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Show FAGLE. HE DFSKRET -; 1- HKKBK ' PEMBROKE Of 72 MAIN STREET WJ'JLD LIKE WITH YOU, WITH A VIEW SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. TO QET ACQUAINTED OF SELLING YOU K AUERBACH & BRO. Cum a full LINE of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS AT PRICES COMPETITION. DEFY THAT xm4 Established ur 1 T f The first i.uhiIkt riodical, . AGI E" th.h littli- pe- 'THEPKKKKT Trap of Institution i - i.-- f puhli bed by the University FU.HIT CLASS WOHK a r- arriers, nmii,, lett lv r into - Ii .hie-t- wrom; hox o drop . ocoasiou-alh- Q u- st'.onabl- e- Y? O. Circular lctt'-rAn open letter C. K' wl cas- - A hen (:'". . Tailbearer The. lettei Q - o: I) or"s. s We reached our table. cuter U on oui exchange list. Th following paragraphs, one to tin Casemat-.Prints trirm's. press of ih Territory, tbe nthei tiCompositor are. tht ,only class of of tho inthe friends am! pari-ntmen wuo wo k hard aud take their t's ud the ded he he should mates, at thr fume tini, aud who set standinc. little journal given the support it Alwav.- - crook d The letter S ha- - SHOE SHOP tin-mute- s nmil g'-adl- y s s UUARAN TEED FROM OUIi BX'UIASG. S. Th-deserves. ngaiid short i I ardT. Good print rs ar never 'hard ca-eTo the press of Utah we AuoMier institution paper N ver c sunte. fcied P; iu'ers quid.. added to our list of exchanges. greeting. We send you oir litt'e types of mauk'nd Iu-Itiathe Deseiet Eagle, published paper with a req.ifs; to exchange. Copperf&ctd .b. at the Utah school, Halt Luke. The We wisli to place your p per inu: Double leaded Hrt'cle Cannon leadenterprise mauiVsted by t li i reading room. Our aim is to giv ed with grape a d tini te . young school in starting a paper o as practical an education to the A printer purse. i evi r so full but early in its history in worthy oi deaf of this Teiritory as possible, what it has space for more coin. imitatii ti by Institution that To the friends of the Institniion Tnare is this diflrrerce between a Mule-RangeTexas older 0:e works and friends of education in geiieial prir;ter and a sprint-rwith his llurs and arms: the other The Desrket Eagle of the Utah - This paper is printed with lb with hi feti and leg. Scl ool for the Deaf is the latest addi- object of giving a practical educi e A printer nmy s r ctly tae of deaf boys in out class tioutoa In tion to the "Little paper family" golden rulf, ui the strel rule that s to no school. Printing is second Mie m ture of his composli-sdck is of refering to its till j the editor says: . hiiri for mnr to r st other trade int They In casting about for a name for ouv d ri typt is S4mething that a printer can learn to become A No 1 printers we dilikvr : 'ut when it comes to pied at iast decided on tog tapt-for make themselves a and thus C 'icken, or even pi d vral or mutt- n, 1) t4 ekkt Eagle Our reason was this the case is entirely oifferent, The word Deseret was the original good living. The terms are only Wiien oppoHini! vrmirscome topeth-e- r, Home Sentinel. name of the Territory and it seemed 50 cento a year, the couflxt i geueraly decided in f?v ol the one tin. forces the othe.s toting that it sloald hi perpetuated o lock after th.e Kreattst amount of T le easle is the king ot birds. It is IYPOGKAPIIIwAL WIT. leaded matter. th'j emblem of our country and incor-- p A' a roller Pkntt.K rink a short time raed in the coat of arms of Ut?:. POINTS THAT aVEKY PRACTICAL PRIN-- V ryj.o iittrac'H: concldershle Aten mv-by io; hi"MNirraceful nd Taus Dksekit Eaglk seemcs a very WILL APPKKCIATK. st.ra-nts one said thijK and fltting name for our little A rapid cooip will distribu'c more t The audit nee, "ir a priuter to be at paper. May it like its namo-sakthe letters in a day than a mail carrier can ht;m with the rd!erp.n A "su-a tm tered nose, on 'ii?h in a month, although a c nip has to eaglet prove its right to exist. 3iittrhr.avvsro .m the ottur nieh1-We welcome the Eagle mot cordi- read ail of his letter before distributi- was akcd vvl-- had shijiid i im'A ftll them. Fortunately for ome people nw with a stick,1' he replied, "and to ally and wish it Ions; life and prosper ng and singli ), mail ca'riers an save minea is , 1 sacrificed mine nV," (married to further infci vii v int-Ml put. Maryland Bull .tin. not required to do Hkuwhu. Like rat Detroit Free Pn-s-1 ha-be- en M-n- F. d di i- - r. - : ob.-ery- tl-- g deaf-mutes- r - - t m TKK-RDITO- K p-op- e, " - o . . |