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Show 7 1!W5 Aug of ladies Thu Eureka (Utah) Reporter Meet Regular of Klks met In regular evening in Hie irff Mub naniw- The rkr"lar or-Elk'1 was diNMseil hi.sm.-sfollowed by several was i lu Prize winners of cards, Sanderson high (mis rtre ins Kliiio Uoswell. all-cT't.J. s Tmn Judge, raffle. luneli whs hit veil by f.'.rTbe eve.img. Uland Sanderson. - a fin,r ut AS At Matrons Circle Randle Home of Tintic Matrons Circle s- Daughter of Former Residents to Wed In Early September fft E- - 1H. - Thurs-K-enin- g. iiakiM'' tamw f IT NEllN MU ut 7HF.N you're b.ii.i'm icmh'iii- her these bps ami y.iu'll el letter results ly pulling tins to actual use Generally speaking if you're to bake a product for ;ui t minute or less, it's best to the oven lhu-down meals, etc which take lunger to rook run 'e placed in a cold own Leave at least an inch ol spare pans and the inside wall of lie oven as well as an inch in pans themselves This nl- - rt,si' lew --MrrivaHi copr sup-nixe- d pre-ica- man-wa- Ku-rop- e. KiocirK ok Tin: IIF.AP8 VOICE . . . !enard F. Ertkssa, New York radio and advertising executive, was named chief of Voice of America with duty of reorganising euUro overseas program. 1 n ia Aceom-panvin- More thnn 214 minerals have been refunded in Ctnli. anil many of these have been dcvelofted comMrs. Mux Evans wns hostess to mercially. Practically nil of the members of the Birthday Club at useful metals Hre found in Utah, her home on last Friday evening, tin being the chief exception. Preswith Mrs. L. W. Brady as the ent interest centers on uranium. honored guest. "5IHJ" was enjoyed and Mrs. Ted Utah for many yearn has ranked Colovieli won high score honors, states and in the and Mrs. Joseih Cherry the all-c- high among the world in metal pri duct ion. prize. At the conclusion of the rurd ore from guinea. Hie hostess served a dainty Tlie low grade lunch. The home was gay with the Utah Copper mine is eoneen-trate- d huge baskets of many colored at two great mills at Magna gladiolu. and the dining table was und Arthur, and the roneertratea centered with a beautiful birthday are reduced to roper ingots Re-at cake, banked with vases of flow- the American Smelting and ers. Mm. Brady was presented at Gar- smelter Company fining with a lovely biillnlHy gift from 1.', . ' the members. Attending tlie delightful party were Mm. Ivan Christensen. Mm. Heber Cushing. Mrs. J. J. Cherry, Mrs. Gerald Kennedy, Mrs. Cecil Livingston, Mrs. Toil Colovich, Mrs. Robert Thomas, and tlie honored guest, Mrs. Brady. Birthday Club Hostess k ct The hog population of Utah Is valued at 11.348.000, most of which will tie slaughtered for outside markets. fifi, (MM), Mrs. Max Evans is V- - were very LSntlv entertained last at the home of Mm. son of Profeasor and Mrs. Kmlci-ieOtto Koenig of Palo Alto. Randle. uirrv The bride-eleis a June graduAfter a short business meeting, ,,Iluth, ate of Stanford Iniversity wlieie Handle read. SSSid Of cod." This is the she was active in campus affairs "Jri boklet in a series of five, and She has siwnt the last two sums mers driven in an intcreseting traveling in Hawaii ami At Stanford she was a memwell received by the ber of the C'Hp ami (town, senior members. Refreshments were enjoyed by women's honorary society. When Kdith Baker a student at Bakersfield high following ladies: Stt Boncr. Mabel Butler, Kthel school, she whs m cellist in the Ston. Vola Nevers. Lillian Ther-iu- school's oreliestia and later played the same instrument in Kern PhilRandle, Myrtle Ounces harmonic orchestra. She is a secand the hostess. ond generation member of Randle. Chapter HY. PEO Sisterhood. Blanche Past of the is next meeting the K W. Shn-ve- r of home granddaughter virnn will be held at the of Bakersfield. meetiMabel Butler. Date of the Mr. later. announced be Koenig attended the ng will Exeter Aeadcmy ami was Phillips a I't.Vj graduate of Stanford where he and Iaxman Win. Mrs. was a Thehi Chi and a member of Mr and Colleen and Maxine, rhi Beta Kappa. He ihiiehters. recently com- Haw-Ena 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Richard pleted a year's Txt graduate work drove to Salt Lake on Sun- at Umyersitv College. London. on il, and enjoved the day visiting a Stanford Tarver Fellowship. His Mm. Paxmans rith relatives. brother. will enter Stan- George, of mother. Mrs. P. N. Amlcrson ford this fall. SMt Lake who has spent the past A group of close friends wns time weeks in Eureka, returned informed of the engagement at a g Paxmans. Imme with the them on the return trip surprise birthday party for Blanch at Palo Alto. wre Miss Stephanie Dumas of The young couple plans an earlv of Paxman Jean Mm. and Murray at September be will wedding. wlio guests Springville, tiw Paxman home for a few days. Friends of Sir. and Mrs. Jack Wilde Edna Webbi are pleased i f to welcome them home once Mr. ami Mrs. Gerald Pennell again. PgratelR Idaho, left Sunday for They have liven living in Pittsthe after home their spending burg. Cnl., for the past several week at the home of Mrs. P. J. months, where Mr. Wilde has been Fennell. stationed with t lie Armed Forres. He spent two years overseas and lias won his discharge from the service, after a job well dune. The vming folks plan to make their home in Eureka. At the present tune Mr. Wilde is employed at the Dngwav Proving Grounds. .5er Appruxiiiiulcly one fifth of the area of the Male is underlain with coal, largely of a bituminous and semi-b- i luminous i ha rue ter. Mortal Emntte nf tip? TiH-s1u- y Past rage Three Ellts vi-:i:- Pineapple Punch i Serves 'J.'i i 3 tablespoons green tea 2 cups orange jtuee 3 cups lemon juice 1 quart pineapple pure 4 cups sugar 3 cups water 1 Give Husbands Partv1 quart pale dry ginger ale I quart lime ire ' Pour 3 cups freshly boiled The Modern Mrs. Club members entertained their husbands lust water over tea. Brew 3 minutes. Sunday at a party at Salem Park, Strain and cool. B'.eiul together a chicken dinner with all the Mires and tea infusion Bui! totrimmings was served, and was gether sugar and water for 10 thoroughly enjoyed especially by minutes to make s thin syrup. Chill and add to fruit juices and the husbands. Those in attendance were Mr. lea Add enough ice and water and Mrs. Darrell Franks, Mr. and; to make 2 gallons Add gingrr Mrs. Joseph Bernini. Mrs. Robert ale just before solving uith a Franks ami Mrs. Kenneth Franks, tablespoon of the lime ice to tup Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler. Mr. serving. and Mrs. Cerald Drussell, Mr. and I Mrs. Paul Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Nenn Schciiu. and Mr. ami Mrs. luus for even heat distribution and iiives uniform browning Kent Riddle. Discard warped and discolored pans unless you want uneven WSCS Conduct Ihro.uung results in your baking. Cookies and biscui's rise higher Regular Meet and bake more evenly if you bake W.S.C.S. met last Fnduv ewn- - them on cookie sheets without any 01 than in pans with high sides ing at tlie home of Mr's. Curtis Butler. After the regular businessBans with warped nr dented sides was disposed nf the Wership ser- -' vv , Li heat more slow iy than those vice was next in older with Mrs. wlf, perfectly level bottoms and Vola Nevers in chaige nf the de- Mrs. Vola Nevers made a busiv,,t "nScorched food which has stuck ness trip to Salt Lake on TuesAt the close nf the meeting, re-- 1 ,he insSdc 0f ,u. 0ven can be and niece Her week. day of this freshmi-ntweie solved to 12 looker. ed by simple means. Dampen nephew, Carol and Dale Bate of memlwrx. a cloth with ammonia and place in Provo accompanied her on the reTlie next meeting will lie held on the oven after it has been turned turn to Eureka, and will visit at 13 at the Methodist church. ulf. but is still warm, (or a few the Nevers home for a couple of August tit lt weeks. brain budget Rare inetaltics produced in Utah Include arsenic, antimony, molybdenum, tungsten, gurnet, manganese, magnesium, phosphate rock, mercury, platinum, bismuth, numerous fluorspur, barite und others. j 1. A great American golf star rerently won the British Open, lie was is) llobby Jones; ibl Ham Snead; (e) Ben Ilngsn. 3. l)o you know the approximate amount of the 17.8. debt? It Is: (si $300 billion; (bl $373 billion; (c) $150 billion. alIt is perhaps with the non-nilies that the great future development of Utah is most closely associated. The list of such materials is almost endless. Deposits are enormous and cf exceptional quality and. as hna hcen indicated some of these are rarely found elsewhere. ct , I ANSU'FKH mis 'Sail ti;t - nay I lie-for- e, J - m s i "Prospector Sam" Believe - It - Or - Not ; ven;ng nj0y s T of Thp lion spent Jt'h a pleasant evening last enjoved Mrs. . visited where they "eiinesuay nt the home of Mrs. Roberts' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peart. There are Seven Women for David Pirkett. Cards were enjoyed and tasty Every Man who rearh the refreshments nerved to niemliers. Age of 85 Mr. und Mr. A. K. Tuekett re Mrs. Vcrn Franks. Mrs. Margaret But some will say He is Too turned Sunday following a two- - Green halgh, Mrs. Alliene Farren, Darn Old Then. week vacation" spent in Ruth, Nev.. Mrs. Dewey Robinson. Mrs. Harry Don't Give Up Fellows where they visited with their Dean. Mrs. Minnie Painter and the Gordon tqierial guests. Mrs. Ted Johnson Be Prepared- - - Eat daughter and family, thenew Ruth and Mrs. Lottie Brown who is a the 'Erisbvs. report They Plenty Home Cooked Food home, rapidly, is guest at the Vent Franks Robin-beeTownsite progressing e n lias Pies, Fruit Pies, Prize winners were Mrs. and most of the old townsite Inca-1 Meat Pies Soups, Chili, Hot mm. high score, Mrs. Dean. Bimoved to the present Fria-iru- t. and Mrs. Fiuicn, consolation, )r.read Daily Drink, Cold Beer.l llion. During their stay, the side several on took them bys GOOD COFFEE spots in trips to manv interesting Cheer up Meet that area, and the trips tok thema PROSPECTOR SAM over quite a bit of country, miles or so. all of which thousand Bright Spot Cafe & Groc. was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. and a. Utah - P. O. Box 99 Mrs. Frisby brought the Tacketts to Eureka on Sunday. j j Hnr.ie-mad- j . Days of the Old West MM Deseret, August TOMATOES S. T. Club Ladies ' Mr. anil Mrs. Win. linhcrtx andRatdaughter. Ann returned last vaea- an after iirdity, enable Uipc and Ragged PINEAPPLE Dinty Moore BEEF STEW PEARS rodeo each night, produced WESTERN n RODEO Conjunction with . CO. ll Kitchen Charm WAX PAPER 13,f Sneatyut 23c COME t07une IN Assoc1" eggs 69c do. AM) Gcijj M CASH IN 79c THESE ON Ui SURER VALUES! Fruits and Frozen Food MEATS Reef Short 39c 59c 69c 59c Kills, Ih Reel (Jreens Lg. Rchs, 2 for Or eni Onions hunches for O s by Vi PORK & BEANS son is playing Little TIIE oldestbasebalL In four games ha had but one hit So, I took him horns and we had a practice session in the backyard. At the next game, with two men on, he comes up to bat. A hit weuld drive in the winning run. There sit, nervous as an old hen end keeping my fingers crossed, when this fellow in front of me seya, Too bad. That kid hasn't had hit yet. He should still be playing with dolls. With difficulty I kept a check on my temper. Why you atupid ape, ays I, it isn't going to help the kid by making remarks like that when he can hear you. Who's stupid, stupid, says he. You are, you ape, says L With that he hit me in the eye. I banged him on the nose. We then sat down before the cop who was crossing the field could reach us. He broke the sullen silence that followed by snarling, "Five bucks will get you ten he doesn't get Done, says L Put up your money. The oldest son Just then let strike split the plate without taking Dollsr the bat off his shoulders. sneered the guy in front of me. The next pitch was shoulder high and s little outside, but the oldest son swung. He put his body weight behind that swing. There was sharp creek and the ball went over head. It was a the ccnterfu-ldcr'home run in any Little League park. Pay up." says I to the guy In front of me. He tun.' .1 and held out the ten 5 & No. Varney hit." 14-1- aporalod Wood dross . Slimmer Squash round Melons Round . . Reef Shoulder Steak, Ih Rrinie Rib Reef, Ih Veal Rot Roast, Ih FRESH DRESSED CHICKEN Satsiima Rlum ir, Flower Show, 4-- H 2 Display, and St ewers a:ui Fryers Rundlcs Dollar Days Aug. 7 8 lOlli Fine Arts Display SATURDAY, Rounds AUGUST 15 Norl hem v. childrens Sports in Afternoon Program in the Evening Parade at 6:30 p.m. vtcl rale in a A SIZES. II 1 . i iif;1 in ) (h,,, only In - t ini- - iil'.vuv.x NAPKINS Diiiuil .it.! ili'li ii'l )' V. b. Nils ) ' : r,;;to!";jLr:toMw r.Ki'V'i v;1; sHifii" . ,1- in r: ' I - (In- II - T'2. (here I it i; l.:r,i f "ii ; . ?; f'JiVwii HlPf iilii-r- - I.- 'ii 'M'l'cl - . I 2812 m 'i.ikvts. . Tll'i- ;:i:i -t imiil'ry wen- nf - li III; in pni-.iv- 38.7(13.-- l i 2 for 25c |