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Show STMMOTT8 H THIS DISTRICT COURT 131 and for the Third 3 adicial District of Ctab Territory, County ot Bait Lake. Joseph D. Park, Plaintiff, vs. R. C. Reerer, C. S. Vest, Aquilia H. Piokering, Jane Dee Pickering, his wife, Frederick Fred-erick GetcheU and Jane Doe O tehe'J, his wtfe, defendants. he people of tbe Territory ml Utah tend greeting to It. C. Reever, C. E. Vest, Aqnilia H. Pickering Jane Dos Pickering his wife, Fred-crick Fred-crick Getchefl and Jan Do GeichoLL, hi wife, ftofeadant: Yea are hereby required to appear in as action brought against you by the afcx.v named plaintiff, in the Distriot court of the Third Jadiclal district at the Terri'ory of Utah, and tn answer the complaint filed therein within tei day (ezeiasive of the day ci service) after If service on you of this summons if served wrtbla this connty; or if served out ef this county bat in this district within twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by default will fee taken against you, according to ta prayer ef aaid complaint. The said action is bronght ta have a aecree oS tbts court for the foreclosure of a certain mort- 5 age, and the sale ef certain premises hereinafter escribed, or so much thereof aa may be necessary to pay the amount dae on a certain promissory note, execnted by defendant Reever and Vet to plaintiff, April t, 1890, for $3210, with interest from date at 8 per cent per annum same being due and unpaid, save sain of $1017.44; and secured se-cured by mortgage hereinbefore mentioned oa certain premise, part of which have been released from operation of aatd mertgay, the remainder of which are hereinafter described; also to pay amount of cost and 10 per cent attorneys fee; that defendant and all person claiming under them may be barred and foreclosed of ail equity ot redemption in aaid premise; that plaintut have judgment for any deficiency, as for ether relief; the premises sought to be soid as afore aid, are described as follows, to-wlt: Lots V to 24, block t; lots 2ft to 12, block S; .-ts t to 8 and lota So to 8t, block6; the north halt block 7; lot 0 to 24, biock 10, lots 1 to 8 and 26 to being south halt block U; lots 1 to 8 and 25 to 32, block 14; lot 9 to M, Uo k 1, all inrlnt've, in "Park Dale," an addition to Salt LaV Citv. Utah. And yo are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and answer the esld complaint es above required, the said plaintiff wtll apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. Witness, the Ron. Charles 8. Zane, judge, and the seal of tbe District court of the Third Jud!-ll district, in and for the Territory of Utah, this i:uh day ot Juiv, ia the year of onr Lord on thousand aigbt hnadred and ntnety-two. Ti-i henry u. McMillan, cicrk. By Qi9. p. Looses, Deputy C'-oxk. I ... |