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Show A COLORED CHILD MARVEL. ' ' . A late issue of the Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal says : There is now in Louisville a negress who is a perfect childi wonder. She is a- Scriptural marvel. She docs hot even know her letters, yet she- can ;qubt;e accurately almost any passage in the Bible. At the age of nine months she could talk, and would frequently tell, her mother what her idea of heav,en was. As she grew older she would sit for $ hours and expatiate on the beauties and glories of the other world. The old colored folks would listen-to her sayings say-ings for hours. ' ". " At the age of three years she began to lecture on heaven, its wonders, on God and His omnipotent power. She has lectured in many places, and has created a furor in every place Ehe has yet visited. The prodigy lectured at the York Btreet colored church yesterday yester-day afternoon, and at night spoke to a large crowd at the Green street colored color-ed church. Her speech was good, and her delivery impressive. A reporter of the Courier-Journal interrogated in-terrogated her last'night. Ui What is your name, little girl ? ' lAlice Coalney.' ! ; 'How old are you ? ' 'Ise just four years and twenty-eight twenty-eight days old to-night.' :" 4 Where were you'bdrn ci ' ' I was born in Liverpool, England-'cross England-'cross de Atlantic. How long since you felt the power within you ? ' f ' I don't, know ; Tse always felt the power of God What do you talk about when you speak to a crowd ? ' ' I talk about Jesus, about heavenly things, about how Jesus died and was crucified ; how He rose .again in three days and sitteth on the right hand of God 6 Can you spell ?.? No, sir ; I don't know my A, B, O's yet-' . . . She then went on in a rapturous strain about things biblical and spiritual, spirit-ual, completely nonplusing the reporter. re-porter. She was accompanied hy two colored color-ed men. They talked ; in an enthu siastic manner about her. She said in her conversation iha't she believed in two kinds of baptism's. She spoke of the different modes of salvation ; how to reach Paradise ; how to be converted from a bad man to a good one, etc. Her sayings were eniirely original, and were not spoken in a hesitating hes-itating voice, hut in a quick, keen and . . forcible manner. As young as she is, a negress, without education in the principles she seis forth, her power partakes strongly of the marvelous." Truly wonderful 1 Send her to Utah that we may also see the curious ! |