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Show selected Irom the wide range of English literature, by skillful and sympathetic hands. To make ones self and one's family familiar with the contents of this rare volume is to take many steps in the A Wtelcly Newspaper direction of the purest and highest culDevoted to the general interest of ture. alike of the heart and intellect It is an introduction to the best tijpeople of San Pete and surround the world has ever known. company ii counties. As to mechanical execution, the paper is excellent, the typography superb, the illustrations ample and akerlpiiai many of One year. $2.00 them exquisite. It is artistic,that such amazing Six months. 1.25 a sumptuous volume, royal quarto, 542 Three months, .75 pages, with 400 charming illustrations, -- Vattracively and admirably bound, edited with the most loving and paiastaking ilmllalai AppIlnilM, skill, can be furnished at the low cost at q which this royal publication is ofisred to Address communications to the the uncrowned kings and queens of Home Sentinel Company, American homes. P. O. Box 57, Manti. U. T. TheJ. Dewing company, 815 Market St., San Francisco. Cal . are conducting Jas. T. Jakeman, the sale of this noble work and all apManager. plications for agency should be addressIf. II, Felt, Asst Manager. ed to them. The Home Sentinel, Rmu Took the Wrong Course Snooks "VVell, Jones, have you succeeded in QUARTERLY CONFERENCE Capturing Miss Smith's hand, vet? h The Jones "Not exactly her baud, but I Quarterly Conference of the Sanpete Stake ol Zion will got the next tiling to it. Ah? commence at 10 oclock on Sunday Snooks J mes "Yes, I got the mitten. morning, May 19th 1SS9 in the TaberSnooks "Why! You surprise me. nacle, in Manti City' A cordial invitati on is extended t j all Jones "Yes there is a blame fool firm who desire to attend. away in Madison, Ind , Chapman & Co. Canute Peterson I believe is their name, who are mak-iua Soda Fountain, the soda from Henry Beal. which every one is going wild over. John B. Maiben. Now Miss Smith wanted me to see 11,11 Presidency of the Stake. & Co , and induce li.ni to get one, and when I remarked I wasnt a Jav Gould, she saw the point; and so we parted. HOME MISSIONARIES. Forty-sevent- A settler was murdered in Oklahoma on the 23rd. Vigelamees have been organized in the new Territory. til April 6th, when the DanmdrL At first the Below we give the programme of Passeg trs and Cytur Picked up and ed sinking. only able to take aboard twenty n Only one Lift Lad, There is some trouble in Oklohoma. exercises at the Lake on Monday gers, but after she jettisoned Several murders have occured. Settlers next. The excursion will leive the New York, April 21 Agent Reath of of her she found acc d are already locating on the Cherokee front of the Tabernacle at 9:50 a. the Thingv alia line has received cable for all. cargo In J16 The death of the that the Libson from passstrip. due to the bursting of an en'7,n!'l gram m. stating has He was killed on the Will consist of Boating, Foot Rac engers and crew of the Danmark been picked up by the steamer Missouri w as badly damaged spot consl I FROM ABROAD. ing, Target Shooting, Quoits, Etc., of the Red D. Line, bound for Philadel- of this damage the! ' with together Etc. Picnic at 12 m. phia. A number of the passengers were ing of the shaft, the vessel wa"s Princess Eugine of Sweeden is dead landed at the Azores and the remainder in the heavy seas that EXERCISES prevailed. numbering 240, are en route to PhiladelA number of dynamiters have been M. in 2 P. welcome news was the at THRILLING The Bowery brought EXPLRIEC1.S phia. banished from Switzerland. 1 to Libson by the mail steamer irom Fay-a- l, Music by the Band It was hazardous to transfer so m which arrived this morning. Cairo, April 23 A bata'lion of Egyptian 2 Opening addres by Hon. F. R. in midocean with the people A from 21. London, April a telegram troops, uuder the command of the goern-o- r and the weather squally rough Kenner of dated Rolson the Mate Danmark, ol tsuakim, and tw o have and crew of the captain received here from Danmukf Libson, started for Port Hala'f, recently captur3 Song by Glee Club gives perfect order, and boatt the following account of the disaster manded ed by the Soudanese, for the purpose 4 was safely transfer 5 D. Recitation Win. Funk screw-shawas broken after boat-loaThe Danmarks of recapturing it. by on the 4th inst., 800 nnles from New- Ttie passengers were forbidden to t 5 Music by the Band The steamer Missouri fell their baggage. The women and rtf' foundland h w 6 Speech FIRST DISTRICT COURT. by Hon. John H in with the disabled vessel on the 5th ren ere especially looked after and towed her till the morning of the thrilling scenes took place and ther Ilougaard next day, when it was evident the Dan- est anxiety prevailed until all were JUDGE J. W, JUDD, PRESIDING. 7 Song, Red, White and Blue, mark was in a sinking condition. The board in crowded quarters on the t Missouri then threw over some of her ouri. Rowland Braithwaite Tuesday, 23. Fortvtwo sailors and all thenar cargo and sailed to the Azores, having rescued all the passengers and crew ol gers left at the Azores came to Lib George A Ilurgon vs. John C. Snow 8 Speech by Albert Tuttle the Danmark. Captain kundsen of the on the steamship Acor. et. al ; judgment in favor of plaintiff 9 Mu'ic. Star Spangle Banner, Danmark left Fayal on the 14th of April against both delendants THe Missouris arrival. for London, The first and second mate by the Band People vs. Joseph Appodaca, the deAzorstill at the and 320 passengers are Delaware Breakwater (Del.), April fendant was charged with a crime 10 Speech by Fred Alder es. Rolson and forty-twof the DanThe steamship Missouri arrived he. against nature; on trial, a verdict of 11 The-chief at I oclock this marks crew are now at Libson. Song by Glee Club guiltv was returned morning with 340 PJ Horace Holt vs. Indiana Live Stock 12 Recitation engineer was killed in the engine engers and part of the crew 0f th Miss Ida Lowry room when by the shaft broke. steamer Danmark. company; motion to relax costs was 13 Song, Sword ef Bunker Hill, argued and denied. Geo. P. Billings, Jr. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED 14 Speech by J. P. Madson. -- gun-boa- ts to-da-y, the Editor Both gentlemen have served terms the penitentiary for unlawful A. C. Nielsen. Ger bv TP. Jofoi Lowry Jensen, TlfifJER. I Tell You, If "Re Lori 1 00 500. y ou want a Son. bargain callat GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE 8 Als ! )(: And See There :)o JAMES V. STEVENSON, STDRY GOODS, OCR PRIZES. Ephraim EPHRAIM, , r.i S5GR()CERIES, Utah. g7MENS CLOTHING, Believing it will be of great interest Spring Citv, Andrew Peterson am Dr. Olstens visits to Manti seem to be and benefit to our readers, the Si ntincl Peter II. Anderson. Keeps a full line of Harness. Company have decided to give seventy quite frequent of laie. hve dollars in pnzes (described below) Chester. Niels Anderson and San-fol3? Repairing a Specialty grw Peter Greaves of this place has just on the lollowing subiects. as immediateAllred. returned Irom a business trip to Nephi. ly connected with this county, viz Hvgene Ephraim. Luther T. Tuttle and A Block South of South Co-oHistorical. Biographical, Resources. InA full line ol trimmed Hats and dress dustries, Educational. W, lb ssey. Politics and Liter1 ature. Our offer as published last week Manti. Niels Christiansen and trimmings at the Ephraim ( did not the last three subjects Jens IVter Jensen. The Business of f. p. Meilstrup is now named, comprise but n has been deemed advisin the hands of S. P. leasdel as As Steilimr. Win. Anderson and A. able to include them Al) articles inDealer in signee. M.ilUtt. tended for publication must be in the R lints. Oil-- ', Etc., office Dings. Mediiens, heforeOctober Id. Win. Bawden and JonaMajfi. The people on their return home r6th, 1889; and cona full line of from the lemple aftet their weeks tain at least 5.000 words or about 2J than Midgley. work all seemed to have a happy and columns of our paper. All articles Chemicals, Pioprietory Articles Gunnison, Ezra Shotnaker and contented will be the exclusive property of expression on their counti the SeNTtNeL David Khand. including nance company, whether they Toilet draw a prize or not. goods, Perfumerys, Soaps Fayette. Willie D. Candland and The author must forward his or hei Combs The Presidency of the Church have Brushes, Flavoring Ex John Ileddington. Dover. Neils C. Christensen and issued a call (or all the Presidents of name to be filed in the othce, but to in- tracts, Groi cries, Cigars and Tobacstakes aud Bishops of wards to make sure perfect impartiality the names of co, Etc., Etc., constantly on hand Mads P. Sorenson. arrangements in accord with Brest. Har- authors will not he sent to the judges 1413 Wales. Andrew Jensen and John rison's Proclamation, to celebrate In- with articles. The articles may be pubEphraim City, Utah lished under a nan de Olsen. or withauguration day. plume out a signature, as the author prefers Meetings will be held in the The judges will he furnished with a Beveral Wards at 2 oclock p. jr. OUR TERRITORY. printed copy of eacn article for criticism, alter the author has read the proof. The Canute Petkkson, Boothe & Barrett are points ol excellence to be considered are west e.nry Beal, as follows and will play fn Saltcoming Pacts; Benefit; Intel est, Lake. John B. Maiben, Logic and Sequence. Decrtption; dramPresidency of the Sanpete Stake of Angus M, Cannon, Jr., has been under atical construction, Authography and trial for perjury. Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent Zion, The Court ordered Punctuation. The judges will mark the business conducted for Moderate Pees. the jury to find a verdict of articles on a sea e ot Irom one to ten. acquittal Our OlHo is Opposite If. S, Patent Ofwhich was done. fice. under each of the above heads, each We bare no subagencies, ail business hence can transact patent business in kss direct, without refference to the judgement of A crowd ol boys from time and at leas coat than those remote from OUR CHANGE. were Ogden Washington. shot at by a mysterious man on Ea.ter the other. bend model, drawing, or photo., with descrip1 HE PRIZES. It has been decided best to pub- Sunday, while out tion. We a Wise if patentable or not, free of No Pirst A Machine (New Our fee not cue till is seen rid Cliarge lish our eight page paper as a week one was hurt but tue boys were pretty Hume) Valued Sewing at $55 i o. A book, How to Obtain patent Patents, witn refer badly (tightened and dropped their ences to actual clients in your state, county, or Second of History ly paper and Supplement. The baskets and ran away. Joseph Smith, by town, sent free. Address, Geo. Q Cannon, best binding, $5, one Supplement will be published on Veais to Sail Piancisco the An subscription attempt was made to rob a bank Daily Call, Saturday of each week and our ill $6 00 and one yeais subscripVentura, on Cal., the Otipoalte Patent Office, Wahington, D. C. 23rd a man by subscribers will get the full eight who tried tion to the Spntinel, $2 1 otal $13,00 the same poverty-suicid1 ravels m Third as before pages Mexico," bv Fred promised. dynamite dodge recently so successful C, A. Ober, $3 50, one years subscription Denver. Colo, but without avail. to the 1 his Chicago Ledgei,$t5o and one time it wouldnt wotk vears subscription to the Spntinel, 111 all $7 A corresp indent to the It raid from 200, 00. Total value of prizes Pleasant Grove charges some ol the 1 75 00. e cordially invite all people of that burg with trying to get persons to NOTICE'! rid of tlie sin pi us spuds bv write, boat do! being convinced that them tolling In accordance with the Proclamation in the butter and selling them for useful and interesting information will of the piesi lent of the United States, up thus be brought to light. 1 he historical the genuine ptoduct of their "kme," there wl be a General Assembly of the and biographical sketches Will materially FOB Latter-daSaints of Manti Sister Ule Borg, 01 Richfield was ar assist the young people to understand Complete list of Teretablea. Flo In the worn, Tabetn icle 011 Tuesday, AprilCity, and Small lrniu, with description 30th, 1S89 rested, last Wednesday week, on a the difficulties and dangers of the early Biilbn nd price. at 9 oclock A m , to tender thanks and charge of lotmcatton, $5 ro bonds settlement of the Countv, and the latter NEW gave 811APF. NEW TYPE, TO HP1.ETELY praise to the Vlmighty for his past bless- for her appcaiance belore the District subjects awaken interest in those uratteis REVISED AND IMPROVED. Sister Lais P. Larson was ar- upon which we as a ings and supplicate his continued Court Contains more varieties than can any other catalogue Ueices, on the Centennial Presidential rested on the same charge on Saturday never grow dormant. community, printed Three Elegant Colored Plates, Auniversirv of the inauguraiiun cere- On Tuesday two other ladies of Sevier Proofs ot the vatious artu les w ill he 8xio4 inches, and a frontispiece. monies in founding the government ol county Sistets Storr and Anderson sent to the authois for then criticism THB PIONEER SEED CATALOGUE our Nation, and to join in commemor- were arrested on the same betoie being published. OV AMERICA. charge. ative Lveicises appropriate to the day Every person who owns a foot of land or Cultirates A coidt tl invitation is extended to all a plant should have a The Ogden Commercial h is the fol Copy. Price of Who des te t lowing editorial, which is doubtless conVICKS FLORAL GUIDE, participate. B. sidered certificate Containing a John Maiben. A pie good boom htetatuie. good for rj cent, worth of sure will be brought to bear Hans Jbnsen. 9t ds, only 15 cents. upon the JAMES TICK Wm, T. Reid. council to induce it to close the puclic SEEDSMAN, house of 111 the Kocheater, N, Y It is a N EW city. mistake to presume that such an instiMANIT LOCALS. tution can be sullered in so small a Spring and Summer Mr. red Killpack is over from Ferron without gteat evils following, and city to sillier it longer to remain will call surely The cow herd starts on Monday next, forth a storm of 1 he indignation. ot EXCEL ALL almost evetvone is that it opinion A hale daughter of Mr. Niels should be closed and the ev il driven to died 011 Wednesday. Previous Efforts- -concealment at least. So far. little attention has been given the matter, but IN How would it be to make r . prepara-;no eff rt being nude to remove the infor county fair for Sanpete uext stitution. it is becoming a subect for Style and Variety. general discussion. 1 here is no doubt Mr. Ferron, the surveyor, is in town but the council will see to this matter if it is brought to his attention. loouug np corners for some fCTMIOUSE TRIMMINGS, Fu d r n i i Loi t u r e, E t c. BABY CARRIAGES. 14-13- 4-- 5 Main Street. H.P.LARSEN.P.M. J. I. sub-mitt- tutantl o l iA Monumental Stone Cutters, Dealers in Mantles, Plaster Busts, Centar Pieces Etc. par II. egg-rollin- C. A. Fir Lowrys Manufacture of all kinks of Tinware, Roofing and Gutter Wotk. Ephraim, Utah. 9-- &, (0) Owners of SNOW & CO. the Famous San Pete Quarries. e' 111 MAIN STREET MANTI. BRIEFLETS. V Ogi Sal 1889. y j M Do what is It is right. right to use home products in preference to imported articles. It is right to furnish our own peotjle employment. It is right to patronize ho 3 stitutions exclusively. I.B .Brunei, im t Sal Os -- ' THEREFORE is right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zion's . Ar D. lit e Mercantile Institution eehecially as they are moderate in price, elegant in Btyle and superior in quality. S OLD B Y ALL HOMEtDEALERS STYLES Ras-tnuse- ii land-owner- s, Mr. Swensens anddiditwelL : WESTERN WHIFFS. shed was destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Loss slight. Energetic agent wanted. Address H. A. Hess 123 Mt East St Salt Lake City. The Ephraim co-o-p has received an , immense stock of clothing, prices ranging from S2.00 up to $20.00 pr suit, pants from 75 cts upwards. 5.4 The members of the Young Men's Band are practicing up for the excursion At their practice on Tuesday evening they rendered some very fine pieces ai Buckhee, Mis., has been destroyed by fire. San Francisco reported the week ending the atst. I21 Wfeii! 3 deaths for 5 The ruins of a buried city have been found tn Southern Colorado. I Idaho. The Royal Gallery of poetry and Art The Calt says the gold discoveries deserves its name It is an illustrated on the Uncamphagn River, Colorado, took of favorite prose and poetic gem s are confirmed. I Pa -- Main ,, il liil cS 13.000 sheep ate being shorn tn one herd near Battle Mountain, Nev. A drive of 15,000 head of cattle have been started from Elko Co., Nev., for Nji: r Street, - the b li I, If If K 11 JS - ? f y.mE yj M3 il I I 1 t 111 f! t 1 E inyr ir.y 5 j t &CRA;CE.KASS I1 H B E-- 1 frf iI IwJ f ft NEVER OUTOFORDER. Manti. Brunei has the best ft assorted ot of Drugs south of Provo and also 15 tad .iFECTfeloTlCUUR. i .. i I b 53 sJ 1 l I y ; th T-- V 41 j tl myfl? IT'tlSSS c rr sum I he of A Cas 5 I Please inform your COUNTY ITEMS. readers that I have a positive remedy for Appointed for Sunday, April 28th the above named disease. By its timely 1889. From the Pen Eh H. Day, of Fair-vie- use thousands of hopeless cases have Fountain Green, A. II. Lur.d am Sanpete county, appeared before been permanently cured. I shall be glad Andrew Thompson, Jnnr Commissioner Nortel!, yesterday, touk to send two bottles of my lemedy bree Moroni, C. . Wheelock am the poor debtors oath and was discharg- to any of your readers who have conAbram Johnson. sumption il they will send me their ex es C. Larson was examined Com press and post otfice address. RespectfIndianola, Peter Peterson and Sam- mmioner Wolcott and released,by T. A. Slocum, m c. lje is ully. uel Bills from Ephraim 1S1 Pearl St., New York. 29 m d ft To J. P. Hansen, Jr. Mt. Pleasant, J. P. Christensen and LAvtliOlUaAt o g tairview, Canute W, Peterson and 1X1 ill |