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Show t f " 111 1 ii ii mi iniiMiiTi ii . s OET THE - BEST. ; 3000 Engravings; 1840 Pages Quarto.. FOUR PAGES COLORED PLATES. " Published by.,G, &.C,. MEflRIAM, Sprjng-1 , S .7 H A h "I Mn (- y ' WARMLY IKUORSIfiD BY- j ylancVoft, : - ' j ; f . PrescoU, , : 'Motley, George P. Marsh; FiJz-GreeneSallcclr-, 'Johh'G, Whiitier, N. P. -Willis, - - - John G. Saxe,' , ... . -El,ihu Bur.rit, "k j Daniel. A$ebetery ' RufusChdate,iWU "H. .Coleridge, i Smart, Horace fiiann, More than FIFTY Colledge Presidents, : And . tlio best American and .Europear ; Scholars. 1 .... "Ifebsler "is the Dictionary used in the GovernmcntPrit.ting Office." Aug 1877 P very School and, Family shoujd have il ' '. J: .for constant use ;and refererence. " );et fAmiety help in .training children .to ' ' "D 'becorne intelligent men bad women. .-. . ' 0 everal years later, and has one-fifth more W matter. than any other Dictionary.. . t fl he authored authority in Courts of Jus- i ,ticefp ilip fticating o v:brdS V tymplotiies. and. definitions.. far in ad- lf iluvan(ic of any 'other' Dictionary. a 4 a Jt-B saomrwenaed by;l728. Oh ief Justice.Waite " a9 'the highest aulhorityfor definitions , TEE BEST. rt : or SchooiS,-reconim'endd by State Supt's I1 oi 35 different States fc 50 College Pres'ts I ? - A,bonv32,000 have bepuplacejd iir Public r IV Schools by law or'School Officers. Th : C onluina 3,000 illustrations, nearly three x ). times as many a B.any other Dictionary. ; I'Muveii pictures of ?i ship, on page 1,751 ,illus-,? ,illus-,? -f! ' -I tftUes the meaning o Cm are Ihtfn Q0 words'. fl ale of Webster is 20 times as great as thai l3oauy other . series of Dictionarie3.- '. 4. ,4, i a"t c?r ' :" ' ' ' r j ' " ' ' Ai-l3J f ,. . ,'.36Srel8 tor's National .Pictorial - -i ; .Dictionary- . ' '' t1?M 1040 Pacres Octavo. 6003Enravings. ? Jb. it not rightly claimed that Webster is . - THE HATiOHAL SIR0? ijf " ' ' -' '" "-" """" 1 j"" i i n"iMiiiiii v1"' ,i I ' Wo give' the SOCIAL VISITOR, largest I ... "fl-iid DE3T story pap,er fn tbe coipjtny, three Imqnlho ottli a V, andjp&ir eloeve buttons and gokr plated collar s'tud Tor 15 CENTS, Ad-dress Ad-dress ''Social Visitor Pub. Co." Boston. (rf 1 Mas?... Boxl39. , t ' AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. ' ,(D"ln aiiKweringthia udverfisemont otate j that you saw it in the "Sf. George Union." '" ' t i ' ft i if ' - . . : ; TVD Y;R'E T 1 S E M EN T 3 irj Theywho.b.y their business would thrive, .. To .each dptaibmust be;alive; ,-: . And nirie to ten, though o'dr-so-toMe,-Mayfail unless they advertise. " "notiob. , , -THE LADIES' 00-OP. STORE AT . Keep constantly on band and for sale, a Supply of 1 everything usually found at a Variety or.Country S.tore . Call and'see 6-Gm. for yourselves. . v , . 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As I am preparing to Publish tlieWeth-eiiboe tlieWeth-eiiboe Hale," Doubleday.,: Gris.yold;,T.ancl Carpenter Genealogies in book forrn,, all persons by tbe above names a'n'd: relatives .of. the, same, are respectOiljy, sojioited to apply for Blanks to fill, which will enable ( them to furnish mo the desired information that I need and aid in preparing the works (or PuDlication. ' " Respectfully ; f. .Joseph Wetherbee.fCai;penter, I Box 561. St. George; -Utah. I ' :A' Beiiii-onthly Newspaper Piib'lislietl at Geoige,. Utah, by M " JO'S. W!. G ARP ENT EB, f- EETOE, & . K()PRIETOR; Wlio will 'always1 tivtdf5 bW inter- i ';- '."tuft '1 r, h:',r A 'e?jts of .lhe .people. infgoullKi;n Utah, H anl ever-strive to aid in 'the develop- I meiit of Ve'althy hbnor andrig'hYeous- ness, and 'shall' always If fight-;for the I right ,9PP??eJ:y " I ' : - TERMSirtJlilvdiice: 'I I, Copy 3 year, post paid $1.00. 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