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Show The Soniuera Pad lie. Chicago, 36. - Tribum's Washing ton: Southern Pacific people claim that the resolution recently introduced in the Eenale asking by whAt right a railroad company is buiklirjg a road jover tho military reservation in Arizona, Ari-zona, which wftB intended to be hostile hos-tile to tbe Southern Pacific, will benefit bene-fit it, as calling public attention to the fact that a road is being constructed con-structed without government aid. Its manage-rs say they have the right to build through tho territory under the federal statute of '7G, which authorize!) any company to build a road over government lands on filing a mnp of its projected route in the interior department. Washington. 17. In Ins commu nication Bent to the sennto to-day, in response to the inquiry in relation to the construolio i ot railroads in Arizona, Ari-zona, Secretary Schurz states that the Southern Pacific ratlrond of California, Califor-nia, on tho Mth of November lust, and the Southern Pacific railroad of Arizona, on the 12th of November, tiled in the land office mapa covering the Siime points, and on January 15th, C. P. Huntington filed in the iutarlor department a map covering the name points as described in the two preceding pre-ceding mapa. No action baa been taken by tbe department on any of these mapa. In bia letter Huntington Hunting-ton statea that theorganization papera are being prepared and will be forwarded for-warded at an early day. |