Show THE OGDEN O Forth Oyer the our Go LEGAL NOTICES FOR RENT u a rdiansihp probate and NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respective Klirner for Further Information NOTICE No 1724 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OP SECOND THE STATE OF UTAH IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF WEBER Termination of the Life IN THE Downtown Light gas urn $11 mon and up bitt water apartment! ORPHEUM APTS 2518 Dial 4641 Washington 1509 NICELY furnlahed ment In good district apartClose In Electric refrigerator and range Apply 3060 Washington Blvd Dial 1153 6161 THE ESTATE OF THORA Bometimes known as BEAUTIFUL f urn triplex 3 rms and dinette Hot water Cool in Deceased LARSON THORA C The Petition of Oliver Lexsen also aummer Adulta only 3035 Wash vnnwn ajt Oliver Larson praying for a (Second door weat) 1292 decree of this court that Judgment and Larsen C known sometime Thora 2 RMS Partly furn Upstairs T r JV inn Hlail VII Stl Adults J XlOr& V UMffV'Ji 2113 Lincoln $14 Lights 1929 death her November that day of 1578 OK LARS EN MATTER r ta-i- terminated her life estate In the real deproperty hereinafter particularly scribed and that petitioner Is now and ever since the death of the owner of said real properhas been free and clear of said dety ee cedent's life estate therein Said property is situate in- Weber County State of Utah and particularly described as said-deced- ent ln-J- - follows Adults " Plat "A" of Ogden City Survey: Be22 rods West of point ginning at aEast corner of said Lot the South and running thence West 4 rods thence North 10 rods thence East 4 rods thence South 10 rods 'to the of beginning place above entitled matter has been in the set for hearing before Hon LEWIS V TRUEMAN Judge on Monday the 14th clock a m ttay of July 1941 at 10o' at the County Court House in the PealtoP 9801 rms Gar Temperate adu 2942 Pingree $12 Inq 2149 Mad MOD 2 1654 CLEAN 3-r- m m Wm J Blackburn Co Apts 3 rooms 2465 Monroe Blvd : to-w- it to $350 NEW HOMES IN ONE OF THE MOHT BEAUTIFUL BPOTS IN OGDEN Several good location! In east bench district Some of these homes are about completed and are new and up to date In every respect Full cement basement oak floora throughout Wired for electric range and with every mod convenience For sale on FHA terms str $4750 Real sacrifice In mod brick home on east bench Full basement with unusually fine heating plant This home is a bargain and would cost about $2000 more to duplicate new Immediate possession Reasonable terms See this If you want a good home for the money FONTENELLE 319 24th Street v Evening apt Good location Madison Dial Phone 42 77 1660 new brick 1640 home on northeast bench within hospital CAROLYN APTS 3 rms ground walking distance from can easily large basement that floor Adults 2555 Jeff Dial 5255 Has 1642 be arranged for extra bedroom 1 SMALL room gas and lights $12 $5500 — A real "family"' home sit1549 uated on 26th street near JackStreet rooms MOD 3 rm apt Sleeping porch son ave Five extra-larg- e with with half 1387 basement 2327 Adams fireplace court room of said court in Ogden Close in Inq hot-ai- r and stoker furnace -Utah Weber County City Strictly apt Adults Witness the Clerk of said court NEW 1598 with the seal thereof affixed modern 903 Grant Realty-Insuranc- e Strictly modern 2026 $3500— ALMOST Attorney for Petitioner 1941 Published July 4641 2-- 11 NOTICE 17814 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JIN SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WEBER STATE OF UTAH life In the Matter of terminating the and estates of JOHN M WALKER MARIA LOW WALKER Deceased Low The Petition of Minnie May for a herein praying Guyon on filecourt to the effect that decree of this held by John the life estates formerly M Walker and Maria Low Walker In and to the following described real property situated In Weber County -- "part of Lot 4 Block 9 Plat "A" of Survey Commencing at Ogden City of Southwest a point 56 feet North corner of said Lot 4 and running then East 1155 feet thence North M feef thence West 1155 feet No thence South '509 feet to beginning of terminated at the death 1941 absolutely M Walker on May 17 aid John and of Maria Low Walker on Novem pern fv ber 1 in Ogthe above entitled court bfor Weber on Monday den County Utah the 14th day of July 1941 at 10 o'clock a m h rlerk of said court wtn affixed with the seal thereto this 2nd dsy of July 1941- MWt(UtCi M minvnClerk (Seal) AND Garage Adults CLAY APTS — Adults BRAMWELL By MAE E P LeRoy NelNon Attorney for Petitioner 1 941 Published July Deputy Clerk 4642 2-- 11 '459-22n- 6178 No ESTATE OF THEODORE DOWNING! Miller praying The Petition of A D D R Dickens of for the appointment as Administrator of the above estate Issue and that Letters of Administrationmatter to him In the above entitled Hon has been set for hearing before MonJudge on at LEWIS V TRUEMAN July-19410 day of day the 14th at the county Court o'clock a m House In the court room of said court Utah In Ogden City Weber County court Witness the Clerk of saidaffixed with the seal thereof T 5r!K KT MALAN tr ii Clerk n vta IT V BRAMWELL Deputy Clerk 1 A DhHah1 TllltT ? M645 1941 9-- 11 ESTATE OP RUBY ELIZA WILLS tv DAfftinn ftf piprtwft wills uravmz May for the appointment of ofMinnie said estate Guyon as administratrix and that-- Letterstn oi flaministrnnuu mm in onnvf pnriLieti has heen set for hearing before uu Hon LEWIS V TRUEMAN uuage 14th day of July 1941 at the Monday m nini m fh Countv Court House In the court room of said court utan county in'Ogden City Weber of ald court uins the sealriorvthereof affixed with this 2nd dav of July ism v- ci TAwnmnE III vJi uv M MALAN Clerk BRAMWELL Deputy Clerk MAE E P LeRoy Nelson i ph!ithft v Eq — Tnlv 711 rms 4 Realtor Kiesel ave 2415 modern 4644 1941 NOTICE X of'1 n AwrfirV MAR E IA - 30-3- We have nearly all new model guns Have your guns overhauled and checked over now Kammeyer's 318 24th St 1658 High oven Hotpolnt 4 burner electric range $3500 High oven Monarch 3 burner $25 Low oven Hotpolnt $750 High oven Monarch $3500 Good used coal ranges all styles and prices 255 LUGGAGE Special Vacation Prices READ'S 334 24th 1620 1 ot D PealtoP 28 M D modern house tion Garage Dial M OGDEN REAL ESTATE CO Good loca- SLEEPING ROOMS 2439 Phone 9554 Kiesej 1515 modern BEAUTIFUL strictly ROOM suitable for 1 or 2 gentleColonial brick Latest feaman Call evenings 023 25th Dial tures Built one year Choice loca5109 Call daytime Dial PANTONE MUSIC CO PEXLTOP 1644 82 1649 6 CU FT Kclvinator refrigerator Bargain 3593 $1125 475-28- th 635-25- th 451-16- th m tsox 33 x-- otanaara-Jiixamin- er 13 18 M er M m m 67 13 8840 HOLD EVERYTHING BltAMWET L Ieputy Clerk Cord llb no--Inch fabric reinforced $210 -25-- ft ln fabric reinforced 119 HOLIDAY BARGAINS 50-- ft Neptune hose extra good 519 1939 Zephyr sedan clean aa new 25-- ft Low mileage Guaranteed Dependable Neptune hose extra good 269 1938 Buick sedan v A- -l condition FORDS Pennsylvania Lawn 1933 Olds six sedan Perfect con1937 Tudor deluxe priced low dition Mowers 1939 Ford A real buy 1935 Fordor deluxe priced low sedan wheel high 1933 Business coupe priced low rubber tires $785 us for the best buy In town 1938 Tudor deluxe priced low See high wheel 1934 Tudor deluxe priced low rubber tires 765 WOOD MOTOR CO 1933 Business coupe priced low TWO LOTS 1939 truck stake body EASY TERMS n 1938 2740— Wash Blvd— 2805 panel overhauled Used Cars It 16-ln- ch DANS 14-in- ch 1-t- on H-to- 1565 Boyles USED AUTO PARTS 0000 CHEVROLETS If You Heed 1933 1934 1935 1936 FURNITURE 2944 Wash CO 1629 -- the account '38 Plenty of Bargains GOOD In Used Farm Machinery Bring per master de Chevrolet luxe-sed- a an Thrift Co 2506 Wash Blvd 69 4il - 64 81 4-d- OF JULY JUST 2 DAYS AWAY 4-d- 455-25- th exclu- People's Finance commercial grade cherries as is $189 your container Only 4c 40 Hudson super six sedan 795 Just like new pound Utah Fruit Growers Special used 28x46 inch McCormick Warehouse sedan A nice North Ogden Dial '37 Ford Deering Threshing machine 1553 375 clean little car Chevrolet Master Wilkinson Farm Service CHERRHSS for sale D H Kerbs '39sedan 625 a honey Dial 1435 357-23Dial St '40 Plymouth de luxe 1343 795 touring sedan like new '38 Chevrolet Master de luxe Business Opportunities Ketchum's 225 sedan as is more And and $29 EVERYTHING FOR THE up FOR RENT excellent building at many BUILDER 2941 Washington Blvd Partially Major Bowes says: "Buy low and save" New and used lumber plumbing equipped for use as beer parlor sash doors cafe or grocery store Call 9075 MITCHELL MOTOR Co 357 If you have such to sell we will DeSoto-PlymouSt buy it cafe and PROFITABLE 1657 building Dial 9743 2470 Wall avenue ap863 property on Wash Sell fordown $3000 praised R E valuation 929 Binford bal easy Dial GOING DOWN Pianos for Rent rd An sive service Best Bargains Fruits and Vegetables 1 t we will loan it to you on your car —insure the car — and the payments on 7267 Dial 4851 I ioney We're Shooting the Works NOW th As Low As 67 1596 New style small pianos may be rented and the amount paid will Baby Chicks Poultry price if you deapply on purchase cide to buy CHICKENS wanted Cash at coop Glen Bros Music South Wash Poultry Dial 6502 $500 Until Sold Down 69 Clean Cars Packard 120 business coupe June 29 price $555 Now $540 1937 454 832 Each Day Save up to 5150 sedan Hudson "6" HEAVY fryers from 2 to 5 pounds 1— 3 piece breakfast set $460 29 price $530 Now $315 June 1637 Dial 8688 2- piece Mohawk living room euite These cars are each STARTED chicks and Red Pulkts $2850 1586 automobiles and are in excellent Also fryers Phone 5098 1—Oak buffet $1200 condition inside and out 1— Imitation leather davenport $4 Tribe Home Furniture Co Livestock Wanted KNIGHT-FROS- T MOTOR Dial 2358 Wash Blvd 2230 1B07 Dealer Hudson Washington RABBIT SKINS & BONES 1650 WANTED BUNGALOW PIANO WE will call and pav cash for dead horses cows sheep and 26 YEARS Slightly used may be purchased or useless hogs Phone collect 4533 Colorado at substantial discount on terms Animal Highest prices Of Fair Dealing Glen Bros Music paid for hides pelts wool and furs 1937 Hynler Idolor Co one-own- er One Big Lot Dial 4493 2Gth & Kiesel 83 MONEY TO LOAN At "PERSONAL" $25 FOR 30 DAYS ' TOTAL COST 75c Quick private courteous service Employer not notified No deductions in advance Pay for only length of time used No investigation fee No wage assignment Come in or phone By-Produ- 2237 1661 NATIVE LUMBER Livestock For Sale Lucas Builders Supply GOOD Jersey cow fresh and calf 1728 Dial 5372 Box 57 Wilson Lane Wash Blvd 1183 1453 D 1669 Native LUMBER new-use- d Ogden Builders Supply 2220 Grant 72 163C STOVES REPAIRED by experts JERSEY cow just grates water jackets Dial 8238 Grant Dial 7563 Fletcher Furniture Co 2210 Wash ROYAL Vacuum Cleaner— $1500 SCHOSS-REAELECTRIC CO Dial fresh 1265 1633 Trailers for Sale Westcraft trailer home at saving trade or terms y Auto court 1143 Wash 24-F- 1941 T In 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 sedan 70 Studebaker Commander sedan Chrysler Royal Sedan DeSoto deluxe touring sedan Oldsmobile touring sedan Dodge deluxe sedan YOUR HUDSON Wash Blvd 2200 DEALER ' PERSONAL FINANCE Phone 632 Co 1645 37 Plymouth 1603 3 Ogden Ogden Motor Car Co Hi-wa- 3457 Oldsmobile Over Gordon Drug Dial 5575 Eccles Bldg 221 " 1576 - USED TRAILER HOUSE De luxe coupe upholstery and Dial PIANOS bought and sold G Todd 453 13th motor perfect Original jet black 1348 Tavlor 723 Wash Dial 7516 finish Fully guaranteed — $425 1588 FOR A QUICK 64 Cash Loan DAVIS MOTOR CO WANTED TO BUY IVORY niano recently tuned and W Corner 20th and Washington N reconditioned Very attractive Jtux 1655or 47Z 29tn loao CASH for your used furniture ceilent action $75 Free Auto furniture or signature You will car a range used appraisal better get WHITE news print paper roll ends RELIABLE FURNITURE CO Come and see us From your Buick Dealer 10c to 25c — Standard-Examin2276 Dial POSSIBLE RATES LOWEST Washington 1476 LOWEST PRICES— LOWEST basement 4034 FAMILY FINANCE CO TERMS bedrm set modern Es pays highest prices for tate Heatrola good condition 2164 HARRY 902 1st Security Bank Building Buick Sales Co 1628 men's used suits 114 25 Dial 5001 Reeves Ogden Dial 408 Dial 5571 26th and Wash Blvd M J Pingree manager RADIOS late cabinet models $995 974 929 PANTONE MUSIC and up 1648 Recapped Tires PONTIAC TRADES ARE CASH 'J BETTER VALUES QUEEN ANN dining room set NEW used repaired recap tires For Spring Expenses FISHER-HES- S Tables rocking chairs 2739 Wash TOM POORMAN 2579 Grant Ave You 1428 Repay in 940 20 months 12 months Borrow PONTIAC CO FISHING motor boat and trailer $ 492 $ 50 excellent condition 1324 Lake Ave Dial 1950 Wash Blvd 1448 150 Coal and Wood - er 71 -- 73 23 1383 BEAUTY 1562 Sale Best Spring Canyon Stove lump $700 3 tons $1950 nut $650 3 tons $1800 3 scks $115 STEED COAL CO 185 W 1471 Patterson Dial 6232 SPRING Canyon coal Guaranteed Stove or lump $6503 tons or more COAL SHOPS 2410 250 Any amount from $10 to $50 ALL LOAN PLANS Lowest Prices In Utah GOOD USED CARS BARTLETT'S Two Locations 7 r SENTINEL or tC UU 4)0 rY 53 VACATION MONEY 36 bl ° 29 "WHOM TO CALL 441 2-- U FUNNY BUSINESS TELLS ITOO WHERE TO REACH TflEMi Consult the ads below when ton are in need skilled mechanic or tradesman CalJ or of write for free estimates If your needs cannot be filled from these columns dial 77 1L RIls Malan COL'RT OF TlfK r tacnea to in unaersignea flnminuus-toat the office of H C Carver Attorney for the Administrator aton2380 Washington Blvd Ogden Utah 1941or before the 4th dav of September A JOHN H WIDDISON Administrator H C Carvsr Attorney for Administrator 1941 4640 Published July QUICK CASH AND UP Lower Cost $500 Citizens Finance Co Eccles Bldg 325 IBODIT AND FENDER REPAIRS FUMIGATION Termite control Cyanide gas exOgden Fender Shop termination of bedbugs etc Experienced Workers 2327 Kiesel J B MARSH 7672 2441 Grant Dial 9154 CARPET CLEANING 8666 ' E J HAMPTON CO Rugs furniLAWN MOWER SHARPENING ture cleaned upholstered and slip covers Dial '7248 3042 SHARPENED and repaired Key VAN KAMPEN & SON If it's a fitting Philpott Repair 417 23rd 230 rue furniture or mattrosn vn closn St Dial 5133 and repair it Dial 6080 PAPERHANGING PAINTING JOHN ELECTRICAL WORK Borger 419 Canyon Road Painting paperhanging Dial ' 1540 LIGHTHOUSE ELECTRIC CO WIRING: Lights Motors PAPERHANGING painting by f"3 Henry Borger & Sons Dial Ranges Plugs etc 1451 POTATOES — Pota2 toes: arrivals 11 cars on track I06 total U S shipments 723 new stock supplies moderate: demand fair Califamla and western Triumphs sightly weaker southern Triumphs steady on best quality Missouri and Kansas Cobblers unsettled California long whites U S No 1 $210® 220 California Bliss Triumphs U S No 1 $200 ©225 Idaho Bliss Triumphs U S No 1 $200 210 old stock supplies light demand very light steady Idaho Russet Burbanks U S No $150 (AP-USD- long-white- Wl Vt Hlk UlVtCt WT M SM t) A M off ' 7-- 2 "We'll save this saw that Scarf ace sent us till things get a little quieter on the outsi4er : m typewriters 629 DIAMOND and JEWEIJIY LOANS Local Credit Company 303 Eccles Bldg Dial 4909 9523 LOST AND FOUND LOST: 2 horses 1 sorrel 1100 lbs- - 1200 lbs 8 l brown 5yearsoldold both are roached and years booted Reward T E Warren Dial 1632 LOST Brown and white SDriiiser spaniel Answers to Pal 7 month 2815 Adams old Reward Dial 89 Union Electricians — Sine Lighting Fixtures — 7001 - 1555 LOST brown leather billfold Re 02 COM 3529 UNCLE" SAM S LOAN CO 278 25th Licensed MATTRESS REPAIRING Wholesale & Retail Wiring Supplies MATTRESSES remade with or without springs Overman's 2943 -- 22 Years in Business 1584 315 24th WalL Dial 5108 u Dial 672 REFRIGERATION AIR COND The Andes mountains of South Refrigeration Air Conditioning America actually are only the up- KEENER SERVICE COMPANY Sales and Service 30 per portions -- of mountains whose Authorized in business bases are thousands of feet be years 1329-25t- h Dial 6949 Street low the ocean surface 1581 3rd Floor KJCWatchei diamond LWXl-NDGu- 81 If A I 38 fas Pig iron aluminum antimony quickplatinum Chinese wolframite and domestic scheelite unchanged SPECIAL Garden Hoso Rea-cona- COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES O WIDDISON Deceased Creditors are hereby notified to present their claims with voucher at- - silver- Safety Tested fUInforctd DISPLAY CLASSIFIED 19 54 Clerk METALS NEW YORK July 2 (AP) — Copper steady electrolytic spot Conn valley $12: N Y $11® 12 export Tin steady spot and nearby 45275 forward $52 Lead steady spot New York $585® 590 East St Louis $570 Zinc steady East St Louis spot' and " forward $725 i FOR SALE— AUTOS Bn SPECIAL (bring ad) Finance Company 328 23rd St DUART OIL & I Dial 212 Eccles Bldg 2234 Washington I 4978 PERMANENT S 9789 HEAP O' BEAUTY SALON 1934 PLYMOUTH de luxe sedan COAL DISTRIBUTORS Dial 6304 OGDEN Expert Operators Dial 5243 583 In perfect condition Heater Dial New Location— 2378 Wash 1634 9412 1929 FORD TUDOR— $5000 Housekeeping Rooms Dial 4627 1666 Employment Agency 3 RMS Is Easy to Get At partly furn Couple only 89 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUP Reasonable 1666 Washington tho Ads Read Classified FINANCE AND HELP furnished All type Ogden FORR' 1641 Al condition Many extra 442 2nd St 1552 INSURANCE CO rfEmployment Agency 240 25th Dial 0658 1935 DODGE truck Good condi Automohllt Read tho Classified Ads tion Furniture and Salary 1332 Cheap Dial Mans DlsJ 2m Wash Blvd it it WEBER July er 1652 BY OWNER aptsH duplex business property and new ultra mod BOYS WANTED — Hustlers to sell 3014 papers Call basement Standard-ExaminBOARD and room 725 23rd Street homes Dial 7765 1582 TRADE stucco on 1583 IN nice home Reasonable Gentle-me- n house Dial 2350 Adams 1542 DUPLEX vacant lot highway 91 Male or Female Help 722 Build cabins Dial WANTED: A responsible coupk to UNFURNISHED HOUSE assist in managing a large apartUnfurnished Adts ment house Under 45 years of LOVELY brand new house No age Wiite Ideal location Inquire 861 16th Electric range Heat hot Standard-Examin- small children Box H-- 3 giv831 8157 water 22nd 1635 Dial garage £ 1627 1599 ing qualifications suitable for 1 person only EXPERIENCED woman or man 321 27th 457 LAKEVIEWr3 rins strictly mod cook Day shift No other need ern frigidaire garage 3600 Grant apply Standard-ExaBox G-- 3 1651 Furnished or Unfurnished Dial 8261 1587 ATTRACTIVE bath CHERRY pickers wanted Comprivate WE HAVE some nice furnished or inquire at 3153 Adams Ready now munity Fruit Growers Inc Kays-vill- e 7615 55-- J unfurnished apartments $45 and 1639 up 5 ROOMS upstairs with sleeping porch Dial Inquire 225S Wasatch Ins Co Wanted— Situations Wash 1597 Phone 1663 ROSE APTS Lovely 4 rms Elec EXPERIENCED girl wishes work frig heat " hot water 302 tending children afternoons eveFURNISHED air conditioned four range 27th Dial 8196 683 nings Dial 4927 1602 room strictly modern EMBASSY -- room 4 COOL modern Private MIDDLE aged lady wants day APTS 2681 Madison 700 bath garage 2964 Wall Ave work Dial 4516 1601 1580 BOY wishes farm work RENT a truck move yourself chores Dial light 1589 Read the Classified Ads Drive It Yourself Co Dial JcmciAi dihtrict or prrwn THE RTATK OF UTAH IN ATu run CHICAGO 1668 COMPLETE first class household furniture for sale 2737 Jackson tion Owner leaving Ogden $6060 1371 down balance FHA terms ROUND Oak Chief coal stove Oak 1491 LIGHT sleeping room Private en- Dial 6415 rcsaer Dial 1543 trance bath 512 'West 24th St 1647 WANTED TO BUY— Vacant lots for cash Must be a bargain If HELP WANTED SLEEPING rooms private bath you want to sell quick see or phone 1616 us Dial 824 Wash Dial 7281 Wm J Blackburn THE STANDARD - EXAMINER 1665 strives Co 519 24th GenWELL furn to protect its readers 1594 BY owner tlemen preferred 864 24th fraud against deception or injusModern home good Readers are cautioned to make NICE room in modern apt Close Stoker Good lot Lot or small tice 1560 down payment Balance like rent NO payments to get a position adin Gentlemen Dial 438S vertised in the help wanted col1517 umns Dial 4085 SLEEPING rm Private bath Ads in other columns which 1585 LOTS 11 and 12 block 11 River require investment In atock samCall after 5 p m Park - addition $8500 Frank E ples equipment or a cash bond NICELY furn and cool 1544 Hood 861 N Hoover St Los An- should be thoroughly investigated Dial 9664 1064 before paying out money Only bona Calif NICE front room for gentleman geles fide offers of with pay 1631 WILL accept bldg lots in good belong in the employment with garage 527 24th "Help Wanted" collocation as part payment on duplex umns Kindly report any exception CLEAN sleeping rm Gentlemen or new home Dial 7765 7547 to this rule to the classified ad 1643 preferred 151 30th FOR SALE by owner brick vertising manager CLEAN sleeping room Adults full basement now vacant Apply 1422 1592 Dial preferred 151 30th MALE HELP ROOMS for men $250 per week BY BUILDER New four-rooSS1SRSSSBMaM 2421 Jefferson 6887 Aso choice building lots Dial ACCOUNTANT by C P A firm 1327 d 41 FOR SALE— AUTOS an 70-fo- ot 66-fo- S eel (u ar Coach new uph overhauled Coupe new finish overhauled — Mohair couch excellent consSssSisissssssWWWssj SOUTH WASHINGTON 1 dition Sedan new finish overhauled $20 Ogden'a Largest Auto Wrecking Sedan clean as new over— Company 1 25 room suite Golden oak dinlg FURNITURE CO hauled 0 Auto Wreckers Ogden 1— velour living room 2944 Wash new 1934 Sedan on finish overhauled Ave Dial 4851 Wall 12th St Highway 25 very good condition 1938 1314 1 — suite enamel Dial 6781 had spec care Charter Oak Gray 3133 condi-1 excellent coal BARGAINS in new and used furrange PARTS FOR SOME CARS BROWNING CHEV Co niture and appliances Dial 5775 — Golden oak dining room suite 25 ALL Some Parts for' All Cars 1621 Furniture Dept SOUTH WASHINGTON JOHN HUGHES Auto Wrecket 1831-3- 5 Wash Used Tires Di 4529 C C ANDERSON'S This Week's mahogany run DAAT x uv- about and prac new "front at 1471 Binford ave FURNISHED HOUSES tt P Evinrude auad electric welded steel tube trailer A real All specials paid — $700 1444 Marilyn Drive 1659 4 RMS mod electric equipped front at 284 24th street bargain 923 29th street Consider 1 child SPEED QUEEN washer late Inquire 3027 Adams Dial 9143 1469 All specials paid— $660 type5— price SCHOSS-REAELECTRIC CO Real Estate Management NEW 1670 strictly modern air conditioned close to Hill field $45 FARMERS— July Special on No 9 mo Phone after 7 p m New Idea manure spreaders Save 1579 fnone t61i money Get the best Stevens Impl 1662 Co 2536 Wash Blvd 6 ROOMS furnished 2 upstairs 1638 large sleeping porch 3057 Porter S E bench Full DEXTER washer $8995 Closeout new home 1630 basement furnace brk room Vprice — $3995 house Clean enetian blinds and paved st Yard SCHOSS-REANICELY furn ELECTRIC CO 1667 nicely landscaped Only $5000 on garage 3071 Porter avenue 1539 terms Very nice home - $40 - $45 PIANOS-$- 35 MALAN Iteeder Aj Wallace F) fiihiuhert Jiilv 211 1SHI NotiCK vto cnrmijinn eiM IN TtfK DISTRICT 0 30-0- 6 30-4- BEAUTY REST MATTRESSES With special deluxe ticking worth same Phone 5759 $5 more While they last 1664 price as standard ticking $3995 1853 $1 down $1 a week Boyles wiini t Krags $1250 and up rifles $2200 and up and 32 spl rifles $1500 and up 6— Pump shotguns $1500 and up 8— Good 3— Good 6— 0 Good Locations 1380 357-27- th 3-r- -- - ESTATE OF STEPHEN PERRY also known as S W PERRY Stephen w W PEltK and BTtfnfi c&nni " x Deceased of Lester I Perry pray The Petition a nrwnf n tm n t — K! Its AdmlniS irtrrn fnv trator of the above estate and that Let ters of Administration issue to mm m above entltlea maiier nasoeru the an ViaWnfl Vlfnri( Hflfl LEWIS V TRUEMAN Judee on Monday the 14th dav of July 1941 at 10 o'clock A M at the County Court House In the court room or said court in jjbuch whj Weber County Utah tha rvrv nt said court with the seal thereof affixed thia 2nd dav or Juiy ism eti plan av Co BOARD AND ROOM NOTICE N°- - 6479 tr 1541 d lay-aw- UY 42 NOTICE — UPSTAIRS 2 nf - Use our m this 2nd day of Julyr 1941 furnished dupkx apt 2526 LAWRENCE M MALAN (Seal) 1646 Adults only HarrisonBlvd Clerk By MAE E B RAM WELL Deputy Clerk Derrah B Van Dyke Esq m Buy Your Gun Now While Thoy Aro Still Available 555-27- th 3-r- - 4-r- These Oil FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS mm 6-r- 113 R In One REAL ESTATE Furnithod Apt STANDARD-EXAMINE- turn Reward 316-14- th 1590 Trailer for Rent "Personally I'd go as a private— but the wife insists that i ennst as a general! FACTORY-bui- lt Vacation trips accommodates Dial 6218 etc 4 i |