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Show THE DESIRET 14 FnfL" iit M . Walktr thinks of pay uic i ire not roiiti: eii lo lie i r t wo out rover km id cope a win le neeri to th: Illinois iu8ti mi 'U sb r iy to tU nietf.od id lacking Uliowiiitf li.--t of trades ai d xamiue iio THE DESERET EAGLE. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, NOVCNHEH, 23, lv the l0. SEMI MUKTHLY DUKINO TIM BCUOOL YKAB. PUBLISHED 1 onup.it inn taught. It .king, liook- Cabinet- - ket making, riarksmMiing, binding flroom-niakii.- c, making, Carpentry, Cooking, flay modelling, Coo;ry, Dress making, Farming, Gardning, Glazing, Knitting. Mat'erets mak-iuMilineiy, Moulding, Machine Photography, woik, Painting, Chair-makin- TKRMa : 900 efel yearrateIn advance Fr niMfe known A4vrtUlna n application. in vogut 1 g, g, The object of this paper in U teach the art of printing to the pupils in the Deaf Mute Department of the Plumbing, Print Pattern-makin- g, lug, Sewing, dhoem&king,' Tailor University of Deaeret. Wood ing, Tinning, and communications Address all Vod engraving and carving, to subscriptions THE DESERET EAGLE, The statement that deaf mutes Utah School yoh tiik Dkaf, furnish a very small proportion of Salt Lakk City, Utah, selfsupportiug individuals is utterly FRANK W. METjALfVEIITOtt. fake. Inoiirowu exeperieuce we can recall but one di af mute who We call jour, attention to" the was not a Milfeuppoitiwg individual. article on our first page from the Nay more, we know of many who Philadelphia Press It seem iiicied-ibi- e are not only support ng themselves to lit that iutelligvnt reporter but f'nniiJes as well, and doii g ii in Insticould visit the Philadelphia a tar better manner than many a ideas such tution and carry away man with alibis eiiss unimpaired. as are expressed in the two fin I Will not some one wh has the tor pururiiptu. The find uecveaHttiiy duti, add to what we deaf mutes lu thi cuntry waif have said, fetid thus a- - far as Con-Lt funded in 1817 at Hartford the in hienee uf cti ut, and instruction in MAX afticlea. this fro in In- Phila. P. ss, UAL TRAINING whm begun in w hi: L we ound tropied in the. all 1822 ar.d quoting from tiie laat Lake Tribune. man-u,From that dav to this training has been a part of the We were g ad to see the article on Tnul-makin- g. -- -- Wood-turnin- M-ho- g. ol t'0.sih--etounurau-l- ut i - rt-p- otl al instruct inn vf every ab.r-U'i- j t - 44 schools that are not reported on bis mind during bis Ian We have always felt sorry tbat the article Mr Walker bad under prepara Hod, defending b'-- position, was left uncompleted. From wbat we know of its contents it would have snstaned him in bis positon, tbe criticisms ot United States today aiejnot taught Gurney" able educater tbougb be is "said" to be.to the sonic-- useful trade. The trade N wide-iwa- each-- ke er td :o r mai atas ana still r is willing to be ai:cued oi old t )zy-- m and perhaps tiie best vrny to "g.it out of tbe rpf" i" to s e bow other pe pie d things and to pu' tti's aud tt at tofcetbcvr. We wis i Mr. I7alker of bis le-success and hope, wb-absence Uov-- r, ibabewillfi d himMo. 1' coid, self much bent tit nd Good for Missouri. It every institution would adopt the policy of allowing teacbhrs leave of absence duriu tbe school tern t visit and compare methods at other institutions,, there would be an advance in deaf mute instruction all along tbe line. We hope tbe time is coming when such a policy will be inaugurated. ve We are in receipt of the "Course of Instruction and Tester snide In In struction in Language" I y Prof. J. W. Biattner of tbe Texas School for tbe Deaf. We are glad to eee a course of instruction in which language is We have heretofore cent M tliif euded tbat it should be, e pecllly for the use (f begidnific teacher , and i.r w te&chers in an , To give a novice a c'ass of deaf childn n and tell him to teach !anguage is simply leaving bim to gro e in tbe dark. In tbe conrse of im to be fare, be will r;ork Inr-ti-i'ti- oi Up to tbe present tine we have sent our little paper to a.l parents of pupils here In echoo!. We ehll discontinue the pr5 ;tict h reaf er and send only to subscribers. It nu v.hh all tbe news f the scliCOl, and cf your boy or girl in parlicu ar, n nd in the subscription pric , 50 c n . Even if our paper I email, there is considerable expense attached to its i nbifcatlon, and your subscription will help us m et 1. It ser rasa mubiy sfnrm .vou h z fr u :gi. Kans a' d nlso sickneae. lier the nack-bo- . uh felt Dy Mr Walker and were constantly teaching trades 7 are day school, and the others combined have an attendance of only 164 oat of a total of 609J, Or to state it differently a fraction over two per rent uf the deaf mutes In the sciooUof th . out a s8ttm,tu wh not at the start give bim hj ben Hi of he accumulated "Anonymous Ctntrittutois" in tin expeiienc of year. p suessed by m.iny Conp q (jd, and ajgret with U veifec of our teachers? jit:h and poor alike iiMii-y U is 1 r tan ery reMrf l th i . w : tnrouh his (tuhoid i our bkiv'. riave plflLC d our ame at the tit ado Furtheruioie 48 of tiie tin public our editorial column We are willing t M.uools for deuf mutes in tin- Unit sttiud bj w ai Wt say and to let pec ph: ed 8 ales give instruction in maiiu know who we are. F r the person 1 Ruining. Tbc school that do i.oi who signed himself ' G.irney" and attteai'h trades have all been aurlt d acked our friend H. D Walker, be bis position ever so high, we save but since lfcrt with the one e xeeiUti oi the National De af - Mu te Co I leg. little respect. It is on tbe same princiAnd we venture the assertion that ple that a person strikes anther In tbe being afraid to face him in the nine out of ten of the pupils who dark, .'ght of day. We wre in a to enter there are already skilled in know tbat tbe cri icisms cf position "Gnrnev" good trade. Of the remaining ins J ut though tbey were, were keenly ho Iscon-c- ber s contrary hs been 1) kota through in N w Mexico.Wbct- - eot tbe Kcck M- un tains can ket p it from ternine ia at tent im. g to us i5 a bit douhtfi.l, for tbe skies and t!ie. air currents havu - been vkinud about here for two or three riayp. However, what we may get will be but a -faint echo f t what the people across th- great Itanirare rrc- eiving. Tbe verdict of men acquainted wun our climate is mat mere ts not a Fpot in the Lower Missouri Valley S ibat is ftfc to live in. Ii-Tri- bunc. |