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Show THE PAYSON CHRONICLE, PAYSON, UTAH The Settling of the Sage By HAL G. EVARTS CHAPTER VII Continued Copyright 15 You cant make a contract tbat will bold a man to turn over his homestead after It's proved up, be said. "Half of them would keep their land." But then "Of course, she agreed. youd have half Instead ot nothing at all. Do you want the world?" "1 want youl" he said, throw In with me, girl. Im going to tight these nesters off the Three Bur among the rest if you dou't quit. Ill smash the Three Bar Into mincemeat unless you run this d d Uarris off and quit this game." It was the first time Slade hud ever threatened. Her spirits hud soared over the prospects ot the Three Bar and she was suddenly afraid tor her brand If Slade, who had whittled down a dozen outfits at once, should suddenly turn his whole attention to the Three Bur. Tve got It to do," Slade stated. "Since youve started this deal theres been nesters tiled papers on every good site In my range, waiting to rush In as soon as I lose my grip. Do you think Ill let them crowd me out? Not In a thousand years I'm telling you Ill break the Three Bar If you keep and the thought was an ache that remained with him. As they sat round the little fire the girl tiuuded Uarris the paper Slude had given her It was a scrawled bill of sale culling for three hundred odd head of (,'lrcle F cows, listed in the exact numbers ot all ages and sexes. In return she would send him an exchange slip for the same numbet ot Three Bar stock. This exchange sys tem was one of Slade's own devising. Intended to eliminate the lime and expense of sending riders to scour ad jacent ranges lu search ot drifted stock. Each out tit exchanged slips based on the round-utally with every other brand and so could show bill of sale for off brand stuff In their beef shipments or for any rebrands on the range. Deane was regarding the penciled memorandum signed by Slude. "Not a very impressive document, 1" she said. And what about the homestead laws? Im the law out here," he asserted. It came to her that Slade was fighting on the defensive, thnt he feared to let the Three Bar succeed and set up a precedent in defiance of the signs that dotted the range. And Then Its war I she said. youll go under yourself, from yout own size, If you havent the judgment to hedge yourself now like the rest. The Three Bar Is going ahead and were going to win." She turned her horse but Slade caught her arm and whirled her around. lie Jerked a thumb at the two men down the ridge. "What cun Deane, a hoy You want give you? be demanded. an outfit of your owu. I'll give you that the biggest In the state. She shook her head without an wering. Then Ill break you, he predicted a second time, lie drew a folded slip of paper from his pocket and held It out to her. "Thats the exchange slip, he said. It calls for three hundred odd head of mixed stuff. You can 6end yours over any time." lie turned his horse and followed after the ranger while the girl joined Harris and Deane. Uarris had slipped the strap ot his glasses and handed them to Detine who bad dismounted and was peering off at the spot Harris had pointed out A few scattered shacks, showing as toy houses from the distance, stood In the center of a broad open busin. sheltered on ail sides by the choppy mass of the Breaks. A solid corral. almost a stockade, stood near the buildings. Thats Arnold's stockade," Harris explained to Deane, "Arnold was an rustler that finished at the end of a rope fifteen years ago. Now all the drifters In the country stop over here If they want a place to hole up." Cant the sheriff clean them out ot there?" Deane asked. But no "He could," Harris said. man will make a complaint. They cun rustle every steer lu the country and the losers are afraid to make a report. Every outfit Is supposed to protect Its own. If Alden should ride up to almost any ranch within a hun dred miles and ask them U theyd missed any stock In the last three years theyd shake their heads and swear that they hadn't lost a boot But the Three Bar has a clean page; were not afraid hell get a liue on us while we're having him round up some one else. The first time we get a scrap ol real evidence od any man we'll call Alden In." You told me the Three Bar herds have been cut lu half, Deane said How much evidence do you ueed?" It's like this: Uarris explained Bustling is about the hardest thing In the world to prove. There's a dozen ways they can work it. I could catch some of them dtiving a bunch of Three Bar cows toward the Idaho line Theyd look up and see me and culm ly ride on pus! ttie cows. They could say the bunch was Just drifting ahead of their horses that they weren't driving them at alL Who cant prove a case of rustling even tf you see It. unless you actually catch one alter tng the brand. The only way io con vict a rustler right now Is to kill bin. and swear that you run up on him expect thats changing a brand what well have to do." Deane looked at the girl to deter mine how she met this suggestion. Id stead of the shiver of distaste which he rather expected her Ups were pressed tight. "A little of that would help Slade, He told me Just now too," she said. that hed smash the Three Bar." The mnn reflected that this sort ot a life could not help bat wear off some of her natural fineness and harden her. They followed the rims till they had cleared the Breaks, then angled down to the foothills and headed for the Three Bar. Tney held a steady gnli until a half hour after sunset and camped tn the open near a tiny spring. Again Deane was Impressed with the Impropriety of the girl's being out with two men who loved her half-bake- . old-tim- e 1 d by Hal O. Kvart WNU Service 1 It up. All right - he said. "Magill this time. Got It Just the same as Barton (lid last week. Shot from tn front ; one empty shell In his gun. The Breaks ts get ting to be a hard place to reside In." Again the girl felt that queer sen satlon of having expected this to transpire, as If possibly she had bellied plan the deed herself and had forgotten 1l That night as she lay In her bed her mind was concerned with It and at Hines the solution seemed almost to reach the surface of he observed. Harris laughed at the others evt deut disapproval of such a slipshod method of property truusfer. Not very," he agreed. But It's absolutely good. You could borrow money against tbat at the bank. Slade doesn't get us tbat way but heres how he does: lies mapped out a rebrand system. Ills rebrand is Triangle on the hip. When he gets our exchange slip all he has to do Is go on his range and run the Triangle on the hip ol the uurnber ot Three Bur stock it culls for. There are Three Bar cows ranging a hundred miles from here, Just as there's brands a hun dred utiles off whose stock turns up here with a triangle on the hip. Whos going to chock Slude up? It would take three crews to cover his range and tally the fresh Three Bar rebrands of this one season a few here and a tew there. He ships train loads of cows in a year. There's some old rebrands in each lot, say; maybe more than last years exchange. Well he simply has been bolding them over He can easy explain that It would break a small outfit to hire enough hands to cover his range and check him up and he'd buy part of those. The albinos men are bandits compared with Slade." Deane turned to the girl. petty-larcen- y her consciousness. Two belated riders came up the lane. As they rode past her open windows she beard the nauie of Magill. Thats two for Bangs," said voice she knew for Moore's. a The evasive sense of familiarity, ot being In some way Identified with the killings, was suddenly clear to her so clear thut she marveled at not huv lug known at once. Old Bile Foster was haunting the Breaks near Arnolds, Imposing grim and merciless Justice od all those whom he suspected of having hud a baud lu the finish of Bangs. CHAPTER VIII Harris had left the ranch an honr before daylight, his ride occasioned ly the reports of several of the men In the lust three days each couple that worked the range had found oue or more of the new white-fac- e bulls shot down In their territory. The evidence, us Harris pieced the scraps together, indicated that a lone rider had made a swift ruld, riding for forty miles along the foot of the hills In a single day, shooting down every Three Bur bull that crossed his trail A dozen dead animals marked hi course. A few more .such raids and tbe Three Bar calf crop would be ex tremely short the following spring He rode back to thb corrals In the early afternoon and Joined Billie Rnd Deane. Not a track, be said. We must expect more or less of that. They'll cut In on us wherever theres chance. As Uarris left them the girl pointed out a horseman riding up the lane. The sheriff, she volunteered, and Deane noted an odd tightening of her hard-presse- Silvery Moon illusion tins been swept Another away by the observant scientist. Most of us have heard so frequently of the silvery moon Uiat we have taken Its silveriness for granted. Now an astronomer declares our satelite ts not silver," but yellow. It appears he once bad the good fortune to observe a white star come when very close to the crescent moon, as he described it to the British Astronomical association, the star looked like a globule of mercury on a dull brass ball. The poets, however, will doubtless continue to sing of the silvery moon.' One of the greatest of our poets, Ten com nyson, sang of the white stars to the whereas one, one by up log astronomer the stars show a wonder ful variety of shades of color. 8ome others blue very brilliant ones are red, beautiful or bluish, and others Busy day alicad? Begin it riglit willi Post Toasties Theres an ample store of brisk new energy in each crisp, appetizing mouthful. Easily digested energy that turns tpiickly into zest for the days work. And its so good to eatl Pour the crumbly, golden-brow- n flakes out of the handy package Into the saucer. Then add cream and sugar if you like. Weve found that rich, natural corn flavor and the toasted crispiness make a perfect combination. Everyone likes itl Ask your grocer for the genuine Post Toasties in the red and yellow package. Fostum Company, Lnc., Battle Creek, Mich. C1929.F. Co., Ibc. Ups. The sheriff came over to Deane and the girl. Billie, why don't you get out of a Billie, 1 expect you can tell me game where everything Is crooked a whos doing this killing over In the game of who cim steal the most and Breaks," he said. every man for himself? he asked. Her eyes fell under the sheriff "Why dont you fold your hands and steady gaze. Deane was looking Into give up your business the first thing her face and with a shock be realized thut goes wrong? she countered. In thut she could pronounce the name stead of trying to remedy It? of the assassin but was deliberately "Bui you deut have to do It," he withholding It. she raised her head urged. with a trace of defiance. Neither do you," she said. I've "No. 1 cant tell you. she said. the same pride lu the Three Bur that Deane expected to hear the sheriff's you have In anythiug youve helped curt demand that she divulge the build up. You'd tight all the harder name of the man he It must for oue of your schemes that was be easily apparent tosought him, as It was and so would I." to Deane, that she knew. But Alden She turned to her teepee and ended only dropped a hand on ber shoulder the discussion, her pride a little hurt and stood looking down at her. that Deane should so little appreciate All right, girl," he said mildly. "1 her work and the spirit that made reckon you cant tell. He cant be such her hold on instead of giving up. a rotten sort If you refuse to turn him That evening they rode up to the up. He pushed back his bat und Ihree Bur just as Waddles announced smiled at Deane. We have to hu the evening meal. mor tbe womenfolks out here," he ex Shes hot I" the big voice walled. plained, as be turned towurd the bunk hot I" She's d bouse. The bunds were gathering at the Deane, already at a toss to grasp ranch, coming In from the range for the mental attitude of the range a frolic before tbe beef round up dwellers, was further mystified by a should keep out for another month sheriff who spoke o humoring the la Deane's time was up and he had dies In a matter pertaining to a dou ble killing. planned to leave on the following day Harris said You cnD't do that, Billie you know;" be accused; Two more days for you. I've glveD why wouldnt you tell? orders not to let you of? the place Because theres a good chance I hi till after the dance at Brills. that he's a friend ol mine, she stated Is Tuesday and the big frolic will be Those men had It cumin simply. staged Thursday night. Then you're to them and some way 1 can't feel free to go." any regret. Deane shook his head and prepared Billie, let me take you away from to offer an excuse but Harris smiling all this, Deane urged again Let me ly refused to consider it. give you the things every girl simuld The boys have shut alt the "No use to try," be said. rough spots out ot won t let you go. We've hud you out your path. I want to give you the In t he rain and now we'll try to make things every girl needs to round out let him amends for it. Billie, dont tier life a home and love and shelter I'll detail yon as 'this is not the liie for a leave the place. girl," he in sisted. guard. You hear the orders," she said You've told me a hundred times 'You're stuck for two more days at that I was different from other girls. the Three Bar whether you like it or But now you're wanting me to he tike not." all the rest. Where would ttie dif I "That settles it, Deane said. ferenee be then? she asked a little do waul to see that dance." Why cant you go on likwistfully. Horne strolled up to them as they ing me the way I am. Instead of mak reached the corral. log me over? Another of the wild bunch down. (TO BH! CONTINUED.) PoetV On walk toes witlk Set Down as Illusion orange. And how many people have ever seen a green moon? The writer is one who has. LondoD Tit Bits. Whats a Ha-H- a ? Websters definition of a to a 9unk fence, wall or ditch not vis tble Hll one Is close upon it. The brick ba ha walls at Mount Vernon were so called because they were not visible from the house, being built on a terrace. They Inclosed the field ha-h- a where the cattle grazed. Silencer for Engine Look It Is sometimes necessary to take Senator Edwards Is the subject of a story that they are telling In Tren- heroic measures to preserve our silence. Consider the problem of the ton. It seems that the senator made an Tucson Light and Power company, speech at a Trenton which has a Diesel engine with an exwas and congratulated on his haust pipe 32 Inches In diameter, the banquet, eloquence by a politician who had roar of which could be heard for 14 been changing from wet to dry and miles. To overcome the tremendous dry to wet every month or so for the aud unbearable noise which the enlast seven years. gine would develop a Maxim silencer said the has been built which weighs 26,000 senator politiSplendid, cian. I never heard a more brilliant pounds. Is seven feet In diameter and and moving speech. And yet you dont Is 20 feet long. The first silencer of this type was six Inches long and went look like an orator, either. Maybe not, said Senator Edwards. on the end of a gun barrel. And no more do you look like a weathercock. Maybe So My dear, you dress too daringly. All you flappers do. Part of the Job In a few years Nonsense, dad. Mistress Youve only been here will be referring to us as two days, Marie, and I catch you en- they girls. tertaining a man In Ihe kitchen. Marie Well, mum, he told me he Any girl In the act of handing the used to call on the last girl, so 1 Is passing thought he went with the place. Bul- railway conductor a ticket fare. letin, Sydney. Salt Lake City Directory 400,000 Women Report Benefit actual Cullen Hotel by record Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound V A questionnaire enclosed with every bottle of medicine has brought, to date, over 400,000 replies. The overwhelming maout jority in fact, ninety-eigh- t of a hundred says, Yes. If this dependable medicine has helped so many women, isnt it reasonable to suppose that it g will help you too? Get a botde li from your druggist today If yon aay so. DESERET BOOK COMPANY 44 East South Temple St. Salt Lake City P.O.Box 1793 .... ul CtMoatMOi Write (or Skipping Tex. 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