Show for a sprained ankle A sprained ankle may bo be cured in about one third the time usually required by appl applying ving chamberlains pain 13 balm alm freel and giving it absolute rest for sale by all dealers J c M L ri 0 A PANY E AND AIND RETAILS RETAIL 16 with a full line of sash doo doors ra S screen oreen doors building pg paper er 4 9 4 Moul dings builders Hord waie ga glass W wire co cloth th iron R ing nails barbed wire A complete line of 11 arneso Mr neSo guns and jj ammunition JL C weeter lumber company r I 1 0 a UTA ura 44 p M M URI R U aa wi V esca WHEN call in at wms YOU The senate sal j a COME where you will find tho the dinest lino line of liquors beers wines and cigars in eastern utah to S TO 11 select from f rom wo we cater to the best of trade a PRICE JOHN C FORRESTER CASTLE am alft L E GATE al E HOTEL hutel under management of the utah fuel company castle gate utah most popular house with commercial men between provo and grand junction steam heat bath and mod orn ern conveniences table tho the very best TWO COLLARS DO A DAY at clear creek winter qua quarters and Sunny sunnyside Sunn ysido side utah and somerset colo well conducted Boat boarding ding houses for the accommodation of the transient public THE OASIS T SALOON E poulsen t 1 proprietor fine bottled wines liquors beers and cigars everything in the refreshment line furnished rooms good beds second door west of the court house price utah N r W G go T 8 OLSEN EN 36 1 W forwarding to vernal and K IV former uintah reserva tion points point LA hay grain flour and utah produce livery 3 16 feed and sales stable W in connection A highest cash prices paid 5 for hay and grain 6 4 A J 14 X HORSES BOUGHT SOLD AND EXCHANGED I 1 the mint saloon K W alo 1 grande depot apos price utah personally CONDUCTED BY JAMES DUWAYNE DUMAYNE bat bf st brands of wines cigars and eastern easte n beairs lately refitted remitted Re fitted and e refurnished pool table handy place for a 1 1 smile or a smoke waiting for the train 0 1 A L J |