Show BY rp TELEGRAPH ra 11 11 oa PH FOREIGN HAVANA IG 16 luls luis and frederico betancourt delegates from the cuban commit committee teo for tor the realization of potice peace and formerly members f the cuban camara have arrived in this city CoNsTANTi constantinople NoiLE nolle 16 beouf pasha is empowered to request that thai varna be restored to turkey typhus rages at A and phillp Philip there is much bickness sickness here and at E Erze roum E dward edward B malet first secretary of tile the british embassy at rome will accompany lord lyons to the congress as secretary LONDON 17 A telegram from constantinople says strong detachments patrol the streets day and night on account of the great excitement cit ement which pie pit pitfall vall oen tha posting of seditious placards the turkish garrisons of shumla shamla and varna men besides egyptian troops troop sare are aro expected here ST 17 the golds states that in accordance wilb will the orders of we the minister inister in of the interior the magistrates of st petersburg nrc arc compiling lists of persons qualified to toi officer the rai ral militia litia which is about to be formed ratifications of the treaty of peace were exchanged today to toddy day doy the conditions will v be published as a boon soon as they are communicated to the power beouf pasha will depart immediately the guam russe denies that russia opposes greece being represented in the congress nud aud adds that us n the great powers power salone alone can cab constitute the congress representatives of secondary and other interested states will be admitted as delegates in reference to questions wherein their states staV sate aate are concerned steps are now being taken for the progressive re return turn of the russian army from turkey the guard will start first and halt some time at kleft kieft nie Nir NNA 17 it is said that serious negotiations are proceeding edl edi ng between sir sli henry enry ell eli elleott lott iott and d count And andrassy rissy for an alliance between england and austria if 11 the negotiations L succeed u c aeed count andra Andras syb ay a position willbe strengthened J if f th they y fail fall a ministerial crial crisis will ensue and count an brassy may possibly resign PE STir 17 prince bismarck h has hns as notified I 1 tp tue austrian government that russia in consequence of his intervention has consented to bub submit all the peace condi condl conditions tlona tIona without exception to the congress for discussion should the congress make a demand to that CON STANTIN OPLE E 17 beouf pasha has a letter from the sultan suitan begging the czar to permit some modification of the boundary of bulgaria especially on the south E england has obtained permission from ho the porte to disembark some pome troops on tho the island of on denedos ten edos and send four mor more elron iron mads dads to the sea of Ma marmora imora emora M ornon dragoman of the russian russ ian lan ae protested against these concessions the russian troops crossed the river between makri kol and bt st Stefano and occupied three villages near makri rol koi the porte by tho the advice of mukhtar rasha pasha has not yet assented to the russians occupying bu juk dere dero the Tho cears Ciara yacht est Ejr KUck ck w with ith two torpedo boats has cast anchor blunt tho the british consul at ad ria nople has arrived here the rus bus having refused to recognize a consular body at Adria nople or Philippo polls polia ATHENS 17 twelve thousand turks have landed at volo and it is expected will attack mt pellon it is anticipated thal thai if the turks overwhelm the insurgents it will be difficult to restrain the greek army from reentering entering re thessaly LONDON 18 A special from bt st petersburg says bays the tho treaty leaves a good many points open it reserves the question of the straits for the congress and leaves the southern frontier of bulgaria to be determined by an international commission according to the nationality of the inhabitants the question of the annexation of the port of ko vola is left to a commission commissions and thus I 1 serious difficulties on that point are avoid avold avoided edg edt lord derby will probably receive the treaty next saturday as a courier for london will leave on tuesday the correspondent explains the new difficulties in regard to the congress he says E england demands a formal engagement that all the clauses orthe of the treaty shall be submitted for discussion bus rus sla holds tha i uch an engagement is to quite unnecessary as the whole treaty will bo be known before congress meets and tho the may discuss which clauses may be submitted for consideration while the discus discussion sio n turns rather on diplomatic 0 prest prestige lRe ire than on real interests the feeling is such that some member members sot of thet the 0 official world orld orid in st petersburg declare that england england has decided on war and anti Is simply caviling to gain time A vienna dispatch says A preliminary conference 6 of ambassadors ass adors Is being planned at berlin to settle the question of procedure at the congress A laris paris correspondent bays says the proposed preliminary conference Is regarded as the last effort of resist ene lonc lo nc i on ouk the pait part of russia special states prince bismarck and count andrassy consi consider dei del that russia has yielded enough in of nering offering to submit to the congress the clauses it may designate A telegram from vienna states that count andrassy Andr assy aesy being asked in the budget committee of the austrian delegation whether he meant to resist the formation of new state slate said the problem was not to undo the results of the war but to harmonize them with the rights and interests of europe and austria between and oldham weavers are engaged in the strike and lock out numbers of the operatives in other departments are kept idle in consequence of the stoppage of work by the w eavers weavers great di stress distress prevails the morning post congratulates the tile country on the una UDa unanimity DiMitY of the ministry in the present critical poal position 4 p m consola declined today to day on the rumor that lord derby had resigned the forein forel foreign n the rumor ia Is probably utterly baseleda ba selesa andu rely of stock etoch jobbing origin |