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Show HOKlUHLi: iSCHNl'S. ' fl llnrlrrnillng llrtalla of tlio 3trcnclicn vlial tela Ilallroi.l lll.aitrrt M'liat Ikil Ilia Suriliori Maw. . LH " lS ruAOMtriTs or the train, IH WHCCLO, CNQINCS, ETC., 'ieH j fl Inlrrmltr,! with tlm (Jo'lirrlog IlraJ,, vSk Urtpalted nlllt Illooal, l'rolrod- - IrlH lug Arrni aad la-gt. f JjlK tt Ttlenaeb 10 lie Xawll ileal fin: aniaa Arriiinxr. tflail fceenea at llartae llrrnnd lleaetln- aFallll llni.in, June IS, Hbortly afU-r the iM flrtt horror of the milling of tho en- I iH iilmaaiil can through tho brIJge and , Blaal Into tho awirtlyriiiinliigtltratn had - MfB dhl away, tlm turvlvora taw a teem, . MH whkli rlvaletl In honor the molt ! iaB liiatlrendliigrialurraiiftbeJohiiihiifii Mimi dbaiter. lleinalh what remalunl ol !) fll Uie bridge waa a bldeouamitaof broken IrSl car wooil, car wlmela, englnea, etc., B Intrnultnd with the Hill quivering !? In ada la-tiatteietl with biwal and WleB bralnt, protruding amii nnd legt, Haw bbKMlygarmvntai.falldiecrlptloiie.liaU 0 and Uiuiieia, iimbnllaa and nraaola, 1 R haii.laaui int nf tlio dre.l and the I H fatnlly atiiiggllng men, women and 1 Bt chllJreii.afew uuwau.l then ulb-rlng 1 horrU-le rrlet. Afler tlm tint moment of ratlltl ji W ralyi!awl,b-h followed the revelation I M ot tula horror, the eurvlinra did ' tlielr utmoel to recover thoee wlioae ' tlviawerr Hi danger. Th'ewoikefpull. ' H Inglbiaewbnremal-ied lllthelwoaua- MH a-ndnlcarafroRithorllouaauHouln W wblitilbiywereplacedwaani.eolgreat ' M danger and iliniculiy, and naulted In , S niiiiiiil.eri.flii.laiH,, In heroin con. JI tluit. In llm ineanwhllo laaecligeri . 5 werdlajatrbeloiiHlltlde for rued). 'i cat relief. It waa moat urgently nerdt.1 ' J, by tbe hundrcde of wouude-l ople, Jl' white dUtreaalnc crlea for help ami Ki prayeralollm, aaklng Htm to relieve $ them of their lulTeriuia, wele molt fl beatlrtnilliig. -jl When the relatlveeof the dead and . J woundcil began lo arrive and Identl- 9 nr.lt.me nf the vlrllmi, there wat U aiiolberawlultelleaorinclJentl. Tile ffl wildcat grief waa cxpmated on all tldie, S weeping and mourning tilled tbe air, 5) and teteral avplo were with dmlrully rtallalne-l from catling themaelvta .1 )JH hvadlorig Into the atmaui. 2 NalH Aa bight drew near rnoruiouirroitda IJaaH ofrouti'.ry -oploaiiJcitiieiiaof Ilaale iiieaH gathrml n round the fatal tit, taxli'it QaaB tlieiuweruflhemlllUry lo Itautmoal 1H lutbeilloiU of Ihetv (ample lo get jaafl a marer tul ct,er view uf llm lioiroii . AoaH plle.1 la-nealli (ho bridge. To null ar flal eiter.tilld tblanvail that crowda 0' MfMI 14-oplr Imitated tlio toldlera, Hreuien -ialH and railroad men, and bivouacked for JlenaP the night In tbe vlcliitly of tbercnulua I) iaafa of Ihe broken bridge, JIH |