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Show CACJIi: AMERICAN Pape Two LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. Tuesday, Augut 8, 10"D UTAH iTIiue CACHE AMERICAN Putll I? mornli das' at J WX1 J Eli errd lHi aa Of'.- 11 K.N herond-Clm-- at Thii'1ay, ai.d Tuesday, tn-- by the Cm he AmrrUan PibL-hlh- g 62 West Oi.u-- r firt-et- . Luffan, Usah I INC. LAM). ls;uii. rl; lion Rate AdverUthg by Mm haulral Mrs, Em. NIBLEY MBLLT-- Mu n.i r cf Ii xrwi. Ti tv u'on, of Mi. Marker ... s , Matter, Novrinbef 3, 1331 at tl fun, under the At of Si. ret) J, lSel. Ca r.er or Mall . , Cate Year Mad Known Upon Application. , II I 5C 1- yr-T-r J - -- ( 1 h..u"in- the ul of Moiitl.iv In t of Lnyan to Hie folic w.iif $ Rsfcksrr -3 M:s f yv1, - I HS-- Hid-- ' a!!, mooli i d XT'. I ml Vi Mr l !.,iil ul a t l.i Lvii Vs .1 . Mi on. 4 .irs Cur- - K ,1 IlioU. Ciiotfi Fut-i- r ComjNU.r ALU'S Jr, Editor C C j LA V I w Supported By Mines um j g Ms. Beth M Mrs, Duj CLurn, And rson. Mrs. Hus Ml vs VUeJiia Enow and tile Swciaon, p, ai.s for ti.e Prtmary w re dlv.iivy-- ,).). v, i I Mrs. w- -re uu-mSu.- i.i d -- M-- I r i W PROVIDENCE L wn-f- d Mr su Rene fkhenk, inoVirTNCE Ci.:us.i! ' Xlr oml Mr. O- - g Sih-n,M,n cf Mr. and Mrs Sum mul Mrs. W ilium HrLc of Lad his kg broken so badly ai.d and the !"' some tm. was brom-h- t u: 1 i'j i. !'r Yr.i' Mrs SaiuLiy. the from d ut tie home la MiT'.k. Jaeobson, of Moreland, Mis of Loyci M..s. Fjiiu p Idaho, is M'ltmg at the home of Tut via y af n.on. ! . r Jocukson, and son, XLs. Onul Ai d r n at.d dui-hf4l. ter Juliet spud Fildav vrit-n- -. at j a Mjiuyhnn entertain-th- e Ils Lome of r pun nt. XLu. pS party for her at ( Mrs. Janus at Logan. d. ,tus' nineteenth birthday S(lM Outdoor Mj. OLur TroLson and family anrierviry Tliursday. have moved to Logan, formed and refreshments gmas clilld-te- rs Fifu-eMarie and Anna Anus d.n.itU- - t)l of Mr. and Mrs C. L Ames n.n re jnciuded. , vLsited at tlie home of .Mr and, Irs u-jiosklns and children Mrs. Bornafe Arne at Ogiun 011 of WelNullc, spent Tliursday Sunday and Monday. here. blames Lowell Yeates has r turned home Mrs . Walker, of ML Sterling, la with his after a ten day xb-l- t at the home of herdaugh-Yeate- s Mrs. Aiack brother. Mr. and David Ranaenberger. Mrs. UT. Colorado. at Denier. Mr. and Mrs A. L. Riggs and son A L. Jr. Mr, and XL--s. C.1 VNT.IROUS SKI JIMP soils Jolin and L. Ames and iPfclt y sitliiuamCD a s, t ha-leC Sunday at Ogden b thp New York Worlds Mr. and Mrs. Thyren M.iuch d ley have moved Into tlie homeJ," the "regulation formerly occupied by Mr. Olne' jump Three national and national ski champions have been Mrs. A. L. Riggs. Mrs, C. L.'j,urt on the Jump since the Fair spent started. Ames, Miss Velma Riggs, afternoon visiting at j Thusrday the home of Mrs. Nellie Auster- land and Miss Lula Mickelson of, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and family spent Sunday at Bearj Lake. Miss Rye DeGray. of Salt Lake City, Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Sarah Olson. A number of people of the ward attended the Hvrum Stake Old Folks party at Friendship park Thursday. Blaine Ames, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bumace Ames, of Ogden, Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Snow. The ward primary officers held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Maggie Swenson Friday evening o-- f(-c- will it i in: Din t:ri:nt? If llit Hatch hill to purify politics was a legitimate and optimistic way to achieve practical reforms in politics it would be acclaimed everywhere. If we are to i fcJ V judge the value and force of such laws we mut go Lack into the years and examine the records. Postmaster-General- s have had something of a monopoly in the past in the part of Chairman of the National Committee, but it is impossible to recall that any of them have suppressed the political activities of postmasters. Are we gullible enough to expect Mr. Parley to make the start? Laws and rules, and official orders, have been issued before that certain lesser officials and citizens must not be active in politics. Will new methods be found to enforce the majesty of the law? Maybe! But in the past the wetors in the primaries and elections did not withhold their thank yous. Those who were defeated always were quick to forget and forgive, because they couldnt do anything about it. ra 50 nrv c 3i u-i- ii ITT - ' t". L-- Am.ng th m.iny Institutions supported Indirectly by tho mining Industry of U't.ih Is the Fait lake Stock Exchange, the na Ion's lead-lomining market. Listed on the exciiango are about 100 Issues, mostly Utah companies whose st(M ks are largely locally owned and actively traded. Membership consists of approximately (0 individuals, tome of whom represent soma of the west's largest financial institutions. Many of the members deal almost exclusively In mining Issues. The mining Industry of Utah had Its birth In 1SG2, about 15 years after the Honeers settled In Salt, Lake vail- y. tho Salt Lake It iit In T-Stock I.xchinge came Into being. In a small store-rooIt was first on S- mud street Subsequently the cxihange expanded and moved to various locations. In lSlJ the exchange took over occupancy of Ita present building, pictured above. Samuel Xewbouse, then ouo of the most progressive citizens and successful mine operator, donated the site on which the present building stands In Fiuce. Thus the mining Industry contributes to the lluanclal welfare of Salt Lake City and surrounding cities. - . 1 i m v.-ur- I spe-n- snow-covere- girls will entertain their mothers, prid.iv in compliment to her Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fredrickson .daughter Connie, who was Dark. California, J serving her birthday anniversary. The afternoon was enjoyed in playing games, after which lunch Is vital of a Each these alloys. was served. war material. Japan ran produce Mrs. Lvd'a Cloward, of Los or manufacture none of them in Angeles, visited at the home of adequate quantity for herself. She Mr and Mrs. Harvard Hansen must get them from abroad and last week If she couldnt get them the, H. W. Hansen was host to a y Sunday dinner of friends last Friday evprosecution of the undeclared war at the home The President's statement that with M. group of and Mrs. Mr. China would be Impossible, Mrs. ening. honoring Mr. and Congre.ss' refusal to repeal the Farse of Salt Lake City, who Is this which caused an the It pa-s-s to act and MrsVernal neutrality Munk. have been visiting here. The ev- bill per- Senate resolution calling for an Mr. and Mrs. Lcland Administration-sponsore- d Hayball. j ening was spent in playing cards on arms of and export Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger, Mrs. j after which a mitting the sale of armaments to embargo lunch delightful j other materials of war to Japan Jonathan Smith, Mrs. Parley wag served. belligerents on the basis. Is a desservice to the cause Whether that will be done at this Reese, Mrs. Bert Reese, attended Congress or a future one Is a a party at Guinavah park, spon- The average of world pcaoe, found little fadepth of the is vorable reaction In either House matter of guesswork. There Is a wired by the Cache Stake Old J ocean below about Folks committee. sizable behind of it. 12.500 feet body The greatest depth support or Senate, save among those to Mrs. Earl Tavlor and children j yet discovered is the Mindiano for whom White House proclamations The New York Times, near Alma, Rula and Boyd, of Lot Deep, the says, If there Is no . Philippines, are almost sacred. Apparently ConCalif., called Monday to j where soundings of 34,41 feet gress feels that the next world legal obstacle, we .trust that the Angeles, Mrs. Kieth Reese. have been recorded. war Is not so imminent as many measure will be passed. It Is time visit Mr. and Mrs. L. Forsee, Mrs. think. At the White House con- to take ourselves out of the role Roy Anderson, Mrs. Ellen OBrien of Is to crime. There accessory Senator on ference neutrality. of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. likewise a of substantial who body Isolationist Borah, M N. Degn, of Logan; were did as nvuch as anyone to pre- opposition, largely based on the Thursday afternoon guests of vent the United States from Join- argument that the war Is not yet Mrs. M. J. Falslev. a direct concern to us, that we Mrs. Ellen OBrien, of Salt Lake ing the League of Nations and the World Court, bluntly told Se- might as well get Japan's busi- City, spent the week end visiting cretary Hull that he had confi- ness as to see It go elsewhere, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. dential sources of Information re- and that we cannot act as a sort J. Falslev. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Oldham, of of voluntary policeman for a crazy garding affairs abroad that told Rexburg. Idaho, are spending the him there would be no war this world. Both sides, it Is apparent, week t can summon telling evldenoe In visiting her parents. Mr. year and that he regarded his and 51 rs. E. S. Roundy. sources as belr.j as tru:warthy or behalf cf their respective views. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. and more so thrn those cn which the Its no wonder that Congress gets family motored to SaltRoundy Lake City ju of It Cache thinks time every State deparcm,.. and spent the day with Sunday that loreign poUcy-a- nd Mrs. M. J. Ballard and family. At any :cly. Congress. gaing y Pl - 1C at Iarge 13 troubled Miss Elsie O'Brien, of Salt Lake j votes and statements recent the f":iUar City, spent the week visiting at of the majo.i, seems comU.cJ . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rusto give tn: that It would t1 o-y reoent ln stock sell Lewis. f President as much l::v,ay In hand- T a sur- not Mr. and Mrs. George Cowley. as pc.. ling our foreign ve bent Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hess, of They experts seems wants. And it likew.se were Sunday for a long time that busl- - Fielding, dinner be convinced that the only sane saying ness was better than security guests of Mrs. Louise Neeley. course for America to pursue Is 5Ir. and Mrs. Harold Rees. Mr. prices indicated. to remain 100 per cent neutral and Mrs. Ernest Hobbs and son lies Another factor, think, many to same time indirectly and at the LeGrand, will spend the week at i Wasnt a word of advertising for P-held rather Yellowstone park. discourage hostiliUes so far as it in the viewpoint, But still men kept on asking for this widely but by no means unanican. -- $ Now it Is obvious that this is mously, that Europe wont go to rare old friend of theirs! And kept a very difficult course for a war this year that some pacific of means on . . . and on'.'.', until today in and the Danzig a solving world power to maintain. And will be found. of the better spots, P-- de Luxe is most good many congressmen are puzzl- problem At any rate, taking seasonal ing over just how It may be done. conditions COLLEGE OlMisses busiest the Chloe bottle! Into account, American The undeclared war In the Orsen. Ileen Jackson, Elnora Olsen ient provides an interesting case business is showing good progress spent Wednesday in Logan canin point Theoretically we are neu- in many lines. The finest blended whiskey that Amer- -. yon. Miss Chloe Olsen is here tral. Actually as authoritative pubfrom Los Angeles, icas greatest distillers have ever made! California, established, have lic opinion polls spending her vacation with her overwhelparents, Mr and Mrs. Mose Olsen. the American people are PEVT Code No. 201 QUART Code No 199 Earl McClellan and daughter mingly In sympathy with the In- fv-Reva and son Eldon, of Payson, vaded Chinese, and overwhelmingNational Distillers Prod. Corp.,N.Y.C. YOURcuideto visited COODUQUORS 90 Proof. 49 ly opposed to the ambitions of BENSON In sacrament meet- and Mrs.here Sunday with Mr. Abrams. George is practhe Invading Japanese, It ing Sunday night Bishop Ballard Harold son of Mr. Jackson, tically a certainty that, if Ja- presided; music was furnished by and Mrs. Elmer Jackson, is repan does conquer China, the the Junior choir under direction ported to be getting along nicely open door will be slammed shut of M. J. Falslev; Misses Joy following a operation perin the faces of all other na- Slack and Gwen Ballard rendered formed last major Wednesday at a Loon the piotions, with the possible excep- a piano duet; talk gan hospital. Mrs. Lucille Hansen entertain-e- d tions of Nippons axis allies, Ger- neers by CyTil K. Munk; Presidents Cardon and Everton were is direct a a lovely little party last That at and many Italy. gave remarks. and dire threat to American in- present and Fifty two Gleaner and Junior vestments In China running into leaders . Mrs. Frank girls with THE NEW the billions, and even to the Reese and Mrs. Roy Ballard, left thousands of the in physical safety being perfect demands Monday for the Girls camp delivery in an appealof Americans who live in the Far Logan canyon, where they will SALT LAKE this CITY, UTAH East. And, to top It off, spend three days Wednesday the ing way . . . clean, in sanitary containers with government, along with Japan and other major powers, Is a party to Attractive Bottle Caps . . . a treaty guaranNEVER SAW ANYTHING indeteeing the sovereignty, the LIKE LUSTER-FOApendence and the territorial and TO MAKE TEETH WE CAN FURNISH BOTTLE CAPS administrative Integrity of Chi- ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS ry sea-lev- , rock-ribb- inter-Trolso- n. ed They kept on asking for t la P1', (T . iii all tlie better spots! -to1 ' $- on... College Ward Benson Ward grain neutral spirits. Milk is Natures Perfect Food Its Semloh Hotel its ed SPARKLE. na. Those are splendid words, and the motive of this country at least Amazing NEW Bubble Bath In signing the treaty was unrids teeth of ugly, dull film doubtedly honesL Yet m this cu- It almost incredible the way the NEW Lis n7iVwv1H we live United the in, States plays a major part in making Japans Eastern adventure possible and if the troops the Son of Heaven are successful, we will have to take a major For, says the Chinese directly. part of the blame, at least for Economic Research, Japan gets better than 90 percent of her imported scrap iron, steel and copper from us, alorg with almost half of her imported lead, 65 per cent of her Imported automobiles, 77 per cent of her Imported airplanes, 65 per cent of her imported petroleum, and 3 per cent of her Imported ferro--1 ' t IN YOUR OWN MAKE-U- P OR WE CAN SUGGEST ATTRACTIVE X mis coupon Entitles the holder to reduction rates the onje coupon on as any 25 room advertised NEW 4 X Q X beds - springs - mattresses carpets house. throughout the 4 4 RATES 4- - $1.50 to $3.50 WE NOW FEATURE X FREE Garage USE THIS COUPON o ORDER IN LOTS OF 5000 OR MORE at to the room. DESIGNS. X X The CACHE AMERICAN Publishing Company LOGAN . . . UTAH |