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Show W. h, CHlSHOLW & CO L'a.ior TTLiia 4icCai;krs Biak. ' OTOCK.- roiC-LIT AND SOLD and FIRE ! I FHIEJ 1 FIRE ! -nuR Si LE CHEAP THE PEST HAND X i iro tncioo on thu I'acific Cutst, ia ter-'ect ter-'ect ardor, and hiehly ornamental- John Affriow. I'oiladoliihia, buiiiior. far iufurma-tiua iufurma-tiua and prioa address TliOMAH B0YCU, No. 2S. Merchant's Esohacce, California street, San Frauciacu- i4 AD Rl I N ISTRATOfSl'OTiCE- V"0TtCE IS 11KREBY OIVEN TO ALL iJN rersons Unowinif thouoU bs indebted to tho lata Dr. Silas E Crain. lo ray tfce l ft mo to tho undersiKnod, on or before the 1st day ol July, A. l. lS7i. And all ueraons havioR claims Bsraint tho same, will present their claims. ith tho pro oar sounho-, on or buforo said date. J. K. MOB RILL. Administrator, 0tKe: First South street, duors east of Deiornt Bank. Salt Lake City, P. 0. Box fW-)1 SPECIAL NOTICE. i I . i i j'jpHE CL'-TTliNX; DEPARTMENT of Z, C. M. I. is now opening its I maguificeut iissertnient of Summer Hats;, embracing all the latest styles in Panama, Straw Ventilated and other fancy sorts, all of which will be icleisodout at low prices. Merchant Tailors desiring piece goals, or gentlemen wishing fashion-ionuble fashion-ionuble suits made to oider, would do well to call and inspect our fiuo assortment of French, English and American piece goods. Prominent among the latter is a large variety of Home-made Ciwsimeres , Tweeds, Cheviots, etc., for Summer wear; also Home-made Trunks.neat, serviceable and cheap. lu short, this Department of the Institution is constantly displaying the largest, most complete and varied stock ul (.Jeiillemen'a Furnishing Goods ever brought into the Territory. W. H. HOOPEH, j .il" Supt. I I i I I ARMSTRONfiiBAGLBY'S Lumber Yard! j AT LITTLE'S 1)1.0 YARD, il'.NK HUX'K l..Wri.U' THEATRE. I i il'osimon Lmiilior p?r H M '. j Flooring ;inil Fiiiishins 10 " Keucius: $3-2..,0 I'ommon iShi'i'liiii; $) l'ii-kcis :;'2;,ii 'I'Eli.MS, CASJI. - - -" PtlIiUfi i'eiiii MISSOURI STATE LOTTERIES ! ,,..L-;:,.,;-I-.i "7 "aie Authuri-y. and 1 1 1 rfi.'l .in.-' . i-iabcr t'cuuaje ul OAA) Nuuibarj. I !. (H L-:- D-y uf each M-jnth. CAPITAL PRIZE ;50,000. 10.3;0 Yi, uui-.'UiiLifiii lo 6300.000. h- le 'I ic'.etr (1": Halve-. KmiSH. - "Ai. !:'- Cum 'Maul ion S-'lisi-ie. itb ai t'M'i'.al lri;. 3 ,i .,s, uod ,2,j-j Tries i'y L-.-'T t-j s -'-.177. Pra-.Tj etry tratur. 1 ' y 'Uhl-io i':':l'eL.. S.O: Hahoi, ii; I . , i.'rnor.' 8r..j. I j AJ .:?-- f r Tiek.-ts.in.i tirc jtar-. 'Pwtotcci 2M-, br, Locia, Me ' GRAND CREDIT SALES REM ESTATE AND FURNITURE AT AUCTION. To Uke place on the premies corner of Fin.t Soalh and Second Yo6'. 3t: t, 8ATVKDAY, Jl'SE 27m, it 11 o'clock a.ru. , 5 i r'i). 6-2i bj 15 ft, LtJ Si. 1-a by lj feet. UJ . . CE r OO r 09 Ko. 6 -2.-. by fct. I - ; ; , 5 Z IK by tu h. o 0 , 1 . 1 I (y3 ; Dwelling Home j- J ' ssi br a. s 8 8- i -' j & t S SIS I. i X I i o A I 6 No. l-4br 90 feet. Z; B i Office. FIRST SOUTH STREET, ; HOESES AND LOTS, That fine Reri lenoo corner of First South and Second Weet Streets, let 65 y PO feet; trith BOod -eliar. and well of water. . tt ,. - m r , , . Four Lot on First Hootb, djoimce Mid l"t on Iht Fn, mch 2a or loet. oe of which haa a ooitise on It. t-'t by 17 feel; alp"Thrre ery ; t-lu-iblo Un t,p -tvornl ttl StTe,, wt 20 by IK, foet. and planted with fine beanoc fiuii lha who.e io he ld at Auotlon On thn folio wing tavorablo terms : ... , , , ... TheCorntr Lot with the Direltmc ono-lhird cash down, tho bulacct' in monthly onstall-menU onstall-menU of 60, with one d r cent. iDtT't. . ThaLot with the Cottage, ono-lhird ca.'h dowD. and ! 0Drm'Jith in monthly io--Ull- mCIThe Vacant In, one-third cab down, ami bahnooia njonthb pa,vmect- A!lori4it I aymonts to bo sei'ured uy mortgaso upon lho l'i eif rty. lho title it perf:t. Thin ia tho bast otii.ortauitj' ever elTtired i" -are Tpert7 upon easy torms, in the ver he rt of the city. Pariie bhiue lo in,y duwn ill rcouis--) c. liberil disoount. Po-.-L-jiion iriven lnimediaiely. HOUSEHOLD FL'PXITUKE. A L aanie ifma and place, an oxf nsive lot of HAnsehi'd Furniture, cunittlnf of jnr!or poll. cvoktDs moi, noarly net; ooo good Cstlffroii. fr p'co ia o m diuoi nn; une irt double harn"!B; one hiacicddle. elo-, etc. ; a-lof laae'ed douij acd bincj; ltu a loiuf draisist botUes andjar' Dr. J. P- P- VA' DEN BPROI1. TrorriiHur. H. A. RE1D, Auctioneer. j 1 H. H A G U E , l. 'i BREECH S MUZZLE LOADING RIFLES JXD SHOT (ilNS, f?-. "h Derringers, Pocket Pistols, Etc. PrepirwJ and Loose AmmUDition of all kin-i&. A Coniiilcte variety of Fishing Tackle cumtarjtk cd hand. A. COMrETEKT WORKMAN u Employed to do all kiwU u llc)mtr 98 Main Street, One Door North of Elephant Store, )9 UPHOLSTERY rif-V I y . Work Eon-3 ,:-.p.'J S . P. UEVE, Jrgfii' j - H. DINWOODEY'S FURNITURE STORE, 75, 77 and 79 First South Street Salt Lake City, HEXDRIfl BROTHERS, 03 MAI.S BTKEJiT, a iJ,r r.Aitr. citv, Manufacturers & Importers OF !M1NING MACHINERY G-OOXDS. Agent for (he fvllou Uuj Ccitbra'.cd Manufactures ; Blake fc Kuowles' Steam Pumps; A. S. Hallidie's Wire Kope and Trum-way; Trum-way; Blake & Brodie'a Koek Breakera: P. H. Hoot's Eotarv Furnnce Blower; Straub Mill Co. Flouring Mill Supplies; Sup-plies; Burleigh Koek Drill; Vtieu titeani Engine Co. PorUible Engines, Stationery Engine and Sawmills; Council Blufla Iron Works. All classes ot Machinery on order; P. K. Iillis t Bro.,"fc;t. Louis, Jren work for buddings. We make a fecial ty of the manufacture manu-facture ol MA.UtIT.2Sr Kit Y 1'OK Staip Mills aoi Smeltina ruruaccs. And are prepared to contract 'for the erection, complete, of cither. ui2 BUT A PPLETON'S REVISKD CYCLOPEDIA rhe Latot F.iition and rat"t CutnPlete trvrL cn nil I'ltijectB no w published. Order Uadn by WESLEY S. TRESSCOTT, Act PostoSre b-x. O l'-i- 8Tt V ENS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Staticnen Offsr the new dilion cf LHAMUEItS' X.NCYCLOP.KL'i A Sound In library Stylo, j0, j But and choapt KnerrJordla arer pub- I WIEAT WHOLESALE. ' T BRSPl-CrtVLLY AN. I'CE TO MV 1 patron;, lb at I have this dy ceaaed to ratal! ra-tal! meats but irill accoK ani 511 rrdorf for beef by the mianer. or caru-ia, whole UotWai and U'.ite at irboloalo priced. Office corntr Cumaitfrclhl and First outh "troot mil eUAKLtio POI'I'KH. Ea!t Lake City. Utah, ilay 30, ls7t JUST KECEIVED ! A -mill shipment of C. W. I'ACkh'K a CELEBRATED COG-WHEEL ICE (EEi.lI FBEEZfJIS. Ail siia?, from One Qaart to Thirty. Kn-.niro irnncditelv Bl Wholtiale ana Kctail Urcocry Uc;ariniQnt. Z. C. 1. 1. H W. U. HOOP BR, Sun- REMOVAL. MAUAM DAVH. of tha Sc:z: ffsH. has Tooiuvoi tu tho nar ol 6yl"tHW BAKBLR SU'.'i', Main Ptr-'-t. where -howiil bp pUi-;d lo her lor t."r fri n 1?. can be consulted .oa buiiae; tuo i-it, 1-roit.bt and luturo. H J.O. JA.MKS U-STKAlrORl) JAMKS A. MilATFOltl), Keal folate Broken OFFICE AI bluKB Of J. Ir. JAMKS 1 CO., MAIS STKSkT. Oi-(Mite tho W'a-auh Hotel. Will af.un.-t to PUTcha.it)s and ftllini '' ost.ilp, rotic h'-a'o an-1 More. limat cuoijuy and soccral aoccy baiine. H'.: k-;: i'3.-Pt. Kcv. l!r T..tue, Wbm A McCurni'lc. buck or.: Ualkor Urus. TINNERS CAS FITTtflS r. . wit) r '.' . oiTiD MITCHELL & JAMES, KI-xlfnilv ai:i-5; ir.ro W tne P'ibli'-' Lhoy havu 1;:;M'ivkd to their rr?-niion rr?-niion Trintiie iitn-jt, orr-.ll! the ity II. -l Market, wliere ll-S MJ by plrt alt.'titi.in to bu inc.- a:.-! m" prvtllJ to rnorit tlio eouliiiu.-J iStrvriafJ to iit-'iaio' bA-Wrt'd ui'-'.n tliui. fill .SHEET IROflTcOPFCESJUTHS FU1LN ACE WUUK & m.'CFLN8. OALVAM.LU 1K1.' CuKMCt. Gas, mi and Slulil !M WST 1FMVI.E STREET, 0ppi Citr tct Market |