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Show THE Page Two Roaming Deer Herds Proving Traffic Hazards on Wattis Road SUN-ADVOCA- Thursday, AprJ 5, 1S56 March 31 is Important Date in Wool Program rent year the payment goes to the last owner before slaughter. The change for the coming year also means that payments will be made to owners who sell lambs regardless of the purpose of the sale or for for slaughter, for feed-nflock replacement Chairman Eryner wishes to again remind all wool and lambs Conservation Committee. that applications for Those who still have 1955 clip producers must be tiled by March payment wool to sell and those who shear 31 at the local ASC office located and sell their this early spring in the First National bank buildclip on or before March 31 wall ing, Price, if payment is expected qualify for the wool incentive pay- under the 1955 program year. ment for the current year. Payments on such sales will be made this summer or eary fail. There Air Force Veterans is no need for hasty or premature marketing this spring because wool May Enlist Now and lambs sold after March 31 will qualify for payment under the For Overseas Duty 1956 program year which begins The U. S. air force announced this April L Payments based on sales made after March 31 will not today that it is now possible for of 1957. veterans of all the armed forces to be made until also Chairman Bryner points out enlist in the air force for immedithat the March 31 date applies to ate assignment to overseas areas. A recent addition to the overthose who sell lambs. They, too, will qualify for the current years seas areas available to prior serpayment ifthe sale is made on or vice men is the Alaskan air combefore March 31 and if the lambs mand. Veterans who qualify can are not sheared w hen sold. Chair- also select overseas assignments man Bryner emphasizes, however, with the Military Air Transport that feeders who purchased lambs Command, Strategic Air Comprior to March 31 need not market mand, Far East Air Force, North prematurely to get the full pay- East Air Command and the U. S ment under the program. Pay- Air Forces in Europe. ments to producers and others unVeterans interested in assignder the coming 1956 program will ments overseas or at air force be for the full amount on lambs bases in the western states can get provided they purchase the lambs detailed information by writing or prior to March 31. visiting the recruiting station, post Those who produce or feed office in Provo. r lambs also should have in mind The Landing Ships Tank (LST) that the coming years program will be somewhat different from of the Atlantic Amphibious Force, the one now in effect. After March which celebrates its 14th anniver31 the payment or wool on lambs sary on March 14, 1956, were Drill be divided among all owners known only by numbers until July of the lambs before slaughter, 1955 when they were given the the payments based on the period names of counties and parishes of ownership of each. For the cur from the 48 states. March 31 U an important date for wool growers in that it is the final date that marketings of wool and lambs will qualify for payments under the current wool incentive program year. The point is stressed by Lyle B. Bryner, chairman of the Carbon County Agricultural Stabilization and mid-summ- er IftlWtlMWlI Mrs. Gertrude Fish, Republican Travelers on the Wattis road have had to drive with special delegate, attended the county concare dunr.g the psst month be- vention last Monday in Price. She cause of the unusually large num- was elected at an earLer meeting ber of deer feed.ng on the brush when the followirg precinct offiof the fiat country on both sides cers were named : Wiley Wheeler, of the highway. In one herd 30 chairman; Ethel Hillabrant, vice animals were counted. All are chairwoman; Gertrude Fish, secreplump and sleek attesting to good tary; Harold Olsen, treasurer, and wintering 'out they create a haz- Sylvia Batchelor, W. H. Hillabrant ard as they cross back and forth and DeLyle Batchelor, committee over the road. Up to date there members. Mr. and Mrs Eldon Harward have been no accidents because of the deer but slow driving is the and children were guests Saturwatchword. day of Mr. and Mrs Dick Swenson at Price. Sirs. LaRue Barker Gillespie, ho is spending the winter with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barker of Miller Creek, was a visitor in Wattis Saturday at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Raymond Barker. To LaRue was reared in Wattis. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fish reOrlo L. and Claude Ray Snow, ceived word of the birth of a girl sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lee L. Snow, Penow of Provo but formerly of Wel- to Lieutenant and Mrs. Dean Montana. terson Great at Falls, LDS mission will enter the lington, Mr. Peterson and Mrs. Fish are home in Salt Lake City April 11 brother and sister. y school for a prior training Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Raymond fill to their departure to Barker and daughters enjoyed a missions for the Church of Jesus Sunday from their friend, Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. Orlo, visit of Moab. who is 23 years of age, will serve Earl Wheeler, and long time Wattis neighbors in the Central states imssion with friends of the late Grant McDonin Independence, ald attended his funeral services in headquarters Missouri, while Claude, 20, will Ferron afternoon in spend his time in the Southern the LDSWednesday Grant and his chapel California mission field. brother, Marion, worked for many Both of these boys are grad- years in the Wattis mine until uates of Provo high school and Grants illness, which necessitated have attended Brigham Young Un- his going to the Veterans hospital iversity. Orlo was released from in Salt Lake City the Navy last fall. Mrs Nolan Olsen was called to A farewell testimonial was held Victoria, B C, Canada, by the illfor these two young men in the ness of her father, John Aitken, Provo Third ward chapel Sunday and left for there Monday. Mrs. evening, March 25, after which Olsen was the Red Cross chairman their parents held an open house for Wattis, but she secured the at their home honoring their sons. help of Josephine Wheeler, who Attending the testimonial from will complete the drive for addiwere President and tional funds. Wellington Mrs. Asa L. Draper and their son, Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Cowley and Clair. President Draper, who family drove from Moab and spent served in the same field where Or the week end with his parents, Mr. lo will labor, but about 30 years and Mrs. Vaughn Cowley, Roberta, ago, had been asked to speak on Warren, Peggy and Ted. the program. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. DeLyle Batchelor Bishop and Mrs. Lorenzo E. Peter- are receiving congratulations from sen and children, Myma, LaRene theid friends and neighbors on a and Jim. Mrs. Draper and Mrs. Petersen are sisters of Mr. Snow, father of the two missionaries. Former Wellington Brothers Called Joe Marsh E:om where I sit Mission Fields two-ye- Copyright, 1956, Uniud States Breteers Foundation Only a doctor can diagnose cancer. But knowledge of cancers several danger signals can take you to the doctor in time for the best chance for cure, says the American Cancer Society. Back Hovel! says he snd his Missus had qaite a time at the e. Stockman's Contention is But for a while they had breakdown is commanicationa." Tbs phone bell Is their hotel room was pitched so low they often didnt answer their calls. Never knew if it was for ns or not," Buck said, "always sounded far off like it was ringing in someone elses room." Finally, Bnek hit on the obrious solution. Hs Just made a deal with the hotel switchboard operator that whenever she called them ahed use two Chi-sag- ... Only 1951 Federal Truck Cab and Chassis 1 With 1 Only 13-F- t. 1 Only 50-To- n, 14-Fo- Dump Bed. ot Used Platform Truck Bed Tulsa Winch n With Headache Rack, Bed, Poles Toil Board. 1 Only 14-!nc- For Rolling I. Case Plow Fits Ford Tractor. J. h Hitch int & Choice Lots in Carbonville - 100 x 225 PIONEER FORGING & WELDING Coll 590-- W or 590-- R ar long rings and a short their party-lia- s signal back home. From where I sit, our own familiar routines tend te make ether ways of doing things seem strange. Thats aatural. For instance, if youve always had ics water with your meals, you might think its odd that lots of ns prefer a bottle of beer at dinnertime. I say yonvs s right to your own customs but dont call mine wrong. A "Familiar Ring" For Sale ten-da- An Easter program has been prepared by the Wellington Second ward Mutual Improvement Association for presentation next Sunday evening, April 1, at 7:30 in the school auditorium. Featured speaker on this occasion will be President Asa L. Draper. Special musical numbers are also being prepared. Superintendent R. C. Albrecht sen of the Carbon stake Sunday school board visited the local officers and teachers in their monthly faculty meeting Sunday evening, at which time he presented a lesson of vital interest to all Sunday school workers. Miss LaRene Petersen went to Tooele high school Tuesday to participate in a state speech and radio reading meet. Happy Ending With new grandson bom early Sunday morning to their daughter, the former Gayle Batchelor, and her husband, Bob Coleman, at the hospital at the Marine base in Eltora, California. The baby weighed seven pounds, thirteen and a half ounces. The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coleman of Helper are in California now, the guests of Gayle and Bob. The Shaw twins, Nelda and Nel-dohad a good time Saturday, when they went to Wellington to meet their cousins, Kurt and Evelyn Rich of Vernal, at the home of their Wellington unde, Jed Alger, whom they assisted in beautifying his garden. Mrs. Midora Collier, formerly of Tulsa, Oklahoma, now residing in Price, came up Tuesday afternoon to visit her friend, Mrs. Wiley Wheeler. Wesley Larsen of the Carbon College faculty was a business visitor In Wattis Thursday Store Building for Rent In Price, Utah - Tile and Stucco Front - Part Basement Stoker Fired Coal Heat - Ceiling Grills - Alley in Rear 30 Ft. by 123 Ft. BEST LOCATION IN CITY Ideal for Variety Store, Hardware, Clothing, Grocery, Appliances or other. Previous tenant was variety store. All fixtures are still in place and will lease building with or without fixtures. Rent - - $275.00 Contact at United Motor Co., Price, Utah or Phone or Write E. W. MdNTIRE, 551 West Rosewood Court, Ontario, California Phone YUkon 620326 DOUGLAS MdNTIRE step into soft water luxury is yours the moment to the rich, relaxing, toe touch your you p suds of a soft water bath. Gentle 6oft water soothes and smooths your complexion because it Is completely free from the harsh hard water elements that coat your skin with a film of harmful soap the same scum that causes the curd ring In your bathtub. You need soft water for shampooing, all through your home laundering, dishes and bathing. Call us today for Culligan Soft Water Service . . . Movle-queen-luxu- ry knee-dee- A Little Vacation ... ... What's it like to take the wheel of a 1956 Cadillac? If you dont already know, then we hoe come with us now on a little imaginary journey in the car of cars. ll YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT TO TRY IT! Suppose, if you will, seat. X'X H' IIow wonderful you feel. Those deep, luxurious cushions hold you in perfect comfort your hands rest naturally on the slender wheel andmil about you are vision . . . and beauty . . . and luxury. And how quiet and restful it is! The car is so smooth and silent in operation that 3 our only sense of motion comes from the sound of the wind 3.00 s AMNImiI Mrtrtct Mty mluKM and from the passing landscape. 1.25 SOFT WATER SERVICE COP 199 CUUJOAM. PH Starting . . . stopping . . , turning all are regulated with the lightest touch of toe and hand. laodMt IwtiHIl chrg First West ! You simply lean back and enjoy the ride. Weve heard it said that a drive in a new Cadillac isnt really a drive all, in the normal sense of the word. Its a time for rest and pleasure and relaxation. Belter come in for a visit some day soon. IJ you should decide to move up to a Cadillac, it will be our purpose to make you as pleased with your relationship with us, as your deater, as you are certain to be with the car ilretj. The Caiillac name has long been a symbol of automotive integrity and honesty of purpose and we make every effoit to have our own business reflect the same ideals in our dealings with owners. It would be a pleasure to see you at any time. Walton Motors IMO 66 North that youre in the drivers In Every Day Price 301 EAST MAIN STREET PHONE 66 --PRICE, UTAH |