Show WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 2 1941 THE OGDEN STAN DARD-EXAMINE- R 7-- A Wlitm Governor and Family Talco Tim o Out for Boston Concert eEVANSTON SETS r 11 nm "ir n r — — — — p— - t 1 — ml iill" Mnim iiiL ii hum nimrnirri — mi n riijj mymmm ip unjiii mr S L immune iiiiniinir munii SALT LAKR CITY July 28a!t Lake City commissioners considered Tuesday the advisability of and banning funeral services burials on Sunday but decided instead to make an additional charge of $15 for Sabbath burial at the City cemetery in the hope of "discouraging" the practice Meanwhile the Question was referred to the legal department to learn what Is TREASURE HUNT TO MARK WEEK Patriotic' 'frogram Will Be Held to Observe being done elsewhere The action came at the request of A M J Prichard city sexton who said florists funeral directors Period EVANSTON Wyo July 2— Highprogram lighting patriotic week on the playgrounds will be a trea-lu- re hunt says Vera M Waldo Each playrecreation supervisor own hunt their --will have ground and every child In Evanston is invited to participate and need only to appear on the playgrounds and -inquire of one of the leaders as to when the activity will take place There will be a bicycle day for both boys and girls at ten-thir- RICH COUNTY DATES EVENT -- ed com-mUstor- have planned a trs cor- nerstone ' laying ceremony' at 11 a m Friday as part of the Fourth of July celebration The entire day will be devoted to a community celebration beginning with a parade at ten a m From seven until nine p m a children's dance will be conducted and after nine p nv adults will dance Races games and sporta will comprise the afternoon's activi- ties The Randolph town board" headed by Mayor' Jacob Norris is in charge of all parts of the program except the cornerstone ceremony TWO APPOINTED - Haystack 1$ Damaged As Lightning Strikes EVANSTON" Wyo July 2— Through the efforts of friends and neighbors most of a large stack o hay was saved from destruction by fire after lightning struck the stack at the ranch home of Mrs William Lowham on Upper Bear river About seven tons were de r stroyed V CACHE CITIZEN NEWTON Cache County— Peter Nephl Chrlstensen 68 lifelong resl dent of Newton died Tuesday In A Logan hospital following an illness of 20 years Mr Chrlstensen was born May 7 J873 In Newton a son of James and Maria Knerbere Chrlstensen He had been active In U D H church affairs when he was not In capacitated by illness Surviving are his widow the for mer Emma Miller the following §otiM and daughters: James Arbon Alton Clyde end Marie Christen sen fo Newton Cyril Chrlstensen: of Salt Lake City and Mrs Fred Homer of Logan two grandchil dren a brother Mose Chrlstensen of Malad Idaho a half brother and three half sisters D W Chris tensen and Mrs Moroni Almond of Downey Idaho Mrs Fred Fred-ricksof Logan and Mrs Amos Rigby of Bancroft Idaho Funeral services have been set tentatively for Saturday at two p m In Newton L D S ward chapeL Burial will be directed by Lind quist & Sons mortuary of Logan on AIDE TO ARMS BOARD DIES IN 'FRISCO " BOUNTIFUL Utah July J (AP) Word has been received here of the death at San Francisco of sher George A Mabey 59 one-tim- e iff of Bannock county Idaho1 He was a brother of Charles R Mabey former governor of Utah and of David Mabey Bountiful " banker He was born here moved to Peb ble Idaho in 1908 and later reindustry Gus P Backman acting defense sided at Bancroft Idaho He served coordinator for the state said the two terms as Bannock county sher- coal operators would undertake "an ili leaving Pocatello in 1924 to ac immediate program for consumer cept a position irr Pittsburg Calif Until his health failed a few purchases and storage of summer coal to relieve traffic congestion months ago he was employed in this fall when defense Industries Pittsburg survivors include two sisters start operating" Mrs' Sarah L Hepworth of Bountiful and Mrs Alice Fishier of Salt Lake City and seven brothers in cluding wnuam A Mabey of Ban crort Idaho Joseph L Mabey of Clearfield Utah David Mabey of Bountiful and Orson HT Mabey of BOISE July 2 (AP) — Men who maiaa xaano reached the age of 28 before July 1 will be deferred by Idaho local boards upon orders from national Id selective service headquarters State headquarters said the na In tional office explained the move was taken because legislation now EVANSTON Wyo July 2— Har- before congress would accomplish tu winiams weather observer iey be that object and would retroac at the Wyoming state hospital § ub- tive to July 1 mits tne following report for the month of June Total precipitation 814 inches minimum temperature 28 degrees on June 2 and on June 27 slight frost with vsry To min io airaua maximum temperature 83 degrees on June 22 weatner remains eooL KAYSVTLLE — President-eleWilliam H King Kaysville Rotary club will be installed as president succeeding Myron W Phillips Wed- Idaho to Defer Youths bver 28 Weather Remain Cool ' Governor Herbert B Maw who Is attending the REUNION national governor's conference in Boston took time off to attend a Boston Fops concert with members of his family In the picture left to right ares Mrs Raymond B Maw Dr Raymond B Maw brother of the governor Miss Laltue Maw daughter of the governor Governor and Mrs Herbert B Maw Buddy Maw son of the doctor Warren Maw son of the governor Mrs E G Maw mother of the governor Mona Maw daughter of the doctor and Mr E G Maw father of the governor Standard-New- s photo — —— r W L SECIilST — IDAHO LOWEST DIES IN LOGAN IN DEATH RATE ' LOGAN— WaUace LeGrand Se crist 42 employe of the Utah Power and Light company plant in Logan canyon died Tuesday evening in a Logan hospital of a heart ailment Although Mr Secrlst was injured May 21 when he was thrown from a hone while riding in Logan canyon the attending physician said the injury was not a contributing cause of death Mr Secrlst was born October SO IISS in Garland a son of Thomas E and Lillian Wood Secrlst lie had been employed by the power company the past 24 years and had resided In Cache county 23 years He married Annie Busenbark In September 1019 Active in L D S church affairs he had served as president of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement association of Logan L D S stake and as president of the M I A unit in Logan Eighth L D S ward eight years He also was a leader in priesthood and Boy Scout activi ties of that ward He was a high priest Surviving are his widow a daughter Mrs De Mar Scrowtber of Las $egas Nev three sons uennls secrlst who is with the Utah national guard at San Luis Obispo Calif Horton and Ted of Logan his parents of Brigham City and a brother and a sister Grant Secrlst and Mrs Norma Nelson of Brigham City Funeral arrangements will be an nounced by Loyal Hall mortuary BOISE July 2— Idaho was today in the lead in the race for the low' Se-cri- CCC Group fo Leave Evanston On July 9th B Y U Honor Roll PROVO— Sam Lavin of Ogden includes scholars from Idaho Arl- the Salt Lake Ministerial associaot and the first presidency tion and Donna Margaret of zona Colorado Oregon Wisconsin the I D S church supported the Eden are among the SOHogge and Pennsylvania-M-r students ban on the spring quarter honor roll Lavin has received the ciCommissioner Oscar W McCon-ki- e at Young university it tation one other time Both stuhead of the cemeteryreported was Brigham announced last week by John Monday night however that he E Hayes registrar dents were in the upper division doubted whether an ordinance forRequirement for honor roll cibidding Sunday burials would be tation is the earning of 16 or CANCELS BOAT TRIP enacted more hours of "A" grade during x "Other cemeteries I have learned the quarter 2 BOISE Because of (AP)— July already make an extra charge for Fourteen of these students had an extended eastern Ernest Sunday burials and the City ceme- previously appeared on the honor Hay cox Portland Oretrip novelist do likewise in the hope tery will one or more times In addi- will not be able to travel boat of discouraging services on the roll tion to 22 Utah studnts the list down the Salmon river thisby year Sabbath" he said "We will not have our cemetery employes report for work on Sunday except SPECIAL BUS SERVICE JULY 4TII FOR when someone desires to conduct a burial on that day and then we NORTH OGDEN shall charge $15 In addition to the Lv 15th & Washington at 11:00 a m 11:45 a rrv K:S0 p regular charge as that is what it would cost the city? 1:15 p m 2:00 p 5:15 p mM 6:00 p nv 8:45 p m & Lv Mr Jfricnard s proposal for a North Ogden 11:23 a m 12:08 p m 12:53 p nv l:S8 p m 2:23 complete ban on Sunday funerals p nv 5:38 p nv 6:23 p nv 7:10 p m brought an Immediate reaction FOR LORIN FARR PARK Lv 25th & Washington at 9:30 from the various groups Involved a m and every 20 minute The Rev W F Bulkley president and the Rev J Elbert Nash RIDE THE BUS secretary of the ministerial association declared their organization had not been approached on OGDEN the matter and had not consid' " 1 EVANSTON Wyo July 2— The Umta covfinty welfare department has received word that boys for the next CCC enrollment will leave Evanston July 9 says William M Harris-welfar- e director ered it TRANSIT GOrlPAfJY est maternity mortality in the United States with a rate of 22 per 10000 live births in 1933— the lowest rate ever recorded for any state North Dakota and Oregon lun close seconds with rates of 24 each Connecticut comes next with 20 It is followed by Wisconsin with 2 Minnesota and ftouth Dakota with 29 The south's progress In making maternity safe is indicated by the significant declines recorded in Houth Carolina and Georgia In 3938 the maternal death rate in South Carolina was 79 One year later it was t9 per 100000 live births' In Georgia the maternal death rate in 1938 was 67 It fell "rfx'i- points to 56 in 1939 is interesting to note that while Infection was the chief cause of death among mothers throughout the United States In the south the toxemias of pregnancy took the lead "- - - - f ' - - 11 It Oi - : t i UTAHN SCORES BEEF IMPORTS st WASHINGTON July 2 (AP) — Senator Murdock has asked Secretary Wickard of the agriculture department to administer the law and treaties regarding In the importation of beef from coun tries where hoof and mouth disease is prevalent in accordance with the spirit in which they were approved by congress EVANSTON Wyo July 1— Murdock sent a letter to this ef George and Nicks Sharich were fect before departing for a brief taken by ambulance Tuesday after vacation in Utah He said all the noon to their home at Murray Utah farmers in his state depend upon Both were Injured Monday after- beef for their livelihood and that noon when their car overturned at importation of beef from other Church Buttes The car was de countries would be Injurious to molished them They were treated at the Jacobv hospital Hospital reports were that they were slightly improved Washington Tuesday George suffered severe con-tuconcussion and Nick multiple Business (D-Uta- h) Youths Injured f jl Auto Accident AY ) sf "VV si s Locations EDITOR HANGS SELF MEXICO CITY July 2 (AP)— Wilbur J Cash 40 editor and author from Charlotte N C was found dead hanging in a room in the Hotel Reforma last night Cash author of "The Mind of the South arrived here with Mrs Cash early last month to spend a year in 2530 Washington Blvd n F PHONE or 7711 I "MffiK FORREN1 2354 - 2514 - Mexico oh a Guggenheim fellow ship He was to write a novel about life in the south Evanston Kaysvillo Rotary Install Staff ' Ogden Eden Students On DEATH CLAIMS EX-IDA- HO SALT LAKE CITY July 2 (AP) ' Representatives of public utilities and coal operators were appointed to the advisory council to the new state defense commission L W Nims defense officer o£ the Utah Power and XJght company was named public utilities representative and B P Manley executive secretary of the Utah was Coal Operators' association chosen representative of the coal - ( '' RANDOLPH Rich County July fc— Erection of a new $45000 Rich county courthouse will provide a theme of "nroirress" for celebration of this year's Fourth of July holi planned day in Rich county as and the commissioners county by Randolph town board Symbolizing progress made by the county in: the last half century the new courthouse foundations of which have Just been com-pittwill replace the ont built in th l&HO'M and torn down only recently to make way for the new building Coneluntly Rich county Mr Prichard admitted he had f sent recently to all bishoprics point not approached the organizations ing to the large number of people officially but had Interviewed in- required to work when funerals are dividual members when they went held on Sunday and suggesting they to the cemetery to conduct funeral be arranged for other days when services and had found them "al- possible He asserted however most unanimously'1 in favor of no that the presidency had not been consulted by Mr Prichard and that Sunday funerals J- Reuben Clark Jr first coun- the church had not taken a stand ' selor in the first presidency of the in favor of completee abolition of L D S church said a letter was Sabbath funerals -- ty a m July 11 on the recreation field Prizes will be given to the winners of the events On July 18 the recreation parfcment will stage the great soap box derby the winner of this event to be given a prize donated by the Mountain Fuel Supply company Approximately 1400 children were supervised at the playgrounds last week Baseball games are played by the Hangers and Dodgers every Tues day and Friday at the Recreation field Fathers Refuse to Ban Sabbath Funerals At GALE 8549 Enjoy your "—madc with famous Old Crow ' ct nesday vis 'seven-thirt- y hlgh-schoo- p m at Da-- 4 L Other new officers Include: L Tall vice president Amoa secretary Wendell Barnes surer and Harry L Strong Rulon D Barnes dlrectos — j Earl State Engineers Assume Offices COOL m lisme$Um SALT LAKE CITY July 2 (AP7 The new sUte enarineerln com and mission formally took office yes- teraay— ana a rew Hours later opened Its first set of bids for road COOLER PJIILBER BETTER TASTE Th e great popularity of Chesterfield is solidly tpring construction built on the fact that they give smokers just what they want They are decidedly Milder and Better-Tastin- g Chesterfield's Right Combination of the world's J M Sumsion of Snrinsrvilla was low bidder at $4178780 for oiling 15322 miles of state highway 0 la fievier and Emery coun Gooler-Smoking-jDefinite- U-1- SALT LAKE CITY July 2 (AP) ties Representatives of law publishing companies have been invited Idaho to meet at the capitol the week of July 28 to obtain data necessary for submission of bids for printing a new codification of 5 ' state laws A committee authorized by the state legislature made the announcement It asked also that members of the bar make suggestions as to the make-u- p of the new code Everybody who smokes them likes their watcri from oms Crow't original Odd trea- Publishers to Bid On Utah State Legal Jobs & 0 Asked to Oppose Joint Income Returns BOISE July 2 faH fornia and the Los(APfh An?elei rVini bera of commerce hava asked thm Idaho state chamber of commerce w oppose proposed federal tax legislation which would nmiir husbands and wives to file joint income tax returns 100 Proof ueUowcc emoobec ibom fiavorfed drink when wamde with Old Cmm W0 leading cigarette tobaccos gives you the smoking pleasure you want in a cigarette 60 KST 7 dfv5J Tow swnmertkoe favorite wtH be a f Ml National Distillers Predacto Corp New York N T Copjnrllt t ly r Ml Everywhere you go Liccnr ft Unu Tobacco Co 7WJ AW s |