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Show ' - : .': ' M ; : . : if : 5 ; ; ; ..; : ! ' M. '" '. : - r- -- X: : A X ;'.. - ' : : ; : --'--. - ' 4 iy - r - . : ' V : u;-- ' A ' ' r ' : :r : ::A : .. ., , - "X - V - A.'-- . - : : -- 'X;v V ' 'X'; : . i V;.' I .X .:::::,.v:.:.;'V - - - . . . ; '.! t . .1 , .' , " .I..'. V . :!; . .; ; t' : I r V- , - " 1' i.y. . r I' j..! ;, f ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 Utah County, Utah' , 1 V . J,. ' 41 GuiltyPleas Bring Fines In City Court tU LXJ Ronald Frandsen, 48, of 1451 W N., charged with driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor Sept. 26, pleaded guilty in Provo City Court,1 and was fined $150. r Boyd Herman Thomas 41, 175 S. 3rd E., Salem, pleaded guilty to charges of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liqj uor, and was fined $150. Thomas Garza,- 26, 1650 wi 1460 N., pleaded' guilty to charges of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, and was fined $150. Ponqurso A. Gurule, 20, '253 W. 6th S., pleaded guilty to charges of driving while under the influence of" intoxicating liquor, and was fined $150 by Provo City sss ; -- - tirtr, - ;! ; 940 - New for 1964 is the Rambler Classic hardtop, a newly added body also in available the Rambler Ambassador series. style All Ramblers continue to have long-lif- e features such CLASSIC HARDTOP TWO-DOO- R as the muffler and tailpipe system, chassis lubrication and 4,00p-mil- e engine oil change interval and galvanzed body panels. two-do- or 33,000-mil- ceramic-armore- d e Lines Refined, Improved for 1964 Rambler Ambassador Classic, 'I American Motors The Ambassador inches lower than i consolf driver and tops are Court. KENNEDY NAMES JUD1E WASHINGTON - (UPI) . Presi dent Kennedy Tuesday named a Negro civil rights leader to be a federal judge for the District' of Columbia. Kennedy sent to the Senate the judgeship r nomination of Spotts-woo- d W. Robinson III, a member of the Civil Rights Commission since 1961 and dean of the How ard University Law School. . j j C3" " v- ' ' " x- ... , i 1964 today announced new and broadened 1964 Rambler Classic and Ambassador lines. They will go on display tomorrow at Morris Motor in Provo and at other Utah Valley dealers. Styling refinements, new hard- r- 1.2 990-1-1 se- hardtop is the most luxurious car dan models. All Ambassadors include a full ever offered by American Motors. d, wrap-arouninstrument panel The 999-- H includes as standard which continues back pad equipment a 270 horsepower V8 crash into the upper portions of the engine, front and simulated rear doors. Other Ambassador feabucket seats with folding centef tures include distinctive wood-grai- n arm rests, a floor console beinserts on the instrument tween the front seats, chrome panel and door paneli, lower door ceiling dows, and many luxury scuff pads made of the same maappointments associated with the terial as the floor' carpeting, and custom seats. prestige ear field. A new optional feature on the ClasThe company's two-doe at 990 is bucket new a Ambassador line boasts sic luxury 770 a with in combination the popular ' special hardtop cushion which permits series, available as a Six ,or V8. The hew harditops feature a "fast-back- " a third person in the front, This roof which flows at a combination also has a fold in rakish angle into the body. Hard- - armrest lor radded comfort of the 1 " top models and new convenience options are prominent among the avances in both unerican Motors' Classic line and the top-selli- ng Ambassador luxury ,line. With the company's lowest-price- d Rambler, the drastically changed 1964 American, the company has now introduced three distinct lines of 1964 compact cars that completely span- the market for this popular car type! passetiger. A center cushion if de the replaces 1 ' J, . sired. Classic interiors have been1 new' ly styled for greater luxury, and both wide and slim bucket 'seats with floor consoles are offered. ' Classicnd Ambassador feature newj grilles which impart a more, massive appearance.) Both the . il top-selli- or eut - Personalized ng Christmas Cards . ORDER NOW STANDARD OFFICE SUPPLY 40 1st NO - FR 50 .. Lak0 The route of the Great Basin-Sa- lt ALONG THE PONY EXPRESS TRAIL two-dato across the v looele, trin from Salt Lake City .Desert tour covers a one to Hill Gold then and t6 to Callao, sh Fi over Spnng-sthe Pony Express trail deselt is Shown Grantsville. to 0 closeup of Wendover and back over U.S. Highway , 40-5- Willow Spnngs Pony Express Station.. now marked onlv bv stone monu ments and bronze plaques, but fee present roai follows the originall trail and drivers of today find ijt easy to ponjure up visions of galloping ponies and wiry riders in spots when wet. Do not attempt racing along the road. The effect of the landscape this section for a few days folis one of" sheer vastness and here lowing rain or snow. Some supThe valleys are so plies and services are available emptiness. li- in towns along the route, but flat and island ranges so hazily travelers should carry extra gas, tant mat it seems as inougn rijiey eaifth, drinking water food, spare tire, must mark the edge of thehorizbri and a sliovel in case yourj auto-- lying iust beyond the far There is much to see and wb 4- mobile gets stuck i If the tour is planned as a one-da- y der at in this strange land: tne trip, it probably is best to lonely Pony Express marker, take the southenroute first and modern symbols of a bygone age; return by the. nothern route, to the old log cabin and empty foun keep the sun behind you, Panor- dations at Simpson Springs, and amic views probably are better the immense desert panoratmia when, traveled in .this direction, from there; the amazing wildhife too, and the Shangri-L- a peaks of oasis at Fish Springs, and the Shot the springs nearby quaint, romantic form Creek Range Deep western horizon for much of the Callao; towering peaks of the Deep Creek Range; the nostal day. this southern gic remains of Gold-- ' Hill; the uh Along unpaved Neand Fairfield between arthly whiteness and flatness 6f loop, the Salt Desert; the hypnotic Hb- the of riders Pony Express vada, ja hunof Highway 40, stretcMirig bon horses raced their frothing Rethese things Sites of their dred years ago. away to infinity e many-morrus and make this an en known such by lay stations tic n a Lies as Lookout Pass, Simp- - chanted land which continue to son Springs, Old River Bed, Fish entice ana beckon those who Wave are once succumbed to its spell. Springs, and Willow Spring Desert Romance Highlights Basin-Pon- y Express Touring (Editor's note: This is an- other in a series of articles on Tours Through Utah planned the Utah Tourist and Pub j Mcity Council to . show Utah's most outstanding you at- tractions with the least" amount of driving, in the shortest time, and over the best roads available. j Desert Thei Great Basin-Samost of the some Tour penetrates in terrain desert interesting d the America. From peaks of the Wa&atch Range it passes near Great Salt Lake, through Great Basin valleys and low mountain passes, across vast deserts of salt and . ' 'uoowo'o'oooo'W a. 1 'j 1. ' ! snow-cappe) sand 4j5"v" i lt hard-packe- f f.1 d j The tour covers some 350 miles and can be taken in one" or two days,, depending on the leisure in utiicij you travel. The best time to make the trip is between April and parJ December. Travelers should be cautioned that the south stop is a good yraded road, but may be slick i 1964 Rambler American 440-- hardtop, 440 convertiblei330 station wagon H i '64! FRESH NEW SPIRIT OF ffiM.ali-nei''JsMe,- a -- men styling, new ride, full New exciting Rambler Classics and Ambassadors, new hardtops, new luxury Totally new Rambler Americans with Today, see howthe Rambler Idea the idea of listening to car owners' wants pays off f 0 r yo u . N EW ! Rambler Americans the beauty, compact economy ki ng with room. NEW! Every inch side windows, too. new. Smart curved-glas- s NEW! Brilliant new hardtops, sedans, and e station convertible. Smart new ride, with new suswagons. NEW! all-ne- I all-ne- I, w w big-spac- All-ne- w pension, longer wheelbase, wider tread NEW! 6-passe- nger all-ne- w Rambler Classic hardtop, with V-8-'s, room. new features. PLUS! All Ramblers now have 33,900-mil- floor shift it, or it shifts itself. offers wagon, sedan two new hardtops; one with 270-hbucket seats, console, front and rear center armrests all standard. Rambler leads because Rambler listens p options: wheel; stick for Adjust-0-Til- Shift-Comman- Flash-O-Mati- d ou steering t c NEW! Rambler Ambassador p V-- 8 A e chassis lubrication; rattle-freor g Advanced Unit Construction, with galvanized steel panels. Seejiow well Rambler listens to you? wants . . . how beautifully Rambler '64 fills your needs. choice of Six of new 198-hV8. Smart sedans and wagons, too. NEW! Exciting new e 3-ye- ar rust-fightin- American Motors Dedicated to Excellence V-- 8, What happens if you don't cash in your Savings Bonds when they come due? fi for a Series E Savings You pay $37.50 Bond and in ? years and 9 months grows to $50. But what if you don't cash it in? it strength to stand up to the enemies of freedom is imperative. Buy Bonds where you work or banfc j Fact is it keeps right on growing4. At the current interest rate, when it's 10 years old it Will be worthr$53.66. At 15 years its value will be $64.52. And at and lse if you don't feel pretty good about it. Importani facts obouf U.S. Savings Bonds Yon get $4 for every $3 at maturity 17 years and 9 months, $72.50. There's no trick at all to letting your ;E Bonds work overtime for you this way. You don't even have to remember to renew them. The Treasury Department does it automatically. And while your growing Bonds are making you richer, they're helping keep America strong in a world where can get your money anytime Your Bonds are replaced free if lost, stolen or destroyed You can buy them where you work e Payroll Savings Plan " . : . VS. Government ; 'x ' " doc ,. Tomorrow! On display at your Rambler Dealer ! 1- 1131 North 5th West 598 E. 1' State Highway, American Fork 570 North Maift, Spanish Fork - Watch the Danny Kaye Show on CBS-T- V, Wednesday evenings Ch. 5, 8 r y HARM0J1 MOTORS CO. v, 213 'A r HALSTR0M MOTORS, INC MORRIS MOTORS J not ray Jbr thU aiterlistng. The Treasury Department thamlia Xk J.dsttitlne Gouaai oatf tbis newspaper far (iUir patrioUo tufport. Tk4 ' j V-- j on-th- U.S.SMDMBS BONDS 1964 Rambler Classic 770 hardtop, 6 or and 1964 Rambler Ambassador 8 station wagon V-- 8 (You Keep freedom In your future with - ' -- p.m."""""""" - :: DAILY HERALD 10 v"v-- a- Y -- ; I - L |