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Show i Thursday, October 30, 1947 0RE1I-GENEVA TIMES SHARON Varna Vtraon 0671-RI A social for the" officers and teachers of Uie primary was held at the home of Theresa Pyne in honor of the outgoing offals. Mrs. Pyne was assisted as hostess host-ess by Mrs. Helen Kofford and Mrs. Delia Collings. An interesting inter-esting program included guitar solos by Glenda Burr; songs by Lonnie Hadlock, accompanied by Mrs. Rita Hadlock; accordian solos by Mrs- Donna Kitchen; a story by Mrs. Delia Collings and group singing. Refreshments were served to 21 ladies and TIMPANOGOS WARD RELIEF SOCIETY Mrs. E. H. Johnson, president of the Tlmpanogos ward Relief Society announces that the time of meeting will be changed for one week only. Meeting will be held on Nov. 3 at 1 p m. instead of at 3 p m. four children. Mrs. Howard Cunningham (Diesta Burr) and sons, Perry and Jimmie are here from Sac ramento for a month's visit with relatives and friends. About 125 boys and girls en joyed a Primary party this week. Games and dancing were enjoy ed and refreshments were serv ed by the officers and teachers. r OREM . UTAH Doors open 6 :30 First show 7:00 Friday - Saturday Oct 31 - Nov. 1 Mammoth Musical, With 3 Dozen Greattl Starring UNO SO CROSBY K0P CCSPER KlUAXS IAN I LAB!) 'STANWYCK fAVllTTI O0TMY And Scores More Newlyweds Feted At Reception Mr. and Mrs. Gam Penrod (Shirley Rae King) were , honored hon-ored at a wedding reception given giv-en by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Johnson. Guests were received at the Woman's Wo-man's club house in Provo. In the receiving line with the newlyweds were the bride's par ents and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnson, sister and brother-in-law of the groom. The " bride wore a suit of red wool and a corsage of white carnations. Bou quets of roses decorated the re ception room. Shirley Rae is a graduate of the Provo High school; her hus band served in the navy after graduating from the Lincoln High school. They were married in Elko, Nevada and spent their honeymoon in Nevada before re turning to Provo to make their home. This xcelleni comedy, based on the founding of the the Variety Clubs of America, will provide plenty of laughter, laugh-ter, fun and all-around swell entertainment for everyone! every-one! o1 n-:::ni::::""-::n::;::in:i:B:K::!:ii::aa::::.'::::'j:a:::::i::!::::!::!:::::!".:!:i::n:u:im:Kiin!:n: Halloween Midnight Frolic Friday October 31 GHOST GOES WILD Starring James Ellison and Anne Gwyiuie and HOME SWEET HOMICIDE With Peggy Ann Garner and Randolph Ran-dolph Scott. Doors open at 11:30 p m. Admission: 50c including tax ft ::KKi::a:::::::::in:!e::::::a::::::!:B::a::::::::::::ii:i::n!.":iBi'.: I S. S. S. FUN CLUB I Saturday Matinee 1 :30 . November 1 SON OF RUSTY H S A beautiful story of a dog featuring Ted Donaldson! if j plus cartoons Chapter 1 "Hop Harriga'n" ir-:::::."::::::::::::::::n:::n::K:::::!ir Monday - Tuesday Nov,3-4 THUNDER MOUNTAIN Tim Holt and Martha Hyer A fast-moving, aciionful western drama taken from the Zana Grey novel! and YANKEE FAKIR Joan Woodbury and Douglas Fowley A light comedy drama! ::::::::::::::::::;:n::::::::Riuiiiui. :::::::::::::::!::::: ":::::t::: Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Nov. 5-6-7-8 r THl lOVI AFFAIR OF THE Yl AIM CLARK DIBORAH 4 I I Eased oa a very pojvia tad amusing book, aon-readera as wU u readers ef Cm book will find this swell enter-tln;:J enter-tln;:J amusicj, fiii-paced, romintically stimulating! Marie Brereton Weds At Logan Temple A wedding ecremony in the Logan LPS Temple united Marie Mar-ie Brereton and Bert H. Rodgers. Marie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brereton, former Pleasant View residents, now making their home in Provo. Mr. Rodgers is from Star Valley, Wyoming and is the son of Mrs. Herb Schwab and the late Bert Rodgers. The couple were married on October 22 in the presence of family members and friends. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brereton, Mrs. Herb Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Finley of Logan, Mrs. Clark Rasrnussen, Mrs. Austin Larsen and Miss Helen Larsen of Brig-ham Brig-ham City, Bishop and Mrs. Bliss Allred and Mrs. Charles Allred of Pleasant View. Marie attended the Lincoln High school and the BY High. Her husband attended high school in Idaho Falls and attended attend-ed the BYU. He is employed by the IGA market in Pleasant View. They are making their home on the Brereton farm. Showers honoring the bride were given by Helen Rudy, at the Ed Firmage home in Provo; by Loy and Joy Allred at the Allred home; and by Mrs. Bell Faulkner and her daughters, Diane, Jackie and Margaret. Orem -(geneva Society Ina Smith. Editor. Phone 13 OREM WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING PLANNED "Women in Politics" will be the theme of the Orem Women's club meeting at the Scera loun ge Wednesday. Nov. 5 at 3:15, Mrs.J. D. Pyne and Mrs- Moroni Jensen will give the program and Mrs- Ed J. Simmons will arrange the musical numbers. The flag salute will be led by Mrs. Leo Poulson and Mrs. Ronald Adams will read thetfitany. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Woodruff Jensen and Mrs. Rulon West. Miss Carol Memmott. who will wed V. Robert Greenwood on November 26 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Memmott. CAROL MEMMOTT TO MARRY NOV. 26 Marriage plans being made by Carol Memmott were revealed at an announcement luncheon given by her mother. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Memmott and will wed V. Robert Rob-ert Greenwood, son of Dr. and Mrs. Vern R. Greenwood, Nov. 26 at the Memmott home. Guests at the luncheon included includ-ed Mrs. R. Vern Greenwood. Mrs- Ashley Snow, Mrs. Rosa Lee Madsen, Mrs. Jerry Park, June Thomas, Norma Wells, Madeline Mathews, the bride-elect and her mother. Bouquets of white chrysanthemums and red roses decorated the house and the luncheon table. A miniature scroll.with tiny weddiing bells attached told the engagement news. Miss Memmott wore a gray suit and a1 corsage of carnations carnat-ions and baby roses. She has ask-Rosa ask-Rosa Lee Madsen, Jerry Park, Norma Wells and June Thomas to attend her at her wedding. ' Carol is a graduate of the Lincoln Lin-coln high school and has been attending the BYU. Mr. Greenwood Green-wood is a graduate of the BY High and served in the army air corps. He is attending the BYU, preparing to continue his study of dentistry. They plan to live in Provo after their marriage. See Our Beautiful New mo:.mm HEAT IS . . . YGT KXQuamY COSTS LESS QRUEN Watches Authorized Dealer BARKER JEWELRY A little down will lay anything away for Christmas. QUALITY FIRST AND SERVICE ALWAYS Reed Barker, Prop. OREM 4 Stores: Orem American Fork Heber Vernal uims:Ri!nni::n::Ki:i:c:K:::::n:::::H::u: ::::n::::n::snK::nim: lIBilJMlBI ILiiiJ coal sioms DOMESTIC HEAVY DUTY BIN FEED 01 MAT Air Conditioners and Conversion Burners STEEL TL::.'ACS Forced Air Units Domestic and Industrial Gravity Furnaces Aeroa froa Seers Fiona :U1 HE III IU; w 1 m r r If They're comfortable and flexible, yet rugged with famous fa-mous Ball-Band workman ship and construction. You can depend on Ball-Band Arctics for longer wear, mora -milea of walking eaaa and comfort... and tun protection! NORM'S CLOTHES SHOP MEN'S AND BOY'S APPAREL 182 West Cent PROVO. UTAH Delores Bobbins Chosen Queen At Harvest Ball Delores Robbins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luzell Robbins, was chosen from a group of six candidates to reign as queen of the Harvest Ball sponsored by the FFA and FHA of Lincoln high scchool. The other cand idates were Colleen Varley, Helen Hel-en Swan, Earlene Foote, Norma Cooke and Lyla Mae McDonald. The hall was decorated in autumn aut-umn colors and the ball was very successful. Dale Reeves won the large turkey that was given as a door prize. Varieties Club The Varieties club members entertained their husbands and several guests Saturday night at a masquerade party. Prizes for the best costumes were awarded to Mrs. Lawrence Pratt, Mrs. Ray Carter, Mrs. Marlow Peterson, Peter-son, Don Sackett, Nelson Snow and Reed Burgener. Favors were given during a series of games to Mrs. Don Sackett. Mrs, Bill Shephered, Curtis Gordon and Nelson Snow. A Hallowe'en theme was followed fol-lowed in the games and refreshments. refresh-ments. Dancing was enjoyed during dur-ing by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jacob-sen, Jacob-sen, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Twit-chell, Twit-chell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shep herd, Mr. and Mrs- Ray Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Burgener, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pyne, Mr. and Mrs. Don Sackett, Mr. and Mrs-Lawrence Mrs-Lawrence Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Park and Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Peterson. New Members Join . Orem Sub-deb Club Three new members were pledged at the meeting or the Orem Sub-Deb club held at the home of Lorna Anderson. The club officers conducted the business bus-iness meeting and introduced the new members, HelenSwan, Joy Hancock and Alene Cordner. Plans were made for a club party par-ty to be held Nov. 5 at the home of Colleen Knight. After the business meeting refreshments re-freshments were served by the hostess to Loye Allred, Nedra Nuttall, Joan Loveless, Susie Stubbs, Jane Johnson, Birdene Terry, Faye Rowley, Ann Trotter, Trot-ter, Beatrice Yeoman, Nan Nils-son, Nils-son, Jerry Searle, Mary Ellen Peters, Luana Clegg, Lucille Pearson, Geniel Larsen, Jo Dee Halberslaben, Diane Dixon, Joy Hancock, Helen Swan, Alene Cordner, Colleen Knight, Ruth Gammon, Colleen Varley, Carol Car-ol Madsen, Dorris Morrow, Lyla Mae McDonald and Joan Heb-ertson. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cox and sons, Bill, Jack and Bob returned Sunday from a vacation trip to Zion's park, Boulder Dam and couthern California. Reception Honor's Newlywed Couple . A double ring ceremony was solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple, October 14, uniting in marriage Dora June Whiteley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theroa Whiteley and Max Harper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Harper of Pleasant Grove. The bride's parents entertained entertain-ed at a reception in honor of the young couple in the Pleasant Grove First ward hall. The receiving re-ceiving line stood before a bank of fall flower ' and lighted tapers. tap-ers. The bride was attended by her sister, Donna Whitley, Mrs. Orvil Anderson, Mrs. Harold Baird, Carma Whitely and Mel-ba Mel-ba Godfredson. Boyd Harper stood , with his brother as best man. Little Alta May Whitely and Carol Harper sprinked rose petals along the path of the bridal bri-dal march. Jean Harper and Jerry Jer-ry Nelson were trainbearers-Harold trainbearers-Harold Eaird, Orval Anderson and Charles Harper acted as ushers. OAiioeos Lucy Poulson 0645-JI Oswald and Leone Nelson Coombe are the parents of a baby girl born Saturday, Oct 25 at the Holy Cross hospital. The baby is the grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peney of California are visiting here with Mrs. Peney's brother, Verl Haws and other relatives and friends. Mrs- Peney is the former Vilda Haws. Mrs- Clareence Bliss is at the Utah Valley hospital where she underwent a major operation. Her condition is reported to be as good as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coombs have sold their home and are moving to California where they will go into business near Oakland. Couple Plan Home In Pleasant View Mr. and Mrs. Dean ferry (Reva Mae Wall) have returned from a honeymoon in Nevada and will make their home in Pleasant View. They were married mar-ried last week in the presence of several near friends. Reva Mae is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wall. She is a senior at the Lincoln high school and the Sharon Seminary. Dean has served with the Coast Guard for two years since his graduation from Lincoln high school. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry. A wedding reception and other oth-er parties honoring the newly weds are being planned for the near future. Dover Hunt was master of ceremonies cer-emonies during the program. Two duets were sung by Harold Baird and Orval Anderson; a reading by Anita Varley; a duet by Nadine and Wilma Hales; a toast to the bride and groom by Mrs. Marie Yorth; and a solo by Howard Anderson. Dancing was enjoyed after the program. The newlyweds plan to make their home in Pleasant Grove. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the citizens of Orem City for their confidence in me by nominating me , to both the Peoples and Citizens Party tickets. If elected on November 4th, I pledge efficient and wholehearted cooperation. rem To Day Appliances, Autonomics Yes Now you can buy the things You need end take extra months to pay for then 'beginning Nov. 1st Good news for budget buyers! . . . now you can take longer to pay for the things you -want. Yes TIMEWAY is quick to offer you the advantages of recently relaxed Federal regulations on credit. So see your dealer or this bank today for a TIMFV7AY LOAN . . . it's s money-saving, time-saying way to borrow and a convenient way to re-pay out of income. rf " " M HM, f lH HClim COMOlif mui trim trma 294 A |