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Show A. r A, PAGE SIX irnar wm i&uA'. ziJtoa. "S- Mt ,7 Mothers Know That Genuine Oastoria V 'i ? Always Bears the IisS-.t- r sX sssssgjgfejj rtomok5DsrBi.ttcnM S v i:p x-c- r 5 ..;t fH"' :ot-.1h- GpiuaLiiC Not In jlpcfadfb'i.'' ' jbustSttd j'.imrmrt, - . r J! r :KS' 3 L JUxftvwt ! 33 , - JurulM SuJt . -" a NAKCtm- JHtg.nfOsiiX:i-X- - fc.S Signature nCSSfffidlkst.CajUf - - H(7X Sd uwudterr r '&lO J.se UpnM&yfc'gSfi- ' 1 onacf tion. Sourlevenshiiessfa At ttSa Worms. - iqssofS- !&te For Over .jSignatoe C&t05jfo, Thirty Years TcmlrncoMFOt; - v DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING r s. t - I F - Gives & .. BEST VALUE (or Tour Money Every Ktni front Codon to Silk, For Mon, . Women end OdUrtrT Any Color, and-- Style ' From 25c to $5.00 per pair V sf- Lk br the Trad : X' ,, V , , t ; v Jr ' T!.r J If s y AO Ce4 IWUr. I I jfip. U ' i . : i .,i SU Kukl Lord&Taylor v . APU , - V WHOLESALE m ' - V -.- ft - ..aV-V.v. H n-- . I PS I lr7-r,;re- s 3 in-O- e i :3 ar. i t t fEpriakled oxnyardcf X or varnished furniture and woodwork. bhckcheecccloth it makes aa ideal Duttiets Dmstinf Cloth.' cbsobtdy preonu rtut cn gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath room r..l veneered j for generous fret Dictio: of hundreds of uses. i no is sc Id in ell good stores in bottles: lOe (1 OK.), 25c (3 os.), 50c (3 bin os.). pint). Also in new patented Handy Oil Can, 25c 3-i- V - n'.v: r 43 A oil company A Brdw Jfaw Tack CUr tn-on- e roof housewife; Provo business man and visiting observed Hill little Jimmie ham the Cherry feeding the Dairy usuaT cows a rile of bay from which arose the hay dust. A nlsup-to-dat- e HENCE Lady: Sonny, you shoulda't uiir up that dust while they J are milking. It will get In the milk. Jimmie: We should worry about the milk, we use the Calf Way Milkin' Machines, an ho dust cant git in em. . - Hill Efairy Co. harry ' ' (hir Jifottor .1 HiU-t- t Safety First' 1GG-- R j 3 VVF MAKE aLWAYSORELiAfiii:;:;.:-- A N. GULICii,; SPECIALTY - m Center Proprietor OF FEATHER ..... 375 .. PILLOWS $40.00 $40.00 On sale Oct. 23, Nov, 20, 23, Deo. Good three months returning ' .j STOP-OVER- $51.20 $79.?a' $39.83 $53 83 - 18. 22 ' S . DIVERSE ROUTES Proportionately low rate from other pointa.San Francisco and return direct San Francisco returning via Los Angeles i Circuit Tour, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego On sale dally until Nov. 30. Final limit Dec. 31, - exactly." The Scenic Limited n A modern, $35.00 $33.o0 $40.o0 1915. , T , train between San Francisco and St Louis, via the Western Pacific, Denver & Rio Grande and Missouri Pacific. ' No extra fare , all-ste- City Ticket Office 301 Main Street F. A. WADLEIGH, P.. T, M. Phone Wasatch J 2526 D. KENWORTHY, A. G. P. A. c jr Before the Price Jumps t Market indicates sharp advance. Now is the time to save money on your winters supply. Our Hard Wheat-Flouis positively guaranteed'. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR HOOVERS ITS MADE IN PROVO brief ami embarrassing visit he'depart-ewith no effort whatever to divest Miss Tucker of the opinion she had formed that she had been turned down. It did not occur to him that she would feel slighted; Five years passed. Jim was still unmarried. He had never seen Miss Tucker since the single call he bad made on her, and the Incident had entirely slipped out of his mind. Not so the lady turned down. She was nursing a wound in her bosom that pained ber perpetually. One night she met Worthington at a balk She was eighteen when she met him before; now she was twenty-threWorthington was thirty-fouOne glance at him told her that he did not remember her. Her heart beat wildly, but she turned away from him In time to prevent his seeing It A burning desire was In her bosom; that desire was for revenge. Turning again to Worthington, she threw a look of admiration Into her eyes that he bad not seen in the eyes of any other woman. Blind before to his attractions, he suddenly discovered them In the worshipful look of this woman. He talked to her and made another discovery that he was a very Interesting man. When the two parted the lady half repressed a sigh, as though she could not bear the separation. ne asked permission to call, and It was granted with a happy smile. . fish . Miss Tucker feared that-h- er would learn who she was before she could land him. Fortunately her dwelling had been changed, ner name remained the same. But there was no fear of the latter giving her away, d r HOOVERBROS. BT e-had Excelsior Roller Mills Phone 124. . e. r. keepwa-th- COALS, AS ! n j FOLLOWS-FIR- ST, - That Good Coal X CASTLE GATE, CLEAR CREEK, KING, SPRING CANYON, CAMERON, STANDARD. ANTHRA-CITE- r SMITHING, CQKE AND KINDLING X WOOD. SMOOT & SP AFFORD ..1 avdjjt .Afi.nu;.-.- a aihX&i: Established 1907, Provo, Utah. - -- . Louis Chicago Memphis Minneapolis FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK Capital $50,000.00. Surplus $12,500.00. Thomas N. Taylor, President. J. D. Dixon, Cashier. Arnold Dixon, Asst. Cashier .John F. Bennett, Vice Pres- DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Loveless Robert Bee S. P. Eggertsen T. N. Taylor John F. Bennett J. D. Dixon All business given us receives prompt and careful attention. Your account will be appreciated. y Utah Timber & Coal Co. CASTLE GATE CLEAR CREEK KING BLACK HAWK CAMERON CANYON ABERDEEN-- ! Also LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL A Square Deal to Every Patron' 160 W. J. FIFTH NORTH. M. HARMON, Pres. ' PHONE 232. . J. W. DUNN, Secy and Manager. ic.-te- Qmimsmvr J. Omaha nine-tenth- I Springs - Kansas Does she wish to get married? What a question!" Why da you say that?" Every girl wishes to marry; at least that Is her natural part in life, and she It." prefers to fulfill " Oh! Would you like me to" Introduce ' you?" I should be greatly obliged If you would." Now, such matters should be managed with consummate tact This on was managed with no tact at all The introducer told the girl. Miss Helen Tucker, that she had a husband picked out for her. The consequence was that when the-p- air 'were Introduced each knew the purpose of the Introduction. The gtrl treated Jim as cordially as she could under the circumstances, which were not conducive tfi cordiality. Jim looked the girl over and made up bis mind that he did not wa-gber. After a - , SL $22.50 22.50 ! PROVO. STBUB9LAUN Phone 164 Colorado the rear part of the group of prisoners after awhile became disarranged Nureddin. while the second rank ua being strung up, managed to slip bark into the fourth rank- - Noticing that behind It was a mingling of guards and citizens. It occurred to him that If he could get mixed np with the initio he might iossibly slide out and escape nc wormed himself back and was about "to take poslUon when a' guard saw him and ordered him to get bad into line. lie did so, but kept bis oj open for another opportunity. More than a hundred men bad dan glI. and a great deal of time bad ic t Worthington remembered only one consumed. Every on was tired ex ef Tucker, his tailor. In a week Worththose In the crowd, which was tmi- ington had been hooked; In a month stantly changhig. The guards, wim lie was passionately In love. He were keeping back the spectators, were sought an opportunity to propose, but the most tired of all. Nureddin. 'tak-- Miss Tucker foiled him. She believed lng advantage of this fact tried again she had s of his heart, and to get back among the citizens end she wished the other tenth. When she this time succeeded. Without jwait-in- bad got this, too, she wanted to squeeze he turned his face to the rear. every drop of blood out of It. pushed aside a fat woman and an eager At last, when she found that she boy and In a twinkling was lost among couldnt frown at him without bringing the sea of beings about the gallows. signs of collapse, she let him tell ber Meanwhile Fatima had gone to the how he loved her. While he was getcemetery to make arrangements for ting It out he labored like a donkey ber husbands interment. She had engine pulling a coal tralnebe cast bought a small lot and had ordered a her eyes demurely on the floor. Then coffin, which was delivered at the cemsuddenly she raised them to him cold etery, for the authorities had Informed as a January ky and asked him what her that her husband's body would lie In the world she had donfe to cause turned over to her there. him to mistake an ordinary friendship Fatima was standing beside the grave for love. watching men open It They had sunk When Worthington left the house be It midway. The coffin was resting staggered down the steps, and It seembeside It Suddenly the poor woman ed to him that the sidewalk was an 'was astonished to see her husband com- abyss with no bottom. He went to his ing toward her.. Supposing the appari- desolate room and sat all nlght'starlng tion was the ghost of Nureddin, who at vacancy. During the next day while bad been executed, and was coming to he was pacing the floor wltha wild be laid away, she fell in a faint The look In his eye the postman came and gravediggers, muttering Allah, de- brought him a note from his refuser. fend ns!" leaped from the grave and She expressed regret at his mistake, were about to run away ivher Nuted-(llwondering if after all he had failed to called to them ii the name of the rcoognlze In her the Miss Tucker he prophet to bury him or they would be had met five years before, they having eternally damned, Fatima came back heed Introduced with matrimonial Into consciousness, and Nureddin, taking tent She had been ready then to say ' her In his arms, told her hurriedly how Since then ber.taste had chauged. he had escaped and begged her to see yts. She was, oh, so sorrel "that he was burled witffia breathing This was doubling a load already unspace left above him in order that he bearable." Worthington looked npoa might escape detection. the world before him as a prisoner on Taking up the coffin, he placed it in the the way to Siberia views the trackless 'half opened grave and got into it, and snows before him, remembering the V..tua, who hy this time bad recoV Kara mines at the other end of the orj something of her equanimity, put journey. '.he cover 01 It loosely. Then she dl Remembering the friend who had inthe gravediggers to throw on troduced him to Miss Tucker, he called some earth xi hlle she gathereiLJoose On her and qold her tita heaftfendlug Pbnj'hhTT Thls she put on the earth and story. covered it with scattering treated ber brutally, xhen I inloose soli on the top. Nureddin could 'X' troduced you." she said. dan' easily remove fell this If be was in This was the unpardonable sin. ger of smothering. However, the lady saw Miss Tucker Fatima remained by the grave till It and ' was dark and the cemetery was desert- news brought heWorthington the glad would penance do he that if ed: then' she called to her husband to might hope some day to kiss the tip kick off what covered him. lie did to, of her finger. Having taken her reand the two left the cemetery together Miss Tucker consented to bevenge, and. taking ship, passed through the come Mrs. Worthington. Dardanelles to Greece. - - Denver - f rei you 11 .: , ROUND TRIP FARES FROM SALT LAKE OGDEN, PROVO intentionally was always blundering. It Is a question which kind Of person Is the least objectionable, the selfish person or the unselfish person who has not the sensibility- - to see that he Is woundsome one. ing ' Worthington was getting, to an age when he wished for a home, and every one knows that a man hant make a home without a ,woman, else It would be like a body without a soul. One evening a married lady friend of his said to him: Jim, I know a girl who would suit " West ESTHER VANDEVEER -- - trf. ----- ns, and the latter grew tired of ing them hackr The consequence NEW YORE a light, pure on com- lubricates never gam. ....... jp .... '.'y rev, :r. c.xhbes, trpewriters,bicycles,lock3,clocks, iL-j-t ever needs rer r, oiling in your home or ' om n soft doth deans o;L,u A little Kjgre-isa- , iAccld. Y 5 r jOpjs is ws rt . th-ipolitical prisoners was lopping off iieads, but in this cuse the sultan was. so enraged with. the. revolutionists lie determined to hang them. In order to get through with the matter and have it off his mind, the commander of the faithful ordered that they all be dhposed of at once in a public place in order to impress the ieople with the fact that 'they had better not in any more revolutions. Nureddin All. a young man of .great promise, bad been mixed up in the affair and was one of those who were to he hanged. lie had only one wife to mourn his loss-.- an advantage of monhe had recently married ogamy-hut her. and they loved- each other aery dearly. The morning upon which bis execution was to take place she went to the prison to bid him goodby. There was n heartrending Bcfene. at the end of which Nureddin said: Fatima, aa soon as my body is turn ed over to you," bury it and cease to grieve for me. Turn rather to a renewed interest la life. You are young and will doubtless marry again, though, you may not, as In your first marriage, procure a whole man to yourself. Prepare a lot In the cemetery jtoacejuid have a grave dug, that all may be , ready,1!. , t This caused a fresh outburst of tears, amid which the young widow to be left the prison. But after doing so she acted upon her husbands wishes, going straight to the cemetery to make preparations for the interment. She had scarcely gone when several hundred prisoners were mustered (n the court of the prison and marched to the public gardens for execution. An Immense crowd had gathered to witness It, and the soldiers conducting the prisoners were obliged to use force to make a way for them. Once at the place of ex ecutlon, they were drawn up in four ranks, some .sixty men In each .rank, before the gallows, when the work was commenced. Those In the front rank were firei dispatched, but as from five to ten minutes were required to hang each mu a great deal of time was consum ul. For that reason the killing began early In the morning. When the front Link had been finished Nureddin, win uas la the second rank. In order n. prolong bis life so far as possible, man nged to drop back Into the third. As the work went'on the people kepi pressing against the soldiers, who stood behind the rear rank of prison A k? By - Worthington was an excellent fellow, revolution in Turkey hud been uu but thoughtless about treading on othsuccessful, and a large number of pernot hurt sons Implicated in it were to be exe- er persons toes. He, wopld uncuted. Tbe common method of killing any one'? feelings intentionally, but a tit : 1 5t ;V-A- S ."ya-t'A- r.V I IP A. MITCHEL VIA X - New"! i By F. Ter Infants and Children. I Exciirsions-Ea- st Revenge Burial : ;Cy zy xc Miss Tuckers Nureddin Alis' UrSr Contents 15 Tint &x IE r- THE PROVO POST Ai BEDS ry-grass, WASH DAY Is the worry of many a woman. This drudgery is eliminated by sending us your soiled clothes. The heaviest pieces come hack ready for use.' ' t DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY Just phone 203 for our wagon. |