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Show Water will decide population growth, study says The critical nature oi Utahs immediate water problem is not water the balance between itself, but the cost of water supply and deplacing high quality mand is illustrated by water where and when it the situation now exis needed, says the Utah isting in Salt Lake Foundation. Valley. A study being mand. ment in Utah is the Central Utah Project, largest of the participating projects of the four-stat-e (Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming) Colorado River Storage Project. Approximately 40 percent of Utahs entitlement to water from Utah, unit, which is designed to bring water from the Uintah Basin to the valleys west of the Wasatch Mountains, is a little more than complete, but several key units are much farther advanced and can be completed at relatively one-fift- h Similar water supply problems, in varying Colorado River low cost. While some opdegrees of intensity, are the is still position to the Bonne-offound throughout the System and could ville unit exists, water state, and are expected undeveloped, ficials believe it would be to be intensified by the be developed through the uneconomic to abandon CUP. Utahs full share of jointly conducted by the development of Utahs .fn the long run, River water it now. The project has Colorado the Salt Lake Metropolitan energy resources, been adequately funded water is the critical Water may be as much as 1.4 the Salt Foundation points out. District, recent years and conin leUstor that can place an Lake per year. The largest potential million acre-fee- t Water ConCounty is proceeding. struction ultimate limit on growth The CUPs Bonneville servancy District, and source of water develop A major hurdle still to in the state. the U.S. Geological be surmounted is the No water develop- Survey indicates that Jordanelle project, a part ment project is an alter- supply and demand are native to another in the currently very near sense that a choice is of- equilibrium. Projections based on current fered among projects, water use and the the Foundation notes. Each project supple- most recent projects of ments the others and in population growth inthe final analysis, the dicate that it will be value of each can be necessary to develop an the additional annual supply measured in time of number of years it can of 38,000 acre-fee- t add to the time that water by the year 2000 to preserve the balance Wealthy growth can between supply and de ho'w-vp- r, . per-capi- ta Jume of solution, 111 have shown con-fjume- d. that the human newborn detect the taste of jiiicrose and that he or fjshe enjoys that taste. j J?ew studies have to evaluate lifiyelopment of jSqan preferences for sugar solutions in infants, Wyse says. Even less is known about the development of preferences for salty foods. It is known, though, that salt solutions are rejected strongly by infants older than 1 year of age. But soup with salt is preferred slightly to unsalted soup by children at least young as 2 years, higher cost, but the director of the States Division of Water Resources believes the outcome would depend on how well the voters understand the issues, the Foundation says. Once the repayment contract is paid out, the water for all future time would be virtually free, the only cost then being for operation and maintenance of the system. The Times-New- s Nephi, Utah 6 Dec. 10, 1981 of-wat- er CfixUte.m.e.n -- family 9atm Quality Rex Rabbits stock 4 more by appt. 465-304- Payson,Utah 9 ftrlSiir All Tonka Trucks Plan your Christmas Parties Now at Nephi Finest Restaurant! Vhafs sweet fend what's not abys first tooth $Be' sweet tooth. In fact, the newborn "jnfant can detect the dif- fference in sweetness be tween different sugars and prefers the sweeter rones, according to Dr. fBonita Wyse, professor pof dietetics at Utah State University. P; According to the American Dietetic Associa- Hion, Wyse says, Until recently, it often was ""presumed that the sense, of taste in the human 1 newborn was dormant. However, recent studies yecording facial expressions, sucking patterns, bodil movements, and of the Bonneville unit that will provide direct benefit to Salt Lake and Utah counties. Because the project will provide water for municipal use rather than for irrigation, its repayment costs are subject to the impact of inflation. The current estimated unit cost from Jordanelle is four to six times as high as originally estimated, and could go even higher. An election may have to be held to approve a new and higher repayment contract. Water officials are not certain how the voters will react to the and Cars ffff, Reg. price already on sale not included. Lumber Co. We are now booking for holiday parties for groups as large as 60 people. Call today for our low rates West 200 North 1 Itah - Phone ce Hardware Dealer 623-0147- and available dates!! Russ Farrer's Sunset Cafe 1025 South Main - Nephi Utah Call 623-087- 5 f is First Security wants to help you save and play Santa 7:5 be Se he V T Iff es to salt and sugar infants and young children, she says. For sweets, it is important to emphasize that although a preference exists at Wi cal ant ish 3 birth, developmental perhaps fluenced by dietary changes perience J in- anc ex- for could occur. Recent work suggests that prior feeding "history and other variables may influence MHiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiii with fine imported china at special low prices. JHPis the season for holiday entertain-- 1 ing and gift giving. And First Security checking and saving service can help you with both. 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