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Show BIGGER THAN CLEAR CREEK wildcat, a direct offset to the origTHE Page Three inal venture, was spudded in only 5, 1958 April Thursday, to be shut down by severe winter conditions. Pain is not an early symptom of In November 1955 production cancer, which often strikes with- Tonight millions will be reading casing was set in top of the Ferout warning. Doctors can detect about the Salt Lake MORMON ron formation at 7,100 feet and cancers 4 5 HOURS! Thatll be in the early unsuspected TEMPLE pictured In the April 7 flying drilling w'as continued ahead to time for jet Stratoliners like this, eight of course of a regular health examin- SATURDAY EVENING POST which were ordered by Howard Hughes 7,262 feet. ation, the best cancer insurance, tool company for its subsidiary, Trans Shareholders of the Three Clear Crek field discovered in The volume of gas increased Now On Sale World Air- the American Cancer Society says States Natural Gas company have 1951. Clear Creek today has pro- steadily as the drilling operations been told that the firms discovery duced over 33 billion cubic feet of proceeded. The Ferron was peneat Joe's Valley probably had 20 latural gas lrom the Ferron sand trated. With three high-voluper cent more natural gas per acre formation. zones still anticipated, it was dethan nearby Clear Creek field, cided to complete the well at that in Exploratory drilling which already has produced 33 bil- Joes Valley structure in began sum- depth before adverse snow and the lion cubic feet of gas. The infor- mer of 1953 with the C. K. Stein- weather conditions made operamation was contained in a quarter- er No. 1 wildcat. tions impossible. ly report to the shareholders. Only 172 feet and a fourth "Hampered by difficulties (the Three Spates also announced well has an elevation of 10,294 feet producing zone has been opened plans to spend one and a quarter above sea level), lack of water for out of a possible 500 to 550 feet of million dollars in exploration and drilling and extreme lost circula- thickness (of Ferron sand). The development during remainder of tion problems, the project was fin- high potential aone remained still 1956, most of it in advancing the WEALTIIY Leonora Amar, ally abandoned because of mechan- undrilled. South American movie star, reserve picture at the 80,000-acr- e ical difficulties in "Tests of this well indicated an would like to make some U.S. Joes Valley unit. A second wildcat was started absolute open flow of 7,400 000 cufilms with high-clas- s mans. Some three wells including a more than seven miles southwest bic feet of natural gas daily. Shut-i- n test to the Dakota formation of the original location in 1954 and deep casing pressure was 1,373 will be drilled at Joes Valley was drilled to the Dakota sands at pounds per square inch. The gas during the rest of this calendar total depth of 9,520 feet. Non- contains 995 BTU (British Ther year. Six locations in all are re- commercial gas was encountered mal Units, a measure of heat ported staked at the field. So the in the Dakota zones and operations value) per cubic foot. It is similar reserve extension program will suspended. to the gas found at nearby Clear continue into 1957. is now planned to complete Creek. It Joseph C. Gordon, Three States this well in the Upper Ferron Against tremendous odds chief engineer, made this report: zone in the near future, since this mounting snow drifts and bMz Three States Natural Gas com- strata showed gas during the dril zards, Utah Natural Gas companv purchasers of the gas, laid tempor panys federal unit, Sanpete coun- ling operations. gathering lines across the top ty, consists of 80,000 acres and Mr. Gordon recalled that at the ary of the snow from Clear-Creetr lies immediately southwest of same time, Joes Valley No. the new discovery. Si On January 6. 1956, the wel1 v. . v.wv Y' was put on the line. During JanTENDER TRAP for a merry widow to use catching man The creamiest colors . . . uary, 111 million cubic feet of ga is this novel umbrella shown was sold and four million cubic in London mv feet a dav of gas is now being the dreamiest leathers . . , 0 delivered daily to the ready industrial market in Provo and Salt so right, so bright, Lake City. Mr. Gordon said value of the wherever you go! discovery cannot be evaluated at this time. Further development and data on performance under withdrawals of gas will be reNEOLITE SOLES Squiltie quired for more accurate estimations. However, from surface geological data assembled, substantiated bv drilling to date, I consider the Ferron sand reservoir to be much larger in productive acreages and Resortei possibly to have more thickness than the Clear Creek Ferron sand Toy Maltese owned by Dr. and Mrs. Vincenzo reservoir. Calvaresi of Bedford, Mass., shown after winning best team in 80th Westminster Kennel Club Show. At a greater depth than the Clear Crek Reservoir, the high L pressure encountered in the Ferron at Joes Valley indicated probEastPromoted to Major ably about 20 per cent more recov- find a dry, sunny spot to roll PR0S" Skipper erable natural gas per acre than er eggs. They had to battle a Ke-Ko- of blizzard and eight inches of snow Captain Allen R. Pike has been at Clear Creek. to enter the old State House mu- promoted to major in the United seum. Other scenic attractions States Air Force, according to Over-Nig- ht were lost to tourists that day. word received here. He is the son YOUR FAMILY STORE Returning home the group stopped of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Pike, Price, at the art exhibition at Springville. and is a graduate of Carbon high. Part of the excellent collection He enlisted in the armed forces included a landscape. Timpanogas January 24, 1940, and was comforth showers . . flowers . but April they May may bring from Deer Creek by Lynn Fau-set- t, missioned in 1942. He is presently and a magnificent portrait, stationed at Ft. Douglas and h;s can also spell a lot of trouble if your roof is worn or leakPrice Main Street The Sheriff, by Dean Fausctt. wife and three children are with The Scouts an Boy planned a scenic back- him there. ing. Better let us check now. Inspection and estimates are over-nighike to First Springs The portrait has is framed with rough, It ground meet 7, at troop Saturday, April free. Biggest selection of highest quality shingles, roll roof!ng last Thursday. Peter B. Chris- - gray, weathered boards unusual tensen showed an explained a but very effective. The art exhibi ing, etc. drawing for a pack carrier and tion is open to the public this will aid the youths in constructing month only. them. Dorr Hanson, Jr., was The Clarence Edwards spent the elected senior patrol leader. Dale Roper was made secretary and long holiday with relatives at reasurer. Terry Brcftvn was namWyoming. ed as scribe and bugler. The Harold Mortensens gave The Dorr Hansons and guest, their handsome new station wagon Connie Robertson, drove to Fill its maiden trip to Richfield. They more Monday in a vain attempt to visited there with the Dee Hyatts, SUN-ADVOCA- People, Spots In The News Gas Firm Looks to Joes Valley Field coast-to-coa- st put your feet e, mld-195- In the dancing class 4. ter?:. 1-- X X- Give your home 7.95 novj for beauty and protection Kike On Agenda for Price Trading Co. Kenilworth Scouts ht O r (D GW?G(D0 wmm nT'mi'i 4.4 PLYWOOD ROOFING PANELING Goss on tn a jiffy, a beautiful, lasting and easy to care far wall or wainscoating. makes SHINGLES lb. per Square 2 0 Only per 3.93 bundle sq. ft. DEVOE ROLL ROOFING REDWOOD FULLY AUTOMATIC HOME LAUNDRY FINISHES Easy to uto. f makes the richest color and most lasting finish ever far exterior wood surfaces. Ail purpose roofing for very ranch and farm use 90 lb. 4.35 per Hudson Ramblersl V-8- Nash s! V-O- sl METROPOLITAN CONVERTIBLES (or hardtop, if winner detiret) 100 ONLY BUILD THE ALL-NE- W WAY TO WASH AND DRY PRIZES oF $70 each Leading magazines report the big automobile companies will soon change to a new, advanced way to build cars single unit, welded construction. AmeVican Motors cars have it nowl We need a name for it. Help us name it win a wonderful prize! The first name that pops into your mind may win you $25,000 cash! -- INSURANCE DETAILS American Motors cars are a single unit like modem trains and planes. Big frame make a steel enclosure as big as the protection. car, giving true wrap-arouIts welded, twice as strong, twice as safe, twice as Other cars still bolt the body to a separate, flat frame . . . the same basic construction principle used in building oxcarts. box-gird- long-lastin- g. The Whole Family Can Enterl TT HANDLED RIGHT AT THE YARD CASH HOW TO WIN AtttZmuftcaEy ALL DETAILS Fabulous Foo daramat, freezert, Ranges, Washers, Dryer t Plus $40,000 CASH BONUSES Appraisal of your present car is worth $1,000 cash bonoi, If youre a new car winner. Also, car winners who buy a new Rambler, Nash, Hucbon or Metropolitan during the contest period, will get double the retail price of the car won, in place ot the car. AWEEKI SEE THIS KELVINATOR APPLIANCES inducting 1000 $2.89 gbzeeeib CARS station wagons, with every accessory, including power ledans, hardtop assists, automatic transmissions. COMPLETE! I COHOlTiOHED Completely Air Conditioned Cuitom Wish and dry all washable fabrics, full or partial load . . safely, thoroughly, automatically. New! Choose from 5 modern decorator colon or classic white. 4.40 gallon roll 30 AIR Puahbvtton control for both washing and drying Automatic Timing for both washing and drying I FREE! Facts To Help You Win Get FREE Entry Blank and folder, Facts To Help You Win. Please read rules carefully, especially Rule 4, which explains how contest will be judged. In event of ties for any prize, tied contestants will be asked to write 25 words which will be judged to break ties, if any. Enter Today! Win cash! An air conditioned car! 1141 prizes! Husband and wife (if member of same household at time of purchase) each get insurance providing for TRI-STA- Furniture and Appliance PRICE, Q I G G o Alaska, where state insurance laws permit. Tune In Ii t ABC-T- See TV listings for Tim and Channel KRAYNC MOTOR UTAH 7 i Dtsneylond on Phone 21 Amertcon Motors Moans More for Americtms COMPANY 23 South Carbon Ave. |