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Show Limits Oul! Britain Tests Air Defenses Telephone 700 Eighth Year v Two-Yea- t A No. 12S II. .10 per Year LOGAN. UTAH, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8. 1929 Record- - r IIOMK PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE -- West Center Street G2 and Still Not War, Officially HIT AND RUN DRIVER TAKEN INTO CUSTODY Serious Mi MS LEWISTON SUCCESSFUL HORSE RACES Large Crowds Flock to See Annual Performance of Top Notch Horses Lewiston' annual LEWISTON race and stampede came to a successful dose Saturday night following two day of horse racing and other attractions that brought visitors from many distant points. records were Some excellent made on the trade at the Saturday afternoon races. The results follow: 2:29 trotting or pacing harness First heat event, $150 purse: Bert, driven by George Smith of Logan, first; Major Van, H. C. Hulsey of Rexburg, Idaho, and Verna Dae, P. D. Kent of Lewis- ond and third ton, tied for money; Bonita Hal, William Phil- 14 bPs of Logan,. fourth., Time-,-2 Bert, 1st; Major Second heat Van, second; Verna Dale, third; Bonita Hal, fourth. Time, 2:15 Third heat Major Van, first; Bert, second; Verna Dale, third; Bonita Hal, fourth Tim?, 2.17. Half-mifree for all running p Alnha Lorraine race, Dr. I. D. Stewart of Payson, 1st Idaho Lad, George Thomason cf (Continued on Page Eight) Lodged In Hospital. Iladfield of Lynn U In Smithfield ths Cache county jail on a hit and run charts. La Von Owens, Logan city fireman, I In tiie Cache Valley General hospital suffering from Injuries received when hit by an automobile at about :30 p. m., FREEZING PROCESS BRINGS FRESH FRUIT TO HOMES AT A MINIMUM COST TO ALL 4 Charge Against Smithficld Man Logan City Fireman Great Britain' vegulur army and air force with reserve and 9 auxiliaries, will join civilian reserve Wednesday, Auut mobilization In the island' most comprehensive air defense to date. The exercises will be featured by a blackout" covSoldier ar eshown here manning antiering half of England. aircraft weapons during a blackout.'' Sunday By FRANCIS M. COE Research Associate Professor night. It is alleged that Hadfleld as the man driving the automobile that hit Owens. Owens got off shift at 8 p. m., Sunday evening, mounted his and started for home. He at the Intersection of the of Ilotriraltore, I'Uh Agricultural Experiment Station One of the projects which ha under been Initiated this year the Utah Agricultural Experiment station plan to enlarge the market for Utah fruits and benefit and consumers producers alike. Is the freezing preservafruit products tion and froen project designed to test the suitability of the different varieties of fruits adapted to Utah con Tw year ago, Wednesday, August major conquest In the Clunrse war. 9, 1937, Japanese troop occoplrd Peking as (heir Maps show progress of the campaign to date. Hillside Rodeo Promises Died Sunday cle Mendon-Loga- Consumers are invited to aid the search for new uses for t Utah fruit by trying out the ice j , creams, sherbets, ices, and froz-- ; f from desserts made en fruit Utah fruits frozen fresh tree-rip- e to be placed on the market by cooperating ice cream companies. Since many of our best fruits are selling at less than cost this year, there is an unusual opportunity to have a supply of new i? frozen fruit and fruits products i at really less than cost Most people would rather have desserts made from pure fesh Sr . id fruit with all the natur-- j Mrs. Doioro G. Lloyd al fruit flavors and nutritive 'val-- j ues by quick freezing than to have desserts made from artifl- -' TAcslrtvrtC I U lalUJfU eial fruit flavors, acids, and col- orLn, or rom concentrated fruit In Thrilling Entertainment at Fair Park Arena Next Month Wild Bulls and Experienced Cowboys Should Make for The Hillside Rodeo company, with its increased herd of Brahma Bulls from New Mexico and 50 head of selected broncs from all the Intermountain states will provide all the stock for the Cache County Fair to be held Sep- Member 11, 12 and 13. Announced By City Board - Avenue, Rodeo Wherever the Hillside has appeared this year it has given a good show. It has some of the largest brahma bulls perform- ceived that ed Teacher List d a road and Three near the Twelfth ard church, when an automo-bil- e whizzed by, striking the bicycle and knocking Owens to the ground. Observers seeing the accident called the ambulance and reported the accident to the city police department. Owens was taken to the hospital where Monday afternoon It as reported he was from his hurts, which recovering were believed not to be serious. In the Inean time, officer extended their search for the speeding motorists who failed to stop at the scene of the accident. The search extended to Smith-fiel- d when information was re- To Thrill Cache County Fair Patrons With Top Show Pomt Hadfield, accompaniGillenskog, also of is a Smithfield and Florence Barnes nr of the Logan West field, were bull seen driving at an exoesslve rate of speed down the n they highway. preparatjons Imported from other For 1939-4; will be. thrown, stales. Cilllenskog was first taken Into I Bull No. 12. known as Lopez. Some of these new frizen fresh at Smithfield. He was custody an- as In Included the changes These a large horn spread. fruit products are so new that to Logan but denied all brought ' Mrs. Doloros Griffin Lloyd, 28, nounced by the board are: Phyl- horns make it hard for the rider they do not yet have a suitable ledge of Ule accld?nt- - siting trade name. One group of those ;died Sunday at a local hospi- when the bull turns to gore the !C he wasnt any where near the , is thrown. which are particularly promis-he after rider , , , here the accident hap-bu- ll fcUowmg a brief illness. Mrs, The most vicious and popular PaC ing for many uses are the fruit to the public is Ferdinand. Pened on Sunday. Investigating pulps or purees. These fruit pulps Llojd gave birth to a child in Mrs.! He was brought from Old Mex- - officers stated, however that when or purees are made by pitting th!May which died. Since that time! board secretary, replacing Vitale!' 'this year and is the largest the jail door was about to close and straming. them thru' been in m health. Spencer; jCaima He weighs n Gillenskog, he admitted he a seproseive which is a sort of she has of the group. """jbull hi Mrs. Lloyd was the wife of, 1500 pounds' is ,JSht brown and was riding with Hadfield meat grinder with selves of vawhen Larson- - Dd- horn crushes has a rious sizes which the Archie W. Lloyd, manager of as knocked from his bl- instructor of social HoIcomblarge1he d;irespread, devil fruit into coarse or fine pulp or clown, cycie. Uoyds of Logani radi0 iabrator- - sciences at senior hitrh sthool, re- -, j jn a bad wav with Ferdin-- i puree as desired. U. of was Learning that his companion Mrs. Idalah the She t!10. Shepard; 'es. daughter Elmer .d is Price rodeo. made which This fruit pulp. and 'placing ad been arrested, Hadfleld came in-- 1 takes many chances with Ford n only from soft tree ripe fruit of,E. And Millie Redford Griffin Ha: old M. Peterson, full time Logan and admitted he was the highest flavor and quality, is; She had resided in Logan for the structor at senior high school, re- - and. Some day Ferdinand may; then mixed with sugar at the rate 'past 14 years, attending the La- - turning from leave of absence;get Elmer. The Hillside Rodeo driving the car that struck Owens to one gan senior high school and the Sarah Brown, Junior high school company has a total of 18 large He was locked up to await preof three parts of fruit Mrs white Brahma bulls. liminary hearing at 10 a. m., to(Continued on Page Four) USAC. For six years she was office secretary, replacing Carmen Among the outstanding broncs day in the city court. Every eligible person in Cache by Christ iamsens Inc., RUth Watkins Benson; empoyed by the stake is heartily invited by the as a beauty operator. Ballard, Junior high school home of the 50 head found a to attend the stake committee replacing company are Scene Shifter, instructor, Surviving are her husband, her economies bav geldi.ig which weighs about Elon brothers: annual summer outing, Thursday, and three Stewart. parents jean UCCUITlbs So far this year 1150 tabernacle and Gerald Griffin of Logan and Grace August 10, on tha Dunkley, junior high "Scenepounds. has had 17 starts Shifter are all or shine, Mrs. Clark R. Griffin of San Diego, school librarian, replacing square. Rain been ridden. never has and California expected to be there Laura Merrill, on leave of "Scene Shifter is popular with m. 11 a. Festivities will begin at on Page Four) Services will be held Wednes-say- s the best bronc riders because Hyde Park Lydia Jemima man Gabrtelse . Chairman at 2 p ,m. in the Logan y DaineS 68, postmistress and they know if they ride 'him they in will held be The meeting will be in the money. heive m church work and civic af- - Fourth ward chapel with Bishop 1 a. tm is a lare bl-'- -' "Heel Flv tabernacle at Inter- djed Sunday evening at 0. A. Sonne officiating. First of Riverton, Wyoming by and about 1250 all will be welcomed weighs gelding ment be will in the family plot 1 following a lingering -- her home Townsend Wyoming's picgiant He has been ridden chairman. There wUl be a p only pounds. lness ghe was Dumber 16 in the Logan city cemetery. W. nics for this season drew a this twice oldest to year. the of tation gifts n.j870j at Hyde Park, a daughter of 'Loyal Hall mortuary of Logan is a grey geld- crowd of more than 10,000 here Gray Ghost and the oldest lady. Seamonsjis in charge of funeral arrange- Robert and Jemima ceebration. A paris a brown for a two-da- y at ing. 'SUnset Trail noon; Dinner will be served ments. Daines a is a white ade more than a mile long was Silver Draming LEWISTON King gelding. school band directed n For the past 31 years she has Friends may call at the home, parallel betw'een Brigham Young gelding purchased from Declo, the first event. Floats from Lean-de- r, a T Henson will here and had 260 North, 2nd West, this evening colonizer, Idaho. amsd 1847 Mormon Basin Worland, Araphoe, concert- show at the Cap- - ben postmistress "Tumble Weed" is a roan geld- Casper, served in every local, and Wednesday f!v.e President until time for:and modern pioneers, Cody, Lovell, Washaki j.jq D m. a civic and practically tneaire is a chestnut church organization services. Shsepherder and Thermopolis took part, as Gaylen S. Young of Salt Lake ing. Top-rocounty store drawing at 3 p. m .during and before that time. She a black geldsorrel. well as cowboys and cowgirls of urged participants Saturday city, on the tabernacle square and re liad a Chicago bay gelding; the taught school for several 1 vicnity, the Riverton Girls the annual state encampment ing; ' in No Sir a sorrell gelding; freshments at 4 p. m. to years In Hyde Park; taught the Poneers of Sons of Utah a Eddie Band, Boy Scouts, Araphoe Indgelding. bay was school and organist Sunday ians and old-tiscouts and continue to pioneer to build a (Continued on Page Eight) in the ward for many years. She frontiersmen. state Into a greater state. great r was a member of the William r a Mayor A. B. Connant of RiverRather than living in the past, of Utah lN, 1 , Hyde Camp daughters ton gave an address of welcome. let us hold to the ideals of our pioneers. Other speakers were T. C. Schfathers and look to the future. Following on the heels of nu- Surviving are the following bro- -j in afer of Lander, Dr. Charles HousUtahs oentsnnlal celebration state local O and triuhpms 1947 will see millions of visitors thers and sisters: James A.;merous er of Lovell and J. F. Kirkland, Theodore Walker 27, died Sun-- ! George S. and Wilford G. Daines in the piano concert field, Townsend natonal to view the to Utah representative coming maxed by a concert over a and in the state. E. A. Shoemaker of evening at the home of his Mrs. Mary D. Morrell and Mrs. handiwork of the pioneers hook-u- p stafrom radio -. Albert 20 farCaroline Kirby, Hyde Park; and Mrs. Mr. Up to the end of July this city served as chairman. their descendants, and for thenSouth Seventh eph B., Robert H. and Dr. Frank- - tion KSi. in Salt Lake City, The affair was advertised by Walker, at 133 benefit as well as ours let us con mers of Cache county have used on -. was P. her il124.740 pounds of mixed L., Frederick g Champ grass- means of a large four page cirlm Daines, Logan; Dr. L West street, after a It has cular. The front page announoed Daines, Salt Lake City; Mrs. An- - way Sunday to New York City the hopper bait this year. lness. h icaUy and spiritually, comD. Snow, Los Angeles; Orson, for an audition with another na', S. U. P. president been distributed in every d Mr, Walker was born Novem-jni- e the picnic; the others carried adcounty agent R. L. Wrig-le- y 6ardston, Canada; tional system. ber 3, 1911, at Logan, a son of a. Daines, exhorted the immediate descen- - munity, vertising and greetings. states. Wal-Ste- p brothers and sisters: George by noted dants cf the thousands of Mor-ke- r. Highly recommended Albert and Elizabeth King Mr. Kirkland supervised barbe-queiis farto An made all appeal He had resided at their p. Ashcroft and Mrs. Margaret eastern artists Logan, mon' immigrants who crossed the mers who have visiting of three steers and six to Ann Hurren, Hyde Park and Mrs. Mrs. Champ will be given an great plains to found a new em- - obtain bait and grasshoppers home throughout his life. it out be- sheep to help feed the hugh put Alberta audition Thursday by the Na- pire. He is survived by his parents, Atena Williams, Cardston, cause if they will clean up the crowd. Two hundred gallons of tional Broadcasting company contwo sisters and a brother, Mrs. Canada. Opening Saturday at noon in hoppers now before (they start to coffee were served; more than a cond-elFuneral services will be Mrs. Claire Trav-- j cert service. Mrs. Champ also Lewiston First ward chapel, the lay eggs there will be few hop- thousand cases of cold drinks and Alioe Jensen, and William F. Walker all ucted Wednesday at 2 p. m., in will attend the New York worlds encampment d wrnuhedolui ,ha pers for next year. In some cases 125 gallons of ice cream. of Logan, and a grandmother, the Hyde Park chapel with Bi- - fair, as Utah representative of the encampment drew hundreds of farmers have their crops harvA public address system was Mrs. William King of Logan shop C. A. Hurren officiating In- - womens fair committee the ested so there is little damage furnished for the affair by the members from throughout Services wdll be held Wednes- terment will be in the family state for the annual event di- for the roppers to do the rest of Acme Theatre of Riverton. Busat Hyde Park with W. Ixtyal t Y 11 ITIS Front F J i of this year and if they are killed inessmen of this city contributed dav at 2 p. m., in the Ixgan Sec-plrected by Peter Van Orden Lewiston. Members of the organ- now there will be no hoppers for $305 in cash and prizes. pud ward chapeL Lindquist and Hall mortuary of Logan making arrangements. p. h. Barkdull has returned ization board of directors also destruction of crops next year. At the close of his address, Mr. Material is and is being Friends may call at the home from an interesting trip to the attended, including Randall announced his transfer I, i mixed daily free Kirkland at the fair county in Hyde Park, Tuesday evening worlds fair. His chief interest at Jones of Salt Lake City, George state by the National to another Farmers should avail grounds. West, from 10 a. m., Wednesday and Wednesday until time of the the fair was the art work A. Larsen of Ogden and Judge themselves and was given a of this Headquarters, opportunity services. time of services. J B. C. Call of Brigham City play. and use jt. great farewell demonstration ij lnvrl Died Sunday -- by ing today. Bull No. 5 named 'Whit'' mulcy. - This bull has large Education Logan City Board of been ridden this year. The lias Announoed It List of riders usually shun this bull and Their Assignments cause they feel quite certain At Hospital Roy Logan-Benso- 1 0. . I le j Jy Cache Stake To Hold Old Folks Party : -- . j ' Pnpfrniefv.Qec ' Wyoming Picnic at Draws Crowd Of Ten Thousand Townsendites act-'da- Lewiston Host To Pioneer Sons Encampment ; ' il-- rf L. ' - w IVlUSlCian Theo. Walker Dies Following Tim-bucto- o j. Uss Hopper Bait And Kill Pests rUUltlOn Lom? Illness cli-d- ay . al - life-lon- newly-electe- j ng j er J ot r dis-un- iil J i . |