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Show DISH PAN THAT IS NOVELTY fl Ingenious Device That Keepa DlthM H and Cutlery Separate and H Standing Upright H A dish pan that serves tho double J purposo of a receptacle In which to H wnsh dishes and ono In which to H keep them haB been designed by H Cnllfornln woman. In tho bottom ot H tho pan, In tho center. Is a ring-Ilka H abutmont. Along ono sldo'aro top H and bottom curved bends In which H knives, forks and spoons can bo stood " H upright nnd kept separato from the H other contents of tho pan. With the v ring In tho center, dishes aro stood u' '. t H around tho sides, which makes thorn H easier to wash and docs away with H thoncccsslty of tho washer having her H bonds nlways Immersed In the hot, H soapy water. Furthermore, tho Invcn- tlon takes tho placo of a cupboard la B (amlllea whero only a few dishes arc Dlshpan In Operation. ' used, as thcso can be kopt In tho paa when ndt otherwise in use. Another H advantago ot having tho dishes stand upright In tho wash pan Is that they Sraln hotter. In fact, ono can be used tor a drain pan alono. HJ |