata Immlcra $850 represent const It ur net tion committee announced Here today which they often see only while district before elec the In that he would Introduce ConrNa a stumping bU? creating a federal Immigration tion. The result In that a large, proboard with power orer all qutettona re portion of the members of the fetch-staHigh grade folding tsbto Light and begin to get rooted ta the anil toting to immigration aad Including Easily folded. Opening sale. strong It-the right to decide the number of Im- of Berlin. Hero their vision to fre). of th to limited aitUude the coun-trto quently be admitted to the migrants (Three for $1.93) 4 city or at beet of Prussia. '$5.98 Tcy Fllver, $3.95 Hundreds of silk Senator Sterling said he had not yet IVar Per tin Mob. A great assortdecided on the composition of the An auto for the Bttl tots sll wood, removable bnt. Herd Automobile, large else Have you eoe what thie mornment of clever new patterns and plain color. rubber-nreHolwelded wbeeto. teel 81 lackabeele. construction heavy alls. barri. but that U probably would be ing's Vorwaerts heavy Length. body nays on your speech with fendere ier bear lag Regular 812 composed of the eecretarlee of stale. of yesterday?' will throw ahlvers Interior, agriculture, commerce and Into a member of the relchstag who a and chairman to be named by brasenly doesn't care a paper mark the prevalent aub)ed to confirmation about the opposition In htwown disby the aenate. trict. The relchstag is unqueetton-abl- y The aenator declared there were two Ritr fin yur. allk boa. inn aad Klw blah much under the potential fear bavL Blark ud fundamental reason for restricting of the Berlin mob and the newepa m Immtgratinrw-f.r- at the need to con- per which rt present and serve as tinue Amerfhaf labor on a high elan mouthpiece fog the mob smalt Make yeer oeiociion nov-- a dart) and to make more stringent the Is Hermea Minister oi Pood restrictions against the radical ele doubtless a hearty supporter of the dry salt will bold goods until Xmas menta entering the country. Wamaa'a haavy yur. allk baan lit blark aad wkita movement change the capital from FwHtsa Name The proponed Immigration board In Berlin amcetd hto Povp Hal to, faakioa-- d aad dbtw allk fJ(. eg very tot. Me to. ggoc unpleasant determining the number of Immigrants penenor A on wedding day to be admitted to the country would, crowd of several hie send thou hauofraueu the senator aald, take Into consider gathered before the targe Stag Uti t:on the amount of employment or on Catholic church during the ceremony employment In the I'ntted ftatea Ir and murrupted e prteaTe Intone also would be expected to admit un.y tion with about the food eueb tmmtgranta as could be anitnl mi a later and remarks hie conduct In efflre, . La ted. Ivory Toilet were not which only unseemly before a church, hut which could ouf be re Set, $4-9Soldiers Bonus Bill pasted In any parlor, Sc Typical. Cwmb, braah and mirror. fa boa. IT Is Law in Washington H Jlaf 'The Berlin tmophre, a the German call It. is no more typical ) (By Asorecisted Fr vf Germany than New Tork to lyplaal Sale of Fine ReferGLTMFIA. Wash, Nov. $8.98 Ivory ToUet of America iierltn to also a melting endum measure No S. known as th pot. in it you find all the crudities oldiets bonus NIL which pro id far of human Mfl which float to Ihe place gj Leather Tourist Sets, $6.95 the payment of a bonus lo former servThere la a supof lea rebalance ice men of the mate of Washington pressed deveUon a sullen peeet avl af (rata-,- 4 plot rmbtatla Cases, $195 te 914 for each month they were in Berlin to a city of to fnnry lowry 111 ar rid tbv frdrral avrvtcv face $v j mouth Haptia rtM Tim 4 mantrurla, flttlar. a law today by lien. Halt, I droo.r( proclaim., a nt aiyrvmlnc tha mara Joy of living Cobra nraln.4 l.a'h.r too..'. U a whlrh aa annoonrvd at tha on In llambutc Ctnna. (r.vt lol-r. mmmt olltro Tha annooixvirant ruti'.r lln.4. nth.ro .1 , Munlrh lo.-d.- n. am In tbraadbaro. Other Ivory Seta From formal tortlfWatlo by th mV- - hunyrtlna Vlvnna. ar, nottroahl, I, llaod Ail Pit., wtb mlliiar, hru.K.. of atal that tb bill rtr- h, thatr ttoiu. rt-th broth In la.M ah., In, t.,u.s alorllon by (tn-r- al rvd in th $198 to $4750 irUn hna not th atmoatihora of Fine quality, unhrinkb!e 42 Piec Dinner Set, $10,49. a vote of 224 944 for. to 48.121 again. qal.t human aunahln aad tlk ot V, ,nnt. tnothbr. n.raaaary la a to raa cur r.arv Iha alrk bankrupt atata. alih la out size. anion woo) RH nMMlat mlrr-- r e. St yattvma and lvla Iatbvr Mat , i.aib.r rad rvd bannra and 4 Cepe tbraata dally Flame Raze Factory I artmaab . CHbvr raa-- a. I 11 i. f,TJ in thalr far I N ear Full blotch. Special $1.98. In, lb. afficlala 4 Fruit fltowcofu a paltry ef day-tAt Vergato, Italy ofiva follow barauaa day -v1 I neltef opporluntam I thay bavant Sal of I Holiday Pre wUL rnforr thalr paa.r i fly Amortatvd ii Ka-- a, Dinner abaarvar Impartial prapbaay $8.93. $6.98 Manicure Seta, .till that Harttn UiMKiX. Nov. 1 tnuat bar lit fu at tb rhwnl dr. jg.98 Shaving Beta, M rWrta .r Ituaatan bnbl and lb Koaatan tar. rar.ln,- - lb ruin of tb tor, d.tnak 0.1., an .apt. ror briar a, dry and atabilny ran at treat. Hat,. 47-69 $5.45. . tI T mi Rum s t iTattor urtd on Friday, nor a.h Mila, fwtnrad. tn thalr aptntoa Halabarlatn f t.k In Itarmhny la a arartrt favar, afar Uvf latd ahavln, dlrpalrh tu tha Flrhan. eot--. aft Slrbal Child weight heavy retti 'I1-.Th dtmatar d .... Ivory man), uria, frmtar lb muatrlpal body baa anra baaa ( ranipasiy .ito hilr vra. rtantr Go 10c 4, Hta bavoc throtuih th atrknaaa It la ImmiHia Ibas ai ftraa mm Thin Water ton onion suita. ('all bleach, all 7 b.adl. vaa mad. at g b11 ti yarr.lata ant rar ll wrought blnd Bormoua with man, to forth Tbay point aiptour mat tbor 1111 ru Ixed. Special, 99c. Tumbler on ytatod. a. Explsatana V Utl 'iJttr 23c rptillmi mi 4b fart that Munich, ahlrh II aad xt i, Tumble r,H tbmuih p Rad ta. ror. t naw tb .vary aid. ' for 98c , Main aatlatraaahold af lAa.rbarh, from i toaard Holabartam. Floor.) Vraln (Auerbach Train, raanln, !ila 'to --I..J akM , $for$9o aa tb mai Milan bar. baa. Mod AwaM liaarymry, 11 and Tnr iittwjority of tb. railway brtd, bar. baaa It la doubtful o h at h ar t yvrara v laauirf. dwdrvj-rrootd b mo rad until aa viaar- ' mant ' yaary a cam awab aa drova Ebrt aad I hta rahtaat t Ptut'y.rt Farmer Will Decrea th 4Hn, I. Tbto DakrWA Wad la tb jrMrnlM Etdcmi. tow oatk . Ancient tb capita tbaa.b prwbably agm iw. Tha polMtrtana aad Kapp taro lotto -la -'ggwmtoeih. .gwwamawlwM prim. a ir Mbib,H , lb ImjOrUnl t f tanyaivn --f nn.mm.bl im. nr1Ht -WOutput Agent Say tk.lr mtallliM find . -Im. . rab-y mad-ar Tb bldb raat f print la baa drtrv R.I f I , nJUb.JT f whk-- lb flUta.at f tb Nt'- -. - Try. rmhl tb Vkat. .rfbbao. 1 bba At.ba. wtobl M lI gglUa1 wbw ito alartrl Keettoiea f ttvrlta I firm Nan. Iba latrmatldnal gererumaul ti (to Ram try pnbllabar Wb (By Park.) MmaMvtod Km 1 "- -. tbaa aa H gig pbiwd.m Vf tbv waa mtoU tbvr I lb flbanat W-- W f WAKHINOTOX, Nv It Farmar deagvr tom that trw.Ja . " U' l par Ifarat of tavalaf torief pf a red rwulu -- 1 tb (laaa bv In' vrbWdi INil.f atl Oermear d preweate ito today III bold bark rapid f far hwh b I ambv, r,, ra fral CblW, Vtab. pla tion, arrugewewtg made ta rw fram dwr.,, not put afft-- t iNiwfef and rot ' Come Ir. and, nw bar. maad I ttbrly la b. V ry tlmllrd Camp . ,ar'a Ha Where tram Dectric ef tbf peadvaarlere (to r .driaad pMctoewebr ! Mawh flfiy a r of tb ravavnmant baadrrd. d. alaa.lm.rn rry fiastl-rllt- " a. faldapar. Mlwtmer pf g. taU-- n. r Wwk Rvd twn raaHy aid ar-oTba Caa-adla y to tb to fi rapart from aaball frawi r. mad L From. bb-Irt madman M . maa4 rwatlaa. ra t one f bum farm. tt)f.aa Throat t md IrRvrKir, bat ara aa, lby rat tb Havnrta nyltal fa thu yw dvfw.ti.ly: M Tb baa af lb lamp ad In a rrl.tv and , for wbalaaato bold la. In. frawi Utah ad hardly bv pradarad at aa M Mnr thin lima tb vrk ad fal-- ai f vraab. tb mprvr twraatanl adlll-aa th manaarrlpt f tw rbark tb -dartin. aa A IlltU ,h "I- -' -adtly mnaalt ram rfmaai"n frvra lb. ,mni, a, avand,, Vvr-Wa.tlal. aad mb.. W mMC I. food ptodurt. ara not btn mpport. dattn IMIn bn mt fvtr.nl M rnlvr .f marbl. d f f malntalr th alira pmmmr t, fftrlva R,n tla4, ,M tala that anlf ta a that tall Martial Ram aavlrnt ad itrly by any aobvtaaiial .Omani a n.w rvlvtnn Manb-ft im 4,1,0,. In taln-nlI t am.lM. ramnatrtartla , laniM rafrv rwvlatVwt l tb, aval. - W pptaaf baadh mad M pabnabar ! Tvypha. to frm I tbaa. of lb farm araopa, aroordln, la ba af India atWm ft. b4 rmmm 1 hi lamp arm. prfU mrt of tb fUd ftl JtTv It bat m tb ytbd mad d.t. , bint af Wrapvnatwtv maaa aaprrt it1- a ad ovarjrla. cllla.i,,(Vvrv-- - BT 1. S. 1- - a Blankets 5 j ' ' All charge purchases made Today and Tuesday will be 'charged on December account. rouMoco Lime HLki, IU8 TARO S BART CAMPBtLIfc Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Nor. JJ. Although one Congress does not reconvene until VMk from today, tti leaders, now r assembled here are being bombarded with demands for the early reroedla. legislation by agricultural and business interests. Representatives of those Interests have been Informed by Republican and Democratic leadere alike there te little llkiihood of Congress finding time during the next three months to do much more than pass appropriation bills. Until they bare consulted with President-elec- t Harding upon hia return from Panama the Republican leaders will not attempt to complete their program for the approaching short session, they said. , A numbsrbf Republican senators aro planning To introduce bills after ' Congress opens which they state are urgently required by the countrys cultural Interests. Severe I senators from the middlo-- i west de ) ire they intend to support the h bill fur regulation Senator Kenyon, ReI of the packers. publican of Iowa, one of its authors declares he intends to press ft to a rote despite the opposition he anticipates It will encounter. Unless the treasury department asks to revive the war finance corporation to relieve the financial situation about which farmers are complaining. Senator Calder. Republican of New Tork, . will Introduce a resolution calling upon It to do so. he say a Senator Capper. Republican of Kan-sawho states he will support the 29 1920 EI NOTICE! OFBOjSHEVISM Bombardment i Seat of Government Must be Moved to Some Other City Agricultural In Begun tereats Pres Demands Reichstag Member Believe Citizen Aroued. Tax Expert Busy. Pre-Seio- MONDAY NOVEMBER NEWS Boys -- re " Flat Blankets ag-g- ri Kenyon-Kendric- l(-tn- $6.98 Self-Steerin- w Kenyoti-Kendrl- DOLLS AT SPECIAL PRICES o, , Xtnnl ln-itk- In All-Wo- nf !. X r g to $1.00 to $1.95 Mens Ties . . four-in-han- 41-i- J? i f t - . 5v tie. ds I. Save Money at Practical Holiday Novelties i 69c GAuerbach8 Womens Silk Hose, nkr, $1.98 IU a.lia Womens Pure Silk Hose $1.69 Sale of Ivory Toilet Sets rtr I, A Practical Gift ir 2- - Pre-Holida- y tHt fft rot-rn- Womens Wool ltbratt Union Suits or h-- rM. g $1.98 1 I -nt lin I ... a4 , nr btlfa suit, 0ds !. rZZ o ni tniH Childrens Union 99c Suits (,t-(O- obr Trl-vn- I, tir ,,r nf- utndd ra barr ' .T1 - !or. .tt t. cm-p- a b tr)9m. tt rvf t ln tt fw,faad'f ra aata 111 ll frn Ak 1 bk " - A mm ., amaw V 2,'t lt 4- -e Erlp.v bttlktr I I ba . rbp bllr - th.a r.ir-M.a.hJ- Lt:;4, rwt; r j nf half rW. n ad WUr ,, frv lrlnd. Rbt be, - mnaa nMl mavr-ntm- mntbnRbf v'i'L,. titM n - Book-PuhlUhl- t rat). light brb. Set, 32-Piec- e 1 Vala.V.W.f.t |