Show BOILER EXPLODES INJURING PERHAPS FATALLY ENGINEER AND HIS FIREMAN one of the most peculiar liar Y yit t fortunate accidents in the history of the denver and rio grande occurred yesterday morning when the boiler of engine 82 pulling the first section of no 6 5 westbound husenger pu s enger blew entirely off the trucks and into a ditch on the side of the track the accident happened when the train was approaching thompsons Thomp sons the engineer and fireman were badly scalded fireman reddell and engineer lund of grand junction were the only two victims victim s of the accident A special train was made apat up at thompsons Thomp sons upon receipt of the news there and the injured men were sent back to grand junction for treatment just how serious their injuries may be is is not known the tracks were rat vt torn tom up by the cx c x from the news received ceic in price it seems the boiler simply blew off the trucks luckily the uie high pressure which must have been inside did rot rt cause the boiler to fly to p pieces lleces as is usually the case caw had this is occurred the list of injured would have been long endmost and most like ly preceded ceded by a list of derd TS reports received ived here it e yesterday evening say the condition of both lind and reddell is quite serious lund being the worst hurt hurt of the two |