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Show fA message from Margie Home Agent What do you do if wax ;from your Christmas candles drips onto your carpet? The Utah State Uni versity Ex .tension Ser- - M. Purnell vice publication Carpet and Rug Care, gives the ; , ! ; i i ; ; , mats, and keeping outside walks and entrances Remove all spills mediately after they cur using formulas dicated in the book. im- the use patterns. The oc- program to extend the life and beauty of your er. carpets: The circular, EC 396, is Keep out as much dirt available at a cost of 35 as possible by using door lanes months, or more often if soil becomes visible. In any season, Noyes reminds that how often vacuum your carpet Thoroughly clean you will depend on the use it your carpet as needed with a recommended gets. Just remember that cleaner as indicated in soil allowed to resurface the circular. main will dull the carLift furniture over a pets beauty. Sharp or carpet or rug, rather gritty particles that than dragging it. work down to the base of Change the position the carpet will cut fibers of loose rugs, and re- under pressure of foot arrange furniture from traffic and shorten the time to time to distribute life of the carpet or rug. Notices Notices Notices Home carpet care by Margie Pnrnell USU Extension cents from the Juab County Extension Office. It gives similar help in dealing with other special problems, such as acid spills, animal stains, rust stains, and cigarette burns. The author, Marilyn Noyes of Utah State University, outlines the paper. Press with warm iron (not hot), using fresh blotting paper as needed. Use solvent on any remaining oily stain. "If wax spill is extensive or bright colored, call a professional clean- . following eight-poin- t clean. Clean your carpet oc- casionally using a sweeper or vacuum cleaner to pick up any noticeable litter (two to three strokes). Vacuum more thoroughly once or twice a week (six or seven strokes). Clean carpet in traffic . three every GEM FLOUR STEEL BUILDINGS ANXIOUS TO SELL - 40'R Cost $5360. 40' X 80'R. $11,500. Reg $19,385. 110'MU Cost $10,700. 30- X $8527. RED BIRD CEREAL Reg Cost 40' X Reg $18,895. Willing to negotiate or trade. Ask for Danny, J products of Fine your local milling i; company. answer. Break off hardened pieces. Tuck small pieces of blotting paper down into tufts of carpet. with blotting Cover Notices For Sale Completely remodeled three-bedroo- TREE m , ford with 429 cubic-incengine. Recently rebuilt, good condition. $300 or best offer. Provo, Call Lee Wright, 50 or 623-- 204 House for sale in Nephi. Owner 50 financed. Call 623-- 31 7. Discount Kodak color film 49 cents per roll. Buy 20 coupons and receive bonus of 80 coupons for 80 rolls free. Send stamped No. 9 size envelope for letter details to Thomas Logan Distributing. 260 West 1050 North, Logan, Utah r- i YOU'RE NOT GETTING OLDER, YOU'RE GETTING BETTER. HAPPY BIRTHDAY double-pan- e windows, r hookups, fireplace availabilty. Call 623-195- This yeSyt'yoilr free flocked ' Wtfrisfmas for ap- 8 pointment. MINUTE iMAN Townhouse apartments for rent. Two bedrooms. Very nice. Washer and dryer hookups, garbage disposals, 1 Vi baths. See Richard May at 1010 North Main, Nephi, or call house for rent in Nephi. Washer and dryer hookups. New floor and wall Economical coal coverings. 50 heating. home in Nephi. $300 per month, $100 cleaning deposit. Call Basement apartment at 405 West First North, 623-203 50 Nephi. Call mobile home for rent. $175 per month. $50 before 9 deposit. Call 623-993- 1 m washer-drye- h 374-262- DEAR G. 623-026- 623-046- 50 84321. Two snowmobiles for sale. One Johnson electric start, one Polar-i50 $800 each. Call 1974 Ford F100 pickup in good Rod condition. Phone 50 Pickering. Nebo Heights building lot. $8,500. Call Rod Pickering, 50 Surplus jeeps, cars, and trucks available. Many sell for under 1 s. 623-072- 623-992- 0 623-048- Call $200! (312) home for rent. Partly furnished. Economical coal heat. Call Dan Memmott at or see at 194 West Seventh North, Nephi. No smok- 51 ers please. unfurnished home for rent. $300 per month. stove, washer-drye- r hookups, large yard. Also unfurnished apartment. Downtown location. $250 Call month. Richard at per 623-105- 3 Ext. 742-114- 3 9326 for information on how to 50 purchase. e Building lots for sale. and larger. Located in Mona Ci- - Wood-burnin- Half-acr- ty. Call 50 623-073- ftftftftftftftftftftftftft LOVE E. 623-183- onodot CO. Refrigeration and Appliance Specialists Serving most of luab County Factory Franchised Service ft We service most all major South Main, Nephij Bamix . HJ II 623-- 9 e poinsettias gift wrapped for sale for only $5.95 each. Call Clen Belliston, brands of Appliances SUPER MIXER The Mixer that does it all! You will love this MAGIC WAND Call Forsey's at 623-064- 3 or look for the m : . 4 Easy to use Easy to clean Get a fresh new 462-266- 5 ' 3 .509 West Main IpjMt. Pleasant, Utah holidays! r Compact and .M Convenient Swiss made Inthefrrivicf or v x your home or mine. Fire Estate Planning Hansen Agency 1334 623-016- 2 N. 475 or E 623-193- Nephi 0 Ex-Cel-- & Cosmetics Skin Care Products - , - (! MUNIiTiEDM SSfEABMKs UNITED FARM ! REAL ESTATE 623-051- 4 TV REPAIR Out by 5 p.m. Why Wait a Week! Kimo's Kamera CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Ferg's Service North 1010 Main, Nephi do tune up, engine overhaul and brake work! If you need any mechanical work done see us first - For ft Inspection work ft Brake relines ft Engine Overhauls ft Tune-up- s using the Sun Machine Electornic Tune-uft We use Quality Parts We SPECIAL This month Only Tune-u- p 623-064- 3 $-- 1 123 South Main Nephi, Utah 623-037- 6 n 623-166- 1 United Farm Real Estate Rooms only I C00 New apartments. $350.00 month. Older home, $250.00 month. home $300.00 per month, utilites paid. United Farm Real Estate, Call House with two bedrooms and appliances. House with two bedrooms, appliances, and heat. Four-pleapartment with two bedrooms and appliances, electric heat. Anderson's Trailer 50 Court, Plus parts Nephi City will accept bids on the sale of the old City Hall until 12:00 noon on Wednesday, december 16, 1981. The property is located at 54 North Main. The sale includes the building and site, which has 48 feet of Main Street frontage, is 248 feet deep, and has a width of 55 feet at the back of the lot. new everthing inside. month plus utilities.. lot, $300 00 Levan. OWNER ANXIOUS Come, look and make an offer on this home with full basement and many other extras. Contract. IN MONA Great starter home on corner lot. Recently remodeled main floor. Full basement. MAIN STREET Duplex. Available Jan. 1, 1982. 250up, 225down plus utilities. Unfurnished. available Jan. 1, 1982. $180 month plus utilities. Unfurnished. Deposit and references required. Wanted Correspondent ft to cover the meetings of the luab County Commis- ft sion. The commission meets on the first and ft third Mondays of the ft month. Pay is according ft to the amount of copy ft written. Call Vance Gib- ft son at The for more infor- ft 5 OtfB ft mation. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft A SUBDIVISON Prime development land in S E. Nephi. ready to go. 64 acres 1880 Max Walters Realty 555 West 300 South Salem, Utah Times-New- ftftftftftftftftftftftftft Notices s Please check your classified ad the first week it appears. If you find a mistake, teles phone us promptly. The will be responsible for one incorrect insertion only. 28tf s Here are classified ad rates: 404 per five words or portion of five words, $2 minimum. No discount on additional weeks No refunds on ads after the deadline. 28tf s classified ads are payable in advance, except to those who have advertising accounts with us. The deadline for classified advertising is Tuesday at the close of business 28tf Do you plan on submitting a photo for publication in the Please bring a stamped envelope addressed to for the yourself photo's return. Times-New- Times-New- Times-New- can-celle-d Times-New- n n n n n ? The Nephi Chess Club meets each Tuesday at 7 30 p m. at the Nephi City Hall. Anyone interested in playing chess is invited to attend For more information, call Vance Cibson at rf or 623-052- 5 Have several building lots available. For all your needs or wants in real call anytime. or 623-039- n 623-054- 8 Larry Peterson 6234)250 or 6234)039 n n a Services babysit after school and every mgs Great with children Very responsible. Call Kim at Fenton Broadhead 6234)240 Glen Cowan 50-5- 1 Nephi City will accept bids until 12 noon on Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1981 on the city's insurance package. Bids must be submitted on forms provided by Nephi City. Bid forms and bid specifications are available at city hall. Nephi City reserves the right to accept 50-5- 1 B or reject any or all bids NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice 623-184- 5 Shanna Happy 14th anniversary SOB love Dave 6234)490 50 We maintain a wedding gift list on alt last luab County weddings $1 00 and $2 00 amounts Plumbing and Builders' Supply. 66 South Mam, Nephi 28tfB 4-- 623-119- 9 Jl is hereby given that Nephi City Corp., Nephi, Utah 84648 has filed a request for ex- tension of time with the State Engineer to make and submit proof of appropriation under Seg Appl. 21184-- a covering 1 2 cfs. of waste wajer from Nephi City Disposal plant and Thermoid Co. to be used for i irrigation purposes. It is represented that no work has been done. Additional time is needed to complete the project and to make and subqiit proof of appropriation. Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 West North Temple. SIC, Utah 84116 on or before Jan. J6, (53-68- 1982. Dee C. STATE Hansen, R.E. ENCINEER Published in the Nephi Dec. 3, 10, and 17, 1981. IN THE FOURTH lUDICIAt Times-New- s t DISTRICT COURT f OF IUAB COUNTY STATE OF UTAH J. SANDRA LOUISE REED and The State of Utah, by and through UTAH DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, ; vs. JOHN BARTON REED, Plaintjffs Defendant ' $ SUMMONS Civil No 5550 ? THE STATE OF UTAH JO JOHN BARTON RFftJ; i You are hereby summoned and required to file an answef in writing to the Complaint lor Divorce filed with the Clerk'of the above Court, and to sefve upon or mail to Donald ). Eyre 25 plaintiff's attorney, Jr., North Main Street, Nephi, U(ah 84648, a copy of said Answer, within 20 days after servicejof this Summons upon you. t If you fail to do so. Judgment will be taken against by Default you for the relief demanded in said Complaint, which has bden filed witn the Clerk of said Court, and a copy of which; hereto attached and herewith served upon you. This is a Divorce action filed by your wife, Sandra Loqjse Reed. Dated this 25th day of November, 1981. Donald J. Eyre-J- r. Attorney for PiaintDfs T LECAL NOTICE Mr. G. Harvey Hamilton of 778 17th Ave Salt Lake Cfty, Utah has forfeited any and all interest in the REX mining claifns located in Juab County because of any portion of of the assessment work done on the claims for the years 1981, 1980, 1979, and earlier. Mr. Hamilton may never have accepted an interest to avoid cpn-fliwith other interest. These claims are BLM Nos. UMC 91428-UM91470, located in Sec 1, T2V,W12S. and Sec. 1 and 12 in T3W12S, recorded Nos. Juab County REX 129455-12946129473-12948129491-12949129509-12951- 8 REX 19-2Nos, REX 37-4Nos. REX 55-6Nos. in Book 227 and Nos 130195-13019- 9 in Book 229. : is Hamilton's Mr. interest by Henry H. Davis, E H. REX 77-8- 1 Preston. Ceorge Wortley, and lames F. Fouts, who are Auric Metals Corporation stockholders, PO. Box 7070, Monroe. LA 71203, phone (318) 343-444- 8 Probate, guardianship, conservator, and trust notices. Consult clerk of the court or the respective signers for further informa- tion. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of John C. Pehrson, Deceased Probate No. 1989 Any and all persons having claims against the above estate are required to present them to Clark R. Nielsen, attorney for the estate of John C Pehrson. 1100 Beneficial Life Tower. 36 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the third day of March. 1982, or said claims shall be forever barred Arthur H. Nielsen Clark R Nielsen NIELSEN & SENIOR fj would love to Ken Epperson 623-102- 0 estate give us a Personals ft ft 623-052- 5 Times-News- home. Use New listing in Nephi. for home, rental, office or what have you. Three-bedroo- m For more information and an inspection appointment, contact Randy McKnight at Nephi City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids must be written and delivered to City Hall by the above date and time. x RENTALS need to know about real estate) 3 ftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Single, young marrieds, retired.' $175.00 a month includes utilities. Nephi. (All you 623-120- 0 Help Wanted 45tfB two baths, large Call Wanted golf professional. Applications for tne Holman Palisade golf course professional position will be received by Mr. Bob Jensen (Chairman of Sanpete County Golf Committee) at Jensen's Department Store in Manti, Utah, until Monday, an. 4, 1982, at 2 p.m. )ob description and conditions of employment may be picked up at the Sanpete County Clerk's office, or at the Jensen Department Store during regular working hours. Job interviews will be required. Real Estate Wanted New carpets etc. Good location, garden, fruit trees, fenced yard. $225 00 month plus utilities, Nephi. available on weekly or monthly basis. evenings. Wanted to buy homes, lots, acreage. Must be affordable and have flexible terms. Write William Conrad, 9112 Elm Street, Los Nephi, Utah ERA MOUNTAIN LAND REALITY 53 623-130- 300 South Main two-stor- y 623-082- 2. 623-043- 53 623-188- p Call Forsey's For Appointment three-bedroo- 623-166- Assumable F.H.A. 235 Program loan available on this darling home. East side location. Total payments inand see if cluding taxes and insurance will be $269.00. Stop-iyou can qualify for this special financing. - Dave or Shanna Call 52 623-050- 623-050- three-bedroo- In by 10 a.m. . 623-133- 4 For Rent FILM PROCESSING Skyline TV Of Ephraim Serving Nephi on Tuesdays Call Mike Keyte, Nice home in Mona. Completely draped and carpeted. One bedroom. Washer and dryer hookups. Attractive yard. Contact Mike Keyte at 52 For rent the following: One home, one furnished apartment, one furnished apartment, one home. Call Steve at or 1 90002. FAST 52 489-661- Sleeping room, furnished. All new. Garage included. Mona. 51B or 623-- 51 8 Make your holidays less hectic by having your carpets professionally steam cleaned. All bathrooms cleaned free through December with regular job. Call Philip Baker for free estimate. 623-087- or 623-076- 0 623-047- your insurance needs". Antenna Instalation landscaped and fenced. Has sprinkling system, appliances, and cooler. Unfurnished. Call Lopi, Third East, Nephi. Call 51 duplex. Yard New Defiance, Inglewood stoves and fireplace inserts for. prefab or zero clear ance fireplaces. Pipe, chimney cleaner, and grates are 20 off. 'NormarT Anderson, 240 North Fisher, We can handle all All Makes 623-195- 8 see. 51 28. s fi i Rex rabbits. Castors and brok-en$25 each for young breeding stock. Will keep til Christmas. Call Cody or Brook Taylor, 623-015- 1 51 or 623-01812 x 52 ft. Detroiter trailer home. Two bedrooms, washer, refriger- Wedding gift list at Chapman Furniture. From $1. 27 South 24tfB Main, Nephi. See Chapman Furniture, 27 South Main, Nephi, for all your floor covering needs. 30 years of 26tfB installation experience. Call for appointment Denise Chase ; Inquire at Juab County Clerk's B Office, Nephi, Utah NOTICE TO BIDDERS'? Three-bedroo- ator, stove, air conditioner. See at Ballow's Circle B Ranch, nine miles south of Levan on Highway 623-036- Cis Experienced Consultant 1 ( Special Christmas Gift For information and delivery, call 0 Lou Ann Thalman at 0 ?r 9 Life Auto Health Commercial H .1 . ...Whirlpool, Gibson, Kitchen Aid, Maytag, Sears, Litton and Others in Nephi. 0 . NOTICE TO BIDDERS Bids will be accepted until 5 Burrows a p.m., Dec. 18 for Business Machine Model L9000. 798-638- ft : B 50-5- 1 home for rent in Nephi. Clean and atractive. Wood stove, fruit room. $350 per month. First week rent free. Call Susan at 51Wilde home. Completely remodeled. New kitchen cabinets, new carpeting, doublepane windows, wasner-drye- r hookups, fireplace availability. Call for appointment to 623-103- j g Three-bedroo- Extra-larg- SERVICE 50 p.m. 623-048- fe: Legal Notices For Rent For Sale 1 home on large lot. New kitchen cabinets , new carpeting, j. s Nephi, Utah Dec. 10, 1981 in- 1973 : Times-New- 49-5- 1 Attorneys for Personal Representative 1100 Beneficial Life Tower 36 South State Street BSalt lake City. Utah84111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Kate W. Ingram, De.' ceased Probate No 1949 All persons having claims against the above estate are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the tenth day of March, 1982. or said claims shall be forever barred Don W. Ingram Personal Representative 453 East Third South Nephi. Utah 84648 50-52- 4 |