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Show THE PAYSON CHRONICLE, PAYSON. UTAH (News Notes: OUR COMIC SECTION to Live In J UTAH Our Pet Peeve 1 SANITARY RUNWAY QUITE VALUABLE PLEASANT GROVE Utah's strawberry crop wa3 worth $336,000 in 1928 arul $220,000 in 1924; an increase of $110,000 in four year3. Brooding Platform May Be Used With Fair Success. UTAH Barley in Utah in 1928 yielded more per acre than in any other state. Utahs average wa3 49 bushels per acre. The United States aveiage was 28.5. (By Sweeter over-eatin- g MYTON Lyle Young of My ton, who has supervision of distrib tion of water from the Taylor ditch, on the South Myton bench and for Pleasant reports the canal in good shape and water now running in sufficient quantities to meet the demands for culinary purposes. Valley, of Magnesia Sufficient Number of Nests Properly Placed The number of nests in relation to the size of the laying flock during the heavy laying season Is Important. With a sufficient number of nests properly placed there is less danger of eggs being deposited In the litter and becoming lost, stepped on, or otherwise broken. Nests should be darkened ; they should be so constructed that It Is easy for one to see and remove the eggs. If nests are too large eggs may be broken by two of more hens crowdTwelve by fourteen ing Into them. Inches is suggested for the larger breed and ten by twelve inches for the smaller breeds. Nests should lie easy to remove to facilitate cleaning. SALINA Salina canyon, famous among western highways as the only road that crosses a railroad track 17 times in 20 miles of its winding course, is reported to be in fine shape and cars are coming through from Price and Emery counties without any delay. This road is one of the main connecting links in s juthern Utahs highway system and many travelers are now using this road in their journeys between eastern and louthern Utah points. KAYSVILLE Utahs 1929 onion acreage is expected to lead that of 1928 by 100 acres, the late-cro- p onion acreage report issued recently by Frank Andrews, federal agricultural statistician, declares. It is estimated that 1100 acres will he grown, compared with 1000 last year. Idaho acreage is estimated at 1200, compared with 1000 in 1928, while the entire crop of late onions in the United States is expected to have an acreage of 53,070, compared with 46,470 in 1928, according to the figures. Turkeys Natural Food Lines Often Overlooked Then there are a good many persons working with turkeys in a small way who do not recognize one of the turkey's natural food lines; they fail to remember, if they ever knew, ttiat the turkeys food in its wild state consisted chiefly of insects, beechnuts, acorns, berries, and so forth, with hut little corn. The average poultry raiser who has not studied Mr. Turkey's former habits of life feeds too much corn nnd the latter especiall for small turly. So much keys tends to pack the crop and cause Indigestion nnd liver trouble. VERNAL Verne Caldwell of Meek er, Colo., professional hunter of big game and predatory animals, who has for two weeks been in the Browns Park country on Pott creek, thirty miles northeast of Vernal, making a survey of the mountain lion situation, reports that he has found numerous carcasses of deer killed by marauders. Mr. Caldwell states that for every car-cfound there are a hundred that are never found, because mountain lions very frequently drag their kills into places positively inaccessible to men. corn-mea- Different sysmodern scientific discoveries. tem, send 25 cents for booklet. Money refunded if not satisfied. 8hearhod System of Astrology, 406 Geary St., San Francisco, Calif. For Poisoned Wounds as Rusty Nail Wounds, Ivy Poisoning, etc. HANFORDS BALSAM OF MYRRH Honey beck for first bottle if not salted. All dealers. Phil Mays Humorous Suggestion to Artist The death of old Lord Iveagli, head of the Guinness family of Guinness stout fame on the Iveagh estate of no less than $22,000,000 $55,000,01)0 goes to the government led a prohibition officer to say : Ill tell you a story. Youve heard of Phil May, the great artist? Well, May had a red and bulbous nose; and Shannon once did portraits of him and of Lord Iveagh for the Royal academy. As Mays portrait was being finished he happened to see the great stout brewers on an easel. " I say, Shannon, he said, you ought to hang Lord Iveagh and me side by side. Call him Cause and me black-and-whit- e red-nose- Effect. Mostly Chicken Landlord How old do you think this wine is? Guest The combined ages of the wine and the chicken make at least fifty. Dorfbarbier, Berlin. A man learns to live when to live and learn. he be-gi- Poultry Notes Clean ground enables poultrymen to enrry more pullets to maturity. Sanitation and breeding are both essential in eliminating poultry diseases. Any flock that will average better 120 eggs per bird is a profitable PROVO Extraordinarily heavy snowfall during the past winter has delayed timber work and grazing in Wasatch national forest near Smith Fork, Ranger J. B. Hahn reported recently to E. C. Shepard, forest supervisor. Work is expected to bo nearly a month late. Ranger Hahn stated there was a depth of 55 inches of snow May 1, compared to less than 24 inch-- ! es on the same date last year. Tho water content of the snow is 14 inch-- I es. Timber work started May 6 last year, hut will not begin until June this year. than Hock. More moisture Is required for turkey eggs used for hatching purposes than for chicken eggs. Gluten feed is a obtained manufacture of glucose and cornstarch. It is used in the mash as a source of protein. in the Remember, a start in turkeys costs no more than a start of any good brood of chickens; there is always a good market for your turkeys. IIEBER CITY Substantial increase in Utahs rye crop this year over last hut decreases in the winter wheat and hay crops, are indicated in the May 1 crop forecast issued recently by Frank Andrews, federal statistician. Production of some 31,000 bushels of rye is predicted this year, compared with 24,000 bushels in 1928; while it is estimated that this years wheat harvests will only reach 2,760,000 bushels against 3,726,000 last year. About 60.000 tons of hay are remaining on Utah farms, compared with with 102,000 tons last year. RICHFIELD Tourist travel has increased during the past week. The local camp grounds had to turn some customers away recently. Colorado leads all states in westward travelers. California cars lead those headed eastward. Several cars have crossed the new Grand Canyon bridge at Lee's Ferry. This new gateway into southern Utah is expected to increase the numbers of visitors to Grand canyon. Zion canyon, Bryce and Cedar Breaks Because of the shorter route, many will come that way who are not just pleasure seekers or vacationists, it is predicted. l, corn-mea- as J Phillips F Milk 48-lni- CASTLE DALE Emory county commissioners have appropriated $1875 for graveling the Pike3 Peak-Ocea- n to Ocean highway between Huntington and the Carbon-Emer- y county line, the project now being 60 per cent complete. An appropriation of $780 was bridge over a wash, west of Green also made for the construction of a River, on the state road. i n, one-hal- DUCHESNE Seasonable tempera-- i tures and dry weather have resulted in great improvement in canyon road? and summit crosings, according to the bulletin of the state road commission issued recently. Ileber to is open to all traffic. Too Much Racket Poultry-ma- MakesLifk MORGAN Snap beans in th amount of 2400 tons were sold by Utah fanners to canning factories for a total of $140,000 in 1928. Four years ago only 1000 tons were canned and $50,000 was paid for them. FINNEY OF THE FORCE Extension K. S. A.) that has for years been the menace of the poultry Industry may be used with a fair degree of success. The runway is merely a, brooding platform that Is placed In front of the brooder house. It lias a floor of f Inch hail screen or hardware Too much to eat too rich a diet doth. The wire floor, which is about or too much smoking. Lots of tilings 15 inches from the ground, allows all cause sour stomach, but one thing can droppings and filth to fall through. correct It quickly. Phillips Milk of Wire sides and top of one Inch poultry Magnesia will alkalinize the acid. netting confines the chicks to the run- Take a spoonful of this , pleasant way and protects them from enemies. preparation, and the system Is soon The sanitary runway accomplishes sweetened. everything that turning the chicks outPhillips Is always ready to relieve side will accomplish, giving them ex- distress from to check all ercise and sunlight and keeping them acidity; or neutralize nicotine. Refrom contaminated soil. Diseases are member this for your own comfort; less likely to spread when chicks are for the sake of those around you. running on the wire floor, for they Endorsed by physicians, but they alhave less opportunity of Infection. Dont buy some-tilinways shy Phillips. The runway may he ten feet wide else and expect the same and the entire length of the brooder The framework may lie conhouse. structed of 1 by 4 Inch material. These boards are placed on edge to support the floor. Boards may be spaced two feet apart. The wire may be either 24 maor 48 inch widths. The terial makes a slightly stronger floor. Sides should be two feet high. Sections of the top should be hinged for FARMS Idaho Offers Excellent Opportunity ease in filling the feeders and care for to men with limited capital. Good, producing farms available. Write Idaho Chamber of the chicks. Commerce, Boise, Idaho, for Booklet (2). New Astrology embracing Einstln Law and 2.-4- Came the Dawn Klein, By making use of the "sanitary runthe permanent brooder house way, 1IEBER CITY The yield of tame hay per acre in Utah in 1928 was 6 tons, being exceeded by the yields in only four other states. The United States average was 1.C1 tons. THE FEATHERHEADS T. G. Early hatching of chickens tills spring nnd proper handling of the pullets will bring them into laying condition next fall during the months of eggs. high-price- Market premium for high-qualit- eggs has aroused an interest in larger egg size. There are inherited tend- encies toward large and small eggs. Careful selection at time of placing eggs in the Incubator should contribute to the improvement of the size of the eggs of a flock. Freedom from disease Is essential to growing a largo percentage of the chicks hatched. Choose eggs from disease-freparents, or if you buy hack chicks get them from flocks known to be free from bacillary white diarrhea. e ' Wheat is another valuable poultry feed, being very palatable. It Is generally always Included in the scratch feed, and its wheat bran and wheat meddlings, are used In the mr.sli. Red-doflour and wheat shorts are also mask feeds. When your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at times. A1 your care cannot prevent them. But vov can be prepared. Then you can do wha any experienced nurse would do wha most physicians would tell you to do-g-ive a few drops of plain Castoria. Nf sooner done than Baby Is soothed; re lief Is just a matter of moments. Ye you have eased your child without ust of a single doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable. So Its safe to use as oftei as an Infant has any little pain yei cannot pat away. And It's always ready for the cruder pangs of colic, 01 constipation or diarrhea; effective, too for older children. Tu'cnty.five millior bottles were bought last year. |