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Show , c, v: iM pm 0'TIME yAUEY Supplement to No. 2, CARD.yJ Trins leaye daily (Sunday going north 9 :00 a. m. Chester, 9 :30 Moroni, 9 4) Draper, Fountain Green, 10:10 10 30 Divide, MainSt, Nephi, 1 :20 Airive Nephi, 11:25 Going South lea res 12:30 in. Nephi, Main St Nephi, 12. 40 1.30 Divide, FountainGreen,l :65 p. in. 2.15 Draper, 2 :30 Moroni. Art he Chesier, 3:00 Stages conneet at Moroni for all parts of San Fete and Sevier. Tiiko. Bbuback, Manager. II. S. Kerk, General Supt. MONARCH'S LAST RACE. (original) The hour for the race had arrived at last, And twas said the beautiful three weie fast The gamblers had bet an enormous sum Each thought his horse best, and no risk had run. Tis time for the race'shouted the referee Bring on sour horse, or torfeit the fee' Out stepped the masters, one leading a gray. Another was followed by a handsomei bay. The third and the last, came Monarch" so proud, the smallest of all, he was cheered b) the croud. Ht was the favorite horse of the three, A Noble and tree. chest-nut-biow- n, It was said he had never lost in a race Denver and Dio Grande WESTERN Scenic Line of the World! EAST BOUND TRAINS Had won large sums.with an easy grace' But now it was feared he had lound his match, In the Royal Giay or the Arab Despatch. Side by side stood the horses, in evei line. Trembling, impatient, waiting the time. They weie trained and taught, each horse so true. And they well understood what they had to do. No. 10 No. S Lv. 10.05 a. 9.2o in. p. in. Ogden Salt Lake Lv. 10.50 a. in. 11.30 p.in. Their proud eyes glared to the maik Lv. 12.50 p. in. 1.09 a. m. And eachahead, Provo horse, by a nod to his master Ar. 8.45 p. in. 8.05 a. m. Denver said; The prize and the honor, I'll strive hard to gain, No. 7 No. 9 the rest, and my hon r Lv. 4.10 p. in." 6.25 a. in. By out striping Provo retain. Salt Lake Lv. 5 55 p. m. 8.25 a. m. r. 7.15 p. m. 9.45 a. m The distance was long, near a mile the) Ogden had tred, BIMilUU AND ALTA TRAINS Too far for small Monarch, twas whisLeaves Sail Lake city, 4.30p.m. pered and said, Yet the master and horse were eager to Returning. chance, Arrive Salt L. ike city, 4.30p.-m- . The distance the forfeit and all theyd D. C. Dodi.e, General Manager. advanced. WESTBOUND TRAINS J II. Benntt, Gen. PaBS. Age The forfeits were placed in a respectable hand, And they were wafting to start at sigq or command, T'was agreed at the shot of a pistol to start, The space between horses, was five feet Utah Central, -- apart. TimeCard. Feb. 10, The report had scarcely been heard by bv tiie crowd Till the dashing thiee raised the dust in a cloud With eager eyes the spectatores glared, And the noble thiee, not an effort they spared. For they knew t'neir honor was now at a stake, Asonwaid they sped at a lightning rate '1 he riders sat him, not a word they spoke, But cheered them on with a gentle stroke 18S9. Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily as follows : Going North, 5 :48 a. m. & 2 :25 p.m. 8:18 South, 11:35 Arrive, Salt Lake 10a.m.& 6 :40p.m Leave Salt Lake City at 7 :20 a. m. 4 p. m. and Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake, daily, for the North, to connect with the U. P. liv. and the U. & N. Ry. at 7 :40 a. in. & 1 '50 p. in . and It was seen by the anxious crowd ahead arrive in Salt Lake City at 10 :50 '1 hat the favorite Monarch as usual led, a, m. and 5.00 p. m. But the others, at first so far in the run, for leave trains Nephi Freight were gaining a little, span by span, the North at 7 55 a. m. and for the Yet eager to keep his envious place, South at 5 : 1 5 p. m. The proud horse struggled to win the Francis Cofe, race. & Gen. F. P. Agt. But now they were gaining their hearts desire. John Sharp, Gen. Supt. breatn from their nostrils General Otlices, Main Street. And thestreamed like fire, Salt Lake City Side by side they were coming, twas little Ben McKee, president Harrisons grand ch.ld, for a romp, adds to th lamiliarfy rural scene. A host of child-drehave plated on the Wine House lawns every season for years and regard the place as childrens free ground. A number of the children have been memLitbers of the Executive household. tle rad Lincoln used to roll hoops down when the band played on summer afternoons, and strut about in his miniature unborn! of a lieutenant, nlavmg at war, with many a shrill, piping order to his imaginary troops. 1 hen came Andrew Johnson, Jr., a boy of twelve with a pro- penstty for stuffing himself on every imaginable edible and lolling about under the trees. Then Jessie Grant, to not with other children, after he had iidden home from school on his Shetland poii v. Then the demure Fauire i ii d Scott Haves, good children who always kept their clothes clean and their noses duly wiped. Then the Garfield and btcvcle, children, with base-baruling fromMarch to midsummer in high glee, when their brief reign closed with the aw tnl tragedy of their fathers death. Here strolled Allan Aithur, tall and undeveloped, and his sister Nellie, who possessed her fathers mind and her mothers lace, the heritage denied her brother. Thus the ghosts of the White House number not a few childish faces, and to me with a good memory a score of liese latmhar spirits come up even at a mtime o i the fairest day of all the pro g. The only false note in the overture of Spring is alfoided by the presence of the olhce seeker From the contemplation ot nature President Harrison turns to grapple with political delegationsand to wrestle with office seekers. The sunlight that strays mto the corridors of the Departments falls aslant of office .eekets by the .dozen, seated on the s jfas, occupying the chairs, leaning colums, lolling in windows, rang-- d along the wall, wailing, waiting. Bite variety of dress is as great as the vniiety of faces and expression. A little, thm, sensitive, bloodless old n in, w ith ancient silk hat and a white alert. lie, Sits next a burly New York politician who firmly trusts in his ability to do the thing up right. cross froi.N the couple a Texas Republic vn is seated, black moustache and goatee, and broad brimed sloutch hat, of course. listening with horror to a com' rad who is telling him that the TJepart- rnent of Justice has actually had the audacity lo refuse to appoint a certain one of the Texas brelheren simply because he has killed half a dozen men when it has been plainly shown to the satisfaction of Texas juries that he always e Not a few figtnes acted in m the denominated bv lrnrve.etit messengeis m the Departments, as the are those of preachers, who statuarv, generally seek to go abroad. The majority of the daily quota assetn- -' bled have become quite used to waiting and make little useiessappointments to meet each oiher, the exact pmpose1 of which they lorget by the time they meet again. With the air of a haughty and pi nice, w hose only artistic defect is Ins mahoganv co.or, a J6) per month messenger stalks out into the corridor at jtregular intervals, accepts half a dozen of tlie cards that are eager-- , ly thrust at lum and disappears into the Secietarys loom. But while many are called few are chosen, and veiv olten the office seekers waits for the opening of business hours in the morning until1 their close in the evenmgand goes away without seeing his man, while hundreds oi more fortunate though later arrivals go through the magic portals. The first right to audience belongs to Senators and Representatives and the office seeker w ho lias his Congressman with him, is looked upon as a lucky fellow by his mates and can go in without undignified delay. That is often all it amounts to, but for the moment the lowly office seaker is confident that he is drawing nearer the goal, and lives in hope tf he dies in despair, n Also Hay, Grain and MONEY TO LOAN OUST Lons Time and Low Interest, In any Town in San Pete. J H Ilougaard Manti Utah The j To the Bishops of San Pete Blank "Reccommends to the House of the Lord at this office, Price: 50 for 5oce2ts too for 75 cents; 150 for $1 and I2.50 for 500. wind-colic- bottle, 45-5- 2 c sS "O CS TJ o v '53 PORTABLE to CD o(D -- B- m O ( si 'C 'lv4 erV Over "c3 Hands06 Year in Practical use all over the World-N- o generators or extras. Can be operated bv a child. Pest pure soda tra ter. W ilf stand by any $4000 Gas Fountain and sell live glasses to its We sell the finest NICKEL PLATED 25 one.. HULK SHAKE. CHAPMAN & CO., - Madison ,tud. J. II. WODSKOW, W. T. REID, President. Secretery o H I TEC33 K AGO COTTAGE ROAM Hiis attained a standard of excellence which . admits ot no superior. It contains every improvement that lnvon tive genius, skill and money cau produce. Gveen. The Children the White Mouse. of Hungry Office Seeker still at His Post, Washington, April 15th, 1889. riNeL: Though Spring has won a late victory over winter, cowslips and trailing arbutus are out upon the citys waste places and the buds upon the trees are bursting into leaves. with Some flowers greet the passer-bfields and ol green fragrance suggestive dreams high, blue skies, and the day that in part are prophecies and in part are longings wild and vain." If the practical individual has craefully erased from his memory the records of youth, these splendid days make him thirsty with visions of the near time when mint shall be fragrant in the glass and claret on down town and ice be a solace, streets, colored urchins who are frightreal fully dirty despite the increase in five estate values, now offer arbutus at cents a bunch in the morning and two for five in the evening, furnishing a that striking illustration of the truth everything comes to him who waits. The grounds of the Executive Mansion are nearly as green as in midsummer, and a white capped nurse girl bringing Editor Sen y Any person wishing to stock then Ponds, Lakes, Sloughs and Springs with German carp, can be supplied at once by coming to Funks LakeSix MileCreek 5 miles south of Manti.Sanpete Co. Last summers hatching, io cents a piece The carp will be on hand till the ioth of May. First come, first served. Terms Cash or Grain. D. W- - Funk, Manti, Sanpete Co d.arrhwa, griping in the bowels, and . health to the By child it rests the giving mother. Price 25 c a self-dfens- WASHINGTON Dressed in g5 red-face- Stabling Ebbe Jessen, Ihoprietor Mrs, Winslows Soothing Svrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one ol the best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failin- g success by millions of mothers for their (hildren During the process of teethIt relieves ing its value is incalculable. the child lronr pain, cures dysentery and ll hard to define Which of the three would first cross the line. Breathless eacli glared, and a whisper Haiti Street, Manti low, Monarchs ahead, hell win, I know. First Class Accommodations. And true he was first to cross the line, OUP PREMIUMS AND PRIZES. His followers were but two hands behind. 27 All those visiting the Temple But an artery sprang and his prond We make the following inducement to the first loo cash subscribers to the heart bled, should inquire for this House. The winner, the Favorite, Monarch lie new Volume. The Sentinel and eithef Free conyey ante to the of the following premiums for one year, dead! A. Johnson, -day every Temple ftlt. Pleasant. TEMPLE HOTEL, ADVICE TO MOTHER. These excellent Organs are celebrated for quality of tone, quick respond, .variety of combination, artistic design, beauty in finish, action, making them the most perfect cousu organs lor attractive, ornament al and desirable homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc, vol-tam- e, so area I When I my Or rly to aad than hare them reatop tuew torI a Sal, A RADILAJL CLRiu a turn luraui 1 have mads the disease et ESTABLISHED ItEPETATIOW IXEqUALKI) FACILITIES SKILLED WORRHK, BEST 3IATEKIAL, COMBIVJtD, MAKE THIS FITS, EFILSFST or FALLING SICKNESS,to TH3 POPULAR yarat A my remedy Btdy. I CURE the worst eases Because others have failed is aoreasoa for o bow receiving .cure-Sen- d at once for a treatise and a I KkE Bonus Give Express of mv IKFALLIBLB REMEDY. and Post Otbce. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address H. C. ROOT. M.C., 83 Peabl St.. New YG2K life-lon- g OEGEAH PIAX0S, STOOLS, LOOKS. Catalogues on application. Free. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. C.E.1CAC J, ILL. MAIN 31?.. MANTI. |