Show ysca kaaa xada in cache co 9 feb loth ift HENRY SHAFFER deceased was nas born horn la lit ille the town toh of with county dounty virginia april ard 3rd 1780 1760 when a young man mati he moved with his hig fathers family to va and ana there married eve beard in 1826 moved to tow iowa a lived there till 1843 was baptized by henry Mawer mower feb 8 the same year moved to nauvoo and crossed the mississippi aih AIL sissie river lived there til fMay till may 6 1 when with w ith fth the C hurch church ha he cams came to td council muffs bluffs I 1 I 1 in 12 1 1818 I with his family t beni went io to linden mo ilov in with his hla ts family came to tb utah lived at ogden 1111 till 1868 when he moved to and there resided till his hia death biath he ilg left four sons three daughters daughter ip thirty ivirty nine grandchildren and aad twenty one great grandchildren he lived nd edica in tuli full faith 0 ol 01 the gospel in hopa of a glor alor glorious lous lons resurge S states fates papers p please ulease lease copy i in the tho ward salt lake city march oc pneumonia aad arad FRED erick ARTHUR second conof son gon of herbert J and elf ell eliza foulger aged 8 months and 9 days the tho lord and the lord tord away blessed do b the name tiame of th the elond lord eLord millennial star and ogdon wen please copy |