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Show i LOOKING AHEAD GEORGE S. BENSON CtlUjt Sure. Jthttu a better pair of shoes with A NATIONAL SERVICE thoiiNunilx of our In ni i'iit tnusinosswi, MniluHlrii'N awl orgiinl-zatiiuiMinsiili-riibl'hnvt ilivnli-ulxi.il tu anil bringing time thought of tin; u belter l fiTenee bctwi n private rrtl rrprix,-nniSocialism. Some have atarled a tutiil of 950 sage grouse permits in arventeen limiting unit are open to application by Utah icaltcr-giinniT- s this ye.ir Tiie hunting units and numli-- r of. permits authorized fur tacli by (lie; Fish anil flame ('ominissiun are as follows: Beaver, 75 : Mini i .vilK 25: John's Valley, 25; ll.itch. 5H; I'aiigmtch Ijike, Mi; I'sHgiiite'i Bench, 511; Bear Valiev. 25; Hoi! Valiev. 40; Randolph, 75: Woisl-ruf- f, 75; Grass Valley, in(l; Seven Mile, .15; Vernon, 5o; Blue Mountain. 50; Diamond Mountain, 50; Strawberry, 75; Parker Mountain, loo. Only resident holders of game bird it fish and game combination licenses are qualified to apply fur one of the three dollar four-bir- d xpot-lighti- sHin-sore- d radio proSwnxey Co. Americanism r' tit Cleveland, which inaniifacturi-machines lisds. has distinguished itself with a national newspaper;, and magazine advertising pm-- gram. ads The Warner ami Hwaxey use a few simple words and ex lm amplea to get across vitally our MAKES MATCH CIICKCII . . . Alexander E. Brooks, Jr., of Capital port ant comparisons between months llrighta, Md., patient at Mi. Wilson Sanitarium, uaed three and var private enterprise system From church. model this build to matebea of thousand! and the Iona forms of Socialism. scores of ads published in the pnst five years, Ive selected a few exs allowing for all his costs, that cerpts each of which dramatizes a fact Americans should know and mere than l.WMi per cent profit. never forget. He plants one snind of corn and that 'a Potato profiteer! sets hack 336 pound "Somebody ought to speak 33.61M) per cent profit. These are sharply to Nature. big profits. It that bad?he scorned "Should the fanner "Theres a lot of loose talk these Should his 'excess them as attacking about profits, days away from him . he taken as though they were evil. The very profit dethat from now told he world he the Should depends of existence his 'profit' to limit must pends on profits: the improvement on he of the world depends on big pro- sav 6 percent? To legislate against fits. A farmer plants one potato profits is as silly ns to legislate, and usually gels back IS. Even against things growing." Security Available "Want security? Throw a brick - you'll get It through a window a meals day. free. No Three fast. taxes. Free housing, free clothing, FREE By free medical os re. No worry ahout orders, or your future. But obey counted.. he to Stand AIR else! up LES Marrh In line! No hack talk: Do what you're told! Jail. Socialism. Communism. The Welfare State. commissionA young widow all the same- - same 'bene-fit- s.' Thev're on her ed a mason to inscribe same obligations; same rehusband's tombstone: "My sorwards. same payments." row is more than I can beur." "There's a law against a corBefore the work was finished she married agnin, and the becoming too big. It Is poration mason asked her If she still the law of supply and demand. wanted the inscription. The minute a company makes ton Yes," she replied, but "Just murh money, competitors rush add the word 'alone' bI the into the business The minute a end." eompnnv sti'ps giving you sound values, the most for your money, yon buy somewhere else or do without. And that trims that comWhen a woman driver sticks can pany down to size in a hurry. Of out always her hand you car course, if a company does give be sure of one thing the you the mist for your money, and window Is open. does grow as a result, that's all -R-- U-S right. Isn't It? Or would you rather see the hlg concerns rut down and was blonde tryTlie beautiful penalized? You're the one that's friend. ing to impress her locked penalized In the long run. Growth "There I was, poor me, Is what built America. Growth Is in a rom with eleven men, and the only thing thnt rnn make more eueh one trying to break down and better jobs ami values." I defied But my resistance. Sapping Our Strength them ull both individually and "America's muscle Is getting old. collectively!" Machines make a nation strong "Heavens, dear!" her friend machines thnt produce weapons exclaimed. "Were you kidnapfor protection and the things pen ped?" nerd for living. America's mapie 'THin't be silly. I was doing chines are getting old; 43 per rent jury duty." of all machine tools are at least ID years old. For years, obsolete tax laws hnvr made it Impossible RANDLE'S for most companies (o set aside enough out of enmings to keep their machines modern. Flabby muscles ran turn a champ into a Don't let It happen here." Communism "Under (after 21 Automotive Complete years of it. and even before war-- ! Ph. NO Service time scarcities! a worker has to work 3D days to earn one pair of shoes. In America, a worker earns anti-socia- permits. Applications , A very large iros,rti.,n clip was marketed oii.vl,."(jf slate largely in the Esi , u f a number of woolen mills irni'k ling factories are state. An excellent ipeniie.i 1101,. .mi,,,. afforded for the devcli.i..,'. worsted wisden textili-- ai a 'iT1 enterprises. Modern wu.l are located sev. jn plants jhI J,n' munities in Utah. ,11 IKE GREETS SOT. . . Tom Blaxina of Chicago, HI., top sergeant on Mexican for Pres. Elsenhower when he wss a 2nd lieutenant who hss see to the President, House White at calls In 1916, border the years. kept In tourh with him through permits will be received Utahhih "bat" for CBKBffl3Q!Bn5Ziy (SZ3D GGJEDS) QJJJjQfflQB !CJ3(2 us HERE IS SIMMONS SIMMONS CARLOAD MATTRESS ANSWER p A Giant Mattress made of two layers of innerspring units One on top of another! Made to sell for $74.95 YOU SAVE $25 Mattress or matching boxspring only R-U- Sleep Comfort! NOT just ONE but TWO famous Simmons one above innerspring units are placed the other to bring you a luxuriously soft mattress you can really snuggle down into. i Utoco Service 506 hax-hce- coils Simmons famous Pre-bui- lt borders. Gold cord handles for ! easy turning. Heavy woven stripe ticking Tailored by Simmons Master Craftsmen. Specially designed matching Boxspring. BUYING IN CARLOAD QUANTITIES . . . FULL CARLOAD LOTS . . . LOW MARK-U- P FOR QUICK TURNOVER SHIPPING IN All Save You Money! EASY BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE a v n J Made Only I By SIMMONS Here's another real value! Again -- DTR's Special 2 for I Sale Y feed brings more growth in beef cattle and bigger dairy yields. Hay dried electrically retains protein in alfalfa that costs much less than n supplements. With electric hay dr ing you save in time and weather risks, too! High-protci- n high-protci- get both the and Iks Matching Mot-tra- Box Spring at the pries of the rsg-iaMat-tra- Check the Maker! Check the Mattress! Check the Price! HOTEL SPECIAL MATTRESS Made by Simmons for exacting hotel trade. Heavier duty ticking and con- struction designed for commercial use. This Mattress has 250 coils Here is a senational buy at and French ss borders. r ss during this Sole. BOTH for A regular ONL- Y- $42.95 BUY FROM YOUR DEALER Value! REG. $54.50 SPECIAL AT to anas oasoD o obhi aa l! valued at $20.Sis onoJ j'.V !.' The production of wo. ; w ,211. (hiii lbs., value, ai -- ,,w l? ! t , 000, We asked for a full carload of fine Mattresses that would really bring Sensational Values to our Customers. in i i? SIMMONS really went to Here's a new idea ,,lS "I1"!' At Ogden the Ogden Union by mail; have a capacity j SKckyanta Fish only. Address. Sage Grouse. 35.000 sheep ami Game Commission. ISM W. 8- ar No. Temple, Salt Lake City. beginning August 11. AH funds ing 1952 were 345.3.56 head of catmust be made payable tu the Utah tle, 1.237,648 sheep, 385.355 hogs, A Game Commission. Fish State 3.S62 and mulea. and horses grouse for sage 7, inb.ng alwa.i, a di'iuiiiHot iNisitiuii IM reasons well known, m, the basis of many imi foundation fur the A ciluratinn progriiiw their employees, Home hav produced million pictures of the the advantage American system and I he truth atsait Siadaii.'uii. some have grams. The Warner :.:ip R'a hours of work. There is the wlmh truth about the two systems. Yet! ... Mu communists wiy they want to bring communism heic to benefit the worker." will forThe American ever need to la- - reminded f facts like these; It is all tl.e in essar.v today when tin- t wm epi-- ; UftSS" demies Socialism an Commun-Isseek, by trickety. tu infect the world. m - August The Kureka (Utah) Ileporter Page Four bas Simmons famous Cmshproof borders and 220 separate coil springs |