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Show This Friday afternoon Ed Allen is JHS stu- - . will host regDOO track dent of the week H Juab High School will host the region track meet this Friday. Both boys and girls teams from eight schools Hurricane, Millard, Delta, Juab, North Manti, Sanpete, and Richfield, of FFAs State Farmer Shirlene Allen of Levan, is the Juab High School Student of the Week. Allen is secretary of the Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Future Farmers of America and holds the degree. He is a member of the local FFA land Ed Allen, son South will compete. Trials will begin at noon on Friday, and finals will start at about 3 p.m., says Dr. Kirk Sevier dash. standing relay Lorilyn Sperry and team, says Dr. Wright. Shanna Kay are Juabs Team members are top contenders in the Vance Gadd, Conley girls division. Christensen, Shane Other JHS favorites Bunker, . and Jimmy are Kevin Snow, pole Howarth. vault; Gregg Lofgran, The events are the hurdles; Gerard Yates, discuss throw, shotput, Shane run; throw, high and javelin Bunker, high jump; Mike Tolley, weight jump, pole vault, long dash, jump, events. dash, We also have an out 200-met- er 1600-met- 400-met- er er 100-met- 200-met- er 400-met- run, er run, 1,600-mete- r 3,200-mete- r 110-met300-met- 400-met- run, intermediate relay, er relay, medley 1,600-mete- er run, hurdles, er hurdles, 800-met- r and $1 STEVE'S vance to the state finals, as will the top three relay teams. 45 South Mam Nephi, Utah Call or in- 623-191- 623-005- for Wo sell FriKidaire appliances WE ACCEPT s A REPAIR All Makes Antenna Instalation Skyline TV Of Ephraim Serving Nephi on Tuesdays from the Crimson party, left, Nathan Wright, Bart Feaman, Shanna Kay, and Ann Ealey; will take on Gold party candidates, right, Kirk Greenhalgh, Linda TNPhoto Greenhalgh, Maria White, Denise Terry, and Craig T albot. ii The Times-New- s Volume. 79, No. 18, May 7, 1981 Vance P. ' 623-064- CAROUSEL or 3 CAROUSEL TURNTABLE Assures consistent, even cooking It turns the food so you don't have to. VARIABLE COOKING CONTROL For Appointment FULL POWER, ROAST, SIMMER, DEFROST, and WARM settings allow selection of best speed for food being cookpd TIMER Includes signal bell and automatic shut off INSURANCE ACRYLIC INTERIOR soil resistant. 5 AUTO ENERGY SAVING SALE! T,---- & Allan R. Gibson, Publishers The Timet-New- s is published ) (USPS s Publisheach Thursday by the ing Co., 96 South Main Street, Nephi, Utah 04640. Second-clas- s is postage paid at NeSend address phi, Utah. POSTMASTER: Times-NewP. O. Box 77, changes to The Nephi, Utah 04640. Deadlines: News and advertising, close of business, Tuesday prior to publication. Deadlines advance one day when a postal holiday falls on Thursday. Subscription prices: Sis months, $6, one year, 09.50 in fuab County, 010 50 outside juab County, payable in advance. No subscriptions accepted for less than six months. Single copy price, 25C. Advertising rates available on request. All articles and photographs submitted for publication are subject to editing and will only be used if the editor deems them newsworthy. The editor reserves the right to hold submitted news items for use in later ediis not responsible for tions. The Times-New-s the return of articles or photographs unless they are accompanied by a stamped return envelope of the proper size. , ; RanmOakt iidnansiiiD(RiisiK We'll replace any window in your home., immediately! Singlehung Casement Awning 24"IWI LIFE CENTRAL UTAH . lie INSURANCE 623-025- 0 Agent - Broker mynentav m Itfunl JCira'iF" n uc m Sliding The beautiful way to insulate with new windows or storm windows , Dealer for Jones's Paint and Class Of Glass House 850 So. Canyon Rd. Ephraim - 283-439- 2 $ 1 CAROUSEL MICROWAVE VARIABLE COOKING 345 95 Our guarantee is one of the best reasons to buy a Sharp. Our ovens have a 7 year guarantee on the magnatron tube and 2 years parts, labor and in home service! Compare this to other brands and you will buy Sharo? "We sell the best and service all the rest" 45 South Main Repair parts IN STOCK for all major 0 brands of appliances. REMEMBER! At Steve's We Service What We Sell LARRY PETERSON Storm Doors (HI x 18 ID) LARGE OVEN WITH Steve's Appliance & Repair South Main NEPHI, UTAH 15 Phone x 15 EXTRA 53 cu ft Output power 650 watts Net weight 59 lbs Cavity size: BONDS war. Easy to clean, CAROUSEL COOKBOOK WOODGRAINED CABINET Outside dimensions: FIRE 'taftOtnMromtns) ! Call Forsey's FARMOWNERS HOMEOWNERS u "Your Radio Shack Store" S Make Mother Happy On Her Day This Year With The Best Microwave Oven TV Juab High School will be hold studentbody elections shortly, and candidates l. TRADE-IN- 63-119- 9 Monday thru Saturday Ed Allen 100-met- er .2 - - We are open for your convience from 6 a m to 6 p m top u Plumbing & Builders' Supply 66 South Main Nephi, Utah 4-- D Before you call anyone else remember we have parts in stock lor most maior appliances, and feature last Incndly service Dr. Wright Howarth recently says. broke a record for the dash at the Brigham Young University invitational, and he tied for first place in the t I 0 0 and service all maior brands sprinter, () and free gift wrapping on Your gift for Mother's Day Purchased at APPLIANCE REPAIR - schools 10; We sell the best and service all the rest. The top six contenders in each event will ad- students. Favored to win the meet are Hurricane and Richfield high schools, but Dr. Wright says Millard, Juab, and Delta have some strong contenders for prizes. Jimmy Howarth is the high SALE judging team. He has played football and tennis at JHS, and is a member of the track team. vited to attend. Admission charges are $2 for adults and 7 relay. Juabs track Wright, coach. The public is Allen is an Eagle from his mission, he ! Scout, and is a member plans to attend Snow' of the LDS Church. He College. has received a call to serve as an LDS misThe Times-New- s in Honolulu, sionary Nephi, Utah : Hawaii. After he returns May 7, 1981 ; 623-191- Mathers Day SPECIALS Console Color TV Dried Flower Arrangements 800008c000c0000esi000! Clock Radio $6495 off Sofa Pillows 30 o off 0CCCOCOCOCO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Recliners & Wl Appliances 30 rRT0llRP (T .1- - |