Show local and other matters I 1 FROM TUESDAYS MAR 1 13 departed it willbe observed by obituary notice in dmn that sister laura snyder enn edn ca of elder franklin D richards Kichar dB departed this life yesterday the relatives of the deceased lady have our sympathy in their bereavement giand grand jury the standing committee of the grand jury A mcgowan G F cul mer Boatman have been pursuing a course of investigation bince binco the tho ada adjournment of the main body on sunday they returned from a visit to logan brigham city and ogden where they have been examining jail jails county records r dockets of justices of the peace etc yesterday and today to day they visited the insane As asylum penitentiary and city prison awell ameli A well weil dressed community we are informed that some time since a member of til the dramatic awo Amo association clation of brigham city was assigned the role of a ragamuffin diligent search was made in the settlement for suitable outer menis ments to constitute the necessary make up for the character without access success it occurred to one ef of the meb members ibers of the company that a friend mend from an adjacent county then their visiting at his house had bad juso the kind of suit that was was waa wanted and it was cordingly it is a well weil dressed community that apat a clied coat and ua um nables in it it Is one of the salutary effects of cooperation operation co in business affairs museum blu biu seum there has been bean received at the museum from HB clawson esq a skin shin of a variety of ermine it is remarkable for the beautiful markings of the tall tail and the grea great 1 length of that appendage it is a s specimen pe ci men of the eaird baird but the banded marking markings of the tail are of more than usual brightness As a fur fui bearing animal the weasel family havo have long iong been known to furriers A specimen of sandstone from our settlements in arizona has also been received from hon john W young this rock may have bave many uses it is suitable for sharpening scythes and tools it is com composed rosed of very fine siliceous particles closed by oxide of iron new ne w tabernacle brother 31 grow has a number of carpenters at work making the bents for the roof loof of the new tabernacle they are being constructed upon the ground ready to be bd raised on the building as boon soon as jas the walls are up they are very strong ifor so form in ed d each of flye of two inch plank as corender to render the roof eif elf seif supporting theba the bents enfa are aro box td ed and bound with iron bolts and lods the six eix extending from north to south will support the tower chich will wiil 11 ll rise from near the centre of ef theo thereof of the window frames of ohp lower story are all in and those pf af the up jer yer er are made and antii ready to be placed la position when the walls walla are sufficiently advanced we understand there is i s nearly eatough rock on hand band now to comp compete pete ete the maspn mash wak the noath north elder james jamea H hart of bloomington counselor to president budge of the obear bear lake elake writes on march ath he states that the winter has ben absen more than usually mild with a fair lair prospect for an early spring jB bishop jonathan pai paa amire who resides at bt st charles having been pointed appointed al by bishop edward hunter to act as agent tor for the latter in ifa tithing matters in the bear lake biake blake he was unanimously sustained in that position by vote at the late quai quarterly terly conference oar our our operative cooperative co inte interests rests are movements are being unde undo to extend and advance our commercial interests I 1 for which a board of trade is being organized an assoni association 1 atlon has been foiled foamed ath with mth a board of trustees ani ant other omm off meers officers to supervise our apicultural agi cultural and manufacturing interests inba rests from which much good is 11 vater while the tha residents of th lower wards are living in un comfortable confor table anticipation of 0 too mich water in the approaching seaon those ot of the he upper ones look dob do fully forward to a state of thugs exactly opposite both see sec look pleadingly to those to abse hands have been entrusted the tho of publio public afna afra affairs irs irb for aid ald they both need it the c dwellers wellers 1 on the dry bench are p po aly off especially in adin summer for rodd pure water for irrigation and culinary purposes an abundance of water is a positive necessity to insure the health of the population As to how those people are ard to obtain it Is a question which makes aloud a loud demand upon the public the argument used by some that when the lots on tho the north bench were sold the purchasers were given to understand that they could have bave no water will not do now the people arb are there their situation Is known knorn and how they came to get into that condition is of but little torment moo too ment they require relief and if isaid aid ald can be had it should be given them numbers of theories have been advanced as to the best method of supplying the want but as with preventive and cure an ounce of practical application of a good principle is worth more than a pound of theory at the present time the good people of draper sandy some of the cottonwoods Cotton woods and other settlements are engaged in making a canal to convey the waters wa of jordan from near the point of the mountain around upon the bench lands ranging around the south halfon half of the east side of the them valley would it not be a good plan for salt lake city to enquire into the feasibility of lak taking an interest in that canal by helping to construct obtaining it in return for such aid hid the right ight to use the cottonwood creeks for a large portion of this city we do not know whether thib this suggestion could bould be operated upon or no but every chance for a solution of the question of water for the bench residents of the city should receive consideration when the remedy does come command and we beleve believe be leve it will it should be such as will cover the whole ground the wate water supply should be sufficiently extensive to cover the entire northeastern north eastern portion of the city anything short of that would be but a partial solution of the question ic 1 6 would still be practically unsettled there is an abundance of water in this ibis locality for every purpose sei and lind therefore the only question involved is its distribution to all necessary points that brings in iia the consequent question oil of expenditure of means if the latter were on hand the settlement sett temen ol 01 axe xie vwe aie mal mst matter wt would be a foregone conclusion FROM wednesdays DAILY dally manoh MARCH 13 successful concert the concert given by the union glee club to mr william H poster foster at the ath ward assembly rooms last night was an artistic and financial success large largo audience A crowded audience listened with pleasure to th the lecture electure by mr 0 H riggi biggs at theoph the ath ward schoolhouse school hoube house last jast evening he who wants to pay a flying visit in his minds eye te to the two g great reat cities should hear the lecturer graph graphic c deschi description atio n of london Lon london dou don and paris dangerous dog the other day a setter dog belonging to mr W J D wilson bit a son of mr henry din DID dinwoodey woodey in the arm the teeth of the ferocious beast going clear to the bone the animal was killed hilled this afternoon the aforementioned being at least the second instance of his showing his biting propensities good the lecture of mr T 13 louis at the ward schoolhouse last night was well attended the object of the lecturer was to direct the attention att enlon enion of the young to the necessity of writing by a course of faithful actions a creditable record reco rd on the scroll of time 1 he cited a number of illustrious amples examples eix elx worthy of their emulation J excommunication catlon this is to certify that oie ole hanten hanson and his wife anna hansen were cut off the church of jesus christ of latter day saints for apostasy apo stacy on the ad insl WILLIAM S SEELY bishop T larsen 14 clerk south ward mount pleasant J march 9 1878 beautiful this morn morning w we e nad were shown by mr 0 F due u e nurseryman two very beautiful comellas cam elias one white and the other of that peculiar tint known as ce erise cerise the white flower is one of the most perfect and lovely oi of the species we have eve ever r bion soon seen been they were raised in mr lues dues a green house where be he has thea them ang and the pin plants ts for saie sale business merchants and business men of the c city y generally should take time by th the forelock Cob coh conference ference time will be herein here in a little while when the town is likely to be thronged thron ged with country people visitors from a distance generally make it a point to attend to td purchases at such seasons isna it about time that they should be informed through the NEWS where they can buy to 9 good advantage it is about time to come out with the regular conference advertisements verti gentlemen suicide A franklin correspondent of the junction furnishes the particulars of the suicide of john M blakely an employed of VV D hendricks at work on the utah northern railroad early on the morning of the ath dinst blakely plunged into the creek through ii a hole in the ice and drowned himself he was found a short distance below where he went in dead he left a note directing the payment of his debts with his money domestic troubles were evidently the cause of the rash act he ho had bad been separated from his wide wife some months turkey D P felt helt secretary of the ward improvement association handed in the following last evening mr jas watson delivered a lecture the auspices of the mutual improvement association of the ward subject turkey he gave a description of its geographical fea feature turee its inhabitants their manners and customs etc to a large audience audien ce the lecture was very instructive I 1 and interesting at the close of the lecture a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mr watson juvenile instructor before us bisno is no 5 of the current volume its contents likel like those of its predecessors present an attractive collection of reading matter it has the parson bird illustrated tip tr velo vel vei in india the Lama illus joseph smith the prophet two wishes gospel principles editorial thou thought lit the del dei deluge uge illustrated lust rated perseverance curiosities in human food our rocks and minerals incidents of a mission J elephants at sea alphabet ai of good counsel sunday bunday lessons ota kow how he ab S ionea veua tafou table rules for little folks thi operation was successfully performed upon the child of mr Deben haba of the loth ward last night the attendant physician phy did not see the pa tient till he was wag in the last stages of or as sometimes called croup at nine the child ceased to breathe being literally strangled was hurriedly performed and after the tho silver tube was inserted into the windpipe artificial respiration was resorted to for about fifteen minutes minu tes tep at the enil end of which time the poor little fellow opened his eyes and resumed regular breathing the attendant physician could give no assurance that th the 0 constitution of the patient had bad not been bien too jar far reduced by disease to admit of much hope for ultimate permanent perma nept recovery reco lvery ivery but the fact remains that sixteen hours after the operation the child appeared comparatively bright and comfortable and able to take nourishment city council the council met last evening mayor little presiding patten patted communication of henry patten fatten representing that he was the owner of lots lota one and three in block eight of salt lake city survey which were covered by the military reservation and asking the city to redeem the certificates which he held and apply tej taxes granted the mayor presented a statement with accompanying vouchers of expenditures from the contingent fund io in his bands as follows for the month of december 1877 20 50 january 1878 74 50 february 60 total for forth ethree th months leaving a balance of the appropriation unexpended at the end of february of 28 29 report received and expenditure approved the auditor presented his report abr the quarter ending february 1878 as follows balance on hand december 1877 82 receipts during the quarter 37 69 total dis disbursements ib i urse for the quarter 88 balance on hand february 1878 75 referred fo to the committee on finance the committee to whom was referred the petition of richard brimley and others residents of the ath ward represented that they had visited and examined the canal and found that it was under the control of the county officers I 1 who had promised the necessary relief report accepted the committee on waterworks water works reported that they had had under the petition of mary minkler had visited her and found that she bad just cause dause for complaint that the gas company was the be source for her to look to tor reparation pa ration report received the c committee nimit tee on streets and alleys alloys reported ported rb on the petition of walker bros for the repair of east temple street between second and fifth south and recommend recommended ud that the prayer be granted report received and recommendation adopted the committee on public g grounds reported favorably on the proposition of james jamea townsend to lease the warm spring bath house and recommended that he be be granted a lease of or it for one year from april at per month the committee on police reported enthat that they had examined alderman report found it cof coi correct and recommended that the requisite appropriation be made report received recommendation adopted and amount appropriated A bill of chief engineer ot 0 t inger of I 1 the fire department for three patent nozzles amounting to 45 was presented and amount allowed and appropriated alderman Raleigh from the committee rn atee on municipal lawsto whom had been referred the communication of the assessor and collector reported that they had drafted an ordinance 3 and moved that it be placed upon its passage the report was received and on motion the ordinance 0 C F 2 to provide for the assessing and collecting of city taxes was taken up and read the first time passed its first reading and was read the second time by a sections ec passed its second and third readings readiness and passed the ordinance conforms con farms as far as applicable to the territorial revenue law the council adjourned till next T Y ening euing eNen ng sm FROM THURSDAYS THURSDAYS DAILY MAR 14 kele Vele telephonic phonic Z C M L I 1 intends opening telephonic communication between the counting office and packing room ot of its establishment the first mail the first eastern mail since the commencement of th the esnow isnow blockade on the U P R R wab waa being distributed this afternoon letters there are le letters ers at the historian omee office for james leach howard 0 spencer samuel G ladd william eddington and john H rumell burnell from the junction city richard ballan BallaD ballantyne tyne esq publisher of the ogden junction ru i action is in the city en on business he states that all is well as usual in that northerly direction rising up mr dinwoodey is having the upholstery department of his establishment fitted up with au an additional array of racks to receive his large spring and summer supply of paper hangings hannings hang ings which has arrived good time for work wok now 19 is is 19 a good time to give poor men work in digging and planting picking rocks out of sidewalks ditches hauling gravel for sidewalks or garden walks fencing and a variety of other |