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Show THE KIND OF STENOGRAPHER WHO SUCCEEDS IN LIFE In tho October Woman's Homo Compnnlon appears a practically sug-gestlvo sug-gestlvo artlclo entitled' Tho Girl With Notebook and Pencil, by Anna Steeso Richardson. In her artlclo, Mrs. , Richardson shows how n stenograph-' stenograph-' cr can, by thinking and acting for her omployer, advance hcrsolf In her business career. Following Is an extract from tho article: "I have known stenographers " who felt that It was beneath their dignity to sco to tho dusting of' their employer's employ-er's desk; who felt that thoy did not need to pay any attention to his supplies sup-plies of pins, rubber bands and letter clips; who did not notice whether his pcncllB wero sharp or not, or whether wheth-er his Ink wells wero filled. It should bo a part of overy secretary's work to sea that theso things aro attended to; that Ink wells, paste pots, pens, pencils, blotters, In fact overy bit of tho desk equipment nro In order for us, and that tho desk and all Its fittings fit-tings nro absolutely dustlcss. "Two opportunities nro open to tho stenographer: Ono Is a private secretaryship. sec-retaryship. Tho other is an independent indepen-dent business venture. Both aro reached by tho samo methods accuracy, accur-acy, elllelency nnd undivided interest. inter-est. A good memory helps, but Interest In-terest nnd that great gift of thinking for nnd with your employer count tho most. Lastly and just as Important as anything elso, remember to keep nbsoluto sllcnco both In tho olTlco and out of It, on all subjects relating to jour employer's business." |