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Show .Send 'em a Christmas card! -- From page one Private lands in the area are being rehabili-- ; tated and fences rebuilt with financial and tech- nical assistance from the' addresses Missionary ' ,i I 'Here is a list oi serving from tlie East Juab County $Knaries (area. Elder Edin Allen Sister Betty J. Fackrell 3 134 A Waialae Ave., No. 202 Honolulu, HI 96816 England London Mission 6468 Exhibition Road London SW7 2PA, s The England fpiiblishes the list each Jyear as a public service, Elder Doyce R. Olpin 030 that our readers may 5435 Norde Drive West them Christmas cards. Elder David O. Wilkey 8905 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 92041 No. 20 Elder Todd Liddiard Sadolinsgade 97 KLD n Elder Jerrel L. White 7985 Bangor Lawrence and CoDeal Brough , Recent births as reports are: ed to The I Times-New- Elder Edison B. Lee 121 West Gilman, 904,v,St. Cloud, MN 56301 Madison, WI 53703 ' Elder Wesley Greenhalgh Elder Layne Christensen Takatsuki-sh- i 135 Holgate Road Akutagawa-ChYork Tanaka, Biru 3B North Yorkshire, Japan T 569 Y02 40F England Elder J. Randall Vickers 6 Ebberly Lawn Elder Jeffrey B. Jones 38 Delphinium Drive Flat No. 1 Westering Barnsuple, Devon Port Elizabeth 6001 England EX32 70H Republic of South Africa Daughter, born Nov. ;28 to Scott and LuAnn ;Christensen of West :Valley City. She will be mamed Raquel Christen- sen. Grandparents are iMr. and Mrs. Homer Christensen and Mr. and iMrs. LaMar Stanley, all pf Mona. Great-grandparen- ts are Vera Chri- stensen of Levan and Ciena Stanley of Mona. Son, born Nov. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherson of Nephi. He Svlll be named Ryan Roy -- Elder Russell Belliston 412 North C St. No. 2 Lake Worth, FL 33460 fJoquella McPherson, 28139 Vlr. ts and Mrs. Arlin and Christine NEPHI WEATHER Vance P. & Allan R. Gibson, Publishers The s (USPS is published each Thursday by the s PublishSouth Main Street, Nephi, Utah ing Co , 04640 Second-clas- s postage is paid at NeSend address phi, Utah POSTMASTER P O Bos 77, changes to The Nephi, Utah 04640 Deadlines. News and advertising, close of business, Tuesday prior to publication. Deadlines advance one day when a postal holiday tails on Thursday Subscription prices: Sis months, $6, one year, $9 50 in Juab County, $10 50 outside Juab County, payable in advance. No subscriptions accepted tor less than sis months. Single copy price, 254 , Advertising rales available on request. article, and photographs submilled for publication are sub, eel to editing and will only be used if the editor deems them newsworthy The editor reserves Ihe nghl to hold submitted news items for use In later edis tions The is not responsible for the return of articles or photographs unless they are accompanied by a stamped return envelope of Ihe proper size. a Menominee, MI 49858 born Dec. 4 j Daughter, 0 Terry and Paula Bartholomew of Nephi. She jSvill be named Amanda pawn Bartholomew, grandparents are Dallas land Arda Ames of and Don and Wan- Al-To- da Bartholomew of TOTAL LOOK! Derle Hansen, reporter Wilkey infant dies; funeral held T uesday Jared Scott Wilkey, son of Scott Alva and Tamera Smith Wilkey, was born and died Dec. 4 in Salt Lake City. The Toggery 19 North Main This holiday season 50 South Main Nephi, Utah - Anderson's gives you the gift each week with a Super Discount!!!! WATCH FOR IT!!! This week's 15 special Boys and Girls Clothing Jeans and Tops City; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Wilkey of Nephi rand Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smith of Salt Lake City; great- Remember this year shop Anderson's grandmother, Marieda Verney, Salt Lake City; and Ida S. Fran-- , com, Mesa, Ariz., and Claudia Mae Barber, his Salt Lake City. Sweaters US ! CHECK OUT! s Anderson 720 South Main , Nephi, Utah MEMO: coi-as- n, n (yiiajbdmfl yfloojGmiL wli Happy birthday from to Elizas The beth Eyre, daughter of Brent and Sheryl Eyre of Taylorsville. Elizabeth is 1 year old today, Dec. 10 Grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Don Eyre Sr and Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Belliston, all of Ne Times-New- phi. Great-grandparen- are Hazel Eyre of Beaver, Kate Church of Pang-uitcand Eva Jackson h, of Moroni. fynd. 4j2 Tpp. '.fkD :4-- S smirrdJL 3 ' IChoub a. Car! TTCAat cu djuL! & A note of reason and then some for buying NOW at . . . Now Earn 14.669 Dave Strong ESS,SCHE 1045 South State IRA Tax-Deferr- ed on First Securitys New Savings Plan Street, Salt Lake City, Utah This rate is based on the September 30, 1981 91 -- day Treasury Bill average rate and is effective through December only. Interest rates change quarterly on your account. Your account matures in 1 Vi years, and you can, for the first time, make periodic deposits without affecting the maturity date of your account. You can deduct your yearly contributions to the retirement plan at tax time, and pay no taxes on that money until you withdraw it at retirement. Now is the time to come in and sign up at First Security. There are bonus interest points for qualified accounts, plus e a free place setting of fine china. 31 Happy Theresa birthday to Kathleen Barnes, who will be 1 year old Dec. 11. She is the daughter of Dean and Kathy Barnes of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnes of Nephi. Ed Anderson of Bountiful, and L.C. Junes of Ci ms, Calif is Mrs. A.B. Sturgis of Great-grandmothe- Iioo r Trouble with lights is one of the symptoms of cataract So are spots or ghost images Or you may notice a milky spot in the pupil of your eye, which is normally black A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that interferes with the passage of light This causes blurred vision A cataract can come on so slowly that you're not aware of it for a long time ft is most common in your older years It will gradually get worse and so will your vision Surgery will then be necessary to remove the clouded lens This ts usually a simple procedure Most patients have only a short stay in the hospital Nephi, Utah parents, West Valley Funeral services were held Tuesday, Dec. 8 in Salt . Lake City. Interment was at the Sunset Gardens of the Valley cemetery. tom. '2Z - s Nephi, Utah 623-111- 4 Survivors are A Times-New- Dec. 10, 1981 n, Elder Wade Pew 90512 Ninth Ave. Subscribe! $1.15 for $1.00 in pennies Cash your pennies in today First Security Bank: Nephi Office The LEVAN WEATHER Elder Gene R. Prisbrey 116 Monfredo St., No. 5 Rutherfordton, NC HOLIDAY SPECIALS FOR THAI SPECIAL MAN niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniitiiiiii THE No. 709 Boca Raton, FL 33432 dMadsen, all of Nephi. Don't borrow exploration activities in S August. Is now paying Volume 79, No. 50 Dec. 3, 1981 All Casilla 500 Talcahuano, Chile Sister Kyle Belliston 1675 NW Fourth Ave., J3reat-grandparen- Weather Elder David Steele JMcPherson. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. purvey R. Madsen and JMr. and Mrs. Seth McPherson, all of Nephi. are Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy doosman of Manti; and ly. These fires occured during their oil and gas First Security Bank Times-New- s o ; i- The Elder Jens C. Mickelson 1263 Tenth Ave. North Area births Coun-Agricultur- al 5230 Odense M Denmark Hesperia, CA 92345 rVern Lee Apt., No. 303 245 Lee Street Oakland, CA 94610 Valley, near Nephi, 1,200 acres at Black Point in 1,404 acres at Antelope Valley in Sanpete County and Wood Hollow in JUflb County, Moun-storm- BLM-admin- Jacksonville, FL 32244 about acres at 1,670 Sage year, including southern Millard Stabiliza- - ty, and 280 acres south tion and Conservation of Monroe on Poverty Flat. Service. In addition, Seisport Other areas burned as s a result of lightning Exploration and tain Geophysical were on stered land will also be" chained and seeded this Times-New- Nsend A Reseeding" The missing lens has to be replaced for you to be able to see again Fortunately that is not a problem Your optometrist will prescribe cataract eyeglasses or contact lenses Then you can see as good as new again If you're having trouble with lights or notice any other symptoms that suggest you may have a cataract, you shold have an eye examination In the interest of better vision from the office of. TODD KIMBAU, O.D. NEPHI MEDICAL CLINIC 392 f 600 North. Nephi Phone 6230775 Examination by appointment only three-piec- You Can Sign Up Today If you have no pension plan where you work. you have an IRA but have not made full contribution for 1981 tax year. you are covered by a pension plan where you work and make your initial deposit after December 31st. Act today. There are no fees for this service. Come in to your nearby First Security office and get your 14.669 working for you now. -- Per annum rale. Federal regulations require substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal. -- FOtrsG: ScscouirQGv Eainfe Each depositor a account ts insured to $100,000 by the FDIC. Each affiliate bank of First Security Corporation is a member of FDIC |