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Show I CONGRESSIONAL. I 1 .-KNATL. j WasningLiu, I!) Several SeJi.ilors endeavored to have liie bills on the calendar eaiitvl up for passage, but Edmunds objected and the. muini::g hour business w.te proceeiled with. Anthony, from the committee en printing, cam-d'up the House rosuhi-titou rosuhi-titou to print copies of Piuf. Haydcn's" report on the crot:ieeoiis rloraof the Wtst; passed. Wreinan moved to reconsider the vote by which tho bill to prowdc a new government for liie l;siiictut Coiumbia, was passed yestenbiy, 11 nd eipiained ;is Ins roasou lor the motion that tho bill provided tor taxing church property the same as juv uther. which he thought was an unheard of thine. Allison defended tho action of the committee in lhe matter and said thev saw no reason why church property should not b taxed. On motion of Th'irmau the motion -was tabled. . "l'i:e bil: to Cigauitc t-e iorr:Lo.y i'.iOktahama w.is repoU-.-d uvorabjy i-Kiu tne Judiciary Committee and pUo-J on the calender. ' UoruiaU called up lhe Uii auuio-riang auuio-riang the trau:er of gold mini ha: from the bullion fund of the ass;iy of- i rt at New York to the assi-iant iresuier -C. V, l '...cu 1.,1 I b..en :im-:i;.:-.i t-v I:.-- Ii- rfd , muvcl afurl -or a:.-e:..r. e:.t hy in-, n-rtiiig l:.e w " 1 :.ot i.;.lf: market v,i -o i-i'"''. . tnat U.ey rn..y !.o j: ; -- - t" I- fL'io.up- , tiull ui Oj.n e'.-: .i 1 . .abJ- !ur gu:-l '-.in it :. t t- . .r, id i.ol le-s t:...n :.:i.:&'-: ; to :l.d t-.e ! hi ; :. 1't:-:i,.L--'. U ... I. 1 ' .: oil public I..:.',-, 1 i '.i- - -'. . c.y tilt-l.;h tilt-l.;h prov.h..;.; J. .'i 1 .v Kt ui it o-u:ni;i!'.'- t- ;i- r'.c :i lu-. ; oi -uhjL-eLs of i.Tv.it l;i;...'.uto l..e h.nd 1 ill U;o tell U":V W ... 'h ttu u . tne a.,iJ oi l:-e- i- ' l" i' of I manv ui.d. i the tK..iy 'i aLj ihetwen U.C Lh;.'. -d (Jre-.il , I UrlUuii. phic 1 '.'!! ti.i' (..i.eu-iir. I Wllgl.l C..;h.! t--'-' l'--'P :t(.; tlli: , 1 eonferoj.ee 1 -.i. --e i ll t; r :'UiaiiOC ' I bill liKwle V. -I- !'::;'. -lt d H-k-.d tli.lt it be di.-p-.d -:'.' ..'-' i.opevl, .hi.ine-j .hi.ine-j di.iU ly. A n :. ii-d c:-k i: n vll. ' sued, and ;it foi: h'c!-j k ti.e- d, imte jelev.-d. and t':;e r. ) It W.is a-.-e.J lo. 1 he river and h.ubor apprrtion i bill was then Uk-n up, and ;utCr dis posing of anunii'trot anu-ijimtdta the Senate went into executive 5. ion, and rn reopening lhe dyj.-s L.jk a recess till 7:o0. On re:ifstmliiug the oem.te went into executivo fvs--:ou and retimo-d consideration of the lie-niiiution of McCook, U be Governor uf Coiur.ido. After several hours debit, by a majority of one vote, the Seiute confirmed con-firmed the nomination of Edward McCook Mc-Cook for Governor of Col-jr.i'iu, vice Elbert, resigned. HOl'iH. Alter Lhe disposal of a largcimuiiut of routine busine.-d, Pulaud withdrew his proposition made yestenlay, to go to lhe Speaker's table and di;po;e of the business thereon. The rules were sLispn:u d ,u.d tho bill p-i.e-1 fixing at :r'2.0,' K' 1 lh,. limit fuv expe d hurts for puLhe Idii'us at Atlanta. Ga. Cn mo'.iono: lie-ip'r th'j r.;!,5 were suspended and liie joint resolution ::t-pronriating ::t-pronriating fur Lhe purclmo .n;d rcstunitiun to t'ac f.imiiy tf M.trquis Do Lal'.tyet'.e, of the w.itch given by General' Washin-Uii lo Cuayetlc, passed. The w;.U'1mv;is boicjiit uf a pawnbroker in Louis vil to a few years since by a citizen ul Texas, wiio now owns it. It whs lost by Gen. La fay etto at XashviHe, Tenu., on the occasion occa-sion of his lust visit to America. . Starkweather niovcd to. proceed with the business on the Speaker's table, and dispose thereof, uud-.r tho two-thirds rule; adopted. After disposing oi various executive communications on the Speaker's table, tho buaiisCf.3 w;is interrupted by Tync., from iho Approprlatkn Committee, Com-mittee, who reporletl an amendment to the Post olhee Appropriation bill. Tho amendmout restricting letter-carriers letter-carriers to cities of 30,000 riihabittfnts, instead of iO.OOOinhabitants, was concurred con-curred in, as also the amendment prohibiting pro-hibiting advertisements in Washington Washing-ton papers for post routes, except those in Virginia and Maryland; also the amendment prohibiting tho publication pub-lication of revised statutes of the United Stales in newspapers at government gov-ernment expense. The amendment to Blrike out tho provision for the free transnr's-ion of agricultural reports was not concurred in. ' The amendment fixing the rates of newspaper postage at four cents Dcr nound and on single papers at one cent each, and requiring prepayment prepay-ment was discussed at length. Koberls moved to amend by making tho postage post-age on daiiy and weekly papers one cent per pound, on magazines two cents per pound, ai.d nrgiud in favor of the amendment. He said newspapers news-papers asked no sympathy but simply justice. He w.is confident the House I Vvuuiu muij ivy 1:11110- ''biu5u - papers out of spite, and great as some public men might be in their p.iblic p.i red with the life of a great newspaper. news-paper. There was none so great that he could afiord to sneeze at it. "If the House choose to legislate irom spitr, newspapers would he carried outside tho maiis. Finally Roberts' nmcr.d- merit waa re;t"etid and tne Senile 1 amendment was iualin d so as to fix ! the pooiagd on periodica'; and pr.p, n 'published WCih';W' .MOjC.Uq lelillv, at oce and .1 h.'h'ooiio per pound; on those pu-I;.-,h-.u h.-s I'rcqueutly, three cents per I''1: cji single periodicals not exceeuh . Lo ounces in we'ght for letter Laniei .I-livi ry, one cent each: pcricuicais v.'eighir.g over two ounces, j two CoiiU each; sucii rates Lo be pro i paid. The amendment allowing news-j.-apers to go free lo subscribers within the county where printed, vas concurred con-curred in. also ihe amendment allowing allow-ing four pound packages to go in tho mails; also the amendment making the charge on newspaper postage commence on the first of January next. Tiic amendment requiring tiic uaLh of publishers was concurred in with some amendments. Tho amendment amend-ment setting Lhe salaries and classification classifi-cation of postmasters, created a long discussion and was finally noncoucur-i'o-din. -AH the other Senate amendments amend-ments were noneoiu-urred in except the last, which exempts public documents docu-ments lrom prepayment and limits i f he rale of postage Lo 2-j ceil The House amendment was furLher lnudi-j lnudi-j iied by reducing the limit of jj-sLie,c Ion publie documents to LcneeiiUeaeh, and striking out Lhe proviso limiting J this rate of postage to documents ai-i ai-i re-ulv printed or ordered printed, and j by striking out the provision alluding 'to tho Liijf:ssL.ivjl Ji-:-:-Td or any part of it to go frca through the mails, j As thus modified the Semite amend-1 amend-1 incut was rejected. The bill now g.-,. i to a conference committee. flic 'II.Mtse recessed till 7:50 p. 111. ; the wan ijoUsE litlek. At tiic evening L-c-r.-iou the largest j audience Seen in ti.e House lliis "es-Ision "es-Ision gather d to hear Bailer's, uf M;iss.. speech on tiic moiety sv-tein. I The lleor and gaihries were liiitd. He I began by d-. i hiring that no p'r.nal , feelmg shu'i''i aelu.it-1 him in wh;a lie ,s.ud. He-simply wished to r.-Le iiis voice against v-h. 1 L he eoUsIdeici uu-f.ur uu-f.ur losl.u'e-. H: dedail that the lu-st.- tu the icveuue by .-am. rulers , were small comparut v.hii the v;,ulc-sale v;,ulc-sale rubberUr of l.:c iinpui rs who, , by false invoices ;Old I i-;hi.d uUstollis otficers, made nmicreds of ihous,mds at a time. 1 ic c.illc-.l up the ca-o of Phelps, DoJge $: Co.. a;:l declared .that it was su;c.p.i-'ic ...f pr,; .f thai .tiieyhad deii'.iudcd g-.-vi : mil unt ot minions. lie 1 . .,,-n ()i0 ! facts -Uteri by ina-l. uus liu the Ti;irt;.-L:l.ih Cjn.rts? , in rti.itioti lo il.rlh... : hJ:. ,,;v;ui- igcoflhc law o," the I m;..d 1 admit liii A ':i-; : ,111 sLaLJ-.u v iL-.- vf i .duty, tunnp-r; led, f.a .i:..f e-.'i'cr statues "l tne V ' -hie:; of L'.b;i':.-, ;" ' WashihgLuu and 1 ::' :.-.;i. '.'1 ' i uiciling tc.(iu up. i i sc hii'ol I that in v.;. v.. :, - j .Congrtss h i-.l pi-.d a i...v i.mp,,- : nirnv iucrej-uu ah d1:;-- ; ij -, p r 1 iccnt.. Win. Lh,i;e v,,.;;'t;. ..- : treasury pitm- ui mid hv ii.i. 'iu' a i comma taken o: j.'.. . :;d put io a:;ci..er !).-.-.- t-o a;.J half rnhhoit d.I.ir, and i... L-( he 1 smd. were the e i:.-:c .ant-- aud p.ihah-.-rc, ts wuo broui-t tears ui'in Lhe eyes of the c.XcL-hb. e un v j aiei u-. ii:; by r.c....br the ir -a rung-. He then pj:u.:::s :e-i'e-eLs ::. his cuaructerU;:c way to the c.-.iitco-on Wjvs and meaui, g:vin er of t-'hio his part; :u;.,r Lt.-.ii, leading lead-ing :-n iMr;..; ;V :-i ;i ic.l.-r -riut-n by Fiicr ?i;a p '.vi -an in t'.r s-':er' of Brooklyn, in which tho'writer says . he "Whh'give old Co-o-keye srup yet." If the ce'innhuee h.td U.eii .tttendiug , lu tc.tir Ituimte busim-sei iusLead of i tr u:-g to rp uhl Cevktye, tuii bad t;..t.i.r a Uverlhirds nu'je.rlty uf tne! House t'uey would not now huve tu ha:;j their hude in shame liiat Lon- i gre iu-.l tu uu home after ii six I months' Ms-Ion with no comprei:eu- j sie measure lor revetuie ur liniiee pai-d ui even reportevi; "and yet," ; 3a:u he triumphantly, "old cockeye et.'jpel it- usual wituutil a rap." lu coiu lu-iun he said he looked tor-' w.tid t-j tne time when a majority of; the' House woidd he opposed to him ' pjlitieMliy. Tnen he cuurietl an in-1 Vee'-ig.UiuU uf every act uf ills life. He wanted an iuvesligation of gentlemanly gentleman-ly political opposition, and not of malignant, ma-lignant, perwiial t-pite and pieen, eci;ed em by political rivttlry,J" because 1 uuuibiy trust that w iicn my every : act is. known and understood autiiori-! autiiori-! LUively and exactly in its breadth and ! niotiveu, the kindly judgment of my ; countrymen wiil be, after all rivalry .mil imkii.diiess of thoue'ht h najss- al away, that he was a man whose, viituca ove-rbalance-d bis faults, who loved bis countiy and his kind of justice jus-tice and nublencsti." Applause. Roberts replied to Butler, remarking remark-ing on the extraordinary method by that gentleman of opposing a past bill. alKiut which ho remained silent, before its passage. Tremaiuc also defended Phelps, Dodge fc Co. against tho imputation of having imported melal secretly, which story was stale and originated to injure the Jhouse. They wero taken from the gutter. Butlor replied that they were taken from Congressional records, when Thaddeus Stevens, Merrill, of Vt., and Eldridge, of Wis., were the dc-b-atees. Tremaiuc responded again, and in referring to Butler's personalities), he j .-aid the time bad been when he had 1 a more impartial feeling of duty, when I hi? punishment would be: swift and ' ri'ire; but be Iru led he would re-me in-be-r o!omon's injunction, "vengeance i ii mine." The Hnu.-0 at l'J.10 ad-I ad-I k-urmd. |