Show LOOK LOOK TO RUSSIAN OIL FIELDS Are Certain to Play an Important Part PartIn PartIn In Furnishing Power for forBa Ba Battleships esh I pI In discussing the fact tact that the tho use of or oil all Instead of at coal as fuel tuel In the English navy is under consideration it is time Russia should pay serious attention to this question If It England 1 is replacing Its own cheap coal by the themore themore themore more expensive foreign product there must be important advantages on the side ride of at naphtha and in the future Russian fleet the part to be played by this fuel tuel will wili be a most important one the says Many mills and factories have gone over to naphtha as fuel tuel and the consumption is increasing every year Russia owns owns' immense oil all fields and it could be the chief supplier of at the world The Tho need of at organization Inthe in inthe inthe the business is recognized by the government and a number of ot special meetings have havo been held for tor discussing discuss discuss- lug ing the subject New conditions have ave been laid down for tor the tho exploitation of government territories and the regulations regu regulations lations for investigations have havo been changed Some territories known as being rich in oil have been closed to private enterprise such as the Ap Ap- Ap- Ap sheron peninsula near Baku and vanous various van vari ous islands of ot the Caspian sea as well as some territories In the plan Ural and districts and others in the north of at Russia and Siberia Si S1 beria berla amounting to millions of ot acres The reason for this action is the wish to preserve these districts from ex ex- ex Another qu question s on concerns the matter mat ter of at Investigation It is quite necessary necessary sary that the right of at Investigation be granted on a large scale and not ot only for tor comparatively email lots of ground where the Investigation might not pay The government Is aware of at this fact and according to the tho new regulations the plots of ot ground allotted for tor Investigation Investigation investigation arc to be increased tenfold The most advisable system Is to grant concessions that would Induce capitalists to place their money In such undertakings Under the new regulations regarding the Investigation of ot naphtha districts the government publish geological descriptions do do- proposes to of at the v various districts |