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Show I: mmii to; Y l?X 'I' V.-- " . YEAR NO. 45 PROVO. UTAH COUNTY. UTAH WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2; 1963 NINETY-FIRS- T i i; ii PRICE TEN CENTS . , i Army Bdclcs fp Ben Bella In Algeria 1 M) "ALGIERS (UPD The Algerian army pledged its loyalty to "strong man!" President Ahmed Ben Bella t6day and denounced the rebels who are seeking to overthrow him. In a statement issued by its political department, the army said it "condemns energetically this and attempted counter-revolutio- n to combat any decides solemnly attack 'upon the fruits of the rev- STRIKEOUT RECORD CHANGES HAN1S--Sand- y Koufax, left, of Los Angeles Dodgers- is congratulated in Yankee Stadmm dressing room by Carl Erskine after etrikinig- out 15 batters in opening 1964 W orld Series game for new record. Erskine was the big hero today a the Dodgers; beat held the previous record at 5t2 the series opener. (Herald-UP- I in Telephoto) the world champion Yankees, 14.-Kou- fax - fans in Yjankee Sta- dium. UPI Sports Editor Koufax feat broke the record NEW YORK (UPD Southpaw 14 set by Carl Erskine o the of Sandy Koufax broke the World Dodgers exactly 10 Series strikeout record today old Brooklyn 1953 years ago to this clay in the Yanork World when hfc fanneji 15 New Series against the six-hit Yankee (batters! in a superb kees. that Bv striking out the first five pitching performance enabled! the Los Angeles Dodgers batters he faced, the .to win the opening game of the Koufax also tied a "record set by ' classic Mort Cooper of the St. Louis John Roseboro's three - run ho- Cardinals in 1943, also against the Yankees. The Dodger j fire- mer and a pair of perfect in- singles by Moose Skowron drove bailer 'pitched 4 in all the Los Angeles runs off nings before Elston Howard sin-Yankee!. lefthander Whitey Ford gled with two out in the fifth before a crowd of exactly 69,000 for the Yankees' first hitr By pEO H. PETERSEN sun-soake- d -- ! 5-- 2. ! run-produci- ng . - . i 'I Tom Tresh jirove in both New L fYork runs with a homer into the left field stahds in the eighth inning. The homer also drove in Tony Kubek, who had beaten out ftm an infield hit. Three otheri records were set !..-in this series! opener. Ford, by going down to the sixth defeat o his lustrous World Series career! tied a losing rec brd held by Chrysty Mathewson, Eddiej Pllnk, Leslie Bush and Schoolboy! Rowe. Ford, who retired for a pinch-hitte- r after ive was innings, seeking 'to extend his record o 10 World Series M pitching triumphs. The total of 25 batters struck j out for both teams also was a mark. In addition to Koufax' 15, Ford. struck out 4, Stan Williams and Steve Hamilton one. An inning, by inning description of the game follows Dodgers first Wills was called out on strikes Ford threw Him only 4 pitches. The chase began When Roberts Gilliam rapped Ford's second Hotel notified the police depart pitch to Kubek who threw him ment that two youths had been out. W. Davis struck out on 3 acting suspiciously , had ammuni- pitches. tion in their room, land had dyed No no hits, no errors, none their hair. The youths had been left. runs, at Roberts Hotel since early Sun day morning and checked out Yankees first about 2:30 p. m. Tuesday and went down swinging on had purchased bus tickets to a Kubek 1 and 2 pitch. Richardson struck Las Vegas. out at a blazing fait When police approached the bus ball swinging Tresh Was called out op depot, the youths fled,; leaving strikes on a 2 and 2 pitch. behind two suitcases with artic No runs, no hits, no errors, les of clothing, ammunition, and none left. two loaded .22 pistols, The police! received a tip that Dodgers second the two fugitives had crossed the T. Davis grounded out on Ford's cemetery into Goode's .Auto. second pitch, Kubek to Pepitone. The police ;had ordered a police F. Howard drove Ford's third dog and Officer Bruel powen, pitch against the centerfield fence in charge of! the dog, and: at the at the mark for! a double. same time radioed the Denver Skowron singled to center, scorand Rio Grande eastbound, freight ing F. Howard. Tracewski singled to center, to see if the) fugitives had gotten Skowron stopping at second. Rose-bor- o aboard., - f .nil . hit a 0- - pitch intd the right Sgt. Max, Littlefield saw the foiil line for boys jump from the train at field stands near the home a Skowron and run, scoring about 1600 S. 900 E- - and Officers of ahead Tracewski him and putGlade Terry', and Roy Hurk tried It ting the Dodgers in front, to find them in the weeds. vas Roseboro's first World Series canine umcer mowen, coming home run. Koufax flied to Maris. up with the police dog, King, Wills was called out on strikes. ordered the boys put of the weeds. Four runs, four hits, no errors, une dog spotted the boys and none left. growled xand the two youths emerged. They tbld officers they Yankees second felt they had a chance o dodg- Mantle was called out on strikes. ing bullets, but were afraid o: Maris also si ruck, making it five the dog. in a row for Koufax. That tied Taken into custody, they were the series record for strikeouts identified as Gerie Ranel Toikka for the star of a series game, 17, of Novato,! Calif., and John It was set by Mort Cooper of the (See ESCAjP ES, Pae 3) (See DODGERS, Page 12) ... j ; . Four jProvo Burglaries ; California Escapeejs Nabbed In Crime Spree Two escapees from Boys at Chino, Calif., were capchase tured after a 'three-hou- r Re-.pub- lic Tuesday afternoon from bus depot to freight cat to weed patch, from which they were flushed out by a police dog. In their possession were guns .and loot taken in Provo burglaries this week, which included Sport Shop, Taylor) Brothers, Koy Harding's residence and Dennis Barber Shop. j -- i ! i j I Relief Society Opens Conference 2-D- ay - 457-fo- o i , " LAKE- - CITY (UPI) The Relief Society of the Church of Saints, Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y international a displayina growing character, opened its annual two- day conference here today. About 9,000 Relief Society mem bers-weron hand to attend the two-da- y conclave in- - the silver Homed Salt Lake Tabe r n a c 1 e, where j ,the LDS Church's 133rd semi -- llannual general conference SALT e sets uj&lerway Friday. The Conference opened at. 9:30 a.m. vfah a session for stake and mission executives . and board members, some of whom came from such distant places as South America, Mexico and Europe. 7 President Hugh B. Brown, sec ond counselor in the First Presi dencvj was scheduled to address the afternoon session of the con ' ference today. , , Speakers at this morning's ses sions were President Josepn ieia in Smith and Elder Harold B Lee, jboth of the Council of Twelve Apostles and Mrs. Belle S. Spafford, general president of the society. The Singing Mothers' Chorus of Lay ton Stake in Utah provided " ior me uyeuuis oca cinn. Af k recention tonight from 7 to 10 o'clock, - the general presi dency! general secretary iiuiaa Parker and board members will ereet rall'of tne staxe ana nussiun officers In tne nenei ocieiy 1 Building. ! . "' .. 4-- 0. j i. , 1 HERALDING The News Trouble Time'? Maf Pay You To Know is . It : . n . 214-ye- ar I Now You Know By United Press International The I world's leading producer o: har potatoes during the 1961-6- 2 vest was Hhe Soviet Union, with . 84,310,000 metric- - tons, - according to tht Statesman' Year Book. ; f despite the 'worsening wheat shortage. Which illustrates the balance we try to give yoiit each day in The Daily Herald, Central Utah's own vana oniy; daily newspaper. From your own backyard to across the globe, read th Herald to be informed. 11" li r .v - ;: A " '(If illdihgQ; WtkfrJhi'TAU-"- ' !rV' dlH05 ' 1 ,h'MK ssi. lit u ivennpnv r" ' jfP' :T : ; MAY ; By DONALD United Preis International! WASHINGTON (UPI) gle for the building up of socialPres- I statement i dded. the . ndent ) ism," received Kennedy today I I I 'I Isolate Rebel Region v report on the confused situation announced ' in South Viet Nam from Defense its supThe armyj Secretary Robert S. McNamara T port for Ben Bella as heavily and Gen Mdxwell D. Taylor. armed loyalist troopk moved to V 3 chairman of t isolate the rugged Kabylia region Joint Chiefs! of v. l I l Staff. wheri anti- - - government rebels The' two top Pentagon officials,: have called for his ouster j just back from an inspection tour The; army, statement denounced of the area,- inet with Kennedy the. insurgent leaders! as "ambi at 11 a.m. EDT. tious politicians, sick for power W. Ayerell Harrinian, assistant and division." secretary of state for far eastern It admitted that a certain, numaffairs, also Attended tjie White ber of officers had joined the dis House Ou Col. Mohand meeting along with Central sidents, including Direct o r Intelligence Agency El Hadj, who was ousted by Ben 7 I I John A. McCohe, WB:B o VY0 tf.Y:- - 'ZS TrS Bella from his Command of the McNamara and Taylor. spent a 7th Military Region for support week in South Viet Nam trying to movement ing the against the out find for Kennedy whether the government. war effort against the Commu "AH this is going onl" the state REPORT TO THE BOSSDefense Secy. Robert Mc nist Viet been ham I Cong ment added, "at a moment when WASHINGTON (UPI Presi- Namara, left, reports to President Kennedy today at pered by the littlehadAsian nation's (Portuguese Premier .Antonio dea Kennedy, with support from White House, on trip he and Gen. Maxwell Taylor took domestic crisis. religious Salazar is' promising material aid congressional leaders, appeared to McNamara f declined on their .Saigon to appraise! Sduth Yiet Nam war situation. to all a near decision to brief- - arrival at nearby Andrews Air today also in permit attended shown not today's photo, Taylor, Aid Not Described . l! rrw a t .J -i ii j sale of! U.S. wheat to the Soviet j jj ' iL case, Md. today to ive ing. ine two returnea eany toaay aiier piane jxorce The statement did not" expand Union inp.uy newsmen any inkling ot what bis UPI from Telephoto) Saigon. (Herald on this nor indicate whether ft Senate Democratic Whip Hubert He saved. It foe contains. report meant Salazar has promised help" H. a Minn., conference the two Pentagon 4 f Humphrey, prpdicted tc the anti-Be- n Bella forces. the presidential decision would With thej President at leaders had The army's statement was pub- come within the next the White House, only a little days. lished prominently in j all Algerian He said he favored twoj the deal over three hours after their- - re ' newspapers. channels. ,i :", J J turn. private grain It followed a defense ministiy through L. On their departure from! Sai Agriculture Oryille denial Tuesday of reports that Freeman said Secretary in Harrisburg, Pa., gon Tuesday McNamara issued regular army units.'' vere desert- Tuesday that the United States a statement saying he and Tay- ing to the insurgents in the Ka- had not been approached by Ruslor had trav led (he "lengthland , WASHINGTON (UPI) bylia area. Presi two million members of the breadth of this land" and had sia about a possible wheat sale. Other sources here also said However, he' said this country dent Kennedy signed into law to- - armed forces effective immediate- - spoken with several hundred per- there was no truth reports. would be willing to listen to a day legislation providing (sons during their visit.. f - .1 k $1.2 y- -The i' measure . ' Bella Soviet proposition, Meanwhile, pro - Ben sent boosts McNamara Kennedy gives pay billion pay increase for nearly troops, in camouflage untforms Although no direct Soviet over from $5 a month for re (See McNAMARA, Page 4) V rangihg and carrying sub - machinegus, tures has been made to the U.S. cruits with two years of service inched forward in armored vehi- government, a Russian trade mis to $110 a month for lieutenant' cles to block communications be- sion has discussed the possible colonels and navy commanders. tween Kabylia and the rest of the purchase! of U.S. wheat in Ottawa Congressional action was com country with private American grain dealpleted Monday when the House So far, there has been no blood ers. , bill, approved the Senate-passe- d shed. Would Support Sale 332 to 5. It covers all members Democratic congressional lead of the armed forces except 742, SAN JUAN, P.R.' (UPDi-Kille- r ers told Kennedy f Tuesday they 000 . draftees and enlistees in their would support sales of wheat to Hurricane Flora pushed 125 mile first two years of service. Russia and other Soviet bloc na- per hour winds up the Caribbean Keep Men In Service tions but not to Red China. today) and .the weather jbureau The pay . boost is aimed at en Humphrey, one of . those who warned the "well developed, and couraging men to stay in the mil By JOHN A. GOLDSMITH conferred with Kennedy, said- - he dangerous" storm would grow United Press International itary services.! ii cp nf nrivatp grain even stronger during the the day. UigVU Senate WASHINGTON (UPI)' For enlisted men, the hikes Gale warnings were ordered for channels' to carry out the 2-Wetrade to-were invest crime retoia some ek gators would go from. $5 for transaction instead of govern- - the peninsula of Barahonaj in the cruits to York New authorities that $70 for senior sergeants day aftthis Dominican Republic (See KENNEDY, Page 4) officers. For officers, are busy checking new leads, on oettv and ernoon and for the peninsula Mrs. ATHENS. Greece IUPD ' murders supplied by in thev would range from $20 for gangiana Presque Isle duv Sudoueste Jacqueline Kennedy; arrived ' in informer Joseph Va- Cosa Nostra ' to second lieutenants and ensigns Haiti tonight. Athens today for a sunny and en lachi. The latest advisory from the $110 for lieutenant colonels and thusiastic beginning to her New York police Sgt. Ralph San Juan Weather Bureau, hi 6 commanders. iL I en testified that districtr at. private visit to Greece. Sfllrn ..ij ucucui ic; X lie r mil oiM wuuiu a.m. EDT, located the season's The commercial jetliner carry tne W metropoutan xvtew sixth and fiercest tropical twister- tired military personnel, widows torneys area icg the First Iiady from New cases isam j several near latitude 14.6 north, longitude receiving military pensions and. York touched down at the airjwrt now un are marKea reservists 900,000 unspivea 68.8 west, or about 330 statute an estimated it 2:25 p.m. (8:25 a.m. EDT) der active investigation again. on drill-pa- y status. ' said miles southwest of San- Juan. Morse, Greek police had closed off most Wayne Vaiachi resumedl his story of was a the bill into Written westtoward the Moving of the airport and allowed only he claims that certain American 930's gangland warfare in the special $55 a month xombat bon- Land a few local people in to cheer firms helped finance political op northwest at 14 m.p.h., Flora was MB underhow ..1 his told former c 0 rwi tt w. u. r .1 . ., iui ou cav,iiiciv.u ,vw notoposition to the ousted govern-rne- expected to increase some in size her. vr.-..-j rvicemen exposed to uommuH "U4U "vu" of Dominican President Juan and intensity during the day, (the On hands were American and at Al rious the; top of a ' Capone Viet South in Viet fire nist ' Cong ;' weather bureau said. ; j meni Greek officials to extend the bffi D Bosch. of marked list ' "On its present course, Hurri- Nam. Morse, in a speech Tuesday in con-- 1 cial greetings. However, the' 60nyear-ol- d Didn't Do Justice 120 fessed killer said his boss, Sal-Mrs. Kennedy's sister, Princess the "Senate, said he! would with- cane Flora will pass about of , Rep. L, Mendel Rivers , vatore Maranzano, was . sla n in Lee Radziwill, is playing host hold he names of ihe American miles south of 'the Peninsula ser a House armed chairman of less officials! and of Harahona and the tonight early companies Avenue office before th during the stay. She said that those which spent his P,ark could Q carried! out. r subcommittee 100 miles south of the penin than involved pending vices; companies a Mrs. Kennedy's visit s for action by the .administration' on sula Presque Isle du Sudoueste monms worsing uu uie uui, mju Vaiachi also told about a mob- casual rest to have a phange. stUl did not do "justice" to ster who "died of it the an for official! advisory his demand morning," report. Thursday broken Wearing Black Suit med- said. It warned beach residents the men and women in uniform. '"We cannot tolerate any himself . heart" after disgracing The weather was sunrijr and hot But he told his colleagues "we of these areas to take precau-t- o as the Fjirst Lady, dressed in a dling on the part J. of American showing nervousness wter the by Ameri-ca- n tions against tides five tfce best we can" m have done with eight abroad businessmen two-pieslaying of gangland boss1 Guisep- black suit, left the - minaea an above normal. feet said. economy vnSress. pohey," foreign .,, Moyse pe Masseria. plane. She was wearing black j Vaiachi said his faction, in tne sftoes and yellow gloves. underworld power struggle' lost The gangway from the jetliner was decorated with Greek and only one "soldier" during months nf warfare that saw "from 40 to U.S flags. 60" of their Opponents meet vi- -' As Mrs. Kennedy reached the ii olent deaths.-. bottom 'of -- the steps, Princess But he testified that Maranzano Radziwill rushed forward and nim that the war had to be told Amthey kissed. Then American shortly befote Maran- - . bassador Henry Labousse stepped Pros- 32 weeks and unless, the jbongres-sionWASHINGTON (UPI) payers. The: House last week reopened zano described as the 'boss of- forward : and presented to her a pects looked bleak today for mal tempo quickens,' some law- passed a bill that would reduce all bosses" of the New York v little girl that Mrs. Kennedy had enactment this year: of a big tax makers predict that neither bill income taxes $11 billion in two I. sent to the United States last year cut in view of a decision py ben-- will be enacted this year. annual steps starting next Jun. 1. syndicate wasmemurdered. a and list said , :; "He gave to have a delicate operation. If final action on the tax bill ate Democratic leaders that civitJ Democratic Whip' Hubert H. these of to peo- rid 'we got tget The girl, Chrysan-the- rights legislation must come first. Humphrey, Minn. said Tuesday is delayed until next year, Long 4) (See TURNCOAT, Page - Papakotski' e of Messinia, Like a broken record, j the that civil rights would 'get prior-i-t said, the tax relief would Sen-ate.the operation at .Walter White House reitejrated Tuesday yV over the tax bill in the made retroactive to Jan. 1, 1964, Reed Hospital in Washington in what it has been saying j for conceded that this may as provided in the House bill. FAIR President .Kennedy result in final action on the tax Long is the . second-rankin- g February. Her mother had man- months: . aged to get a note to Mrs. Ken- wants both bills enacted this measure being delayed until! ear- Democrat on the Senate Finance through Wednesday.' Continued Committee. The administration is warm afternoons. High both days nedy in June,' .1961,. when the First year. Democratic congressional ly 1964.X Rus-sell Lows tonight near 50. Should this happen, Sen. leaders dutifully repeated earlier Lady paid a visit to Greece. counting on-- him to lead the fight mid-80- s. Kenforecasts Little or no Because of the note, Mrs. Long pledges to press for enactment of predicted it for passage of the tax bill "over Five-da- y. would make no ultimate differ- - the opposition of Chairman Har precipitation. Temperatures connedy had arranged for the opera- both measures. tion to deal with Aortic stenossis. However. Christmas arrives in enct to the pocketbooks of tax ry F. Byrd, a. tinuing well above nomiL j nrry) CiW & counter-revolutions- k it- Vw- - Jj' " Decision Wheat to Russ . - y. nedy Near : t. f. lP ." $1.2 Billion Military Pay B oost Signed Into Law in-th- ' .. e 1 Hurricane Fiord Gathers Steam Thru Caribbean Turncoat Tells Of Gangland . Jackie Arrives In Greece for Boss1 tiT-rm- r? p-- - K playing " Visit j American Firms Financed Bosch, Senator Charges two-wee- 1 :n 1 I. - 1 - D-Or- e., .im.f nt ... - j ; v D-S.- C. econs . What is 'trouble time' as defined by those who work with; troubled youths ? Its meaning may surprise you but y u'll be better off for knowing. On Page Nine today, the Herald's Joan Geyer, writes another of her pert eptive articles in her current series on ) youth problems. The picture is not completely xoy, because we still, have-aunemployed rate of slightly over five but Utah County's gainfully employed list per cent, reached high in September, It's on Page Seven. And on the world scene, Khrushchev assures the Soviet people that there "will be plenty of bread for . BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) Three white men arrested during an investigation of racial! bombings here will tried next Tuesday on demeanor, charges of illegally possessing dynamite. Court officials indicated earlier the trial would be held today in recorder's court. No reason was g iven for the change in date. The) three were! freed im- der $300 bond. The chai-ge- s carry up to $100 in firies and 80 days in jail bn-- conviction.1 ' ce I the--musi- I r " : ' M IL Vf Trial In Racial Bom faingsSet Next Tues day j olution." "It reaffirms its loyalty to the and government and people itself! to the strugpursue pledges Ace Sets New World Series Strikeout Mark, Fanning 75 TJl 0! ' Priority Given to Civjl Rights jLegislaton Dims Prospects for Tax Cut Passage inj'63 al mi un-deriv- ent , I . D-L- a., D-V- ' ; |